84 -
153 Excellent-
I don't know how you got me romanticize their relationship from what I wrote when I specifically said Maddy should run from the relationship and Nate needs help and is a an abusive psychopath and shouldn't be in a relationship. He should actually be in jail but ok. And yes he loves her in his own way in my opinion but again it just my opinion. Again I'm not romanticize it I am acknowledging it as I try to understand his character.
The musical number came out of nowhere i was very confused but i didnt know Zendaya could sing like that. This show introduced me to some awesome songs Jules for The past few episodes have been a selfish douche. She started out my fav but now if she never comes back I think I'll be ok she completely lost me when Rue was saying she needs her medication and she ignored. She lost me before than when she was talking about her hookup to Rue. She lost me when she fell in love again with Anna. And I get that Nate is putting her through a lot but she doesn't have any care for anyone else but herself. Rue cares about what she's going throughbwants to kill for her but Jules doesn't even care enough to text a girl who you know loves you and is your bestfriend for a week and just ghost her and come back like nothing happened. I don't think that Nate wants Jules je might find her aytractive as shes not what he goes for but I don't know what's up with Nate I don't know if he's gay or what but I know he has a lot of demons and he's a psychopath but I do believe Nate loves Maddy. Doesn't respect her one but but he loves her and is doing all this for her in his own sick way. Maddy should run away because he is abusive and it will not end well. I dont like Jules but i wouldnt want them to romantisice their relationship with the whole she can help him find love and change him crap that teens seem to think is so romantic it will not end well Nate needs help not a relationship. He's a very good villian and the actor is fantastic Same thing with Rue. She needs to learn to depend on herself. She went from drugs to Jules and now that Jules left justnlike Ali warned she back to drugs. The jacket killed me though damn. I would love to see Rue away from rules I hope next season we can stop trying to romanticize that toxic relationship and we can focus on some other great characters. (I'm looking at you Lexi Bob Ross, I'm looking at you!)
I found this show to be boring at first the lead males just don't have the charisma in my opinion to keep people's attention. Its like they were banking on Vampire Diaries and The Original popularity. The girls on the other hand are where the interest lies. I don't find hope to be that interesting tbh but she's ok. I'm liking Lizzie more and more just as I like Penolope more and more and that's because this show writes complicated characters so much more interesting. Love Josie and waiting for her dark turn. I love characters like Penolope you can't make excuses for them they did what they did and don't give a damn and you have to read into why they did it. I think she only cares about one person and she's a bored mean girl. But she honestly could've caused a lot more damage with what she knows but only told one person and gave the rest of the information to Josie. I think looking at their history you can see she THINKS she's doing the right thing by tying to push Josie but she's going about it in the wrong immature teenage too smart for her own good way. She only has the right intentions with Josie but no one else and she doesnt care about anyone else. I'm into it I hope she comes back. Would I promote this relationship in real life? No but it's a tv show and one of the few interesting things about the show. Also props to the actresses yesterday very emotional with the few scenes they've been given so far.
S07.E16: The Glove That Rocks the Cradle
beetlesoda replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Pretty Little Liars [V]
True true while I don't think Ali should be a 5th liar she's certainly more of a liar than Mona and that's not being negative towards Mona. Mona literally only likes and cares about Hanna. And mona not being jn every single episode is what makes her great because the writers can't ruin her like they do everyone else And I always personally thought it was a bit hypocritical to bring up Alison being a terrible teenager and how she doesn't deserve her friends when Mona was A and wasn't all that great to the girls either. They both have done things to help the girls now they have apologized I mean the way people talk about Ali as if she's some evil mastermind who's secretly a and treats everyone terrible makes me think we're watching different shows. The girls has been a shell of her former self for like three seasons now you just hate the girl that's it. Either because she was a 14 year old bitch or because of Paily why bring up shit she did in season 1 that has nothing to do with her character now? As a former emison fan.....meh. I'm mad everything was so rush don't get me wrong I loved the confession scene but I wish they built up this relationship more. They had so many seasons to do so. What was the point of Paige? Why this stupid offensive baby storyline? I will say they seem more comfortable with each other but man this is the best they can do? The writers suck. -
S03.E09: Girl Meets Ski Lodge: Part 2
beetlesoda replied to AmandaPanda's topic in Girl Meets World [V]
I'll just bring this over from the spoiler thread The most important thing here is the true endgame of the show, Riley and Maya, are good. This triangle was ruining their relationship and this was absolutely the best way to solve it and to get back on point. Their friendship in my eyes was tainted by this crappy triangle but now we can more forward and it can get back to me believing these two would never hurt each other because they love each other so much. It's much cuter to see Maya rooting for her best friend's relationship than it is seeing her trying to get in between it. What was the point of part one though? Part two was so much better and we ended up just the way we started so again I'm convinced it was just fan service. But kudos to the writers for sticking to their original script and not letting a bunch of entitled fans change their story any more than they already did. Everything I had a problem with Maya has been erased as well as everything entitled fans swore by. No she never liked Lucas, so no she never put her feelings on hold for Riley, no she never liked Lucas from the beginning, no Lucas never liked her just didn't want to hurt her (though he could've been confused at one point). No Maya didn't push Lucas to pick Riley because