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  1. (It was a toss-up on whether to post this topic here or in the comics section of the site, but I ultimately went for this one.) So, let's talk webcomics. What webcomics do you read regularly? What would you recommend to others? What webcomics would you be advised to stay the hell away from? (And other such webcomic-related stuff.) To start off: my regular reading list is Cyanide and Happiness, xkcd, and Sam and Fuzzy, while I only look at SMBC every so often.
  2. If it were Jackie Chan as Passepartout, that would certainly be most interesting. About Dorian: methinks it isn't just that he's ridiculously handsome, it's that he is, in the original sense of the word, mesmerizing. You can't help but make out with him once you're in his clutches. With him, you're pretty much compelled to go whole hog and cast your inhibitions to the winds, if you will. I'll subscribe to this theory.
  3. ...and then subsequently immerse their junk in the bathtub to relieve the chafing?
  4. Apparently there's going to be a book as well, but that's coming much later.
  5. Ah, forgot that Gideon-bot. That was already a Jaeger in spirit, I guess. Another favorite: "Dipper versus Manliness". That was definitely an episode with a powerful lesson: it's the moxie to stand up for your convictions that makes a man of you.
  6. So what's the over-under on getting something like Pacific Rim on Gravity Falls? The only robot we've seen so far is that Gobblewonker bot by McGucket. With respect to episodes, it is clear that "Land Before Swine" is very much awesome, if only due to the image of Stan punching the pterodactyl. But, I'd also like to submit "Dreamscaperers" as an awesome episode; after all, who'd have thought of beating Bill Cipher with Kitten Fists and other such oddities?
  7. Heh, I had the thought while watching "Carpet Diem" that Soos wouldn't have minded a whit if he had to spend the rest of his life in Waddles's body. Waddles leads a charmed life, after all. The only sticking point was that McGucket's relentless desire to eat him.
  8. We've waited long enough; what's a few more weeks, eh?
  9. I only recently learned Erlich from Silicon Valley is also played by the guy voicing Robbie; it makes sense now that I want to punch both characters in the teeth, but at least Erlich is more useful than Robbie. All Robbie can do is wear tight leather pants ant paint tower muffins.
  10. Dammit, first Proteus, now Van Helsing. I am now even less sympathetic to "Caliban" than I used to be. I really wanted to see more of Van Helsing, but he did say "my life is practically over", and we all know what happens when people say lines like that in works such as these. With all due to respect to Miss Ives, allow me to quote the wise man Troy Barnes from Community: "I have the weirdest boner." Nevertheless, her infernal, uhurm, internal entity seems to be activated every time she comes, so that may be a deal-breaker. Though she did the cutest mid-air twirl at the end of the episode... Sembene seems to be the latest in a long string of those who think Mina's a lost cause, and I think he seems to be the most compelling one to say so. And now, Mister Gray. I actually hope that we never get to see the portrait that restores his vitality every time he gazes at it. Surely, whatever they might show on-screen can never compare to what we're imagining it to be, Still, I am now taking bets that he'd come through the rest of the cast before this season ends.
  11. I think the majority of Airplane! had me constantly in stitches. Every time I watch it, I have to pause the DVD to laugh at a joke, play it again once I recover, and then have to pause again to laugh at the next joke, and so on. A complete rip-off of "Who's On First?", but still funny in my book.
  12. (couldn't think of a better subtitle, so shoot your suggestions!) Ah, Wendy. Dipper crushes on her so bad, and she tends to goof around more than actually work in the Mystery Shack. Yet somehow I feel she's the least developed of the regular characters. I don't think there's really been a story in the first season that focused on her, so I hope the second season can amend that. I've had a crush on Linda Cardellini since Freaks and Geeks, so finding out she was on Gravity Falls was a very pleasant surprise.
  13. Prompted by a reply in another thread, I suppose it's time to start a thread dedicated to the cutest pig ever, at least in Mabel's opinion. Let's discuss and appreciate the fifteen-pound wonder that is Waddles here.
  14. I still wish they went ahead and drafted Fred Willard to play substitute Pierce.
  15. My surprise was that Rachel chose to poison Mozzie with the one plant in that garden that actually has a known antidote (belladonna) instead of the one that would rather assuredly kill him (castor bean). Did she actually care for Neal (and thus Mozzie), in a way? In any event, Mozzie does seem to have a lot of street-smarts, and I wouldn't mind learning some from him.
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