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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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Harry said he and Erica watched it this morning and both of them just kinda shrugged. He said that it's seldom about their day jobs with these talk show appearances. 


I beg to differ. Matthew, Thomas, AJ and Shemar have ALL spoken about CM in their appearances. I doubt JLH would've even been scheduled to appear if not for her new role on CM. She should have promoted the show, her character, and maybe given us a small hint of what's to come... not babbled on about child safety gates. Ugh.


I'm not hating on the actress, because I do usually find her charming, but CM gets so little publicity as it is, that it was a huge letdown to see it virtually ignored by the newest 'big name' star on the show. Bah. 

They are also long time established cast members who've pretty much been excepted by the fan base. Where as JLH is a newbie who has yet to establish herself with the fan base. I know it takes time for that to happen and I don't expect the actress to do it overnight,but this talk show appearance should have been at least a step in that direction.Which it definitely was not imo.

Edited by missmycat
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I didn't watch the Kimmel appearance. Did he even show a clip of CM?


I have to point out that when Matthew was on the Craig Ferguson show, he didn't talk about CM at all. He was supposed to be there to promote it. In his defense, he was incredibly nervous the first time (partially because of his wardrobe malfunction) and the second appearance he didn't have much time because the previous guest went on too long. He was out of his element and just went with where Craig led him. JLH is more of a pro at the talk show circuit though. She could have brought it around to be about the show.


Usually the conversation is guided by the host though-- so if the host wants to talk about the show or the character then he/she will ask. So it might have been partially because of Kimmel's line of questioning rather than any dereliction on JLH's part.

I have to say, it seemed mostly Kimmel's fault to me. She mentioned the name first while he was yucking it up, and he changed the subject. Then, when she mentioned that the show was totally different for her because it's "scary", he changed the subject yet again and asked her why she sent a bed to Matt Damon. She was following his lead, and I think she was trying her best to stick with talking about it. The way he totally pivoted away from her comments about CM left me with my mouth hanging open.

  • Love 1

I didn't watch the Kimmel appearance. Did he even show a clip of CM?


I have to point out that when Matthew was on the Craig Ferguson show, he didn't talk about CM at all. He was supposed to be there to promote it. In his defense, he was incredibly nervous the first time (partially because of his wardrobe malfunction) and the second appearance he didn't have much time because the previous guest went on too long. He was out of his element and just went with where Craig led him. JLH is more of a pro at the talk show circuit though. She could have brought it around to be about the show.


Usually the conversation is guided by the host though-- so if the host wants to talk about the show or the character then he/she will ask. So it might have been partially because of Kimmel's line of questioning rather than any dereliction on JLH's part.

No. No clip, and barely a word about the show. And he kept referring to it as her show. It really irritated me. She looked horrible, too. Her dress was way too tight for her build and her boobs were hanging out of a really bizarre neckline. And I hate her hair. I thought she looked horrible in the pics and videos from CM that I've seen, but apparently that is her hairstyle. It's a mess. She was funny, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. Perhaps if this had been later in the season I wouldn't have minded them side stepping CM, but this is the premier week and she is the new cast member. CM deserved some respect and a clip. Maybe there just isn't a clip where she looks good or seems necessary. It has made me uneasy about her character. 

I'm not sure what I think of that picture. She looks kind of weird for some reason.

Yeah, like does she own a mirror? Who'd leave the house looking like that?

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It's Kimmel's job to ask leading questions about whatever the guest is there to promote. He's told what to ask before the curtain goes up, and they go over the questions ahead of time with a producer. She was there for no other reason than to promote her job on CM, so somebody dropped the ball, big time. 

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Thanks for explaining that, normasm. I wonder if Jimmy just doesn't like CM or if he's never watched it or just isn't interested. Or maybe there was a rehearsal of the interview and he found the comments about the show boring.... Not really sure.


Sometimes I wish Matthew would go on that show but I'm pretty sure he'd end up talking mostly about Las Vegas.

Here is a sort of season long sneak peek from Erica. All I have to say on some of these is "show me the receipts." I'll believe some of them when I see them.


Jennifer Love Hewitt's "Fearless" Agent and a Jane Lynch Return? 7 Teases for Criminal Minds Season 10
Joyce EngSep 30, 2014 05:19 PM ET
by Joyce Eng




Edited by ForeverAlone
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Here's another article with Jennifer.


