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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. 2 minutes ago, LEILANI2 said:

    No one uses the term 'hooker' except in 80s cop shows. She would call her a whore or slut or escort. She's a borderline personality who just makes things up for a story line.

    Trish kinda does look like she stepped straight out of Cagney & Lacey central casting though.

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  2. 1 minute ago, mmecorday said:

    UGH! Why can't the producers come up with something for these people to do instead of rehash the same conversations over and over again? Maybe open a pizza and knish stand? Sell bacon, lettuce and potato sandwiches on a street corner?

    You have to say it fast, Rose. Baconlettucepotato.

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  3. I mentioned this in the Morning Joe thread, but it’s really meant for several MSNBC programs. I hate the constant sounds of the anchors marking up papers, shuffling papers, zipping bags, etc. It’s so distracting and I don’t know if it’s my ears that are sensitive or if it’s the MSNBC microphones. It’s particularly noticeable on Morning Joe, Nicole Wallace, Alex Witt, and Rachel Maddow. 

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  4. I don’t know if it’s my ears or if the MSNBC microphones are too sensitive, but I cannot bear to hear all the sharpie scratches, paper shuffling, throat clearing and other assorted noises during this show and others. One day last week, while they were interviewing an interesting guest, someone was incessantly opening and closing something with a zipper. It’s not just this show. Nicole Wallace, Alex Witt and Rachel Maddow are some of the biggest offenders. It makes me wonder if they’re even paying attention to their guests.

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  5. 3 hours ago, ginger90 said:


    They make him dress up like Jim Jones just to cut the lawn. Those lawn edgers can be really heavy too. I’m a grown woman but probably about the same height and weight as Gabriel and I had to get rid of my similar edger for a slightly less heavy one. I’m all for the kids doing chores, but I can’t imagine how hard it is to carry around heavy equipment with such a small malnourished frame.

    ETA: My mistake. I think that’s Phillip dressed up like Jim Jones. My point stands though.

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  6. On 5/20/2021 at 6:47 PM, Churchhoney said:

    Well, the Duggar name is sure getting dropped here, there and everywhere thanks to this horror. And some attention does seem to be going to issues with their type of belief. Just saw a piece on Salon quoting several women from sister-mom backgrounds. ... Excerpt including some thoughts about and one alleged sighting of Duggars. The stuff upfront here about sister-mom guilt reminds me of the fundie faith crises and kid guilt we've heard a lot about in the past year or so --  

    'She continued: "I'm tired of getting mad at my brothers and sisters, I wish I were perfect. I absolutely abhor the thought that every idle word will be judged . . . lately I have been doing some self-analyzing, or examining—I'm trash . . . I'm sick of disappointing God." 

    'That concept of disappointing God runs heavily through Quiverfull families. In many cases, there aren't enough hours in a day or resources, emotional and financial, to go around and it's burdensome; but as Vyckie Garrison, a former Quiverfull wife told Salon in an interview last week, many mothers approach it as a spiritual challenge or a backyard mission field. 

    '"The [fellow Quiverfull] women would tell me, 'Missionaries risk their lives every day and they do it because it's their calling,'" she said. "'When they get to heaven, they'll get their martyr's crown.' There's a huge martyr's mentality."  

    'Over the last decade, the concept of parentification has gained enough mainstream traction that former viewers of the now-cancelled TLC show "19 Kids and Counting" have started to question whether the network's framing of the family as an oversized "Waltons" was shielding something more sinister, especially as the family's eldest son, Josh, has fallen into scandal after scandal, and has now been arrested for the possession of child pornography. 

    'Throughout the years, there have been numerous web forums and subreddits dedicated to going back and watching old footage of the show while advocating for the "freedom" of some of the Duggar family's daughters. Former Quiverfull daughters are now speaking out as well while the family is under increased scrutiny. 

