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Jack Terrier

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  1. I gasped at the security photos of a blonde Monica in Meredith’s store! Then later just casually saying to Meredith how cute her store is and she’s never been there before. Cold. Chilling.
  2. They cut the scene of Meredith telling Heather to stop narrating her. I need to know what that exchange was about. I will watch the last 15 minutes of this episode ALOT! It was everything! Lol
  3. Yes! You said it better than me. My response about the sex life was flippant at best. Heather could have joked her way out of actually answering the question and the subject would have dropped but instead she doubled down in a who is more single argument. Heather was looking for tits on an ant at the moment and I LIKE Heather! 🙂
  4. Not particularly but Heather has been pretty open when talking about sex for 3 seasons now. And to be clear I’m not talking about the daughters sex life - that was gross for Monica to bring up.
  5. An activated Baby Gorgeous! Heather is being a dead fish about sex.
  6. Shout out to Danny Jeleca salon! Went to high school with the dude. Haven’t thought him since 1988. back on topic: if I’m sick of hearing about Lenny for 20 minutes a week I can only guess how sick everyone else is.
  7. Finally! These ladies are serving it up. I howled at Mary at the pool refusing to sit with Angie and Whitney. She may be a “pornography” and a grifter but the casual way she just don’t give a fuck tickles me to no end. The Lady Meredith accent was everything! YOU CAN LEAVE! Whitney is just pretty to look at. Her voice is nails on a chalkboard for me. Hey Baby Gorgeous! Can’t help it. I love Barlow. Heather. I flip flop episode to episode. Monica. Loving her. Angie really can JUST LEAVE! So glad Shah is gone. This dinner is what I live for with my housewives. Nothing makes sense and total chaos without Jen screeching.
  8. Don’t you dare talk about Glass Tiger like that! Lol i made out with Alan in like 1988 after a concert in Indiana. Find some other band to diss! !!! 😘😂
  9. God I hate to be THAT girl but….I had forgotten how horrible Gina’s hair actually was… 😬
  10. Maybe Raquel is a Tall Grey 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 IYKYK
  11. I had high hopes for Danielle. Every episode I hated her more. Bring on Laura and let’s settle the Marge debate once and for all.
  12. Me too! It’s been on at 8 central all season. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  13. Yep. Less than a minute into Leah and she’s still awful. Why her of all the housewives?
  14. The pixelation of “Sally” took me out 😂 JFC Alexia just say “Oops! I’m sorry”. It’s not hard.
  15. Another scene shown in the season previews we were deprived of..Meredith flat out telling Whitney she (Whitney) set her (Meredith) up. So no Danna vs Jen or Meredith vs Whitney. What gives? So we could have 30 minutes more of “poor Jen”?
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