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  1. I think it's safe to say there are no tampons in there!
  2. It's also possible that none of this happened at all: no near-death experience, and maybe not even miscarriage(s). I mean, if Jill went a long period of time without conceiving, she couldn't admit that to the world. Much better story to have multiple miscarriages to explain the age gap. Not to mention the drah-ma of multiple miscarriages.
  3. "Slit has been filled" She has GOT to be trolling us!
  4. "I had no idea" Sure Jan
  5. But I could also see her getting pregnant immediately; if she's planning on ever having kids, she'll have to start soon. I do believe that 35 is considered a geriatric pregnancy. And, if she can get 500 wedding guests to keep a secret, then I wouldn't be shocked if we find out after the fact that she's had a baby. Stay tuned for the surprise People spread in 9 months!
  6. Any of you small talkers play the daily Spelling Bee game in the NY Times? "Chickenetti" was in there today, and I can't belieeeeeeve it wasn't accepted!!
  7. I read on a FB snark site that a snarker or two private-messaged her about the phone recording. They were promptly blocked, presumably because she read the messages and didn't appreciate them. It's also possible that the "haters" are church members from her previous church who complained.
  8. My in-laws were like this. There was no way to have a sane conversation about the hypocrisy (something good happened: "prayers answered", something bad happened: "god's will"), so I'd just smile and nod. Maintaining a civil relationship was important for my husband and for our children, so I just didn't engage.
  9. 'Course, I thought we were already doing that (to the extent that snark can be decorous...) Well just in case this forum is gone tomorrow..... thanks for the memories!
  10. I didn't go outside during the eclipse because I couldn't be sure my 2yo grandson (he's with me during the workday) would keep the glasses on. Instead, we watched the event on tv, and during totality he noticed that it got darker outside my house - and asked "grandma, raining?" (it was about 95% where we live). I guess he associated daytime darkness with rain! My smart boy. As for the earthquake, I didn't feel a thing - but my husband ran down to the basement to check the washing machine. He thought it was so off-kilter that it made the whole house shake. Crazy that I was so oblivious that I noticed nothing. And, my youngest daughter had a baby over the weekend - and I got to attend the birth! So intense and emotional. A healthy beautiful baby girl. An earthquake, a baby, and an eclipse all in the space of a few days. I am so very lucky. A week to remember, for sure.
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