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Posts posted by areca

  1. 8 hours ago, sumiregusa said:

    Came here to say this. Chemistry is subjective so I won't try to convince anyone of whether Jon/Dany have it or don't. Their scenes are just very deliberate and sorry but that's as close as Emilia Clarke comes to showing attraction to anyone who isn't Jason Momoa. In fact, I think she's toeing the line of falling for Jon but still trying to act like a queen very well. JMO.

    I think it's not working, in any way, for me because what, in their...2nd or 3rd scene together, she was already starting with the moon eyes?  Each scene had been them spending approximately...30-45 minutes together over the course of several weeks?  With Drogo, you saw her sale, captivity, slow integration into the Dothraki way of life, mutual attraction, love, and respect develop over a significant period of time with her and Drogo.  The screen time made it believable.  I don't believe a damn thing about Dany and Jon.  It's just bad.  Really not satisfying.

    • Love 3
  2. Tyrion is SO going to end up on the wrong side of Euron's tongue knife.  I really, really, really hate you GRRM.  That being said, I teared up about 3 times tonight.   Brief glimpses of happiness I suppose.

    • Love 5
  3. Jon Snow:  Alive
    Sansa Stark:  Dead
    Arya Stark:  Dead 
    Bran Stark:  Alive-ish  (He'll be a tree)
    Ghost:  Alive
    Nymeria:  Alive

    Cersei Lannister:  Dead
    Jaime Lannister:  Alive
    Tyrion Lannister:  Alive

    Daenerys Targaryen:  Alive
    Missandie:  Dead
    Grey Worm:  Dead
    Drogon:  Dead
    Viserion (gold):  Dead
    Rhaegal (green):  Dead

    Yara Greyjoy:  Dead
    Theon Greyjoy:  Alive
    Euron Greyjoy:  Dead

    Brienne of Tarth: Dead 
    Podrick Payne:  Alive
    Davos Seaworh:  Dead  
    Melisandre:  Dead 
    Tormund Gigantsbane:  Alive

    Sandor Clegane:  Alive
    Thoros of Myr:  Dead

    Samwell Tarly:  Alive
    Gilly:  Alive
    Baby Sam:  Alive
    Varys:  Alive
    Petyr Baelish:  Dead
    Qyburn:  Dead

    Ellaria Sand:  Dead
    Obara Sand:  Dead
    Tyene Sand:  Dead
    Nymeria Sand:  Dead

    Olenna Tyrell:  Alive
    Meera Reed:  Offscreen
    Robin Arryn:  Offscreen
    Edmund Tully:  Alive

    Dolorous Edd:  Offscreen
    Bronn:  Alive
    Jorah Mormont:  Alive
    Daario Naharis:  Offscreen
    Gendry:  Alive
    Hot Pie:  Offscreen

    The white walkers:  I...wot?  They'll be banished again, but still around, in all their unalive glory
    The wall:  Dead
    The iron throne:  Alive

  4. On 10/4/2016 at 7:31 AM, abbey said:

    I suppose the older actor could play Fergus for "leap O the Cask" incident, but when I picture it in my mind I always see Romann as Fergus.  Oh well, as long as they include the scene I will be happy.

    I think they probably have to.  Fergus being crippled, and how that affected a man in his time, truly defined a lot about his and Marsali's relationship...

  5. On 2/3/2017 at 11:19 PM, RealFantasies said:

    Are they trying to do a #FreeScarlett thing with that asshole producer, because otherwise, I have no idea where any of that's going.

    It's incredibly obvious where that is going.  (Psstttt...50 shades of grey, perhaps you've heard of it?)  Which is my main complaint with the show's move to CMT.  I...ugh.  There is absolutely nothing about this show that feels new, interesting, or innovative.  Everything is as light and fresh as a 1,000 year old rock. There have been exactly three good moments in 6 episodes:

    1.  Clay - that guy can sing and I love his voice.
    2.  Scarlett and Deacon - Whoever is writing their scenes' dialogue is amazing.  Actually Scarlett's dialogue has gone up a notch overall vs. CBS. 
    3.  I lied.  Apparently there are only 2 things.  In six episodes.

    Bleah.  I might be done with this show.

    Edit:  Is Daphne's little friend the chickee who played Poison Ivy on Gotham?

  6. On 1/20/2017 at 11:30 PM, Dust Bunny said:

    I trust that the writers will handle Willoughby well, but I always felt it was an unnecessary plot. It reminds me of that writing exercise in school when someone starts a story by writing a paragraph and then passing it to the next student to write the next paragraph and so on. You read the story, and often something random will have happened that doesn't make sense. The later students had to either go with it and weave that into the story or just ignore it and try to keep the story on track. So I hope Willoughby will be a truly fleshed out character, and not a plot point to be used. 

    Oh man...I adored Willoughby to be honest.  All of it.  The elegance, the disdain, the yearning, the human tragedy of it all.  Some of his speeches were my very favorite parts of the books.  I always found him to be quite fleshed out.  I hope they do it justice too!  But for different reasons I guess.  

    • Love 3
  7. 9 hours ago, Love said:

    I'm super curious to know when this supposed "big" Jon episode that Kit mentioned in Entertainment Weekly is going to happen.  Given that there is one episode left with apparently 60 other plots happening (exaggerating slightly), I can't really see Jon being the focus.  

    You probably just saw it.  That battle was all about Jon Snow...

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, DropTheSoap said:

    Ramsey's game with Rickon did not surprise me. I did yell at the screen, "zig zag!" Also, "did Osha teach you nothing? Because you know nothing, Rickon Stark."

    I do not understand why he did not immediately run in front of the goddamn huge burning obstacles between him and the archer.  I was so mad at that boy.

    • Love 8
  9. 37 minutes ago, taurusrose said:

    Question...this has always bothered me.  Is Claire right or left-handed?  If she's right-handed, she's wearing Jamie's ring on that hand and Frank's on the left. Why would she do that since she has pledged herself completely to Jamie?  

    I don't know about Scotland, but in Ireland, wedding rings are sometimes worn on the right hand.  It seems to be more "Celt" than "Irish" though in the histories.

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