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Posts posted by mojoween

  1. Why is the men's final on Monday? I always looked forward to watching the men's match at 4 on the first Sunday of football season. And I mean, there are only two NFL games on Sunday at 4 and I believe they are both FOX games. Are they really throwing the women up against football?

  2. Right?!? Let's live in the now, no need to bring up past failures.

    And really, if I want to think of something that has the potential to haunt me in my sleep, I can think about who is going to cover Megatron on Monday. And if they will be successful.

  3. Ariana did a beautiful job IMO of singing the National Anthem before the opening game of the NFL season. And while she was doing that, looking cute and sounding lovely...Frankie had the wedgie from hell.

    Also sartorially speaking, I cannot articulate enough how much I hated that top Julie was wearing.

    Not going to lie because I don't think you'll judge me, but I was rooting for Frankie in the veto ONLY because I didn't want Christine to have it. Nicole may have been being a baby this week, but I still like her better so it will be delicious for Christine to follow her to the jury.

    For a soccer player, Cody sure is clumsy.

    • Love 1
  4. I bet Pam Oliver was a better reporter 20 years ago than Erin Andrews will ever be.

    I have always liked Russell Wilson, partly because I'm shallow and partly because of that rookie class, I thought he was the better QB from the beginning. Griffin is hurt all of the time and also plays for the Redskins and I still don't think Luck is the greatest thing since sliced bread like the commentators do.

    However...I hope someone tells Russell that the word is "especially." "Expecially" makes my teeth hurt.

    I have Grande family fatigue because I watch Big Brother but I was impressed with Ariana's SSB. She put in a few tricks but mostly just did a pretty, melodic version. Her voice has a nice tone, it reminded me of singers from the eighties. I see what people say when they call her Baby Mariah.

    I like both of these teams. I can't pick a winner.

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  5. Pam Oliver discusses demotion and Erin Andrews

    I would take Pam Oliver over Erin Andrews any day and twice on Sunday. I know I'm not really in the demo FOX cares about, but do guys even get gaga over Erin any more? I mean, her interviews are terrible. Poor Pam. At least the execs gave her the news in person, but it sounds like they were reticent about even adding her to the B team.

    Good god. It just occurred to me that means the A team is Joe, Troy and Erin. And if the Giants are good, that's the team that will be doing their games. I like Kenny, Moose and Goose but I think they were demoted from the B team to either C or D.

    • Love 3
  6. The AAA club for the Nationals is the Syracuse Chiefs and the Chiefs have been....not good the last 16 years. This is their first playoff trip since 1998. Problem is, the Nats are making a playoff push too, and have started calling up Chiefs players. I never even considered that might happen.

  7. While I do feel that the Michael Sam story is culturally important to show troglodytes that yes, he is a real human being, it is so overblown at this point that the media is doing more harm than good.

    Players aren't going to resent him outwardly because he's gay, they're going to resent him because he's a 7th round pick who got cut and then picked up by a practice squad and no one is reporting on any other 7th round picks who were cut.

    Now, he was the defensive POY in his league last year, so that could actually be a relatively big story. But that is most assuredly not how it's getting reported.

    And anything that puts Jerry Jones back in the media is never a good thing.

    On another note, I'm starting to feel a little ambivalent about the season. Maybe once I see a meaningful game I'll change my mind again, but with the abundance of injuries and the horrible way the game is getting called on the field it's starting to feel anti-climactic.

    Merrill Hoge went off on Johnny Manziel's relative non-worth as a first rounder. It was awesome.

  8. I'm actually ok with Ricky winning, I cannot deny how talented he is. And it just occurred to me that he is less than two years older than my son. I'm not used to the people I watch on reality shows being so close to my punkin in age. I need him to stop growing up, dammit!

    I'm more irritated with Zach getting fourth, I though he was for sure second.

    When I watched the Aussie winner, all I could think is that it looked like a very nice floor routine for an Olympic gymnast. His moves were pretty and the musicality was nice, but it was more tricks than dancing to my untrained eye.