Get ready to meet the newest member of the BAU when Criminal Minds debuts its 10th season.



Edited by ForeverAlone
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What they think are "love letters" to the fans end up being love letters to themselves. I'm betting it has shirtless Morgan. Probably has Prentiss (or at least they are probably trying to get her). They ignore a large portion of the fandom. I wish Erica wouldn't blab so much. I miss Ed's approach in some ways. He never gave out so many details. She just ruined the plots of some of the episodes.

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OK, this gives us our first interaction with Reid and Garcia. http://www.cbs.com/shows/criminal_minds/video/VLUiKspzWJU8pGi__W_gfUOajh4gY71D/criminal-minds-jennifer-love-hewitt-is-back-on-cbs/

On the one hand, I like the awkwardness between Kate and Reid in the elevator, and I loooooooooove the point at which Reid goes all "Hotch" on Kate and Garcia talking about happy kitty/hippo videos ("Hey, guys???").

I do NOT like the preachy, self-righteous "you scumbags are all alike" attitude she has when making arrests. There is a fine balance they have always portrayed well, especially with Reid, between working so hard to put these people away and having just enough empathy to figure out how the unsub's mind works. In other words, a preachy crusader will be much less effective a profiler than someone who's interested in picking apart the puzzle of how a criminal becomes a criminal. And she's supposed to have a background in criminal psychology, hello?

I just have this feeling that the disruption the new character will make will be so huge it will become Kate's Criminal Minds. Hope I'm wrong.

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The wanting to snap at the criminals thing reminds me of Elle somewhat-- although I think part of it was her reaction to the guy shouting at her first. I do agree that her disdain and lack of empathy is something she will need to work on.


I don't think it is actually out-of-line for someone with a background in criminal psychology to lack empathy for the criminals. I think a lot of them compartmentalize and many times I've noticed people with psychology degrees (but not just them) like to put people in boxes and label them. They are always looking for some disorder to attribute or something to define people. So there is a more clinical approach to it. In the BAU they have to learn to try to put themselves in the minds of the killers and not just look at them from the outside and label them. At least that's how it was in the beginning.


Interesting that they added the bit about Kate having been in Andi Swan's unit. I admit I also liked the thing with Garcia and Kate and the cute video things. I've had conversations like that with friends before. LOL. I also find it funny to see Reid interrupting someone going off on a tangent for once instead of it being the other way around.


We'll have to see how things play out. Has there even been a trailer for the episode yet? I haven't seen it. And normally they have a sneak peek at some point..

  • Love 1

We'll have to see how things play out. Has there even been a trailer for the episode yet? I haven't seen it. And normally they have a sneak peek at some point..


zaneej, I found a very short promo on youtube. I don't think it's for the episode, though.



Don't scroll down to the comments unless you want to be annoyed. :-)

  • Love 1

The wanting to snap at the criminals thing reminds me of Elle somewhat-- although I think part of it was her reaction to the guy shouting at her first. I do agree that her disdain and lack of empathy is something she will need to work on.


I don't think it is actually out-of-line for someone with a background in criminal psychology to lack empathy for the criminals. I think a lot of them compartmentalize and many times I've noticed people with psychology degrees (but not just them) like to put people in boxes and label them. They are always looking for some disorder to attribute or something to define people. So there is a more clinical approach to it. In the BAU they have to learn to try to put themselves in the minds of the killers and not just look at them from the outside and label them. At least that's how it was in the beginning.


Interesting that they added the bit about Kate having been in Andi Swan's unit. I admit I also liked the thing with Garcia and Kate and the cute video things. I've had conversations like that with friends before. LOL. I also find it funny to see Reid interrupting someone going off on a tangent for once instead of it being the other way around.


We'll have to see how things play out. Has there even been a trailer for the episode yet? I haven't seen it. And normally they have a sneak peek at some point..

Zannej, I agree about the similarity to Elle. But Kate seems to have more of a sense of humor. I liked the call out to Andi Swann, too. Wish they could have gotten her on the team. I'm still taking a wait and see approach. I enjoyed the ep tonight. If the entire season is heavy on the new character, I will not be pleased. I'm hoping that what Erica said in her interview about speaking with JLH about how different CM would be means that she will not always be prominent in the episodes. Perhaps as a new mom, she will enjoy having some time off and not being featured in every scene.

