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Everything posted by 90PercentGravity

  1. I'm from California and I say seer-up. My mom's side is from Missouri and they say sir-up.
  2. Did Sarah and Lee Hunger Games themselves into the top 24?
  3. I don't understand why the writer was sexually frustrated. It didn't look like that man's tongue was broken.
  4. Before Poh left left one of her group members said she had been disappearing randomly all night, which made me wonder if some illicit substance was involved.
  5. I work in retail doing customer service for a specialty retailer's online service. We tried switching over to USPS from UPS and it was an unmitigated disaster. You have no idea how many people accidentally ship their shit to the wrong address and then need us to fix it. With UPS it can be rerouted in transit most of the time. With USPS we had to send out replacements and then hope the original packages were returned, which usually they weren't. There are also a lot of people who the post office won't deliver to but UPS will.
  6. I lost weight on Nutrisystem but after about 6 months I also started losing my hair.
  7. Those so-called senior plans are a total rip off. A regular pay as you go plan is much more affordable and robust.
  8. The only thing I didn't like was the nuts and chocolate sauce. It was obviously fake and took me right out of it.
  9. I guess I have a twisted sense of humor, because that totally cracked me up.
  10. Omg, that guy jizzing ice cream is like the best thing ever. I love it.
  11. How does that cross promotion thing even work? For instance, there is a Star Wars themed Dodge commercial. Does Dodge pay Disney for the licensing or does Disney pay Dodge for the promotion?
  12. He's a comedian, Craig something, I think. He was in Hot Tub Time Machine.
  13. Seems like a good enough reason to me. Traumatic brain injuries are no joke. A former fireman with one just shot and killed a waitress the other day for asking him not to smoke inside. Not every football player is a mega millionaire with the resources to deal with it.
  14. There is a Tidy Cat commercial where people keep saying "hey, toss me that litter." I know what they are getting at, but I always get annoyed and want to shout at them "get your own litter, that stuff isn't free! "
  15. It may have made her bac at skating, but it made her a better bowler, so it's a trace off.
  16. I think it would have been pretty hypocritical given that he insisted his wife (then girlfriend)not bare her breasts on screen. I would have loved it, anyway.I'm pretty meh on the show in general, but I loved this episode and I love JT.
  17. Since he always ends up doing the thing he said he wouldn't do, I'm left assuming he abandoned his family and ran off with a stripper.
  18. Cool. Now if commercials would just get on board with interracial friendships that would be awesome too.
  19. They're just below diamonds on the Mohs Hardness Scale. Even sapphires are like "WTF?"
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