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Everything posted by JAYJAY1979

  1. I always wonder if Kimberly, Jo, Tammy Knickerbocker, or Quinn would have fit in with the new style of the Real Housewives show that started in season 4. I know Lauri left as it started to morph into that, and we all know how she fit in when she returned for several appearences last season. I also wonder if any housewife that came in after season 4 would have fit in with the original format of the show? I imagine Shannon, Lydia, and Lizzie to a certain extent might have had enough material in their day to day life, but who is tos ay.
  2. I still laugh at how Lydia got into Heather's skin in at last season's reunion.. and I remember both Alexis and Gretchen sitting there smirking because you know both of them felt the same way as Lydia did, but were unable to properly verbalize it to Heather. I bet Heather was happy Lydia opted to not be a cast member, but didn't realize that both VIcki and Tamra would have issues with her while new girl Shannon would take to them thus freezing Heather out. Sometimes when an enemy vanishes, so do the bonds that tie people together. I saw a brief preview for next week with Lizzie basically letting Heather know in front of everyone that Tamra was talking smack about her while in the TH, Tamra basically is telling Lizzie to shut the ++++ up.
  3. After binge watching season 3 on Netflix, I now understand why Olivia can't seem to shake loose from her addiction to Fritz. Looking at her parents, especially how her father basically controls her... it makes perfect sense that she would be drawn to Fritz. Yes, Fritz is indecisive but I think he partly does this on purpose to keep a hold over Olivia. What I find ironic is that Mellie was a small part of season 1, and yet by the end of season 3, she's my favorite character. Didn't that happen with Addison on Grey's?
  4. I think Quinn's problem was that like Joyce from BH, she was too sweet and not catty enough. The only housewife she seemed to mess well with was Jeana and to a lesser extent Vicki. She was quirky especially when donning the Roxy wig. I also loved how jealous Tamra got that she had a younger boyfriend and looked years younger then her age at the time. The only season that I think Tamra was likable was her first season. She seems more likable and normal when in individual scenes then with the other housewives.
  5. WOW, some cringe worthy moments mixed with some fun moments... something Beverly Hills should have thought of doing during their previous season.
  6. A poster from TWOP here, I think last night's episode was a little boring, but it felt like old school OC with the individual scenes that all five housewives had. I do agree with an above poster that filming the new season during the holiday season was a smart move since people naturally have get togethers during the holiday season. I'm kind of surprised Tamra hated the episode since she actually didn't come across so mean-spirited and bitter. Tamra in individual scenes seems somewhat likable as opposed to when she's in scenes with the other women. I did like Shannon/Danielle/Lizzie's brief scene and kind of surprised that the scene was included since there was very little drama in it other then a brief mention of the Shannon/Heather issues. At least Shannon admits that she feels she is partly to blame when she mentioned how she always seems to stick her foot in her mouth around Heather and she was on point when she said that she doesn't think Heather is the type of person to admit she is ever wrong. Shannon and Heather's sit down was interesting without the shouting that happens most of the time. Shannon seems to be a mix of Heather/Vicki, yet she does fit in on the show better then Lizzie and Danielle do. I think part of the issue between Shannon and Heather is that they are both a like, but I do think Heather comes across very concsending (sp?) whenever she speaks. Tamra and Vicki seem to give in because they know she would slaughter them, but Shannon seems the type that could hold her own against her if needbe. The only person to put Heather in her place thus far was Lydia, and man I wish she would come for a visit just to jab at Heather.
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