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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. On 1/24/2021 at 1:34 PM, Jenniferbug said:

    If anyone is interested in podcasts, The Dream is a really well done one whose first season is all about MLMs. The history, why they're not considered illegal pyramid schemes, the manipulation that goes into recruiting, etc but it does so without getting too judgmental about the people who get roped into them. Their 2nd season is about alternative health practices so somewhat tangentially related to Plexus even though I don't think that company is ever specifically addressed. Every time I see Jill's claims about making so much money with Plexus, I think of The Dream. 

    Thanks for the recommendation! There’s also a pretty good documentary on Amazon Prime Video called The Slave Circle that highlights the same themes of MLMs. They really prey on vulnerable people.

    ETA: Those poor dogs! The mother has a huge bald patch where she has probably licked or bitten her fur off. I wonder how many litters she’s probably been forced to birth. My dog had a dime sized hot spot in that same area and I went into hysterics. One huge vet bill later, I think it was probably just a mosquito bite, but it killed me to see him in any type of discomfort. I hope Roxie Rod has a a better life than her mother probably had.

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  2. Hey all. Would’ve been here sooner if it weren’t for my city currently being an occupied territory with fences and barbed wire all around and having to show ID to people with guns to prove I live here but ya know, don’t want to get scolded about the “pOLiTics pOlicY” so let’s do some stress eating and have a nervous shaky hand toast to our favorite group of losers! I need my Zied so mash right now. 

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

    In RE: the EMR thing. What I fail to understand is, why do these people do the lesser profession/training/degree?  Why not go all the way and become an EMT?  Or an RN?  It’s like they have no desire to do anything all the way.  It reminds me of someone lobbing a wet dishrag towards home plate.  

    It’s baffling to me as well. Orthodox and fundamentalist followers of other patriarchal groups are proponents of higher education and the pursuit of high-paying occupations, albeit for males. These people really believe that after a sub-standard homeschool education, a teenage boy is not only prepared to immediately support a wife and infinite amount of offspring, but that he’ll also be able to create and sustain a comfortable lifestyle with a very limited set of agrarian skills in the 21st century. Exhibit A: David Rod. Who really needs his printing services right now? We’re in a pandemic. At my job, all the posters and flyers that my department had planned to print to promote programs were scrapped months ago. Everyone’s teleworking. I barely even get mail these days. Why would I use Timmy Rod’s Bible-Thumping Handyman and Jesus Services when there are dozens of licensed and certified handymen all over the Nextdoor app? I don’t know if the schools in the Rods’ area are remote, but if so, it would be wise to enroll the children so they could get a halfway decent education at least for a little while. 

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