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Everything posted by Jean

  1. Well this just proves that Frozen really is a tour de force. Spin off coming perhaps?
  2. But with these guys less is always more. See Rumbelle. All it took was Skin Deep to make its mark but then they dismantled it. I'd be happy with one epsiode and I think Jane is writing the Charming/Anna and Emma/Elsa first meeting so there's that at least. Also I do think they're going to have to give Elsa something substantial to do because it's Elsa. I can't see Disney being ok with Elsa standing around like a bump on the log playing extra number 2. Anna has a snowflake necklace too. Is it their mom's? And if so does this confirm that EM is playing their aunt? Or is it the same necklace?
  3. Too bad Robert doesn't do his weekly asks sessions anymore. We'd have 4B stuff by now. That quick clip of Elsa and Emma is cute and refreshing. Something this show desperately needs with the nonstop drama and humor-less crap. Who knows maybe Elsa and Anna will be a big hit and greedy ABC will want a spinoff. From what I'm seeing Georgina has the chops and presence to lead a show with Elsa. And if Emma and Elsa are a hit too, they could move her over there. (With entirely new show runners hopefully).
  4. Henry's the real savior. My guess is that their true story was a dead Charming and Woegina baby-napping Snow's kid to raise as her own while Snow got to interact with him not knowing it's her kid as the revenge. That's the type of soap opera triteness they excel in. Then Henry the kid would've been trying to convince a cursed Snow. Network execs said no to a hot dead Prince Charming cause hello demos and said no to an annoying kid as a lead cause that never works out unless you're on the Disney channel. We need a tough female with perfect flowing blonde locks and Emma is born. We need real world stuff cause pure fantasy is risky. Thow in some procedural format and we have a show. S1 was a fantasy show with some procedural stuff and world building. Now it's just straight up Days of Woegina's life. Every show has some soap opera elements in it but it also has a bigger picture, context or world to put those in. Once has stripped all of their world down to being a pure daytime soap now. Without the budget they'd probably fit better on daytime than primetime. That's why they don't care about mythology, world building, rules, continuity, logic, timeline etc. because soaps don't care about stuff like that. They just want to do the back from the dead wife/husband, marriage and baby dramas, who's the daddy drama, evil long lost relatives, evil twins, scene chewing for the sake of scene chewing etc.
  5. I think A&E are perfectly fine as script writers. They were fine as staff on Lost and the episodes they've written for this show are above the average episodes for Once. It's their vision and plotting that sucks. Big time. As show producers they're too myopic.
  6. I've said before that I thought Emma was a network mandated character that some exec thought was needed to "ground" the show. The wheels came off after S1. For those episodes, I don't think the marketing dept. watched the show or the episodes. They probably just went through wiki summaries and chose the episodes with the highest count of the word "Emma." 3x22 had to be included because it had "Elsa" in it and it's a real 2-parter. That Variety piece asks the same thing I've been wondering about: why is Disney letting Once have Frozen? Any additional promo from Once is neglible to Disney. Once is the only one that benefits. Also I want to know exactly how involved the execs were. We know from A&E they needed story idea approval from everyone and their momma. Lasseter visited the set. Any additional oversight? Did the Elsa and Anna scripts have someone else looking at them?
  7. Yeah Rumple probably just went down to the Enchanted Forest's version of the Pacific Ocean, with a bucket.
  8. The 6 episodes ABC thinks are necessary to get with the program. Pilot, S1 finale, Tallahassee, Manhattan, and the 2-parter finale of 3B. http://abc.go.com/shows/once-upon-a-time/news/storybook/20140925-marathon-6-episodes-to-catch-up-on-once-upon-a-time
  9. Wouldn't the dude be too young by a couple of hundred years? Frozen people are contemporaries of Snow and Charming right?
  10. Maybe Hook's dad is Zoso? Wouldn't that be a hoot lol. Everyone has to be related to everyone after all. He's the only one we know of from that time period and he's back for episode 4.