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As far as I care, she can let fly with whatever she wants. I like hearing hints and hopes from the showrunner. Like it or not, she's in charge, and is the one person who can toss out anything she feels like. She has no more duty to stick to any pie in the sky hopes than anyone else, but I like hearing her musings, nonetheless. 


Now if she comes out and says "This is fucking going to happen, full stop." then we have every reason to expect it and call her on it if it doesn't come to fruition. But if she is just tossing out hopes and maybes? Fine, I'll listen, and I'll respond if they are awesome enough. And maybe that is what they do, anyway, as a matter of sussing out public opinion. Not to say they always listen, but say if Erica says "We're hoping and we're going to try and get Jane Lynch to return this season for a guest appearance." She has planted a seed, which most of us would respond to one way or another, and they get all this feedback from the viewers, and still she has made no commitment to actually do it. So it's kind of brill. 

If I can say so, though, ]zaneej has a point about giving away actual plot points. While this is about BTVS, I knew before it happened that Spike's death wasn't going to be permanent because Joss Whedon said they were planning to move him over to Angel after the series finale. That was a major spoiler that absolutely should have been kept under wraps, if only because it killed my buzz at knowing he was going to end up a pile of ashes during Chosen. There is such a thing as too much talk.

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JMO, I've noticed that too, how in some pics he looks fit as ever, then in others he's really beginning to show his age. With the exception of Matthew, who's bulked up (for him), I think everyone is thinner. At least Thomas isn't scary-gaunt any more like he was beginning of 8. Let's hope JLH doesn't hop on that train and get all bony.

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After seeing the promos for the next episode, I have to call BS on the guy who tried to kill Reid already being up for execution. He likely would not even have had his trial yet. But not only is he already convicted and sentenced to death, but he's near the execution date? That goes against the established continuity on this show. If they'd always had such swift convictions and executions it might be different, but they already showed that it takes many years to get to that point.


Also, I don't think what the guy did qualified as a capital crime-- at least not that they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt. People don't get the death penalty for attempted murder. Sure the guy would get attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and probably multiple other charges. They would have a hard time nailing him for the death of the previous sheriff because it wasn't ruled a homicide by the coroner, there would not be enough evidence to prove that he was the one who knowingly administered something to the guy to kill him, and if he had a good lawyer they could indicate that he might have feared for his life. Half the police force was corrupt so he would have had very little recourse. He couldn't exactly call the cops if he was threatened, and if he did it would be his word against the cops and then he'd probably have ended up dead. If they really had a solid case he probably would have taken a plea anyway. So right off the bat the story seems ludicrous.


And then his last wish is to talk to Garcia? Why? That just seems so contrived.


We also know we are going to get some more "wisdom" dispensed from Morgan. I'm going to wager that Reid won't be involved much in that aspect and that he won't get to talk to Garcia to try to comfort her. 

  • Love 5


After seeing the promos for the next episode, I have to call BS on the guy who tried to kill Reid already being up for execution. He likely would not even have had his trial yet. But not only is he already convicted and sentenced to death, but he's near the execution date? That goes against the established continuity on this show. If they'd always had such swift convictions and executions it might be different, but they already showed that it takes many years to get to that point.


Also, I don't think what the guy did qualified as a capital crime-- at least not that they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt. People don't get the death penalty for attempted murder.

I had the identical reaction, zaneej.  Even in Texas, I don't think they could impose a death penalty for what we saw him do, nor would he have come to trial yet.  It would have been interesting to see Garcia have to go and testify at his trial, and I think she could easily have found that traumatizing enough.  If the promo is a true indication of the plot, it will be way over the top.  But their promos are also notoriously misleading, so who knows. 

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We also know we are going to get some more "wisdom" dispensed from Morgan. I'm going to wager that Reid won't be involved much in that aspect and that he won't get to talk to Garcia to try to comfort her. 


For what it's worth, Garcia tells Morgan that she needs for him to have her back when she goes to talk to the guy, and he tells her in no uncertain terms that he doesn't. So here's a little salt to take that with.


