Lantern7 August 28, 2019 Share August 28, 2019 Basics: Two high school kids -- one being a brainiac, the other a loveable oaf with unlimited stamnia -- wake from a stone slumber and set about rebooting humanity. Here's the first episode in a nutshell: Yuzuriha: I'm here by this tree, Taiju. What did you want to tell me? Taiju: That I lo- . . . crap, weird lights are turning me into stone. [approximately 3,700 years later] Senku: Hey! Looks like the big oaf is finally up! I've been using my manga-level smarts to keep myself alive! Taiju: How did you know the date?!? Senku: I basically counted seconds while I was stone. What part of "manga-level smarts" did you not understand? Taiju: So we're the only two people alive? Senku: [peeking at the opening credits, stuck at the end] Probably not. But, right now, we're gonna be the Adam & Eve of this new Stone Age! Taiju: Wait, I didn't know you swung that way. Or any way- Senku: I regret saying that out loud. New anime . . . GET EXCITED!!! Taiju: . . . pause? Senku: DAMMIT! I got the first two volumes of the manga from the library. One teeny bit from the first chapter got cut out, and I'm spoiler-texting it. Reveal spoiler Donald Trump, turned to stone in the Oval Office. Or at least a Caucasian-looking guy closely resembling him. Link to comment
TigerLily20 August 31, 2019 Share August 31, 2019 Man I love Bochi's work and am glad that something is finally getting animated, although most of his other work is much more adult and probably couldn't make it onto TV well without a high parental warning. I also love that in most of his works he focuses on something and really goes into detail about it, in Dr. Stone it's the science, in some of his other work it's food and I have never had a manga make me so hungry before! Anyway I am super excited this is on Adult Swim now so I don't have to be lazy and try to find it online... Link to comment
lathspel September 27, 2019 Share September 27, 2019 Anyone else watching this one? Only at ep 1 so far but I plan to catch up shortly. I love that we’re going to Robinson Crusoe this whole thing, but I can’t help suspect the brainiac is somehow the cause. Link to comment
Lantern7 September 27, 2019 Author Share September 27, 2019 I'm on volume 3 of the manga. The last episode was in the middle of the middle, with the story on what Senku did after "waking." The phrase "naked shiny monkey" should be a thing. Interesting that Tsukasa was billed as a primative, but he's not at all dumb. Also, he's voiced by Ian Sinclair. He also does Whis on Dragon Ball Super, so I was surprised. On 9/27/2019 at 2:28 AM, lathspel said: I love that we’re going to Robinson Crusoe this whole thing, but I can’t help suspect the brainiac is somehow the cause. Expand Senku seemed as shocked as anyone else. My question is how Yuzuriha's metal headband stayed intact after being revived. Link to comment
Lantern7 October 21, 2019 Author Share October 21, 2019 Anyone else watching? Also, for anyone going to Anime NYC in a few weeks, the creators of Dr. Stone will be appearing that weekend for panels and signings. I’d be good with a scrawled Senku looking all brainy in the face of a new Stone Age. Link to comment
TigerLily20 October 21, 2019 Share October 21, 2019 On 10/21/2019 at 3:31 AM, Lantern7 said: Anyone else watching? Also, for anyone going to Anime NYC in a few weeks, the creators of Dr. Stone will be appearing that weekend for panels and signings. I’d be good with a scrawled Senku looking all brainy in the face of a new Stone Age. Expand I am, and man I am jealous you will get to see Bochi, he is probably one of my favorite artisit... Link to comment
Lantern7 November 23, 2019 Author Share November 23, 2019 Checking to see if anyone else is watching. I'm about one manga volume ahead of the anime, and I can say that the story is pretty compelling. And we haven't gotten to what Tsukasa has been doing. Also: I got this chibi sketch of Suika last weekend at Anime NYC. I still have references printed out for Senku and Tsukasa. Link to comment
lathspel December 16, 2019 Share December 16, 2019 I finally caught up and I’ve been really enjoying this one. It seems like each episode answers one question but raises a couple more. I am getting a little worried about Tsukasa, but I guess he’s big enough to take care of himself. Link to comment
