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Everything posted by shelley1234

  1. At least now Carrie and Saul know that Dar is the enemy they are fighting. I always like Carrie and Saul working together. Saul should have had possession of all the evidence that he got from Javadi. I know he didn't anticipate being screwed over by him, but what a huge oversight to not have what he has in his possession. As for Carrie still being upset about her daughter being put in CPS custody. She'd be a monster if she wasn't. If someone called me an unfit mother and took my child, I wouldn't get over that lickety split either. The fact that she was able to compartmentalize for quickly and then move on to help Saul says a lot about her previous training. Quinn just breaks me. He knows what he saw, but he can't believe his own eyes. For someone who used to be so good at things like this, it's maddening. And it broke me as he couldn't get the words to tell Astrid that he emptied the clip in the gun. Ahh. I broke for him. I don't think Dar initially planned on having him killed until he figured out that Quinn knew who planted the bomb and knew it wasn't Sekou. If Quinn could connect those dots....then Dar has to eliminate him. I don't think that was his initial intention until he came up and visited with Quinn by the lake. If Quinn isn't the one to take the shot at Dar in the end.....
  2. I think that Dar wants us to go to war. It is in his best interests and allows him and the US govt to continue to push their agenda. There could be countless reasons for that. I think that keeping people afraid of the danger out there and it making its way to our soil (manufacturing Sekou and the bomb does that instantly) has been a tactic of our government for going on a decade now. It's easy to control people when they are afraid of the big bad out there instead of the big bad that might be sitting up there governing and leading them. The tin foil segment who believes that 9/11 is an inside job....this season might be shining a light on how something like that might just actually be possible. I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists mind you, but they are out there.
  3. I doubt Dar is the villain alone and that he isn't working with someone else's interests at heart as well. However, having lived through 9/11 and the war in Iraq afterwards all placed on the fears of the American people and weapons of mass destruction that were later shown to not be in existence, I don't think the idea of going to war for false pretenses is something that is all that unrealistic.
  4. That is exactly what has to happen. When a report comes in about abuse or neglect of a child, the worker has to interview the child first before the parent is told or interviewed. Standard protocol. It often happens at school. The school worker (was that the director?) who called Carrie is the one who broke protocol. Yep. He was also the guy who killed the FBI agent and chased Carrie into the street. He seems to be Dar's black ops guy. Carrie should absolutely have supervised visits, however they often wait a good 72 hours to allow the child to adjust to the new environment first. That is set up with the worker though and not something the judge will mention in court. This episode showed that they often do know how stuff works. Do I think that Carrie's behavior meets the criteria for removal? Probably not, but the case can be made. She allowed Quinn in her home who is a known risk and then allowed him to supervise her child alone. He reacted violently. She then spent the whole interview with the worker defending Quinn instead of listening to why it was dangerous for her child. She then came home when she knew her and her child could be in danger and just stayed there. I was shocked during the episode that she didn't go to Max's or a hotel. She knew the guy who just shot someone could be holed up across the street. So instead of going to some place safer, she just sits with a gun next to her child. That's not dangerous or traumatizing at all. As for Dar and Quinn. Interesting how even though Quinn still searches for words and struggles to communicate, he sees (at least to me) what is going on. He tried to get away because he knows there is still work to be done. When Dar comes he doesn't sit sheepily, but reminds Dar that he still knows and remembers their past. He also is verbal enough to tell Dar to go fuck himself. I can't wait to see what Quinn does next. Dar is the big bad and I have a feeling Quinn is gonna be the one to take him down.
  5. That seemed like the most realistic thing ever. When someone who is Muslim and any way anti-USA is involved in any kind of incident....that happens and it happens quick. No one bothers to look at the grand scope of anything, especially if it takes away from the narrative of the big, bad, dangerous radical Islam. Anything that doesn't make sense is immediately discounted. Radical Islam. Period.
