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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. 1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    So does Mike come running out of the house to tell Nutalie that he’s had a change of heart and he can’t bear the thought of living without her? If she had a brain, she’d say she’s done. But we know she doesn’t and she won’t.

    “Nutalie” is sending me into hysterics LOL!

    I see a big dog crate in the back seat. Have we seen Rebecca’s dog?

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  2. 1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    No, I’m so conflicted about adopting a dog. 

    I found my little monster on Petfinder. It did feel a bit like Tinder for animals which was weird lol. I had an idea of the type of dog I wanted and he wasn’t it. Once I saw him in person, I fell in love. He’s disabled and I didn’t care one bit. Take your time. It might not be the right time for you right now.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Yeah, go to Tiffany's, Rebecca. Maybe your ring is over there. 

    Tiffany called Rebecca crying because she hurt her foot? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE??

    Maybe she stepped on a George Foreman grill because she likes the smell of bacon in the morning. Sounds legit.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Twopper said:

    Help, I am doing it again.  We just are finishing dinner so I can't watch the show yet.  I will just have to follow along with the chat to figure out what is happening. 

    Hope all my peeps are recovering from the great time switch-ero

    So I’m doing Noom and it teaches you that dusting off that bag of Oreos is an example of “storm eating.” Like you opened up those Oreos, blacked out and when you woke up, the whole bag was gone. I completely empathize because I’m the same way with chips and candy. It’s also kind of “script” eating. You sat down to watch our favorite trash show and now you want some comparable junk to accompany it. You also want something sweet to complete your palette. I’m sitting here with grapes. Another thing I do is brush my teeth. That totally ruins the taste of all the sweets I want.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

    And for anyone interested, New Intervention starts tomorrow and new Hoarders starts next week.  

    I stopped watching Hoarders cold turkey after the infamous sail cats episode. I’m still nauseated. But I am ready to “love ya like crazy” for Intervention. Is there a live thread? 

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  6. 1 hour ago, emma675 said:

    I still think it's ridiculous that two teenagers got married just to have sex, though. 

    Ditto. I watched an interview with a guy who escaped from the Moonie cult and he said he was actually looking forward to being randomly paired and married so that he could have sex. He fortunately escaped before that happened and actually went to college. But he said by then he was so incredibly awkward around women and so brainwashed that he still felt like having sex with someone outside of their group would taint the blood of the chosen people or whatever. Sounds nuts, but really isn’t all that much different than the Gothard believers.

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  7. I never understood how any of these kids could call themselves “best friends.” On 19K&C they’d often talk about the girls being best friends with some other random kid from another fundy family. Anybody I was best friends with as a kid, lived nearby or we went to the same school. The Bates live in Tennessee. How often were Joy and Carlin even in the same room? Once or twice a year? I doubt cheapskate Jim Bob was letting Joy call her. Were they emailing each other? Exchanging instant messages? I guess that would essentially make them pen pals. I had a school-assigned pen pal in middle school who lived in another country, but I wouldn’t think to call her my best friend.

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  8. 56 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

    If JillRod gets stimulus checks, she will use them for a dinner (or 2) for her and The Hunk at The Good Olive Garden, and then the rest will go to buying more Instagram followers... the hell with the damn kids. They don’t need food; they ate last month.

    I laughed because I can picture Peggy Bundy saying this. Jill could definitely pass for one of Peg’s cousins from Wanker County.

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