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They can get married and not end up together.
Okay, Team Unpopular here...I'm actually more Team Aria when it comes to A.D. The girls have done worse to each other for much smaller reasons. Again, even if Ezra didn't mind that Aria had filled the report out - A.D. could have put Ezra in jail. (Or at least that's Aria's perspective)..and Aria thought she would get a peak at A.D...and all she had to do was ruin a few of Allison's childhood things and, quite frankly, help Spencer's mother make the decision she should have made years ago. However..my theory..Ezra is A.D. 1. Marlene said 3 of the 4 ships will make it. We know that Haleb and Emison are going to make it (BTW..called that as being the couple of the series. Could have built it up better this season though..) So that leaves Spoby and Ezria. Ezria has had the huge buildup of a giant wedding this season, so it would actually be typical - almost good - writing to have that one be the couple that doesn't make it. Not to mention, did Marlene really kill off another female minority for no reason? 2. The show repeatedly keeps pointing out the disgusting thing Ezra did. The only way to root for this couple is to ignore that Ezra even did that, so what does Marlene do? Bring it up repeatedly. Why is she reminding the audience of that? 3. It's interesting isn't it, that A.D. went after Aria..and ended up splitting her from her friends (like an abuser), and with her friends in jail - Ezra would get her all to himself. #ThingsAbusersDo 4. The writers and producers (many of them, at least), have often said they think Ezria is a disgusting. Ian thinks Ezra is a disgusting pedo too. 5. It's not going to be one of the five girls, unless one of them has a twin. And either they are doing the same thing they did previously, and making it obvious that Mona is A.D. (don't think so, I think she's getting obsessed with the game, but wasn't the one to start it. Although, IMO..Mona is the only other choice). 6. No one else has been around enough for it to make an impact, and this is the finale. The show will want to make an impact. And the show will no longer care about Shippers feelings.
Gonna post the vastly unpopular opinion here..I get why Aria is doing what she's doing. I hate Ezra too. And I think he's a disgusting piece of crap who even said a cringe worthy "I think me raping you and stalking your friends made us stronger.." But Aria is of age now, and She does love him. She's not picking Ezra over her friends. She's picking destroying baby toys and dropping a phone - where the truth is told - into Spencer's house, over Ezra going to jail. Yes, she could have told Ezra what is going on (and her friends), but that doesn't change A.D. having papers to file against Ezra. If she was picking her friend's going to jail over Ezra's hurt feelings..that would be one thing. IMO, it's a situation rather than person thing. I've always loved Hannah and Caleb. My head cannon is simply that Caleb cares for Spencer as a friend, and was attracted to her, and has chemistry with her...I really wish they had done a friends with benefit situation there, but they didn't..and they made all three characters look worse in the process. That being said, as far as characterization goes, IMO..Hannah and Caleb bring out the best in each other. He's far more of a "fifth liar" than Allison is. I know people don't like that he got upset at Hannah picking her job over him, but he's apologized for that..and that is a problem that all couples run into. At the end of the day, Caleb and Hannah are the most "good" to me. They make mistakes. They have their bad qualities..but they're good people. I'm going to be willing to bet that Mona has gotten obsessed with the game, but she's not the one running it.
Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!
mercfan3 replied to regularlyleaded's topic in Once Upon A Time
If Killian is signed on, and Lana is signed on... Why not do Hook's story? We've gotten tastes of it, but Hook's adventures can be a great series. Anti-heros are popular now too. And Regina can be a key catalyst. -
apparently Ian called Ezra a pedophile in the book. Good for him. (Ian's a cool guy, actually).
Actually loved this episode. It was the one episode of the season when Aria rocks. That's always a good one. They've done a good job the past few episodes in redeeming Caleb. Supporting of Hanna's career, helping the girls out, making up with Spencer. I wish they had made Spencer and Caleb just friends with benefits (Obviously I understand playing with that chemistry).. Hoping there is a lack of conflict for the season, the girls are better together. But I liked that they finally seemed to act useful.