Lantern7 January 12, 2020 Author Share January 12, 2020 Is anyone else watching? It’s been a good mix of Senku leveling up and him finding out how his father helped found the village some 3,700 years in the past. Link to comment
TigerLily20 January 13, 2020 Share January 13, 2020 I'm still watching and started reading the manga again, although I noticed it more in the manga (because reading it obviously) I also noticed last night Gin started using a few words in pig Latin and I can't remember when or why that happened....... Link to comment
Lantern7 January 19, 2020 Author Share January 19, 2020 (edited) This is basically Dr. Stone: Tsukasa Warriors: Ha ha! We're attacking the village! And since there's a storm, you can't use firepower this time! Senku: [cocky grin] You're correct. You got us dead to rights, ten billion percent. But guess what we just made? [Science Kingdom Fighters pop out of nowhere wielding . . .] Senku: Katanaaaaaaaaaaaaassss!!!!!! [celebratory airhorns sound off] Senku: And airhorns. We made airhorns for this moment. Just because. Gin: [to Suika] That's Senku . . . always so ocky-kay! Suika: WHAT???!!!??? THIS NEW MELON DIDN'T COME WITH EAR PROTECTION!!!!!!! And now . . . CELL PHONES! Reading that in the manga, I was taken aback. But how will he create useless apps and games? Edited January 25, 2020 by Lantern7 Link to comment
TigerLily20 January 19, 2020 Share January 19, 2020 On 1/19/2020 at 6:36 AM, Lantern7 said: And now . . . CELL PHONES! Reading that in the manga, I was taken aback. But how will he create useless apps and games? Expand How far are you in the manga? I am now caught up and doing the impatient wait every week or so when it comes out....which sucks..... Link to comment
Lantern7 January 24, 2020 Author Share January 24, 2020 On 1/19/2020 at 6:17 PM, TigerLily20 said: How far are you in the manga? I am now caught up and doing the impatient wait every week or so when it comes out....which sucks..... Expand I got the ninth volume from the library. Link to comment
Sandman87 February 2, 2020 Share February 2, 2020 Watched the show tonight. Every time that one kid talked about spelunking it made me think of Spelunker Sensei. Link to comment
Lantern7 February 4, 2020 Author Share February 4, 2020 (edited) Welcome back, @Sandman87. I don't know how many more episodes are left, but we're building to a few events that are shown in the credits. Senku: Okay, so me and Chrome are going spelunking to acquire tungsten. I'll need a third person for the trip. Kohaku: I need to train people for battle! Kinro: I will go if I am needed. Ginro: No thanks! I'm good here! Senku: I dunno . . . if you stay, you might start shoving light bulbs up your ass. Ginro: (outraged) HEY!!! (thinking for a bit) Wait . . . I can do that?!? Gen: That's an image I'll never get out of my ind-may! Kaseki: I ain't makin' anything for the butt! Unless you need me to. Then I can probably knock that out in about a day. I LOVE CRAFTING!!!!! (clothes explode from his old, muscular body) Edited February 4, 2020 by Lantern7 Link to comment
Lantern7 February 20, 2020 Author Share February 20, 2020 (edited) Bumping up because the finale is this Saturday. The first season will probably end before the heavy shit starts up. I advise reading the manga if you can. More characters, more Senku using science, and more unlikely 21st Century technologies coming to the Stone World. Oh, and I got this sketch at a small con a few weeks ago. Not a bad likeness, right? I got references for Tsukasa and Chrome, and I might print up stuff for Kohaku and Gen next. Edited February 20, 2020 by Lantern7 Link to comment
lathspel February 27, 2020 Share February 27, 2020 I really enjoyed this season. I called the “we’re going to need another cell phone” way earlier. Link to comment
Lantern7 April 21, 2021 Author Share April 21, 2021 Dr. Stone will return to Toonami on May 15. Get excited! Link to comment
Lantern7 May 9, 2021 Author Share May 9, 2021 . . . and here's the sizzle from Toonami. It's from Facebook and apparently not embedding itself here. Link to comment
