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Posts posted by mojoween

  1. I did not like that one lady asking Adam to take off his life jacket, and I don't think Bethany did either. You seriously do not do that when someone's wife is standing right there. And even if she weren't, it's crass and tacky. It would be like one of the Boston firefighters asking the dentist's wife to take off her top.

    Was there a sale on Boston firefighters? Survivor and now TAR this season too?

    I was just at JFK last Wednesday and Friday, but only at the Jet Blue terminal. Still, since I don't travel much, that gave me a little thrill because I was just there.

    I don't understand why people can't just be people, and why it feels like everyone is trying out for their own reality show. The wrestlers were the worst at it, but they certainly weren't the only ones. It makes watching tedious sometimes.

    • Love 3
  2. The last time the Royals made the playoffs, I was not even a teenager yet. Good for them.

    Man, I don't even know who to root for. I know that I am not rooting for the Angels, Cardinals (boooooring, why are they in this every year, what is their secret) or the Giants (sames).

    I think I gotta root for the Pirates and Royals. The Pirates are super fun, even though they dumped Grilli who I share a high school alma mater with (although I'm still not rooting for the Angels, go figure) and the Royals are some new blood with a long-suffering fan base.

    • Love 1
  3. It was nice of Derek to be classy about the Orioles making the postseason. The booing fans, not so much.

    Oh, I forgot one of my favorite things from the post-game presser. It highly amused me that the guy who was directing the reporters said that they were first going to go to the reporters who had been there since February 1st and then they would try to get to the others in the room. I think I heard something like 215 press credentials were given by the Yankees last night.

    Ok. Keith Olberman can relax, the Derek Jeter Retirement Tour is virtually over. On to the postseason.

  4. I know it's going to sound stupid, but if the O's don't score, Bob Sheppard has now come and gone and it just ended, with no fanfare.

    Yeah, I'm sobbing. Don't judge.

    Well damn. Not only did we get Bob Sheppard one more time, but then THAT happened, and then THEY were there, and I'm a hot mess right now.

    Michael Kay says "so long, Derek" and I'm dead.

    • Love 2
  5. I'm still in awe that you can say "clitspasm" on cable TV.

    In the previews RGIII was in the pic with Snyder and Gruden but in the episode they put Cousins in. They also said that Washington only lost by three which was just this past Sunday. I'm easily impressed, what can I say.

  6. Right?!? Thanks a heap, Kiroda. I mean, the timing could not have been more impeccable.

    Bleacher Creatures: DEREK JETER,

    Clap clap clapclapclap

    DEREK JET...

    Markakis interrupts to run by Jeter on his way around the diamond.


  7. Dan said this last night -

    @DanGheesling: What a pleasure to watch Derrick play the game the way it was meant to be played. One of the best winners we have seen in a while. #BB16

    And since I never played the game with Dan, I have no reason not to trust him. Dan has been a Derrick fan from the beginning.

    James (season 6 and All-Stars, not crazy) also tweeted a pic of his viewing party and it must have been in Cali because GM was in the pic. I recognized Howie, Amanda, her pizza boy, Andy and I think Judd.

    I hope this link works for those with Twitter, I can't figure out how to get the pic in my post. James's pic

    • Love 2
  8. Guys, it's only the batting practice show and I'm already all snuffly. I don't know if I can't make it four hours. Of course, Derek himself will probably help because he normally shows as much emotion as this tray table my keyboard sits on. I mean, his response to Mariano's emotional farewell was "it's time to go."

    I do love the clip they show of him doing awesome things because I adore Jorge and love him greeting Derek at the plate after hit 3000 and getting the out on Giambi during the flip play. I feel like Jorge is always the forgotten member of the Core Four.

  9. So. Is a shorty-shorts suit appropriate for a 31 year old? Of either gender?

    I feel like the jury was masking how incredibly pissed they were about TA. Especially when Julie announced the money part.

    I also love how she brings out the five non-jury members to spill the secrets of the season...and then Julie is the one who does all the talking and the others didn't say anything at all.

    Jocasta makes me embarrassed.

    OF COURSE Frankie knew Derrick was a cop all along. So Frankie is gone now, yes? Forever off my TV?

    • Love 14
  10. So John Rocker is on "Survivor" this season but he's trying to keep his identity super secret. So this kid - which I am giving a side-eye to that he recognized John because the kid had to be quite young when John was playing - asks John what his last name is and John says "Wetteland." Oh HA HA HA. Idiot.

