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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. On 2/13/2021 at 6:43 PM, Future Cat Lady said:

    I don't think Jill can ever admit she did something wrong. Even if she knows that it's forbidden/illegal/inappropriate, she'll find reasons/explanations to why it's okay to do it.  

    Bingo. Like when her sister was SEVERELY hospitalized, Jill defiantly marched her sister’s children into the hallway to scream, “We love you mama!” at the top of their lungs. She knew she was wrong, yet she claimed the nurse was “cold-hearted” for scolding them. 

  2. There’s a documentary on Amazon Prime titled, “I Survived ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye.’” It’s about Josh Harris who wrote “I Kissed Dating Goodbye.” The book was all about the dumb courting rules that the Duggars et. al have implemented in their home fooling (giving away pieces of your heart, etc.). Harris was only 21 years old when he wrote it and is now denouncing it. He’s no longer Christian, no longer married, and has apologized to women and the LGBT community for the things he wrote in his books. What I found interesting in the doc was how Harris said he was indoctrinated into his belief system by organized evangelical groups in the early to mid 90s who were targeting young people with messages of abstinence and marriage. I believe this messaging was to counter the messaging being sent to GenX to practice safe sex. These religious groups were practically selling sex because all they preached about was how fantastic sex is when you’re married.

    Harris admits he was just a kid himself when he wrote the book and didn’t know anything, yet thought he did. The book’s publication has been discontinued upon his request.

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