    '"One time, my family attended a talk by the Duggar parents and my baby brother was crying, so I had to take him out to the hall where all the other older daughters were handling their parents' babies, including Jessa and we all shared this exhausted look that I remember to this day," one Twitter user wrote. 

    She continued: "Looking back now, it's so f**king funny that you had all these families who worshipped the Duggars and their way of life and all these daughters were in the hall with their parents' babies just like… f**k this, I'm tired." 

    Ruth felt this acutely while growing up. Most nights, she would only get five hours of sleep — between staying up late to finish chores, waking throughout the night to feed or comfort one of the babies, and getting up early — and was always exhausted. 

    "Since I was so tired, I would lash out at my parents and siblings and then I would get reprimanded," she said. "While I was being punished, I would angrily pray to God, 'Why are you doing this to me? I'm just trying to serve you.'" 

    'Ruth ended up running away when she was 17 after watching "Now, Voyager," a 1942 film starring Bette Davis. Her parents were strict about what she and her siblings watched, but most "black and white classics" were deemed acceptable. 

    'The film takes its name from the Walt Whitman poem "The Untold Want," which says, "The untold want, by life and land ne'er granted, Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find."

    "In it, Bette Davis' character lives with a controlling mother who always puts her down and then she has this mental break," Ruth said. "She ends up moving away, getting healthy, becoming fashionable and then she comes back. I thought that I could do that, too. All I really wanted was a break." 

    Her break was a little less glamorous than Davis'. She got a job at a local convenience store and split rent with an elderly coworker. At night, she studied for her GED and on weekends, she'd eat cereal in her pajamas and watch television — trashy reality shows and Animal Planet, mostly. 

    'It was the first time in Ruth's life that she didn't have a schedule; it was also the first time that she really watched the Duggars on television. "I watched this sanitized version of what Quiverfull life was like and I was hurt, I was disgusted," she said. "I can't even look at them to this day without getting angry." 

    'Ruth said she hopes that the Duggars' crumbling facade in the face of Josh's scandals will make the public question other aspects of the family life they modeled for years on TV. 

    '"I think back to how my mom said, 'God made you for this,' and I finally had to say, 'No, God made me for more,'" she said.'

    The article's actually longer than this. Kind of interesting stuff about women looking back on their Duggar-daughter-like experiences. 



    Wow, this was really interesting. Rachel Dolezal (white woman who believes she’s black) was also raised in a strict Christian fundamentalist home and took care of the three younger children her parents adopted. Her biological brother is also accused of molesting her younger sister and the children accused the parents of physical abuse. Dolezal is considerably older than the Duggar kids, but I do wonder if her parents ever crossed paths with JB & M at one of these conferences and if they follow the same parenting methods. The adopted children are now young adults. Now that I think back on it, “Oversized Waltons” is a very accurate description of how TLC marketed this family.

  7. On 6/7/2021 at 9:58 PM, madpsych78 said:

    I suspect that this aunt is Hilaria's very much younger sister, although with a handle that has "89" in it, my guess is that she's Derick's age and 32 if her birthday was today. 

    ETA: Hilaria was born in 1978.

    ETA2: I found a 19K&C page on Hilaria. She has one brother and two sisters. The sister with Claire is Jackie Atherton.


    What?! This whole time, I thought we were talking about some repressed housewife in her early 50s. This woman is a year younger than I am! Maybe she really is trying to relive her own childhood. She could’ve picked a cooler group of kids than this though. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    My daughter said people are measuring the decibels of the cicadas and they're deafening. She determined my one year old grandson will be a senior in high school next time they emerge. 

    Oh, here's a PSA for those of you in the area of Brood X, experts have determined that people with seafood allergies should NOT eat cicadas! 

    It sounds like a semi-distant car alarm that will not shut off. Then they fly blindly into you. Now they’ve got some type of fungus that causes their butts to fall off. So the ground is littered with living and dead cicadas, their shells, and their butts. This is my third go-round with these things and each time they’re more disgusting.

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