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Auntie Anxiety

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  1. That’s a wrap. Have a good week, my darlings. I have to take the dog out and go to bed. Happy Fourth of July!🎆🇺🇸
  2. Dickwad looks like he’s in shell shock.
  3. Dickwad will need to go home to get his pillow so he can nap through the labor.
  4. Dickwad was unaware of those things called wheelchairs.
  5. Lawrence’s mother wants to party down. Welcome! Hard to believe, isn’t it?
  6. They don’t even know what the fuck it is. Anyone give a shit about Lilly breaking the wedding news to the family?
  7. There’s like five people there. It’s really rocking. You picked him, Kayleigh. Sucks to be you.
  8. Does she mean “crudités,” not “croutons?”
  9. She should just bring a vomit bag with her and make sure everyone sees it.
  10. Mother Aniyah is a very patient woman. I can tell.
  11. Your kids don’t need all that shit, Lily. An iPhone? For a 5yo? WTF?
  12. In this day and age, nothing is private anymore. It should be a moment for the new parents and the baby, that’s it. I see Lily really cut down on the gifts.
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