Lantern7 May 23, 2021 Author Share May 23, 2021 (edited) Anyone see the new season premiere on Toonami? We're getting closer to the Stone Wars, with Senku re-inventing freeze-dried food and Gin planning on using Lillian Weinberg's record to fool Tsukasa's forces into thinking that the United States is back in operation and sending help to Japan. It's underhanded stuff . . . but it's from Gin, so par for the course from him. The effect of him transforming into Lillian was creepy and funny. ETA: Oh, and I got this sketch today. Here's the artist. I had to explain the scars of those that woke up in the Stone World, and he did a good job with the references I gave him. Edited May 23, 2021 by Lantern7 Link to comment
Lantern7 June 4, 2021 Author Share June 4, 2021 Anyone else watching? Senku won over strongwoman Nikki with the Lillian recording. Fun to watch Senku and Gin sweat over Nikki's fangirl questions, as well as Senku trying his very best to get the answers. Link to comment
Lantern7 July 6, 2021 Author Share July 6, 2021 Looking at Wikipedia . . . how is it that we don't get 24 episodes for this season? If you're watching on Toonami, I think are only 2-3 more episodes left. Hang on . . . pasting this here: Quote A sequel to the TV series was announced after second season's final episode aired Expand I would hope. Maybe "Stone Wars" got clipped when it did because there's a lot more source material to work with. I've read ahead several volumes in the manga. Without spoiling, I will say that there is a lot of great stuff waiting to be animated. Is anyone here watching? The Kingdom of Science wound up winning the battle for the cave with the Miracle Fluid, but then Tsukasa and Hyoga jumped in like bosses to shake their opponents. It's been a fun arc, especially with Chrome using science to escape imprisonment and the KoS building a friggin' tank. Even with the limitations of that world, it's still impressive. Link to comment
desusperius May 12, 2023 Share May 12, 2023 Dr. Stone returns to Toonami this June! Sounds like they weren't able to get the OVA Dr. Stone: Ryusui, though. Make sure to watch that before you watch season 3, it takes place between seasons 2 and 3, introduces a new character, and sets up the events of season 3. It's available on Crunchyroll. Link to comment
Lantern7 June 18, 2023 Author Share June 18, 2023 Looking to see if anyone else has been keeping up. Ryusui is a pain in the ass, but he's oddly endearing. Hard to root for a guy who cops to being greedy, but he's greedy for all the right reasons. It's a pity that Tsukasa is under deep freeze, because you know he'd just hate Ryusui. I consider this to be the official unofficial song of the third season: Link to comment
Galileo908 June 18, 2023 Share June 18, 2023 On 6/18/2023 at 6:39 PM, Lantern7 said: Looking to see if anyone else has been keeping up. Ryusui is a pain in the ass, but he's oddly endearing. Hard to root for a guy who cops to being greedy, but he's greedy for all the right reasons. It's a pity that Tsukasa is under deep freeze, because you know he'd just hate Ryusui. Expand It kind of helps that he's voiced by Cliff Chapin using his Bakugou voice. (I met him at Anime NYC a few years back, his natural voice sounds completely different, it was kind of shocking) Link to comment
Lantern7 June 19, 2023 Author Share June 19, 2023 On 6/18/2023 at 11:59 PM, Galileo908 said: It kind of helps that he's voiced by Cliff Chapin using his Bakugou voice. (I met him at Anime NYC a few years back, his natural voice sounds completely different, it was kind of shocking) Expand Right? “KILL YOURSELF, SENKU!” At least Ryusui has more calm moments. I should catch up on the manga. I cleared the arc showing now, and I had just started the next one. Always fun watching Senku and his friends level up. I wonder if they had to ask permission to use the Minecraft visuals. Link to comment
desusperius July 17, 2023 Share July 17, 2023 So apparently Toonami skipped an episode and accidentally aired episode 7 instead of episode 6. Episode 6 will air next week, then episode 7 will be rerun the week after. Link to comment
