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Everything posted by FlickerToAFlame

  1. Preliminary ratings are 0.8 (embarrassing), but I expected that with a random Sunday slot up against tough competition.
  2. I have to say, if you ignore all canon, logic and common sense, the episode was pretty entertaining. I can fan wank that they aren't really fake cheating since it's a fake agreed upon separation. Not that it makes the plot any less stupid. With what he probably had to work with, I think Bella did a great job. More Martha, please. She even makes Alexis tolerable.
  3. Tamala tweeted this picture. Is it real (she's posted photoshops before) and recent? https://www.instagram.com/p/BBhwwGdt08L/
  4. ‘Castle’ exclusive: Seamus Dever on Ryan’s future, fun moments ahead, and potential season 9 http://cartermatt.com/194035/castle-exclusive-seamus-dever-on-ryans-future-fun-storylines-potential-season-9/
  5. FYI, I just realized that 8x11 goes up against The Grammys (weirdly airing on a Monday this year), so ratings should be even worse than normal.
  6. I have to admit, her "clowd nine" Instagram post made me think she's pregnant. But that doesn't mean it would be written into the show. Kerry Washington was pregnant almost a whole season of Scandal and they just did the sneaky camera work/hide the bump with a flower pot thing.
  7. Looks like Hawley does really need a season 9 now: @AlexiHawley Rest in peace pilot, you beautiful beast.
  8. Did anyone else watch the new Fox show Lucifer? It's Castle except, instead of a charming, bad boy writer worming his way into consulting with a sassy NYPD officer, it's a charming, bad boy actual devil worming his way into consulting with a sassy LAPD officer. And on this show, she has a daughter with an ex not him. But you totally know they're gonna bang if the show lasts long enough. The actor who played Sorenson even had a guest role in the pilot.
  9. I find it weird that Molly keeps retweeting these "spin-off" links, almost as if something has been promised or implied to her. Why else would she be happy about her job potentially being at risk with its bread and butter possibly not returning?
  10. New promo: The sparks will fly when #Castle returns on Feb. 8! https://www.facebook.com/Castle/videos/10153834927213638/?theater
  11. Anybody know what's airing Monday February 1 at 10? They could have needed the slot for a last minute special but not wanted to keep Castle on a week later into May.
  12. Hope Locksat isn't on Twitter ;) @WriteRCastle One of my New Year’s resolutions was to tweet more, but I just got the love of my life back and have been a little busy. #Sorrynotsorry
  13. There's actually some good stuff in this TVLine winter preview: http://tvline.com/gallery/tv-spoilers-2016-season-premieres-photos/#!5/undefined/ As Kate and Rick pretend to stay broken up (for LokSat's sake) while secretly together, "There's a lot of 'lost time to make up for,' so to speak, in the bedroom. So there is some friskiness," teases co-showrunner Alexi Hawley. When not canoodling, they'll tackle a case in the word of competitive a cappella (cue Susan Sullivan and Jon Huertas showing off their pipes!), enter the courtroom (a first for the series), visit the police academy where Kate trained and get some Red Heat action, butting heads with a diplomatic security agent from Russia. Also: When Rick, Alexis and Hayley chase a case to L.A., Gerald McRaney and Summer Glau guest-star, as you know. But what you may not know is that in that episode, the mystery of Rick's missing time will be solved Once. And. For. All. Says showrunner Terence Paul Winter: "Here's a promise: We are going to conclude that. It will be done."
  14. I don't think the network or showrunners care about the show rewatch numbers once it's off the air. With streaming, are DVD sales even worth it anymore (I honestly don't know)? And Castle is one of the few successful shows out there absent from Netflix. Even in syndication, people still watch shows with bad endings like HIMYM and Seinfeld. People still watch Lost on Netflix (it even made the media cycle this week that Netflix had uploaded the wrong, shortened version of the finale). I don't think the casual viewer cares that much. Or even knows the ending if they weren't a regular watcher.
  15. Castle also seems to be the only show willing to give Adam Baldwin a job, so maybe they'll do the Fillion/Baldwin thing.
  16. I'd personally prefer they kill Beckett off instead of a divorce. They could do a couple years time jump to when Castle is ready to move on. Obviously not ideal, but better than another (this time permanent) breakup. Separately, I wonder if either actor would consider infrequent guest appearances versus signing on for a full lead role.
  17. Toks was probably hired as someone to lead a spinoff (or at least test out as a possible new lead if both current leads leave). They could hire a male love interest for her and keep all the supporting cast. Though I get the feeling the network doesn't give two shits about Tamala, Seamus or Jon. They seem to like Susan and Molly though.
  18. I just hope that a "Castle PI" show wouldn't kill off Beckett (or result in a divorce). They could just not have her scenes but reference her as captain off doing her own thing. I don't have high hopes though, because that removes all romantic storylines and I'm sure they'll want to show Nathan with some hot woman. I'm guessing Nathan will do the show as long as he's getting the massive paycheck and ass licking and that Stana was done a year ago, only agreeing to half ass a season 8 (and I like her very much). The *only* way I see a Castle spinoff without Stana working is if they got an already famous/likeable woman lead. But how do you do that without killing/divorcing? Maybe Castle has an unknown, hot as hell sister with her own sex life? Ugh, how stupid.
  19. The actor who plays Vikram is also on the second season of You're the Worst on FXX, and fittingly he's the worst in his small role as well.
  20. Nathan and Stana won their People's Choice Awards categories. Person of Interest beat Castle in the show category. I think that breaks a long winning streak for Castle. No sign of NF or SK at the show but Tamala was there for some reason.
  21. Well then TV Line didn't get any of that money ;) http://tvline.com/2015/12/22/tv-shows-2015-best-worst-moments-game-of-thrones/
  22. Yeah, the script makes it seem like they both jumped each other to kiss the first time, but in the final version Castle surprises her and cuts a line. Would love to know the process.
  23. There's nothing new in that TV Line "scoop." It's all made up by TV Line to create hysteria besides the actual quote, which is what they've already reported. Caskett is back together but pretending they aren't. I thought that was obvious?
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