  11. Hook and Rumple probably have the same mom. She'll get resurrected and the big twist is she's Pocahontas! And Evil Eva broke her nail and took away her colors from the wind. I think the Snow Queen is Elsa's aunt for sure and that might be enough, along with knowing Rumple probably. Hey maybe she's Han's mom too. My wild speculation based on nothing is maybe she was one of Emma's foster moms. If the scene is longer than 30 seconds, there's no way they'll waste an entire flashback just on Emma alone. I mean she can't even get her own centric. Now now, that's not Rumple's fault. He just feels so much with his appendix!
  12. I think Anastasia is Will's mission. She's probably in danger or missing. I'm going to laugh though if the actress books another job and blows up their plan. I think A&E really wanted to be head writers on Days of Our Lives and got rejected. No you fools, a villain doesn't have to be family to make the audience care or create drama, something you're allergic to anyway. I must've forgotten when it was revealed that the Joker was Batman's half-brother. Or Moriarty was Sherlock's step-daddy. WTF. They're really a whole lot less clever or funny than they think they are.
  13. I'm still bitter that they're really determined to ruin every single character at Woegina's altar. It's insanity. I've never seen this degree of Mary Sue-ness and it's all based on fake crap. That's the most disturbing thing. I bet the writers' room looks like Crazy Joe's shrine to Elaine in Seinfeld with Woegina pictures. I'm really really hoping Robert leaves after this season. Cause you just know Rumple's next in line. I'm just not going to discuss the scum-sucking bottom feeding leech anymore from here on out. So it's nice to see that we'll get confirmation that Emma can do magic in land of no magic and hurt someone as a kid. But is that the curveball Jmo is talking about? It doesn't sound that big of a twist to me. I don't want it to be as simple as a flashback to rip-off Elsa's story. Maybe they can tie the Snow Queen to it. Could she be one of Emma's foster mom that deliberately tried to trigger her magic? We are getting Emma's out of control magic in the Snow Queen's episode and the flashback is in the episode called Breaking Glass. It would explain why it's now coming out beyond the Frozen tie-in. I'm hoping they go all out campy and we see baby Emma with the spinning head and spitting green vomit. Or maybe they'll tie it in to the Dark Curse origin? I feel like that should be a huge part of the season but so far we've heard nothing on it besides the Zoso filming and the Mickey Hat is probably part of it. I bet Rumple wants to find a way to get rid of the Dark Curse but still maintain his power. It'd be funny to see him annoyed with Elsa and Emma with their whining about not wanting magic.
  14. She probably just asked for A&E's bible for the talking points. And she doesn't want to get harrassed by the Woegina crazy fans. I'm sure she's learned her lesson by now. Anyone have any doubts now they're the plan wasn't just a replay of Snow's story and to give Woegina another asskisser? I know now why Woegina seems to have the loudest fans. A&E have effectively chased away everyone else. If you're not her fan what's the point in watching? I'm seriously asking here. Yeah that was probably an accidental spoiler but we all had it pegged anyway.
  15. This needs to happen. And I hope Hook, Emma and Rumple gets moved to this new series. Permanently. Anyone else can come along except for the 2 biggest twits, the character killer and Henry.
  16. Yes, JMo said as much in an article that's in the spoiler section. I'm not sure it'll work. This show really is hard to get into mid-stream, if not impossible. Knowing who the players aren't enough in my opinion. If I was here just for Frozen, then I would want the focus to be on Frozen guest starring other people. I wouldn't put much effort in trying to figure out the rest of the cast if it was too complicated. And if a lot of effort was needed I would just give up.
  17. Oh right. So they are giving Rumple back to her if that's the episode when the things start going down for him. Ok I know I know, she sucked at the Woegina episodes but it's gotta be hard trying to write someone else's fanfiction for them.
  18. I don't think a journey from Bae to Neal would've helped because I don't think the end product, Neal, fits on the show. No amount of flashbacks is going to fix that. It's so strange and I'm not sure I can properly explain it. Emma works as the "fish out of water" but Neal doesn't operate like that because he did grow up in the fairy tale world. He's nonchalant about everything but yet he doesn't fit. Even Wendy and her brothers from real world England feels like they were lifted from a fairy tale or story. He spent way way more time in some fairy tale world than real world so I don't buy that he integrated that well. He doesn't feel like a fairy tale character. He's the douche you knew in college. Or the guy that lived down the street that would throw cigarette butts in your yard. Maybe that works on another show but not Once.
