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  1. Dorit. DO NOT COME BETWEEN A WOMAN AND HER FOOT MASSAGE. This woman can’t see beyond her own nose, she’s so self centered.
  2. I’m bummed about Boz. I had thought I’d like her—and I did, initially—but her weirdly myopic perspective on Dorit is not fun to watch. I thought she was savvy :/ Speaking of Dorit: Our season’s theme, “It’s apparently Dorit’s world, and we’re all forced to live in it,” is meh. And I didn’t like that she was revealing stuff from her joint therapy session with PK.
  3. I am definitely not here for the Dorit Finds Her Voice storyline. It was fun for about a second and now it's just her interrupting people even more than she used to. "The problem, Dorit, is that you don't list--" "EXCUSE ME, SUTTON, I DO LISTEN and YOU are a PHONY" I do like Boz but it's a little annoying that Dorit has monopolized her ear and we now have her as Dorit's defender.
  4. They are REALLY pushing the Dorit/Kyle fight and the marital issues. I get it, to a degree—it’s actually real and it’s very dramatic and emotional. But it’s also a little annoying that they’re digging in so hard within the first few episodes. I’ll be honest—I like that Dorit is calling Kyle out, but if the whole season is her calling people out, I am going to get a bit annoyed. She hasn’t exactly been innocent all these years, so acting like she has some moral high ground over everyone is a little irritating. She isn’t exactly the most self-reflective of the bunch.
  5. I was noticing that too… I had to really watch carefully during that dinner scene because at first, I could have sworn that Sutton was actually looking at the camera and making some of those comment. I do think it was just the angle, but at first, it totally looked like a break the fourth wall/Jim-from-The Office aside. I never would have guessed Captain Theo was Sutton’s type though 🤣
  6. How about Dorit’s Carcass-Out Cocktail Stand?
  7. In the words of Kelly Dodd: the days of Kyle being the puppet and eeeeeeeeeeveryone else being the master may be over, LOL
  8. For sure. And he has that “aw shucks” demeanor, plus is clearly an anxious person (which makes some people sympathetic). Of the guys, he’s also the least posturing (which is not to say he doesn’t hide things… he just puts on less of a show about being the Number One Guy in the Group).
  9. LOL, keep watching! You still won’t find anything to back up Lala’s statement 🤣 I never liked Sandoval (good ol’ Flat Iron Tom). Schwartz I went back and forth on. But Sandoval? Always struck me as a self-centered, performative so-and-so. I promise that is not revisionist history, LOL.
  10. It’s so funny that you quoted me re: Lala (wow, I wrote that seven years ago!)… all these years later, and Lala may not be hitting on their men, but she sure still likes to attack the women and then blame them for not doing her bidding.
  11. Good grief. This makes MY blood pressure rise. Teddi’s opinion on this is worth the paper I’m not writing this comment on. I’d rather hear Tamra talk about… well, just about anything. Heck, at my doctors office, they weigh you in an open hallway and announce it to the whole hall if you don’t warn them you don’t want to hear it! (Ok, they don't *announce* it, but they do say it out loud…)
  12. I believe it! I once took a tour of a very arid part of the world and they told us to keep drinking water all day long, whether we felt thirsty or not, or whether we were indoors most of the day or outside. Dehydration can sneak up on you VERY quickly! (And not to be TMI, but keep an eye on the color of your urine—if it looks any darker than pale, it COULD be dehydration. Emphasis on could… there may be other reasons)
  13. Maybe Mau and Sandoval could get a place together?
  14. The biggest revelation during this reunion was the flashback to Kyle and Mauricio in Paris circa 2013. I had to face the fact that I’ve watched this show for at least 11 years 🤣 Though I am really put off by how Erika and Kathy reacted to Sutton’s medical incident (even if stress/panic brought it on, it was obviously serious enough to require medical attention), I’m calling it now: Sandoval will “pass out” during the VPR reunion 🤣
  15. Yep, that Penny! Oooh interesting theory! I do think the shop is real but I will buy that there’s an additional reality connection happening here.
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