    I liked those twins too, especially the one in the bucket hat. And the glimpses I saw of Teddy were always welcome.

    The top 10/All-Stars routine was too dark for me to be able to tell most of them apart, other than Brandon's lovely locks.

    • Love 5
  9. I don't see where else to put this but Brendan and Rachel/Jeff and Jordan are going to be at the New York State Fair tonight. If I weren't already sitting at a different venue right now waiting for Phillip Phillips at 8 I would go see the BB people!

    To be honest I have no idea what they are doing here because the stage where they will be is used for musical acts and talent showcases.

    So if anyone is in Syracuse it's 10 bucks to get in if you don't already have a ticket.

  10. I do zone out a lot during non-dance parts and I have to say that Nigel's comments about suicide just came out of left field. Was the dance even about suicide? I thought it was about loss?

    And seriously, his attempt to "make good" on Twitter today just make me hate him more. I mean, I suppose it's not always a bad thing to stick with your opinion, but to keep hammering it? On a topic like this? Shut up, ass.

    • Love 2
  11. My wisdom teeth came in like there were boulders erupting through my jaw. I've never been in that much pain, including childbirth. I had to have oral surgery with general anesthesia to get them out and was out of work for a week recuperating.

    So that was the one and only time I felt for Victoria, whose Amber "impression" made me want to punch her swollen jaw.

    • Love 2
  12. EVERY summer (been watching since season 5, but I don't get the feeds), I say "self, this time you are NOT going to read the feeds forum, you are going to watch the episodes as they air and THAT is THAT."

    And I thought well obviously this year, with the death of Tubey, that it would be an easy task to accomplish.

    So what do I do? Look on June 1 to see if there is a BB thread, and follow these damn feeds all summer long. I can't help myself! You guys are all so awesome, I really admire your perseverance in putting up with these aholes all day every day. Your highlights are probably better than anything I would see watching live myself anyways.

    One question...the pressure cooker comp, is that the one that broke my heart, because my beautiful, beautiful Kaysar is too trusting?

    • Love 3
  13. See now I loved how Anthony choreographed the tapping to the beat of Piano Man. And I mean, Aaron can do no wrong in my book anyways. Why couldn't he have just done all of the routines?

    I liked Jason Mraz's performance and was thinking that it really could have been enhanced by Tanisha and Ryan doing a ballroom dance around the band.

    I just think that Valerie clomps around. No matter what she is doing.

    Jessica is a sexy as a calico kitten.

    I'm fine with either Ricky or Zach winning. Ricky does have beautiful feet, I cannot deny it.

    • Love 6
  14. I hope that everyone in this season are big TAR fans and one of the twins gets bounced first ep. That's the only thing that will be remotely palatable.

    How about just 20 unknown people? Why can't we have that? I mean, baseball doesn't have a sterling reputation on this show, with what a douche Kent was and David's stellar play; football was ok except Jimmy was voted out because he's old but I did like Hogeboom a lot by the end. And I don't doubt John Rocker doesn't have a hell of a lot other things going on at this point.

    Sports guys in general are leaving a lot to be desired in reality TV, with the dynamic duo of soccer player Cody and football player/actor/model/etc Caleb on Big Brother.

    Just 20 randoms, show. It can't HURT.

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  15. The issue I have with Breaking Bad is that IRL, and this just happened yesterday, is that I say I really did not like the series and I get "well how many episodes before you wrote it off?" like it's completely unfathomable that someone could just not like it even after watching ALL the episodes.

    Also, I personally find Mad Men and GoT amazing and their constant losses in the Emmy's is sad.

    I did not think for one second that Bryan Cranston was going to lose Best Actor to anyone.

    I think I am just getting old and cranky but I no longer have patience for inanity. I thought Ty Burrell's and that lady who won for directing's speeches were cringeworthy.

    Key and Peele also dragged it out too long but the tall one is very pretty.

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