Edited for correctness :-)

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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JMO, if only they had gone that route (had Garcia go and testify at his trial), that would still be stretching things time-wise, but i could live with it as TV rules. I could buy that. She would have been called as a witness in any trial situation, and would have been deposed (as would Reid) before that for the grand jury hearing. Like I say, the wheels of justice grind slow. That's not just an axiom, it's the truth...

Costar, Morgan also says for Garcia to call him when she's through "washing his feet." Love that line.

PS - since this is the spoiler thread, you don't have to tag these, I think.

Edited by normasm
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For what it's worth, Garcia tells Morgan that she needs for him to have her back when she goes to talk to the guy, and he tells her in no uncertain terms that he doesn't. So here's a little salt to take that with.


Edited for correctness :-)


Seems so out of character for Morgan to say that, and seems so wrong...she's one of his best friends, why abandon her in her time of need? That's just so callous and un-friend-like. I just hope there's something missing in context and that it's one of those "profiling" things where Morgan believes that it's better if Garcia handles things on her own doesn't need Morgan to hold her hand through it.


Otherwise, that development is extremely upsetting.

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I can see him being annoyed with her for not being able to get past it, considering she saved Reid's life. And in Morgan's world, that's happened a dozen times over, so I can understand him having a hard time with her being wibbly about it. He's more pragmatic and probably just feels if she hadn't pulled that trigger, his little brother would be dead, so what's to worry about.


It could also be he's worried about her being in danger by going to see this guy, closure or not. 

Speaking of ratings here is some more information: The episode got a 2.7/8 in the 18-49 demo, a 3.7/9 in adults 25-54 and 11.65(million viewers).

Compare to last year's season premiere it was down 4% percent among the 18-49, but up 3% percent among the 25-54. It also increased in over all viewers.

 JMO I am not 100% positive, I will have to do some checking, but I believe that number has something to do with households themselves as oppose to individual viewers.  

Edited by missmycat
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Found it on wikipedia,that bastion of all knowledge:


Top number is 'rating', bottom number is 'share'.  To paraphrase:  The difference between rating and share is that a rating reflects the percentage tuned to a particular program out of the total population of televisions in the US, while share reflects the percentage the program has out of the televisions actually in use during the time slot.

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Hmm. So episode 7 is "Hashtag" (I keep thinking of hashbrowns), episode 8 is "Boys of Sutton Place", and 9 is "Fate". We're getting an episode from Dunkle, then Kim, then Janine... I'm predicting a LOT of unsub and attempts at weird twists and multiple unsubs.


I'm hoping that A Thousand Suns will be good enough to make up for those three eps. 

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Daniel, why don't you start a discussion in the UnSub thread? I don't think one criminal deserves his/her own thread.


Welcome, Droogie! A lot of fans, including myself, want Reid to find real love. Just because I want it to be JJ doesn't mean I wouldn't welcome someone else even more perfect for him. I really liked Maeve. 


Also, since Paget has zero desire to return, most we'll see Em is a guest spot here and there... but it sure will be welcome! :)

  • Love 2

Welcome Droogie.

I agree that Reid deserves some happiness. I just worry they may come up with some unrealistic ridiculous story line in order to give him some.But more than anything I want to see that big ole brain of his in action. I want to see him get his genius on even more this season than last season.I do feel Reid got to shine through out various moments last season(although I still felt he was neglected for the most part) and I'm hoping he gets even more of those moment this season.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 2

Welcome Droogie.

I agree that Reid deserves some happiness. I just worry they may come up with some unrealistic ridiculous story line in order to give him some.But more than anything I want to see that big ole brain of his in action. I want to see him get his genius on even more this season than last season.I do feel Reid got to shine through out various moments last season(although I still felt he was neglected for the most part) and I'm hoping he gets even more of those moment this season.

I would like to see that big ole brain too, and I agree he has been neglected. I feel little frantic about it, because I am so afraid this is the last season.

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I'm torn, too, Droogie, but MGG is a young man who wants to go make his own films, so he should go pretty soon. I would rather CM have a really good Reid year (team year), and he either leaves or the show ends. It has to end sometime, and i would rather they choose to end it strong, rather than it being a struggle to keep watching an uneven (or bad) show. If the writers and show runner were smart and committed to the canon characters and story mission, that might be different. But even a great show will run its course. Better to go out on top.

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