  6. Yeah, if only Jenelle and David weren't passive aggressive liars. David didn't say Jenelle is still upset about earlier so she's staying in the car til everyone cools off. She doesn't want to talk or film with you right now. Call her later about the popcorn, I'll tell her about it. David the douche said, Jenelle is in the car writing really important emails. LOL. So, Barb sees Jenelle done with her important emails and heads over to have the popcorn talk. Maybe Barb should have read the situation, but I'm not gonna bash her for forcing a confrontation when no one told her Jenelle was angry and refusing to have anything to do with her. That's on the passive aggressive duo in my book.
  7. I'll just agree to disagree since I think the conversation had a lot to do with the popcorn and wanting Jenelle to actually do something that could help her son. Of course Jenelle didn't. I am sure she'll spin that in some way as Barb's fault when given the chance.
  8. Let's not forget when Barb called Jenelle and asked him to take Jace on a Scout weekend or something or other. Barb couldn't bring him because she was doing something with her other daughter. Jenelle sat on the stairs and cried and whined about how Barb was doing this for her sister and why didn't she ever show her love growing up and now. Kaiser sat there on the step and tried to comfort her. Jenelle's jealousy of any attention that Barb gives to someone else is staggering whether it be a sibling or Jace. Does that stem from her not getting the attention and being raised in a dysfunctional household? Probably. It is what it is. Jenelle will always see whatever Barb does as an attack.....no matter what she does. She can't win for losing.
  9. Kicking someone out who is abusing drugs and engaging in reckless behavior is also often called not enabling. So, I'm not going to get in there and tell Barb that she did something wrong about that....or that her kicking her out could be responsible if Jenelle got involved in sex trafficking. Barb should have kicked Jenelle out a long time ago in my world....and should have kept it that way.
  10. Given how Jenelle is....I'm not sure it could wait. She sent her a message about it and got no response. She wanted to make sure Jenelle knew that she could actually do something on the suck that is social media that could help her son. It was important to Jace and it was important to Barb. Jenelle could be an actual grown up and parent and listen. But she can't because she's Jenelle and she's neither of those things. I didn't see it that way at all. If Barb had to wait until Jenelle is not gonna blow up....well, she'd never have a conversation. That drama llama event was all on Jenelle in my book.
  11. I'm fine with Barb wanting to make sure Jenelle knows about the fundraiser. She said to David that Jace is selling things and people can order online....aka...she wants Jenelle to use her stupid social media presence for her son for once and post the link on there. She said that Jace could do really well and win prizes if he sold a bunch.
  12. As long as CT is still around, I will watch this show like clockwork. He's the best. I agree with the others....him whistling while walking by Zach was my everything. God Jenna. Learn. Stop letting douchey men cheat on you, treat you like crap and then when they are nice to you for a hot second or even look your way...forgive them and start this douchey process all over again. Zach is the same man he was when he belittled you and cheated on you. I think Team Losers was stupid. Kaliah can annoy you, but she's a strong woman and would help you down the line. Team WINNERS almost beat you last time when they were two people down. Sylvia is nicer and sure, doesn't get drunk and piss the bed, but she isn't gonna help you one lick in a gnarly challenge. Tony being gone is no loss. I think Shane is just as capable as he is....and Shane is at least smart enough to think through the challenge before attempting it. I agree with the above poster that I am sad we aren't gonna see some of Team WINNER vs. Team LOSER. I'd love to see some of the winners just house those youngins with egos that go on for days. Maybe when it gets down to the end it'll be individual, so we might get to see that. I hope. I loathe Cory. And anyone who hooks up with him, have you not seen him on tv before? He's a manwhore. You mean nothing to him. Don't look like a fool and think you are anything to Cory other than a warm body. His little pool was obnoxious. However he's hot, so he's right..so he can probably hook up with anyone he wants to. Gross.
