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Posts posted by areca

  1. We're heading into the battle that destroys the highland way of life. It should be visceral. It should be hard to watch. Give me that show please. I nailed your hand to the table, now kiss me. In front of your wife.

    This.  A thousand times this.  It was an occupation, a war, a purposeful and methodical destruction of an ancient culture and society.  It was brutal, and terrible, and soul-crushing.  And it was meant to be all of those things.  It was done so effectively that the repercussions have lasted through to this very day, hundreds of years later.  It wasn't until just this past year that the Scots started to make a significant move toward independence again and make no mistake, if they had, the war of economics which would have been levied against the Scottish people would have been no less brutal than the Jacobite wars.


    And, let's all be honest here, if anyone thinks that soldiers in the middle east aren't raping or being raped, today, right now, then they have a lot to learn about war and the psychology thereof.  Rape is, and always has been, one of the most effective weapons in a soldier's arsenal.

    • Love 8
  2. Barbara was shown The Ogre's “playpen” and didn't even wince. So she's at least depraved if not violent herself.

    To be fair, unless she looked up, it looked like an expensive art gallery devoted to antique weaponry more than anything else. She DOES own an art gallery afterall...

  3. The Jamie and Bronn road-trip has high standards to live up to - I am intrigued.  Though did anyone else read into his "mean things will happen to your sister eventually" as "I'll kill her".  Like, not in a romantic-because-I-love-you way. In the "mutually-benefiical-also-I-am-getting-my-castle-dammit kinda way. Just me?

    He said he planned as much to Tyrion when he turned him down for champion.  'Noble ladies break their necks riding all the time.  Go figure.'  

    • Love 2
  4. Ryan and Harry's further comments escalated it and made Quentin look more like the angry black man...


    Quentin knew it too.  He saw the script being written out.  And his positively contemptual answer to Harry about being "given the opportunity to clear that up for you" was well deserved.  They treated him like he was some uppity young punk, and Quentin responded like a grown-ass man with some goddamn self-respect.  I sort of fell in love with him a little bit there to be honest.  

    • Love 5
  5. I'm officially off the Tyanna train.  Joey's got another week of not really being present for me to disembark.  Clark and Quentin continue to be enjoyable.  If there's anyone else left, I'll be damned if I can remember them, which says pretty much all of it.

  6. What is this retconning of Felicity?  Does she have to become unlikeable in order for the fucking endgame with Laurel?  I mean, she's oozing more sex and physical desire toward Oliver in the last 2-3 episodes than she ever has, even when she really wanted to be with him.  She's also really 'soft' in a completely unbelievable manner, which has nothing to do with Felicity.  She's not making good decisions, and she's pretty much the trope of the helpless female victim.  Which incidentally, Oliver didn't say 'let's end this,' she did.  'I don't want to be another woman you love Oliver' - after walking out on him angrily.  They've taken even that strength away from her.  I am very unhappy with this bullshit.  Felicity was the best character on the damn show.

    • Love 2
  7. This was the worst night of Idol I have ever seen. Clark can stay. The rest of them can GTFO. Even the people I like!

    The Chanel commercial Quentin cribbed from is 10,000 times better sung.

    Adam Lambert pretty much sealed Mad World off limits. Not sure I would have tried that Joey.

    Tyanna? I'm going to pretend it didn't happen.

    • Love 3
  8. I don't know where to put this, but I LOATHE the new format. I know they said they were doing the elims this way to handle one night showings, but please, for the love of God, do it at the top of the hour. The suspense dragging out over the course of the show results in declining performance quality as people get closer and closer to thinking they're going home and the entire working methodology of the show has been destroyed. The pimp slot is almost always a snoozer now - the poor person there just had about 15 seconds of safety and is filled with adrenaline in the bad way still. Not feeling this AT ALL.

    • Love 2
  9. I cannot beLIEVE we almost lost Quentin. That would have been horrible. I'm hopeful that was producer shenanigans. Who WAS that dude in the crowd for him??? Enjoyed him, Joey, Tyanna, and Clark. Everyone else can bugger off and I couldn't care less.

    • Love 1
  10. OK. What the hell with that Nick guy? He's been getting a one-man lovefest, bizarre two minute montages in the middle of the show, extra time to talk to the judges and Ryan, etc since Hollywood week. And he was the last announced in the lineup of 'Here's your top 24' I think. IDGI. So I'm calling shenanigans!

    • Love 2
  11. I was totally team Rayna in the bucky-rayna fight.

    Yanno, I read about this epic fight before I watched the episode. Frankly, having been an executive for going on a decade now, it didn't even seem like a fight to me, just 'OK, how do we work together in this new capacity?' I felt that was just a normal collaborative process between intelligent, driven, caring, and passionate people trying to get shit done. I actually found it endearing and truthfully structural.

    Even the followup conversation they had about Layla struck me as an adult, hardtruths, necessary, conversation born of great respect and trust.

    I hope I'm not reading it wrong and that their relationship goes to hell. :-\

    • Love 3
  12. LOVED Quentin! OMG, yay! Amazing voice and not cookie cutter. Super cool song choice too.

    I'd keep Clark and Riley.

    I *adore* Trevor, but he HAS to stop being 17, like immediately. Turn it down kiddo.

    Everyone else can go, and I won't care. Adam E's kind of amusing, but he needs to stop and sing something, fast.

    Edit: Also, shoutout to the hometown! I about fell over when I saw the Fillmore.

    • Love 1
  13. I think Shi is the real-life version of Rachel Berry. Or a good actor. She makes me want to smack her upside the noggin but the girl who said 'I dunno you guys!!' to the judges questions in The Chair, was pretty adorable.

  14. I seriously thought that the twist ending of the 'The Return' would be Tommy being revealed as alive and a secret prisoner of ARGUS all this time.

    Who IS the other prisoner Ollie mentioned? Felicity's dad? Or Deadeye or something?

    I guess they gave Slade the mirrakuru cure before penning him, but I didn't recall that.

    • Love 1
  15. God, what the fuck was wrong with Ricky, just badgering and badgering and belaboring the point with that kid? I lost a lot of respect for him last night.

    Also, that whole thing with Jax and her parents was really, really weird. Awkward. Why the hell didn't she just hold their hands or something?

    And that mohawk girl - man, what a nasty personality when she didn't get what she wanted. Yuck.

    • Love 3
  16. This episode just solidified the theory that they had to ship Oliver off just to make Laurel and Ray happen and that is just such poor writing I don't even know where to begin.

    I'd be ok with Oliver being gone for 5 more episodes or even until next season if there was no chance of Lauriver as a result of said absence. I *LOATHE* the Laurel character.
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