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Pepper Mostly

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  1. Good night, good night, my dear partners in snark! Have a fantastic week! Love you all, smooches!
  2. Gee, mother Anayah, you could have BEEN there. Duh.
  4. And she's going to call her mother. Who'll probably yell at her for waking her up or something.
  5. Wow, Anayah's mother doesn't want to drive all the way to the hospital with her daughter who has a high risk pregnancy. I almost feel sorry for Anayah.
  6. Even the commercials for MILF manor make me cringe so hard.
  7. How expensive can it be to get divorced if both parties are in agreement and there are no complicated alimony/child support arrangements? Sheesh. Meanwhile, Lawrence's mother is wondering where the eggnog's at.
  8. Mother Lilly, you LIVE to be a downer and a Negative Nelly. Don't fib.
  9. No one seems to have much understanding of Bekki's struggles. Poor woman.
  10. and the decorations are so festive and elaborate! You can see why they needed a crew to get ready. Its a miracle that they managed to get it all done in time!
  11. God, they all gossip and talk trash like they're tweens.
  12. CALL. YOUR. DOCTOR. They'll go for ultrasounds like its going for coffee, but won't call the damn doctor. The horrible McKayla from seasons past has three now.
  13. Because she doesn't have three. I figured she'd have 3 by now.
  14. Once again, they call a family member, rather than HER DOCTOR! WHY God, Anayah's mother is such a warm and nurturing soul, isn't she?
  15. Except you're not doing it, Lilly. Lawrence is. What are you contributing to the family coffers?
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