magicdog December 17, 2023 Share December 17, 2023 On 6/4/2021 at 2:45 AM, Lantern7 said: Anyone else watching? Expand Just started tuning into this show. Very fascinating and much better than the swill we've been getting from Hollywood lately. It's been running Saturday nights on Adult Swim and I'm doing everything I can to keep up. So far, a very compelling story! Link to comment
magicdog December 26, 2023 Share December 26, 2023 I decided to sign up at crunchyroll just to take in this show. I freaking love it!! I have no clue why this isn't as popular as other shows that were released around the same time like My Hero Academia et al. It's a compelling story with great characters and makes even the most passive person interested in science and how things work. One thing I love is how the stakes are high, and not everything goes the way the folks at the Kingdom of Science wants them to. It's realistic in how the science and progress builds upon itself. Not to mention the philosophical questions this show inspires! Would you be able to do what Senkou did if YOU were the one to wake up after 3700 years? Would you make the same decisions he did? Was Senkou right about trying to bring everyone back and make things more or less as they were - or was Tsukasa right when he wanted to limit who to bring back? I saw a recent story that the final season of the show will be released within a year or so - which is supposed to wrap up the story (which includes Senkou's plans to go to the moon to find out about Why -Man). Link to comment
desusperius February 5, 2024 Share February 5, 2024 So when they repetrified Tsukasa, why didn’t the people who had their hands on the Medusa all get petrified too? They could have just set a longer time delay and walked away from it. But it’s like they didn’t even consider that they should have been petrified too. Link to comment
magicdog February 7, 2024 Share February 7, 2024 On 2/5/2024 at 8:16 PM, desusperius said: So when they repetrified Tsukasa, why didn’t the people who had their hands on the Medusa all get petrified too? Expand I wondered about this too (did the manga mention it? I hadn't read it but I'm seriously thinking about getting it). My guess it it was the device being almost out of juice and therefore a very limited range. My question however was how Senku was able to wear that stun gun device (specifically, the battery plate taped to his chest) without being noticed! He was knocked off the cliff with Tsukasa and dragged him to shore before facing Hyoga and he wouldn't have had to time to either carry it with him or put it on ahead of time. The stun gun scene was worth it though!! I've been watching the show a few times and still enjoy the hell out of it! Each time I notice something different I had missed the first time around. Some of it has to do with spotting Senku's emotions. In Episode 6 when he digs up Taiju, you see a closeup of his eye. It has that look that says, "I'm so glad to see you buddy! " before he puts his cool science user face on and starts claiming how sick he was of his face and how 3700 years was a nice break! Does anyone else think that Senku's desire for manpower (a legitimate need) was second only to wanting to revive Taiju because he needed a friend/company in Stone World as well? Link to comment
magicdog August 16, 2024 Share August 16, 2024 Found a link which announced season 4, "Science Future" will air in 2025 with three cours. Link to comment
magicdog October 30, 2024 Share October 30, 2024 (edited) An update on when Season 4 will begin!! This trailer announces it will air in January of 2025!!! Unfortunately, most of the trailer is comprised of clips from the past 3 seasons, until the final scene towards the end - which features a famous US landmark! Edited October 31, 2024 by magicdog Link to comment
magicdog November 14, 2024 Share November 14, 2024 At last! Released earlier today, the newest trailer for Dr. Stone, Science Future!! It looks very promising! I can't wait until January! I just wish it was subbed or dubbed in English though. Link to comment
