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Everything posted by Knittzu

  1. Don't forget my personal favorite, "doing behaviors." Forever Alone, that jumped right out at me, too. How could she possibly not know what he looked like? That made no sense at all.
  2. I don't think their assessment of why it sucks now is quite as accurate as the one they provided for Supernatural, but... yeah. Sad.
  3. Route 66 is the one where Hotch almost dies and the "family" just shrugs and continues on with their work, right? Yeah, awful. They all should have been out in the waiting area like they were for Emily. So what if they caught one less psycho killer? The world they live in is positively teeming with murderous nutjobs; taking a few days off certainly wasn't going to make any different in the long run. Totally agree. They really wasted an opportunity there. Unfortunately, I don't think the current roster of writers is capable of writing a character who is both evil and funny. That requires quite a bit of finesse to pull off and they often struggle just keeping their own team members IC.
  4. It's another example of lazy writing, so at least they are consistent on that front.
  5. They really don't, though. What we often have is Rossi & Hotch lingering in the office and Reid vanishing while JJ/Morgan/Garcia find the unsub via magic, track him down, kick in his door, and shoot him dead.
  6. You're 100 percent right, normasm. I can tell you for certain that there is no way, no how that he would have been left alone with a bottle of prescription medication. His dose would have been verified by a medical professional and then it would have have been administered to him. If that mess has transpired in real life, the department would have been sued by his family for millions. And JJ/Rossi would be unemployed.
  7. I'd like to say "much, much less irritating," but you know... I'm pretty sure that if JJ hadn't returned, we would have been stuck with Ashley. And even though I found Ashley more appealing than JJ, I absolutely hated her being brought into BAU as a freaking cadet. I thought that was stupid and utterly unrealistic, not to mention canon-breaking if you compare it to Emily's experience. But of course, that was before I saw '200'. "Stupid and realistic" has since been redefined.
  8. I will look for those when I have some free time!
  9. I couldn't resist watching some of MGG's interviews after reading here there and everywhere what a nice guy he is. :) He seems amazingly sweet, genuine, and funny.
  10. I don't know how anyone could, considering that a) it happened almost a decade ago and b) Reid said himself that he wasn't bothered by it at the time and never said anything to the contrary and c) they never once in the subsequent decade even hinted that Reid suffered PTSD after shooting Dowd. We were even privy to quite a few of Reid's dreams... absolutely none of which included Dowd. To me it was clearly just a clunky attempt to prop up the silly "Garcia has PTSD so she needs to go weep and whine at a convicted killer" plot.
  11. Yes, so much this. It's actually rare for mentally ill people to commit violent acts. They are overwhelming the VICTIMS of violence, not the perpetrators. But I mostly shrug it aside people this show is set in an AU that includes an endless stream of serial killers with unlimited financial resources, years to plot out their elaborate crimes, unsubs who are are women about a quarter of the time, etc. (Can you imagine actually living in this sort of world? I'd never leave my house, which would be enclosed by electric fences, barred windows, attack dogs, etc. I certainly wouldn't be jogging alone in the dark!) It really only rankles me when they have characters pipe up with nonsense like "could the ten-year-old autistic child be the unsub?" -- and not a single other profiler even bats an eye at the stupid.
  12. I can't believe they treated your car (and YOU!) with such disrespect. :| At the very least I'd be leaving them a nasty Yelp review! I'm the same way. As a teen I had some creep try to open my car door when I was sitting in traffic and ever since that day, my doors stay locked all the time, no matter what. (This was in a good part of town, too!) That's so terrible about your no-kill shelter. You could start with Better Business Bureau, but with a case like this, it might be better to go straight to your local media. I'm betting lots of people in your local community will be outraged by this.
  13. Same here. I really enjoyed the pilot, especially Matt Ryan and Harold Perrineau, but wasn't sure if I wanted to watch another show where the lead spends half of each episode giving exposition to his newbie sidekick. Especially when the newbie is played by such an iffy actor. In this case, I was having terrible flashbacks to Gwen. I admire the showrunners for realizing there was a problem and deciding to change things. They've made it harder on themselves to explain this world to the audience, and it will be fun to see what approaches they take. They already have plenty of challenges on their hands in translating the sort of stories Hana Chan described above into network-friendly viewing.
  14. Gotcha. :) Well, I probably have a different perspective than most, as I work with disabled children and have a small daughter with multiple disabilities. If I ever learned that an actor -- even a former favorite -- was rude to disabled children, that person would be dead to me. There's no way I could continue watching the show, either. ...which is another reason I prefer to know as little about the actors on my favorite shows as possible. :)
  15. Am I misunderstanding this quote? This sounds like being rude to disabled children belongs in the same "so what" category as who a person dates or which religion they follow. One of those things is very much not like the others. :|
  16. LOL! At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they dispensed with a case entirely for the "woobie JJ has PTSD" episode. We wouldn't want any distractions from our poor suffering heroine, would we?