  13. Jenelle pays no formal child support unless the reporting in 2013 has been changed in the courts since then. Barb is paid to be on the show which is the money Jenelle was talking about. She was saying Barb wants Jace not because she loves him or thinks it is best, but because he is her key to the show and the Teen Mom cha-ching check. That's the kind of sick fuck that Jenelle is. She thinks Barb only wants Jace for money.
  14. I saw it posted on here a while back that she doesn't pay and that Barb agreed to it. I'm not gonna look it up, but I doubt if she pays and I still don't think she does...is her main motivation. It's to win and to prove to her haters that she's a good Mom and she can take care of Jace.
  15. I was under the impression that Jenelle didn't pay child support for Jace.
  16. It isn't black and white that if you are on a show that you can't have a say in what is shown or taped or talked about. It's all about the negotiations and what's in the contract. They don't have to allow access to any and everything. My issue when people like Kail or Jenelle make claims that the won't film this topic or that topic...is that neither have the emotional maturity to follow through. And let's be real, MTV knows it. Once either one of them gets triggered or pissed off...all hell breaks loose and they will give MTV exactly what they want. So MTV will say okay to either or both of them and just wait. Chelsea on the other hand says she won't talk or film certain things and gosh darn it, she follows through.
  17. She said she didn't have a conversation with him about it.....like she did with Jo. That doesn't mean he didn't know and didn't tell the interwebs about it. I'm sure the last live episode is On Demand if people missed it and/or wanna watch it again.
  18. It was on the TM Live show. Kail said Jenelle announced it with a congrats tweet. Jenelle tweeted during the show that Javi did and gave her screen shots. Kail then tweeted that she didn't know that and apologized for blaming Jenelle for sharing her business. So...yep...that's how that played out live on tv.
  19. Never how I saw it. Never once have I seen Jo scared of Kail. I think he understands her. I think right now he enjoys their co-parenting and the positive relationship they have. I also think he'll always like Kail and likes being her friend. I imagine Vee doesn't like that much. While I don't think she has anything to worry about, I can get it.
  20. Wow....Javi's a psycho. He openly admits in his version of events that he snuck in and once inside went through tons of her belongings. I'd say Jo has a right to be concerned. If he did this now that they are divorced, he'd end up with charges. And Javi was the one who announced her pregnancy. Petty bastard. No worries...Kail then outed the name of one of the girls he slept with while he was deployed. Both are petty as shit. LOL.
  21. Nathan would be too busy using his abuser skills chocking her, so let's pass on that.
  22. No. That was just a fantasy in my own mind. Nessa hosted it. I just wanted to have someone come out and arm wrestle Nathan who would destroy him. None of the other Teen Dads....especially Gary....has much of a shot at that.
  23. I wanted to say I can't believe that Adam didn't even call Aubs on her birthday, but I totally can. Thank goodness she has Chelsea and Cole. Kali and Javi deciding to be friends...while being passive aggressive assholes to each other while doing it. LOL. I will give Javi credit that in this one small instance, he's not stupid. He knows that she has something going on with someone else. And Kail talks about how Javi doesn't have the right to ask about her friends or relationships....so don't grill Javi. Goose Gander. I think Jeremy is pretty assholey....however Addie does love her daddy. It's clear that Leah and Corey don't understand why Grace is being tested. They aren't looking to see if she has MD, but if she is a carrier for it and could pass it on to her children. Jenelle is a piece of work. She calls last minute wanting to take Jace out of school early to go to NYC for the weekend and is shocked she gets a no. Boo. Jenelle should be concerned about Nathan being arrested and the extent of those charges just like Nathan should be concerned about Jenelle and Dave's charges. That poor kid. The Teen Dad special....was all kinds of weird. And of course, Nathan has to take his shirt off. I was hoping they were gonna have Nathan arm wrestle Javi since both workout 24/7. Or....because I'm slightly obsessed with CT, I wanted an MTV crossover and have him come out there and just watch Nathan literally shit himself and then be destroyed by CT.
  24. While Quinn has a TBI, he also has PTSD from what he went through. It isn't one or the other. It rarely is for people with TBI.
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