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  1. I started reading a nursing forum during the start of the pandemic and never stopped because I learn so much there. Yesterday I learned there is a phenomenon called a uterine window, which happens when a scar from a previous c-section is stretched so thin you can actually see the baby through it. From my understanding this is a dangerous condition that can precipitate a uterine rupture, which is a medical emergency.
  2. Anyone have any good ramen recipes?
  3. Lately I’ve just been making stir fries. Last week I bought a plastic bin of cut up steaming vegetables (produce aisle), a pound of raw shrimp in a package, and a stir fry packet. Froze the unused vegetables. So this week I bought a package of cut up stir fry beef from the meat section. Took out some of the frozen veg and put it in the fridge to defrost. I’ll chop up the veg into smaller pieces. When I was buying the meat I noticed they had sliced stir fry pork too, so maybe have that next week. So easy. Made chocolate chip cookies yesterday and then put them in the freezer. I have 2 potlucks later this week so I will take some for each. This morning, scrambled eggs with a defrosted croissant and cocoa. I’ll stick the croissant in the oven for a few minutes to crisp up the outside.
  4. They were huge when I was in college. Got reacquainted with them early on in the pandemic because of this video: Was really nice to see they’ve mended fences and I enjoyed hearing “Change” again, always liked that song.
  5. I agree. She never got much height on her jumps.
  6. Poor little Dominique. I remember watching a video of her falling on her head during a beam routine in competition. Apparently she wasn’t even checked for injury after this fall before going on to the next event. It’s absolutely disgusting, these so-called adults preying on children. When a society can’t protect its most vulnerable, well, I just don’t know. It’s heartbreaking. I feel so bad for all of them, Valieva and her teammates included.
  7. Apologies if this has been explained already, but if Valieva has had negative results recently, then how is she able to do the jumps now without the PED? (Not excusing her or the Russians, just want to understand the mechanics of it)
  8. Agree on Melancholia, a movie which probably very few people saw due to being foreign and a Lars von Trier movie to boot. Fantastic movie though and she was great in it. Just not really one to see if you’re in the mood for light fare.
  9. Friend of mine was looking for a movie on Netflix called “The Big Yellow Dog”. I said, um... sure you don’t mean “The Power of the Dog”? He so (inadvertently) funny sometimes. I watched it, thought it was quite grim through most of it. But now that I’ve seen the ending I think I need to watch it again. Probably won’t though.
  10. I’m a bit confused about the drug testing procedures. The test was done in December before Russian Nationals, right? Skaters can still compete if they haven’t gotten test results back yet? Seems like that should’ve been prevented.
  11. Fast-forwarded through season 4. That one has only one possible outcome, and still, it seems like the producers gave them "hypothetical couples" in episode 9.
  12. I just binge watched season 3 on Netflix. Pretty stupid show and sorry, but I *hate* when these young girls throw themselves at the guys. It makes me sad. They all end up "heartbroken". I was curious to see if there was an actual solution, given all the information that you know by episode 10. So I opened up Excel and went back through every episode, marking up what I knew for sure by the end (before the lighting ceremony). Then I cross-matched the lighting ceremony matches for each episode and ultimately came up with 4 viable solutions. In episode 10, Devin "discovers" that there are 2 potential scenarios. One of them is one of my 4 viable solutions. I then set to work looking at the other potential solution, and quickly found a contradiction. Ultimately, the coin was the genius of this show, and clearly they were handed a couple of potential solutions by the producers. I have no clue what Devin was doing with the cup thing. Probably gonna watch season 4 of this dumb show to see what my spreadsheets tell me this time! Maybe I'll fast-forward through all the "but I loooooove him sooooo much..." gunk.
  13. I just started watching this show, flipped to it because I can only watch so many Olympic track racing events. I guess I don’t really understand the coupling up thing at the end. In a real world situation wouldn’t it be more like every guy saying “the girl I want to couple up with is <prettiest girl, preferably blond>“? Or is this more like PE in school where you can only choose from the ones left standing? Or is it all predetermined so they don’t all pick the same one?
  14. I read about a study where they were looking at how long people stayed in a job with a toxic boss. The results were very interesting. They found people stayed about 2 years longer in a job with a toxic boss vs. non-toxic. The hypothesis was that people felt more beaten down in those jobs so found it harder to get the motivation to leave. One has to wonder though if that isn't a deliberate strategy in some places.
  15. Sorry you’re going through the same.
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