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Posts posted by mojoween

  1. I love stuff like that and found that article fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

    I also thought the sample size was pretty small, but I guess after the online votes were done they thought 70 was a good number. Rather obscure for FJ though.

  2. Putting aside what Jon was or is, I imagine it's probably a relief for the orange tribe to lose a drain on their resources. I'm sure someone else will be able to figure out the fishing equipment and they won't have to worry about feeding his bulk.

    I saw a tidbit from the Survivor Live he did with Malcolm that he lost weight in the time he was out there (I can't remember if it was 10 or 19 pounds).

    I mean, I forgot every time how huge he was unless he was next to someone. When Jeff snuffed John's torch, they couldn't even get John's whole head in the frame because they had to block for Jeff. It was like Jeff was standing in a hole.

    • Love 1
  3. Other than the outcome that was a good game, best played Thursday game so far this season. Well I mean the Giants win was awesome but that wasn't a good game.

    I don't know if it's accurate but I saw on Twitter that the Jags drafted Gabbert and a punter before Watt and Russell Wilson. I doubt it would have made much difference but still. Ouch.

    And now yay the slobbering all over Luck begins. Sigh.

    • Love 2
  4. I do not like Rena's hair but I do like Rena so I was happy for her to pull out a win.

    And I seriously honestly mean no offense to anyone, but Emily's accent just grated on my ears. Part of it is that she sounds like my monster-in-law but I've just never been partial to a southern accent. The gentleman in the middle however, I could listen to all day.

    That picture of Jeff Gordon killed me. Connie Britton too. It's just so damn lazy.

    I knew I was hundreds of years off but the first name that popped in my head was Ghengis Khan. I couldn't reconcile in my head why the Brits would feel threatened, but he was a bad dude and I was sure it was going to be someone awful. I would not have come up with GW if you had told me it was a President who lived before 1800. It makes no sense to me.

  5. I was so stoked that my tweet made the broadcast on Mike & Mike in the Morning today, it was on screen for almost a minute (what can I say, it doesn't take much to amuse me).

    @mojoween: @MikeAndMike I'm a Yankee fan in Syracuse but I'm very excited about the ALCS. There is NOTHING exciting about the NLCS.

    I meant no offense to all of the lovely Cards and Giants fans but that NLCS is just not my bag. I like Strasburg and Harper and Zimmerman, plus the Nats are the parent club for the Syracuse AAA team. I also like Puig and of course Donny Baseball.

    I still do not know what I am going to do with the ALCS. I cannot decide on a team, I like them both.

  6. The whole yellow team was pretty rough during the IC, so why John got all the vitriol is a mystery to me. However, knowing the things he has said, I could never ever presume to imagine what Jeremy and Natalie felt.

    Jacqueline annoys me. I can't put my finger on why. Perhaps part of it is that her way of wearing her buff is not flattering.

    I wouldn't find John to be such an ass if the guy who gave his last confessional is the one who played the game.

  7. I heard her say "Narcissus," but that could be what I was anticipating to hear when she started saying it.

    I thought Don Quixote was super easy, that was the first thing I blurted out when Alex said madness and knight. I also can't remember what the DD was that was bet for $2000, but I thought it was way too easy for a DD.

    I wasn't watching the screen but I'll chalk Sleeping Beauty up to a brain fart because how could you not get Snow White when the clue has mirror in it?

    The new champ has off-putting mannerisms to me. Maybe I just hate joy, but I feel like she was going for quirky and hit just south of there.

  8. No baseball tonight. No baseball tomorrow. Waah.

    I find it interesting that the Orioles haven't named a starter for Friday yet, at least according to the official mlb.com page. What are they waiting for?

  9. The Cards and Giants have swapped the NLCS the last four years. Sigh. I hope people feel bad about the shit they gave the Yankees all those years!

    No offense, but I'm going to be more excited about the ALCS than whatever configuration ends up in the WS.

    • Love 1
  10. And Bernie is still a bitch. She could've found another way to say no.

    I just hate her so much. Her emasculating Howard at every turn is not cute, show. Yes I know she makes more money and Howard has proven he can't be trusted but still...her complete bitchiness is so not funny.

    And oh look, something else for Leonard to be miserable about with Penny. Yay.