he secretly wanted Maya lol. Lucas was always going to choose Riley because that's why Topanga invited Josh. I was never one of those who wanted Riley to give up Lucas because I didn't get it, it was clear that they liked each other and the only person standing in their way was Maya.Riley shouldn't have to give up what she wants just for Maya. Although Lucas please bye, he strung along Riley and Maya this long and get mad because Riley wants to talk to someone else. Although I did roll my eyes at the explanation of Maya's feeling. I mean maybe she liked him at one point but got over it. Or realized after "dating" him he isn't as interesting as she thought. Or maybe she got tired of Lucas being jealous of every guy Riley talked to or she got tired of asking him for the same amount of attention Lucas easily gave Riley. I wish they would make Josh younger he is more on Maya's level and I find them more interesting. And kudos to the love intrest this episode, Peyton sounded emotional was he was picking Riley and Josh and Maya scenes were great. I hope to see more of Josh and I like they they aren't jumping into anything. They acknowledged they like each other but can't be together, cool. I think the long game is the best way to go Also can Riley have scenes with her uncle too? -
Girl Meets Spoilers (and Spoiler Discussion)
beetlesoda replied to Kromm's topic in Girl Meets World [V]
The most important thing here is the true endgame of the show, Riley and Maya, are good. This triangle was ruining their relationship and this was absolutely the best way to solve it and to get back on point. Their friendship in my eyes was tainted by this crappy triangle but now we can more forward and it can get back to me believing these two would never hurt each other because they love each other so much. It's much cuter to see Maya rooting for her best friend's relationship than it is seeing her trying to get in between it. What was the point of part one though? Part two was so much better and we ended up just the way we started so again I'm convinced it was just fan service. But kudos to the writers for sticking to their original script and not letting a bunch of entitled fans change their story any more than they already did. Everything I had a problem with Maya has been erased as well as everything entitled fans swore by. No she never liked Lucas, so no she never put her feelings on hold for Riley, no she never liked Lucas from the beginning, no Lucas never liked her just didn't want to hurt her (though he could've been confused at one point). No Maya didn't push Lucas to pick Riley because he secretly wanted Maya lol. Lucas was always going to choose Riley because that's why Topanga invited Josh. I was never one of those who wanted Riley to give up Lucas because I didn't get it, it was clear that they liked each other and the only person standing in their way was Maya.Riley shouldn't have to give up what she wants just for Maya. Although Lucas please bye, he strung along Riley and Maya this long and get mad because Riley wants to talk to someone else. Although I did roll my eyes at the explanation of Maya's feeling. I mean maybe she liked him at one point but got over it. Or realized after "dating" him he isn't as interesting as she thought. Or maybe she got tired of Lucas being jealous of every guy Riley talked to or she got tired of asking him for the same amount of attention Lucas easily gave Riley. I wish they would make Josh younger he is more on Maya's level and I find them more interesting. And kudos to the love intrest this episode, Peyton sounded emotional was he was picking Riley and Josh and Maya scenes were great. I hope to see more of Josh and I like they they aren't jumping into anything. They acknowledged they like each other but can't be together, cool. I think the long game is the best way to go Also can Riley have scenes with her uncle too? -
I can't stand Sarah, she's so fake ugh. All those muscles are for what Cory? Cheyenne is cute but she sucks, I think Devin would do better if he had a better partner and honestly I like him for his open dislike of Jananas and Vince. Everyone else seems to be sheep around down, Like you Sarah! Honestly is Jananas not going to be in the Jungle this season? Seriously I don't get why people always follow instead of throwing him in constantly, he's the strongest player. Good on Nate and Christina to pull a upset......only to turn around and suck and go back into the jungle again where Wes dominated. I'm rooting so hard for him
S06.E20: Hush... Hush, Sweet Liars
beetlesoda replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Pretty Little Liars [V]
Terrible, horrible, boring, can't believe the writers on the show get payed finale aside, Caleb is an asshole. Never liked the kid even when people were going on and on about him being the best boyfriend -
Ooo I don't want to get into this but I can't retain myself but you are right you're basically ignoring Lucas's feeling for Riley, as well as Riley's feelings for Lucas, putting more importance on Maya's feelings for Lucas and calling Lucas and Riley whatever it it was where no one dumps anything anyones head half assed meanwhile Lucas and Maya are a thing now right? what do they do that's better or non half assed than Lucas and Riley besides make you specifically happier because that's who you ship? You do realize they are just as awkward right even more so because they're not even friends anymore. They sit there and nothing, and Lucas gets jealous of other boys that are trying to get with Riley right in Maya's face and ignore Maya during this process because he's trying to one up Charlie, wonderful relationship look at all that chemistry when Maya has to ask Lucas why does he care so much when he was jealous of another guy. You know for a fans of Maya you guys really cool with Maya basically being ignored even on her own dates for Riley that she has to get his attention back from Riley, I'm not cool with at all and no one mentions it. And maybe the difference to Maya being hurt and Riley being hurt is that we as well as farkle can clearly see that this is affecting Riley as opposed to Maya being Lucas and Riley biggest cheerleader when ti was supposedly hurting her. Forgive us for not at all noticing anything from Maya outside of Texas when she was all about Josh and all about pushing Riley and Lucas together. But let's look at it as a whole, who's happy? Riley and Maya are not the same, and that's basically the most important part here. Their relationship has been sacrificed for a stupid triangle that has made everyone miserable. And the worst part is we're four episodes in and it's still going......out of order.
