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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. 2 hours ago, magemaud said:

    cracked up at Mama Asuelu's parting shot as she was being pushed out the door, "We don't like you anymore!" 

    That was hilarious. It reminded me of that scene in Pineapple Express after James Franco shoots Craig Robinson in the chest and Craig shouts, “You shot me! I’m not your friend anymore!” 

    • LOL 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

    so they went there why? So Jilly could feel superior and preach to the kids about how wrong everything was about the place/people? Happy 18th there Philly.

    I put my money on they didn't pay the admission and went for the suggested donation of $10 per car for hiking around the site, and since it was a suggestion, they probably left a tract

    She’s both ignorant and arrogant, so I’m guessing she assumed the Shakers are just like her idols, the Amish and she wasn’t prepared for the hilarious truth.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    I'm remembering the couple of (?) meetings between Jinge and Jana over the past few years and their pretending that they were friendly. And didn't it come across as completely awkward and done entirely for cameras? 

    Now that I think about it, yes it definitely did. I recall a time when Michelle and JB were trying to market the girls as some type of fundie influencers. There were the hair tutorials and that terrible book. I seem to remember them sitting in a circle somewhere while other fundie girls sat around them asking questions about dating or something. That may have been a book promotion event. But the girls always seem like pod people attempting to mimic real human emotions and interactions. Even their most casual interactions seem performative. I know that’s because they’ve been forced to stifle their emotions and because they’ve grown up in front of cameras for most of their lives, so when they actually do show genuine emotion, it seems to be a guttural, anguished outpouring of suppressed grief. I’m thinking of Jinger during Jessa’s wedding, Jana recalling the jewelry box incident, and Jana seeing JD(?) for the first time after he completed Alert. There was another episode when Jinger dropped the little girls off at Jill’s house I think and it seemed like two strangers meeting.

    I think of all the girls, Jingle probably would be the most adept at making friends outside of the cult. She herself said that she was more outgoing than the “bestie” during Ben’s proposal episode. It’s nice that she was able to move to a big city like she dreamed of. It’s just a shame that she had to get married to Jermy to do it. I hope at least one of the little girls is currently plotting their escape.

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  4. On 7/23/2021 at 7:33 AM, ginger90 said:


    I do wonder how posts like these make the other older Duggar daughters feel. Of course sisters can be best friends and sisters can be close, but with multiple stair-step sisters, to single one out and publicly declare her as your “bestie” just seems...I don’t know...kind of mean? 

    • Love 11
  5. 1 minute ago, TazDevil said:

    Andrei could have ended this shit many episodes ago.  If they had just taken the Nice bridge (Rte 301) into Southern MD instead of doing the fake detour into DC, he could have plunged them all into Potomac River.  It would have been the highest rated episode ever!!

    301 scares the hell out of me! Like a terrifying old roller coaster. Took it at 5 am into Virginia one day and thought for sure I’d be found floating the next day😂.

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