  19. I think that's showing restraint for him. He could've given us some finale tidbits. I also have a feeling what he's really saying is that nothing happens till the ending episodes, like usual. I'm really liking Georgina as Elsa and can't wait to see EM. I'm really glad they're only here for 9? episodes now. Cause gawd forbid A&E ruin them at the altar of St. Woegina too.
  20. Don't remind me of the Neal debacle. Kid Bae even resembled Pan. I feel like someone should've been fired for that and I don't mean just MRJ. Such a waste. Bae should've been an epic character and a real game changer. He should've slotted right in with Rumple and co. Instead he felt like a character on Tamara/Greg's level and it wasn't just because he was hanging out with them. Even his wardrobe sucked. He looked more like a janitor on a random show than on a fantasy show. How the hell does someone go from Bae to Neal? It doesn't compute at all. It's like going from filet mignon to cat food and claiming it's the same thing.
  21. I think the 300 years thing first came from Robert and the writers ran with it. Robert said something like he plays Rumple as if he's 300 years old because he's seen and done everything so that nothing fazes or touches him anymore. I think there's been some onscreen references thereafter from Rumple, Hook and/or Neal. Maybe even Pan? Not the exact exact number of 300years but they'll throw "hundreds of years" in there.
  22. I liked the dance. It was simple and charming. Apparently it was the most well received scene at the premiere and it's easy to guess why. It's cartoon Disney come alive which is all this show should strive for. Any loftier goals and their pea-sized imagination will probably shrivel up and die. And yet A&E seemed surprised by this lol. The dresss is horrible though. It's like an adult sized pageant dress for a 4 year old. The hook thing is weird now. He will never be jacket free will he? I supposed that's good for the winter.
  23. Here's another interview with no real new info. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/once-a-time-stars-frozen-734906 But this part cracks me up. JMo just straight up says what we've all been thinking. We wouldn't be getting all this Emma stuff if it wasn't for Elsa and Frozen. I don't buy A&E's stuff about friends. If it was really about friendships they wouldn't have thrown away Red/Snow, the best friendship on this show. They also wouldn't have given Anna as Charming's friend and Elsa's as Emma's since those 2 are gone soon.
  24. Show history canon (aka St. Victim Woegina fanfiction) has shown us what happens when anyone gets within 10 miles of that soul sucker. We already have the blueprint for this story, it's known as the Happiness Destroyer Sr. or simply Snow. The fact is no character has ever benefitted from being near Woegina. She is the black hole where every character goes to die, both literally and metaphorically. It's also a fact that A&E don't see the story as Emma being a good guy and wants to help Woegina. They see it and frame it as Emma fucked up and ruined Woegina's life, just like her momma did. I'm sorry to say but the good guy stuff sounds like fanwank to me. That's not show canon. It might look benign to start with but so did Snow/Woegina in S1. That was a balanced story and then it quickly descended straight into Woegina fanfiction hell. There's no way I believe they like the character Emma better than Snow either. The premiere tells me that what they really wanted to do was get Elsa as another prop for their Woegina fanfiction. They just couldn't do it with a real story but they're going to find all sorts of ways to squeeze that in there. Betting my house that the story Disney approved was the Emma/Elsa magic one, which they can't do with their saint.
  25. The previews sound a whole lot better than the premiere itself. Youtube will be my friend to watch Georgina in action I guess. I know they originally said she'll have 9 episodes but I hope they changed their minds and Frozen goes for the entire 11. Never thought I'd say this but I'm looking forward to that Charming/Anna spoiler more than anything. I had Will pegged as the bestie. While I'm ok with temporary buddy Elsa for Emma, I wanted Charming to have a regular friend so he can have something besides asskisser Snow. Does this make the timeline wonky again? Yeah yeah A&E doesn't care about timeline but Anna was just bumbling around the Enchanted Forest for a year or longer? Seriously? Why? Henry's not normal. He's the dweeb with the heart of the truest believer. If he barely blinks at getting poisoned and gaslit by the other mom, he should consider getting left behind a blessing in comparison.
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