Is it bad that I tend to know what the writers are going for? Not that I think they do a perfect job of executing, but I get their point? I'm not sure what that says about me. I get Snow's POV. Generally speaking, the mythology of a savior is of an orphan. She was meant to be alone for 28 years, and find storybrook when she did. If Charming and Snow meddled, it could screw up life for everyone. The heroes in this show are pure good. I think everyone else builds from that scale, but Charming and Snow are pure good who are heroes and put other people ahead of themselves. IMO, Emma and Hook are a good match, because they are a little step under that. They won't always do what is absolutely best for everyone else, but perhaps they are more "right." They aren't afraid to throw a punch. And it just continues down the line from there. One thing I always enjoyed about Rumple's character is his complexity. He's a power hunger guy who used to be a good man..and has those morals..but the power hungry side wins out more often than not. What I enjoy about him though..is that there is a line in the sand with him as to how evil he is willing to go. And the fact that the line is drawn at his parents is hilarious. I loved this episode for the most part. I didn't even mind the retcon. I do agree, that I wish they'd leave hints to this stuff earlier on. My biggest gripe was with the potion drinking at the end. 1. It was way too cheesy. 2. Emma and Regina let Henry drink it? 3. Regina spent how many episodes working on a potion, and then just suddenly comes up with this? I would have liked more build up...
That happened a few times. Honestly, ending the show the fifth season with Ezra as A would have been beautiful. But they went back on it. I think what's made the time jump even worse is that at least they used to have fantastic characters. Now the characters are a shell of their former selves.
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Yeah, whatever Alison's past behavior, she's always had clear feelings for Emily. I think Emily is the person who showed Alison's humanity from the get go. The biggest problem with Emison is what someone else said, it's not with Alison it's with Emily. She treats Ali like a charity case instead of someone who she actually wants.
I'm disappointed that Aria isn't Mary's kid. I wanted Jason to get that trifecta. However, that does leave the possibility that she can end up with Jason..
Well, Caleb used to get no suspicion because he used to essentially be the fifth liar. The one not shitty man in the vicinity. The werewolf we can trust. Now, although still not at the level of "let me stalk and rape you for the sake of my crappy book, and not say anything while you are in danger" or "let me be your stalker 'for your protection' and then later blame everything in the world on you," he's still been an epic dick, who I don't quite trust anymore. I think what really bothers me though, is the personality change. Like, Caleb used to respect the girls. Sure, he'd argue and have his sassy comebacks, but he saw himself as a partner, and would get upset when he wasn't treated as a partner. This half of a season he has been just as patronizing as Toby and Ezra are. I'm here for that wedgie bit. The only thing is, you can tell Toby and Caleb hate Ezra (probably my favorite actor choice on the show. Tyler's decision to just have a look of disdain every time he has to be around Ezra), and I think it's possible that he (Caleb) got shot, but I doubt he dies.
The Haleb preview...gah..now he's being patronizing. WTF. What happened to Caleb? Seriously? Is it AD in a mask?
First of all, in the actual show..Emily told Aria to delete the phone number (it was clearly what she wanted to hear) because of the prank call Emily had gotten with her father. Aria never asked Emily to talk to Ezra. And Aria never suggested there was another reason (even though, we can guess it was)..it was just Emily making it worse. No one has actually gotten Aria's reasoning yet. (And her crying at the end wasn't necessarily happy tears either..) Second, Ezra forgives Aria because Ezra sought out, statutorily raped, and stalked Aria..all while knowing she was in danger and doing nothing about it. And she forgave him. This isn't even close to the same level.
Well, the shoes are definitely Spencer's, but I can see her being the one to lean over someone who was shot. My guess is Paige is going to die. Because why not kill another LGBT member, and they gotta resolve the Paige/Emily and Allison/Emily fanbase somehow. Besides, it's always Emily's girlfriend that goes. I'm going with Aria is the adopted child. This show likes it's lore, and since the Jason/aria thing has been prominent..yea..she's related. (If she's not related, she needs to drop Ezra and get with Jason, like..yesterday..) Future..I actually think it's going to be mundane, and Emily is offered the swim coach job.
When Marlene said that it was going to be the most romantic season ever, we all should have known the romantic aspects of this show were going to suck more than usual. (And a character assassination - Caleb is the lucky victim - was about to appear) I like Emily and Alison together. For a lot of reasons. I think the show has done a wonderful job of humanizing the girls, both in their good and bad qualities. And they are consistent with it. (That's about the only thing the show is good at.) I think Ali's relationship with Emily can either be seen as a humanized part of Ali or her sociopathic tendencies of using people..and in order for Ali to be as consistent as the other girls, it should be the former. (And I root for Ali, so I want it to be the former). Among other reasons. But, it would be disgusting to have the Ali/Emily prego thing. Like..that's as stupid as the Charlotte story.