    Her hair did look better this week but personally I still hate it.

  11. So I'm cleaning out the DVR and watched "Derek Jeter: Salute 2 the Captain" so clearly it's going to be a while before I'm over it. Until next year when number 13 takes his place at shortstop bwahahaha.

    Also, I was thinking during some of the highlights that they were playing during the Jeter show that I'm kind of going to miss ol' Tim McCarver.

    Apparently, I have lost my marbles.

    • Love 3
  12. Matt Williams is doing what he can to make sure the Nats don't make it. I am still angry with him for Saturday. Only good thing to come out of it were the jokes about the length of the game on Twitter ("when this game started, Jayson Werth was clean-shaven", etc.).

    • Love 2
  13. I am very surprised at the short leash Scioscia gave Wilson.

    Come on, KC, I love how hard Kaufmann Stadium is rocking. Win this, and you get the same rest as the O's.

  14. Its an easy choice for me, I would root for Satan's gang of 9th circle murderers over the Pats.

    I'm on board! Let's get this team started.

    Also, my team is in the NFC East and I've always liked the Bengals since I started watching football in the mid-80's so the Bengals are an easy choice for me.

    • Love 2
  15. The Jacksonville Jaguars are apparently a terrible organization from top to bottom. I mean, the mascot holds a sign that says "Towels cause Ebola?" And your team is so shitty they were not going to beat the Steelers so picking on the terrible towel was colossally stupid. GTFO.

    I liked to hear Greg Gumbel say that the Jets failures are a team effort. I totally agree, this cannot be completely laid at the feet of Geno and Michael. I mean, their receivers cannot catch a ball, they have little to no running game and are relying on the 47 year old Cris Johnson, their defense can't make a stop and are undisciplined. I an not a Rex Ryan apologist, but I am one of the few who like the guy, but maybe it's time for Woody to look into making a change.

  16. So the Bills are at the Lions which generally means the game would be on CBS because the home team is NFC but NO, the stupid Texans and Cowboys are on CBS and the Bills are on FOX which means I cannot watch the Giants, which infuriates me.

    I mean, it's bad enough I can't watch the Giants, but BOTH of those games hold less than zero interest for me.

  17. Right?!? Especially when Panda was coming up, you leave in your second ace for cod's sack.

    I was listening to ESPN radio for a few minutes and the broadcaster was like "this is the best game Zimmerman has pitched all week, and he threw a no-hitter on Sunday!"

    I wish I knew what Williams and Cabrera chatted about during the looooong time they had together in whatever room they are shuffled off to after getting ejected.

    • Love 3
  18. Rick I know the tracker did show that, but that one pitch that was strike two looked way high to me, Williams, Cabrera and all the totally neutral not at all biased fans at the park.

    And boooo on Belt hitting that homer since he should have been out, I mean even Smoltz thought that one ball was a strike.

    Come on Nats, you have at least another run in there, don't you? I mean, you've played two games tonight.

  19. After a TERRIBLE strike call against Asdrubal Cabrera the camera was on Williams and he said "that was fucking high" and it was clearly heard on TV. Love live moments! And incidentally, that was basically the same thing I said in my living room.

    • Love 1
  20. I can't believe Mattingly left Kershaw in that long. I mean, five out of six singles went to the exact same spot. It was clear Kershaw lost it, and look what happened. What a bummer. I don't want to live in a world where the Cardinals make the NLCS again. Both home teams I was rooting for lost boooooo.

    • Love 2
  21. Pardon me while I change into my Mrs. Robinson dress for a moment...Yasiel Puig is soooooo good-looking. I mean, damn.

    Ok, I'm back, the not at all lascivious baseball fan. I guess I didn't realize how much the Dodgers and Cardinals hate each other; I forgot about the broken rib last year. That scuffle between Gonzalez and Molina was fun. I still can't believe Kershaw gave up a dinger in the first inning, though.

    I know people think Bryce Harper is a dink, but man that HR was pretty. That was a no-doubter if I've ever seen one.


    I know it sucks to have a game start at nine a.m. for those on the left but four games back to back to back to back sounds like a good time to me. And since I don't work weekends I might be able to make it to the last out this time!

    This Nats/Giants game is so good.

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