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  1. “in pursuit of her entertainment career…” Her hopeless and pathetic pursuit.
  2. There is a god. And she knows everything.
  3. “Do you think that’s true?” “Do you think that’s true?” “Do you think that’s true?” Sutton repeats, because she just wants to hear “Yes” or “No.” Or she repeats, because the Heathers on this show will just not back off Sutton. Their rage at their grifting husbands redirects at Sutton and her enormous wallet.
  4. Oh, I looove Sutton’s giraffe print dress!!!
  5. Ronnie and Ben agree that Sutton desperately wants Kyle to reciprocate the friendship, because Sutton strangely believes that Kyle is the leader of the popular group. Going back to high school politics. While, in fact, among normal viewers, Sutton, Garcelle and Jennifer are the coolest, most popular cast members.
  6. Heh. Everyone let Erika talk s- - - about Sutton in her confessional, with a huge piece of glitter or too much iridescent white eyeshadow in the corner of her right eye. Production hates Erika, too.
  7. “I accepted your apology, but you did do it.” And Erika keeps making glue out of this dead horse. I don’t think that satisfies the requirements of “I accepted your apology.”
  8. I looove Garcelle’s hair in that video! The layers are perfection.
  9. “You live on a f- - -ing main road.” In a house that is not in foreclosure, you stupid t- -t.
  10. Erika looks OLD. But I do FINALLY like her outfit: black sweater set with jeans and black & white penny loafers. Kyle’s white sleeveless top is cute, too. Thank goodness she didn’t shove ‘80s shoulder pads in there. “When I first heard about the verdict with Tom, I immediately thought about Erika.” Kyle wants an award for that?
  11. Sutton has an IQ of 140. I totally see that. The dead animal in Sutton’s driveway. What was it?
  12. The dress Erika is wearing on WWHL looks like the people who draw “Rick & Morty” designed the fabric.
  13. https://tasteofreality.com/dorit-poorit-kemsley-tracy-tutor-owes-stylist-money-banned-neiman-marcus-rhobh/ I totally believe NM banned Dorit for purchasing, wearing on camera and then returning dozens of outfits. For years. Great role model for her young children.
  14. WWHL: Erika is definitely looking rough, which she deserves. Response to Garcelle’s “I married for love, Erika married for money.” “We both married ugly white guys who cheated on us.” Nope. Garcelle’s husband was attractive and not a troll, Erika.
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