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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. What is with Whit's bloodshot eyes in the chair interviews?
  2. I feel like there should be a flashing chyron reminder that she is attempting to walk less than 5 miles extremely slowly.
  3. Walking a couple of miles is not "healthy behavior"?
  4. Whit's feet already hurt walking from her car to the starting line, is she capable of not whining about anything? And Glen seems way more committed to Whit's "brand" than she is, can she not wear her own damn shirt on the "race" on her own show?
  5. Whit's shirt would be a lot funnier if she wasn't so obviously lazy and irresponsible.
  6. What is all this alleged closure that Heather is somehow entitled to? Do none of these people understand how a breakup works?
  7. Oh my god shut the fuck up Heather, the obese alcoholic drug addict dumped you, move on with your life! What closure does she want? He dumped you, the relationship is closed, that's all you get.
  8. Whitney is making fun of her mother being "slow", her mother who just had a stroke? Whit you are just the worst.
  9. Glen can't imagine how terrible having a panic attack is? His wife just had a stroke, I think he can imagine the fear of a panic attack.
  10. I have wondered the same thing, Glenn and Babs seem very financially secure and the way Glenn seems genuinely a prudent person I imagine they have quite a nest egg and that he is working because he enjoys working, not because they need the money. I mean Babs drives a new Jaguar, so they obviously don't mind spending money on some extravagances and Hawaii is not some hideously expensive place to travel to, it's a place that normal middle class people go to all the time.
  11. As a gay man I have to say some of the stereotypes are true, I've slept with several of my friends/acquaintances. Actually I'm with my partner because we were best friends and got drunk one night and slept together as a "FWB" thing that didn't really work out lol. Not to say all gay men are that way but there is a fair amount of "Well, were here, were horny, eh, why not." and it's just not a thing later. I would not be surprised at all if Tal and Todd have hooked up in the past or on this trip and it's just NBD.
  12. At least my understanding of how these shows work is TLC is the distributor of the program and as the customer they have a fair amount of say in the production but the actual day to day operations, budgeting, storyline etc are down to the production company(ies). So whoever produces MBFL goes to TLC for what they think is a reasonable budget for the season of the show, TLC says yea or nea and the production companies decides if they want to spend the money on a suite for Whit or location fees, etc. TLC might say we want Whit to take a trip, or we have a deal with this hotel in Hawaii, etc and the production company will come back with a budget to do it but TLC isn't running day to day operations and budgeting. So even though the customer of the show is the same and they might make similar requests of programs each show decision and budgeting very. Also contractual demands, a sister wife probably doesn't get to demand two seats because Whit got them, each "star" will make different deals and have different negotiating power to make them.
  13. Part of me almost wants to side with Whit, I'm fortunate enough to have parents with some money, not rolling in it mega millionaires but very comfortable and they do help me out from time to time in my 30s to, let's say afford a lifestyle that I would otherwise not be able to afford on my salary alone. For instance not to long ago I my car broke down and my dad gave me the down payment on a BMW when my budget is more Ford level. And it's not unique to me, all their kids get some help and I grew up with an affluent peer group and given that most of us have chosen careers and lifestyles that while fulfilling and more than pay the bills are not particularly financial lucrative and have gotten help with things like house payments, generous holiday gifts, family vacations and such. Basically my point is I sort of hate how Whit gets hated on for having generous parents, my dad easily had the money to give me the down payment on a nicer car and was happy to give it to me provided that I wasn't otherwise being financially imprudent like not being able to make the car payment and I get shit on sometimes for it. But come on Whit, you dad cares about you and is asking you to do like basically nothing in exchange for a free trip for yourself and all of your friends and all you have to do is try and walk 5 miles and you are acting like an entitled monster about it. Yes, your brother is walking the 8K and he's not complaining because it is a nothing request for someone that hasn't eaten themselves into immobility.
  14. Yeah, Whit's addiction problem is "running".
  15. No honey, Hunter is fat too but he can fit in chairs and walk and assorted other acts of not being close to bedridden due to obesity.
  16. Does Whit have any understanding how pathetic and lazy she sounds about her Dad requesting she try walking 5 miles for a free trip to Hawaii with all her friends?
  17. It took a team of people to push you out on a floatation device like 100 feet into the ocean and then be pushed back to shore with a small wave and you are a "surfer"? Welcome to the Whit world of accomplishments.
  18. Whitney need help getting out of the ocean is so pathetic.
  19. You put a tube in your mouth and breathe through it Whitney, you aren't deep sea diving.
  20. OMG Whit it is less than 2 miles and he said you don't have to finish it, calm down.
  21. Oh no, walking an extra less than 2 miles? However will she do it?!
  22. Who would they ever find a sober coach? If only there was a person in recovery that also works with substance abuse treatment for a living on the trip. I've only walked 3 miles once since you started "training"? God that is depressing. Look at you Whit, look at what you have become.
  23. Yes, slowly walking 3 miles is a very small price to pay. And you know exactly who gave it to you, TLC.
  24. Whit seems way more worried about Buddy going to Hawaii than dealing with his addiction.
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