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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. 16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Then there are those of us like me who were born at the very tail end of the boomer era but are considered too old for Gen X. It's rough being on the cusp!

    I totally agree. I’m a tail-end Gen-Xer. Took them years to even decide what we were. Someone wrote a piece about us “Carter Babies” about 10 years ago and decided to name us, what else of course, Generation Catalano lol.

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  2. 20 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    It was funny when the Mayor said "Both Millennials AND Boomer want walkable communities".  LOL.  Poor Gen X.

    Right. I get so annoyed by this. It’s like do people not realize there’s a whole group of people born in between you? I watched “My So Called Life” (which I find this show to be a poor man’s version of) while in my senior year of high school. Angela Chase, Ricky and Jordan Catalano are fellow Gen-Xers. 

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  3. 49 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    I believe the hall event was separate from the gender reveal/baby shower Jill threw for herself.

    If I remember correctly, Jill decided to gather all of Amy's children and bring them to the hospital to stand in the hall outside their mother's room and yell how much they love her. The nurse stopped them because the noise was disruptive. 

    Jill could have brought one or two of the children over at a time to visit quietly, but no. It had to be a public performance with Jill at the center. 

    The nurse confronted Jill’s mother and told her that type of display was to never happen again. Jill was too cowardly to stick around and be confronted.

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  4. I did SmileDirect to fix one tooth that bothered me. It was $100 a month or $1k upfront if I remember correctly. Braces weren’t covered under my insurance. One thing about invisible aligners is that you have to wear them for something like 22 hours a day. You only pop them out to eat so...make your own conclusions on the next 10-12 months of Sammer’s “fasting” schedule. 

  5. I’m so glad I stumbled upon the reunion. I’ve only watched the first episode. I listen to Heather’s radio show a couple times a week. My mom finally got cable while the original RW season 1 was airing and I watched it religiously. I was a really young teen, I think I was a high school freshman. I remember thinking these people were so cool and I couldn’t wait to grow up and live in a loft with a bunch of other creatives. I identified most with Heather B. Since I didn’t start watching until the season had already started, I had a big crush on Norman until the episode aired where he kissed his boyfriend LOL! So began my history of choosing the wrong men. 

    • LOL 6
  6. Protect your mom? The same mom who trolls the Internet for super young North African men? The same mom who just yelled at Mother Mike for meddling in her kid’s marriage? That mom? There’s no protecting her and the solution is certainly not to be nasty to her latest new paramour.

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  7. They’re being annoying to Julia. She never said having a dog was the same as a baby. She was obviously trying to say she has a dog now and it’s a lot of work. If only they would let her finish a sentence without interrupting with the condescending “Oh, Julia!” nonsense like she’s Gidget or something.

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