    I hate John Rocker for what he said lo those many years ago but dammit if he isn't a good competitor.

  11. I can't even decide what I want to type about Nadiya's casual homophobia so I guess I'll just go with this - BYE.

    Segue into John Rocker, who is such an ass, but dammit if his physical prowess during the IC didn't impress me. A tall athletic man is usually my catnip, but his words are forever.

    I like Wes, I have no idea why. Wait, I think it's Wes I'm thinking of, the father, not the son. I also like the dark-haired one of the Broadway actors, Josh's boyfriend, but I can't remember his name.

    So that one guy says he was a model? Huh.

    • Love 2
  12. I totally get what you are saying, both of you. I mean, if say Big Papi goes on a farewell tour and this process is started all over again, my eyes are going to be rolling so hard I'll be able to simultaneously see my brain and my ass. (Although I do have to say, Jeter did not have any suspicions of PED's and neither did Mo, so they have that going for them).

    I like Olberman, I have his books and was sad when he left ESPN the first time. But when I say came out of nowhere, I meant why now? And why so pissy about it? This has been going on for months, and he didn't do a piece like that about Mo, either. Jeter was an everyday player, and Mo IS the best at his position (closer) so maybe Keith just got fed up that all this praise was heaped on a player he felt didn't deserve it.

    And it's not hurting anyone. Sports, now of all times, could use something NICE to talk about.

    Also, I love birds. We have about 50-100 in our front yard every night.

  13. This is how Keith started -

    "Derek Jeter is not the greatest person in human history. He did not invent baseball. He did not discover electricity. He is not the greatest shortstop who ever lived," Olbermann said. And that was just the beginning.

    Here's a link to the video

  14. If Houston won five WS with him, maybe. But I totally get your point. NY has so much to do with it because a. the Yankees had 22 WS before he got there and b. because it's NY. The city, I mean, center of the media universe.

    (I live in Central NY. I'm biased.)

    I do have to take Keith Olberman to task because I don't know who pissed in his Wheaties. Normally I agree with most of what he says but his vitriol last night about Jeter came out of nowhere. If he personally doesn't feel that Jeter is that good of a ball player that's fine but he doesn't have to be such a dick about it.

  15. I know I already mentioned it but now the media is picking up on it.


    On an unrelated note I find it interesting that during Derek Jeter day one of the pics they showed in the retrospective of his gifts was Jeter hugging Ryan Braun and today there was a selfie Nelson Cruz took with Jeter splashed all over the media, yet the Yankees have completely shunned A-Rod during this whole time. Personally, I think it's gross. It's probably partly because Jeter has put the kibosh on it because those two weren't exactly friendly, but they trotted out a million other of Jeter's teammates so A-Rod's absence was particularly glaring to me.

  16. TV Ratings

    I'm only posting this because the ratings for the football overrun (7-8:04, which should really be 7:30-8:04 because that is what was over the scheduled time) to me, are insane. I mean, an 8.3? That wins the night.

    And that garbage they threw on NBC got a 7.2. This is why football isn't going anywhere.

  17. I thought of this the other day and was reminded of it tonight on Twitter...when Jeter takers his final at-bat at Yankee Stadium, we will also say our final good-bye to Bob Sheppard.

    Jesus. I started tearing up just typing that. What am I going to be like on Thursday?

    • Love 2
  18. Derek Jeter, Made in NY

    They are so not kidding with the headline. I mean, my goosebumps had goosebumps.

    Here's the thing about Jeter's goodbye, and it's going to sound so totally maudlin but I can't help it. Jeter is only about ten months younger than I am, so right now, we're the same age. And with his departure, it's like he's taking my youth with him. All the players I grew up watching are almost gone - he's practically the last one!

    Turning 40 was hard enough. Saying goodbye to Jeter less than one year later? Oof.

    • Love 2
  19. I heard a baseball talking head explain it, but I still don't get how the pitch to Stanton was a strike. The bat moved BECAUSE he got hit in the face, did it not?

  20. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt ONE TIME and think she needed her suitcase so she could change out of her dress because she knew she had to do a competition.

    I forgot one thing...spiders! All the spiders! I love spiders. Not enough to tweet to Julie about it, but still. They were so cute.

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