  17. Returning to this comment after pondering it for a bit. On one hand, I think Reid’s interest / fascination in the macabre is pretty well-established. All the way back in season one we have him enthusing to JJ about something creepy… I think it was love poems to Death, in Plain Sight? (She stated that it was creepy, he went on a little tangent about how interesting is actually was… and then she gave him a snotty, condescending stare until he agreed that it was “creepy.”) There have been other scenes when he’s been enthusiastic about unsettling subjects, but it’s always been the concept of the creepy, unsettling things that he's so interested in. I can't ever recall him being gleeful about something awful happening to a person, which is why the scene last night seemed off to me. Reid, Mr. "I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind", seems like the last person to enthuse about a mental illness causing a woman to give herself brain damage.
  18. I also thought that was a joke -- in fact, I remember laughing after he said it. I never got the impression that Reid suffered from PTSD after killing Dowd. He had no reason to feel guilty and I don't see Reid as the sort of person who would convince himself otherwise. OTOH I did think he experienced severe PTSD after being kidnapped and tortured. Illegal use of drugs is a very common coping mechanism for PTSD and is far more true-to-life than visiting a killer on death row.
  19. I think it's even worse than that. IMO, the increased screen time they give her actually undermines their goal of making her the sweetest, most caring, most compassionate Mary Sue who ever Sued. For example, if they had left out the "JJ and Kate bully a mentally ill woman during an interrogation" scene, I would have at least attempted to buy into the final bit where poor poor JJ is distraught because a few words from her golden lips don't instantly cure a serious psychiatric disorder. But that interrogation scene was so incredibly ugly that my mouth was literally hanging open when they threw things into reverse at the end and tried to tell us how empathetic JJ is. That's one hell of a difficult pill to swallow when I had just finished watching a scene where JJ seemed to take great pleasure in needling her, triggering her disorder, etc. Watch the expression on JJ's face while she's smugly asking her questions. She's entirely pleased with herself during that encounter.
  20. A thousand times this. JJ and Kate's nasty interrogation of that poor woman was one of the most infuriating things I've seen on this show. JJ then turning around and throwing a pity-party for herself at the end was mind-boggling.
  21. Does anyone have a link or a source for the rumor that a Reid storyline was cut this season?
  22. I didn't realize he was separated from his wife either, SweetTooth. I thought his wife and kids were inside the house while he made that video and was grossed out.
  23. I liked that too. For a moment Garcia seemed like an actual human who doesn't know everything in the universe, including the spelling of obscure medical conditions. I caught that too -- "controversial," not fabricated. And fibromyalgia IS a controversial condition, so I don't understand why people are tantruming over that. My mother has it, and several different real-life doctors have told her that it doesn't exist and it's all in her head. I'm not sure if I appreciate that we knew where he was after he vanished (doing god-knows-what at a drugstore... what, profiling the check-out clerk? Chemically analyzing the brands of diaper cream she bought?) or found it extra-annoying. It's clear that the writers aren't going to stop sending him off-screen, but have decided to thumb their noses at his fans by naming the irrelevant place he's been exiled to. It didn't occur to me that that last scene with JJ is the beginning of another long boring JJ story simply because we just had an entire season dedicated to her. She really is the main character now, isn't she? *sigh* I was mostly kidding when I said in another thread that she's taken over as the lead, but it seems that season ten is picking up right where we left off on the JJ-front.
  24. I hate bugs, but they didn't bother me nearly as much as JJ being in almost every damn scene and doing everything once again. Why in god's name was she giving the information about the effects of withdrawal from narcotics instead of Reid, who was standing right there?? Are the lines just assigned randomly, with the stipulation that JJ gets the majority? *deep breaths* I did enjoy seeing more of Hotch/Reid/Rossi than we usually do. And the Hotch interview scene was really nice. It was fun to see someone with actual skills interviewing a witness. What was the deal with Suri during the first scene? Suri doesn't do that. It might get a word or two wrong, but it doesn't turn "I'll be there in five minutes" into "have you started your period yet hur hur hur." Was was the point of that? The lulz? I don't understand why the support group leader went to five different drugs stores to buy her diaper cream. There's no reason she couldn't have just bought all she needed at the first place. It's not like she was buying cold medication or something that raises eyebrows and make her travel to multiple locations to hide what she's doing. It's diaper cream! And speaking of those drug stores, why on earth did Hotch send Reid to check them out? Was there anything to be gained there, or were they just finding an excuse to send Reid off-camera? I also don't understand why Kate and JJ were being so smug and nasty to the mentally ill woman they were interviewing. She was clearly mentally unwell and she wasn't a killer. Their whole attitude and tone seemed off to me.
  25. True! I probably spent most of those episodes playing on my phone and forgot about them immediately because IMO, the BAU should not be needed to untangle anything related to terrorists. Still, I seem to recall there were logical, story-explained reasons for the BAU's involvement in those early cases. Reasons that I even found plausible... unlike the silliness of last week. Having Reid pipe up that the would-be plane-crashing terrorist was actually a serial killer was just plain stupid, IMO.
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