Moving this over...... Anyway just saw the episode because curiosity got the best of me. If there were any hopes for this to be the end of the triangle, think again, it's another cliffhanger ending that solves absolutely nothing. Boy meets world was about two male bestfriends who could make it through anything and nothing could damper or ruin their relationship and nothing ever did. Girl meets world since it's about two females this time it's the law that in order to strengthen their relationship they both have to like the same guy at the same time (and they both have to talk about their kiss/almost kiss scene with the same guy but all bestfriends do when they like the same guy) and their friendship takes a backseat to that for a while until this boy chooses one of them. It's hilarious the double standard and I'm extremely disappointed with it that these writers decided to go this route.....and make it never ending. Regarding Lucas meets world and which lovely girl he gets to choose the boy was very jealous most of the episode of Charlie he hardly noticed Maya (whenever Riley's around Lucas takes a while to notice Maya and especially when Charlie is with her) until she came up to the roof and I'm not gonna lie her being nice might have made him consider her but at the end of the day let's ask ourselves where would this whole thing be if Riley never told Lucas she thought of him as a friend? And there's my answer to Lucas feelings, at least it should be the answer but these writers are gonna milk this storyline for everything. My whole point being Riley shouldn't have to step aside in order for Lucas to notice Maya or to think about whatever 'feelings' he might have had for her, why would people want that for Maya? I don't get it. I didn't realized I tolerated rucas this much until texas like most people, it's not Rucas itself it's the fact that people think it's ok for Riley to just let Maya have Lucas that bothers me, why should Riley give up something she likes who liked her back just because Maya likes him too? I've just come to defend Riley a lot. And all this hate at Farkle whatever its not that he doesn't care for Maya but I think like me and most of the audience he's seen the evolution of Lucas and Riley because they've been Lucas and Riley for so long and it's not a crush any longer, its something else. Maya has the crush. it's like telling someone who's been married for a while to stop loving his wife and get with the hot chick he's might be attracted to. Also ugh at Maya asking Lucas why does he care so much when Lucas was fighting with Charlie over Riley's favorite snack. Like she's was there when Lucas said he doesn't think of Riley as just a friend, it's been like two weeks of course he still cares (I also can't stand how she's been written throughout this storyline tbh). Also ugh at Riley and Maya not being together at midnight without Lucas, but I guess it's not about them)anymore is it?
I'm going to say it I know she has a big fanbase who's gonna disagree but I think that title should be changed, she's a terrible friend during this triangle (outside the triangle she's awesome which shows that the writers has to make people ooc in order to make this ridiculous storyline work) but why does Farkle know more about her so called bestfriend than Maya? Knows her feelings knows that she's lying, knows that she's sad? Why is Lucas so important (and again she's not even sure of her feelings these writers are terrible but that's a different topic because the fact that we are still on this triangles shows this was not what I thought it would be) that she is almost ignoring everything and in a way is focusing on her own happiness. Freaking cardboard Lucas seems more worried about these girls feelings and hurting either of these girls and their friendship than Maya seems to be about hurting either Lucas or Riley. She didn't care that Lucas clearly liked Riley and even said it, didn't care that there was a change in the dynamic and that Riley was acting different in any other situation if Lucas wasn't involved Maya would be the first to notice Riley's change but because she feels she likes Lucas everything else be damned? I get it she's young blah blah blah, but almost everyone else in the show is aware except for her regarding the triangle. She's had a tough life and Maya feelings matter, meanwhile everyone on this show has sacrificed something or another for Maya's personal happiness, she gets everything she wants most of the time. Maybe it's the pedestal she's put on by certain fans, or how her happiness is based on Lucas that annoys me, but I hate the way the writers are writing her for this triangle they brought out the worst. She's not acting like a bestfriend at all and I would prefer the Maya that was more chicks over...well you know.
