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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. 1 minute ago, Angry Moldovan said:

    Not mu, just e incel looking like a giant gape and literally pooping himself because Amira is going to be there 

    Oh no! You mean I missed Amazing Andrew, the Human Force Flex Trash bag? I was looking forward to seeing him flounce of the stage in his magician’s assistant sateen vest. 

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  2. Renee looks fresh faced and 10 years younger than she does when she’s got a full face of fundy paint on. The kids look happy to be getting away from their captors if even for a little while. I hope Phillip gets to eat.

    I know not everyone can afford new luggage, but that suitcase is straight out of the 70’s. It’s going to take the strength of all four of those frail kids to lift that thing. And the pillow is sitting directly on damp gravel. I’m guessing they’re going to sleep in the car. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

    Everyone is happy for the sibling who is having the special week, even when we watch them eating a candy bar in front of us, because we know our week is soon coming up and it is exciting to think about what we will get."

    OMG. No child wrote this, Jill! I’m sure even a 9-year old Mother Teresa or Mother Hale would be pained to watch another child eat a candy bar in front of them while they got nothing. 

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  4. On 4/5/2021 at 3:36 PM, crazy8s said:

    good again for Jill on responsible pet ownership

    from Recovering Grace - Gothard's views on pet ownership

    "Bill Gothard allowed families to have one small pet dog, but not to give it too much love as it might become an idol."

    What a sick, weak, pathetic bum. I suppose he’s slightly better than Warren Jeffs who ordered all the dogs on the compound to be killed. 

  5. That’s nice that Jill can give her children what she didn’t have. It seems she’s able to relive some of her childhood through her sons. As a summer baby, I was always jealous of the kids who got cupcakes and birthday wishes at school. Jill and James’ birthdays were the two that I most remember. JB & Michelle took Jill to a restaurant and gave her a necklace and a bag of candy. James...well, who could ever forget the worst 19K&C birthday ever? Spent at the NICU with Mother of the Year and Precious Miracle and forced to pick his own gift out from the hospital gift shop.

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  6. 20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Most of the replies on that post, oh my.  🤦‍♀️

    Getting the vaccine will alter your DNA from female to male?! I’ve heard some crazy ones, but that certainly takes the cake.

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  7. I do think if Jill were not bound by the misogynistic restraints of her stupid cult, she would be making a living as a preacher. Her social media rants and ghost authored sermons and posts written for her male children lead me to believe that if given the opportunity, she would love to be a younger Paula White. Not to mention her vanity, fame whorish-ness, and love of grifting. She’d probably be pretty successful at it if given the chance.

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