magicdog December 12, 2024 Share December 12, 2024 (edited) We have another trailer from TOHO! There's also a date for the show's premiere in Japan - January 9th - but so far, no indications when it will be available here in the US (or when the English dubs will be broadcast). I'm also a bit annoyed that there isn't a dub or subtitled version of the trailers. Crunchyroll's YT channel should have that much! Still, we have a great adventure coming up and I cannot wait!!! This is the translation from the page: Quote Anime “Dr.STONE SCIENCE FUTURE” 4th and final season 1st season [Main PV] | Broadcast starts from 22:00 on Thursday, January 9, 2025 After the fierce battle on Treasure Island, Senku and his friends safely return to the Science Kingdom. Using the petrification device they obtained, they succeed in reviving Tsukasa, who had been in cold sleep. Tsukasa becomes a member of the Science Kingdom! After discovering that the base of Whyman, the mastermind behind the petrification of humanity, is on the Moon, Senku and his friends set off for the Moon! In this Stone World, they embark on a big project to build a spaceship from scratch. Senku and his friends immediately set out on the open seas in the Perseus to collect materials for the spaceship from all over the world. In search of large quantities of corn, the raw material for the revival fluid, they head for their first destination, the Americas. At the end of this epic voyage, where their courage, unity, and scientific ability are all put to the test, a threat that will shake Senku and his friends awaits them! At last, Senku and his friends' adventure begins across the world and into space! To save the future of humanity, Senku and his friends will do everything in their power to pave the way for science! Expand From the looks of things, Senku isn't the only one who can make guns and vehicles! Not to mention more of them and more sophisticated versions! Not to mention another girl added to the mix. The mangaka that the crew depetrified last season is along for the ride as well so his drawing skills must be valuable for mapping. ETA: there were two songs listed in the end credits of the trailer which may be the opening and end credits for Science Future; One is "Rolling Stone" by Breimen , the other is "Casanova Posse'' by ALI (Alien Liberty International). I suspect the latter is the opening credits tune, while the former will be closing credits - in keeping with the introspective nature of closing credits music. Edited December 12, 2024 by magicdog Link to comment
magicdog December 15, 2024 Share December 15, 2024 Finally! Crunchyroll uploaded a subbed version of trailer number 2! Link to comment
magicdog January 9 Share January 9 It's finally here! The first episode of Season 4 is out on Crunchyroll in both dub and sub!! New title cards as well as new opening and closing credits. There are videos of both without credits on YT. I wasn't expecting a disco inspired sequence though! Fun to see all the hand clapping and dancing! For the end credits - we see Gen for the first time (outside of winter) wear shoes. Curious as to why now? Also cute the little skip Senku does after a brief walk. Loved seeing the playing cards with members of the main cast on them - if they existed in real life - I'd want a deck! I wonder if the deck will get shuffled to see the cards not shown in today's episode. The episode: "Ryusui vs Senku" The gang are aboard the Perseus on their way to the US! Naturally, we get a quick recap from Minami's POV as she is recording on a laquered cylinder for preservation's sake. She interviews various crew members with mixed results! We have a fight on our hands as Senku and Ryusui disagree on the route - Senku wants the shorter route to make sure they aren't too late to harvest the corn they need to help make revival fluid (and doing so would make them have to wait another year), while the captain wants to take the rhumb line - which will take an additional 30 days to get to their destination but will be easier on the crew. Ultimately, they decide to settle it via a game of poker! Loved seeing the participants (Senku, Ryusui, Kohaku, Gen, and Ukiyo) all dressed to the nines for this! Kohaku really looked stunning as she kept a close eye on Gen to make sure he didn't help Ryusui cheat with any slight of hand tricks! Kirasame has a crush on Kinro? How cute! They could be a love match! Love how Taiju goes in to break up what he thinks will be a physical fight! To top it all off - the return of BEER! Link to comment
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