Girl Meets Spoilers (and Spoiler Discussion)
beetlesoda replied to Kromm's topic in Girl Meets World [V]
Yeah, let's just agree to disagree because this can go in circles as usual we all have different opinions but my personal opinion on the triangle isn't based on how I feel about Maya or a certain couple. I ship Riley and Maya my endgame is Lucas going back to Texas so we can get back to a good show -
Girl Meets Spoilers (and Spoiler Discussion)
beetlesoda replied to Kromm's topic in Girl Meets World [V]
Yeah and before that interview Peyton said that Lucas feelings came out of nowhere. I don't know who to believe (*cough* Peyton since he plays the character *cough*) from what i saw on my screen Lucas liked Riley since the show started, the show developed their relationship and that's what I saw I didn't see anything that indicated Lucas liked Maya, what I saw was Maya being the biggest cheerleader of that relationship so imo it did come from nowhere. But I do agree they are young, if only the writers knew that instead of dumping them into a love triangle before high school. Anyway just saw the episode because curiosity got the best of me. If there were any hopes for this to be the end of the triangle, think again, it's another cliffhanger ending that solves absolutely nothing. Boy meets world was about two male bestfriends who could make it through anything and nothing could damper or ruin their relationship and nothing ever did. Girl meets world since it's about two females this time it's the law that in order to strengthen their relationship they both have to like the same guy at the same time (and they both have to talk about their kiss/almost kiss scene with the same guy but all bestfriends do when they like the same guy) and their friendship takes a backseat to that for a while until this boy chooses one of them. It's hilarious the double standard and I'm extremely disappointed with it that these writers decided to go this route.....and make it never ending. Regarding Lucas meets world and which lovely girl he gets to choose the boy was very jealous most of the episode of Charlie he hardly noticed Maya (whenever Riley's around Lucas takes a while to notice Maya and especially when Charlie is with her) until she came up to the roof and I'm not gonna lie her being nice might have made him consider her but at the end of the day let's ask ourselves where would this whole thing be if Riley never told Lucas she thought of him as a friend? And there's my answer to Lucas feelings, at least it should be the answer but these writers are gonna milk this storyline for everything. My whole point being Riley shouldn't have to step aside in order for Lucas to notice Maya or to think about whatever 'feelings' he might have had for her, why would people want that for Maya? I don't get it. I didn't realized I tolerated rucas this much until texas like most people, it's not Rucas itself it's the fact that people think it's ok for Riley to just let Maya have Lucas that bothers me, why should Riley give up something she likes who liked her back just because Maya likes him too? I've just come to defend Riley a lot. And all this hate at Farkle whatever its not that he doesn't care for Maya but I think like me and most of the audience he's seen the evolution of Lucas and Riley because they've been Lucas and Riley for so long and it's not a crush any longer, its something else. Maya has the crush. it's like telling someone who's been married for a while to stop loving his wife and get with the hot chick he's might be attracted to. Also ugh at Maya asking Lucas why does he care so much when Lucas was fighting with Charlie over Riley's favorite snack. Like she's was there when Lucas said he doesn't think of Riley as just a friend, it's been like two weeks of course he still cares (I also can't stand how she's been written throughout this storyline tbh). Also ugh at Riley and Maya not being together at midnight without Lucas, but I guess it's not about them)anymore is it? -
Girl Meets Spoilers (and Spoiler Discussion)
beetlesoda replied to Kromm's topic in Girl Meets World [V]
Thank you for the spoilers, I think by now we know my feelings for this storyline so I'll try and keep it short. If you don't mind me asking where the hell did Josh come from now? Wasn't she all about Lucas now it's Lucas and Josh? I hate these writers and what they are doing to this show. So Riley sacrificed her own feelings for Maya, the writers made Lucas like Maya out of nowhere, and now Maya is confused between two boys? Why does this storyline exist if Josh is still in the picture?And all Riley gets to have is creepy Charlie once Lucas leaves? So nothing is solved and we continue with the love triangle of a bunch of 8th graders. That was more directed towards the writes. I had such high hope for this show, for Maya and Riley, I hate it's turned to who does Lucas like and who will he choose, giving those annoying fandoms what they want, pitting fans against each other and choosing sides of the two girls. Also it's absolutely disgusting that they are talking about kissing the same guy btw (even though I know Maya and Lucas didn't kiss), it's just so wrong. I know they are kids but it's so wrong -
I was wondering about Farkle. Why do they air out of order? I gotta say episodes are far more enjoyable to me when Maya and Riley act like a couple and no one is hurting anyone, I'll enjoy it while it last The topic at hand was interesting I guess, not a big fan but I can see why others might like it and I can appreciate it. Gotta say can't remember the last time a tv show that devoted an episode to faith.