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Revolution, Community & Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Mash Up Mafia

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What is it about me that makes people want to kill me in the first round?  Is it my breath or something?


Of course not, FormerlyMapleBro! (SpruceBro doesn't have quite the same ring to it...)


If it makes you feel better, Miles was pretty much the only redeeming character on Revolution, so I had to give you an awesome full scene and badass death.


Oh, right. *ahem* Carry on.

OK, the only phrase that stood out for me in the story was "tree root." TJ likes to use meta-meta clues (I mean that in the nicest way!) so sometimes, going to Wikipedia helps. I didn't see much on the page on roots, but it did mention the first root being called a "radicle".


A "radical" is often a rebel, which could point to RA. This will piss her off, because she hates being accused, but I'm not accusing. Just offering the only clue interpretation I have. Weak, I know. Hopefully someone else will come up with something better!


Professor Cleve sticks out to me.

Oops, I'm a day behind.

No, that's ok.  There was a clue in that section of story too, but since it was Night story, we haven't been allowed to discuss it until now (per the rules. No game talk between Night X and Day X+1, only off-topic silliness like the bar. All game talk must be between Day X and Night X.)


So, if "Professor Cleve" is a clue, who could it be pointing to?

Edited by SVNBob
So, if "Professor Cleve" is a clue, who could it be pointing to?



Well, this is a shot in the dark, but Professor Cleve= PC and if you reverse the letters, it's CP=CuriousParker. I'm not really sure if this is a substantial clue though.


I reread through the story and I didn't really find anything besides the tree root line that popped out at me. 

OK, the only phrase that stood out for me in the story was "tree root." TJ likes to use meta-meta clues (I mean that in the nicest way!) so sometimes, going to Wikipedia helps. I didn't see much on the page on roots, but it did mention the first root being called a "radicle".

A "radical" is often a rebel, which could point to RA. This will piss her off, because she hates being accused, but I'm not accusing. Just offering the only clue interpretation I have. Weak, I know. Hopefully someone else will come up with something better!

Are you trying to say I'm angry?? Lol I'll have to work on that one.. But it's not me my dear I am defiantly a hero.


Aw, I'm just teasing, RA. You're a good sport :) 


Here's another thought... The word-repetition phrasing at the end of the story.


“It’s ok, it’s ok,” she repeated over and over. “It’s ok.”

We've got a set of 2, a set of 2, then a set of 1 (identified because of the earlier set). That gives 221, which could be a little reversal of jessied112. I dunno. I'm absolutely terrible at figuring out clues. 

Edited by HelenaHandbasket
We've got a set of 2, a set of 2, then a set of 1

That's a bit of a reach.  In that section you're pointing out, I see only one set of 2, then a set of 1.  Where's the other set of 2?  And if it's supposed to point to jessie, shouldn't it be a 2, a 1, and another 1, not a 2?


It's also a bit convenient, isn't it?  jessie's got the only name with any numbers in it, so any "clue" based on numbers would point at her only.  It's like you're trying to make people suspicious of her.


Whoa, there, Bob... First of all, the second 2 is from "over and over".  That gives 221, which, as I said, would be an inversion (swapping 2's and 1's).


Second, I never said it was a *good* clue - I was just brainstorming like everyone else. It is ridiculous to claim I'm acting suspicious by playing this game in the most basic fashion of throwing out ideas. It's not like I started (or even proposed) a lynch or anything.


If anything, you're the one acting suspicious by honing in on a particular idea, which was not presented with any confidence or certainty, and claiming that it is in some way villainous when it is just simple brainstorming.


Anyway, back to actual playing... I finally got a chance to look back at Professor Cleve in context, and I think you guys are right that it's the clue. No idea who it's for. Here are some things Cleveland makes me think of:


Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Lake Erie




Drew Carey

Liz's boyfriend, Floyd, on 30 Rock.


That's all I got. Sorry, Cleveland.

Edited by HelenaHandbasket

You left out the on-again, off-again Barons :) .


Bob's behavior makes me more confident that the clue could be pointing to him.  And, since our new players don't know how to do this,


@SVNBob (MarkHB) 4 to lynch


(Game note: if you want to add your vote, add your name to the parenthesized list after mine, and then adjust the vote total and remaining-needed number accordingly.  If you want to vote for someone else, start a new line in the same format I did.  It takes an absolute majority of those still alive in the game to complete a lynch.


Game note 2: Even as an entitled middle-class straight white guy who is perfectly comfortable being an entitled middle-class straight white guy, I've never been 100% psyched about the "lynch" terminology, so if we want to say something different that's fine, too.)

Edited by MarkHB

You left out the on-again, off-again Barons :) .


Bob's behavior makes me more confident that the clue could be pointing to him.  And, since our new players don't know how to do this,


@SVNBob (MarkHB) 4 to lynch




2 SVNBob (MarkHB, RA) 3 to send into cancellation


Whoa there!  Just because I questioned someone's logic, and pointed out that their behavior looked suspicious to me, I get lynched?!?


second 2 is from "over and over"

Ok, I can see that now.  I'll concede that point.  I still think the overall clue is reaching, if it's really a clue.  As I was saying, number clues would seem to be the easiest to fabricate, and they would have to point to because she's the only player with numbers in her name.  And doing that would be a decent tactic for a villain to use to hide for at least one round.  Multiple rounds if you can get an innocent third-party, like ME, lynched too.

If you want to vote for someone else, start a new line in the same format I did.


Like this: 1 @MarkHB (SVNBob) 4 to eliminate. 

5 SVNBob (MarkHB, RA, Dougal, Helena, CuriousParker) 0 to drown in a flood of beer.


You jumped on me rather quickly Mark.  Helena I could understand, but not your reaction.  Seems a bit trigger happy to me.


There's still time for you guys to change your minds and switch your votes, or just withdraw them if you want.

Edited by SVNBob
  • Love 1

Sorry this took so long to get written. And it's probably not very good or very long either. Oh well.


Night 2 - Revelation, or: The Apocalypse
Alice and the Matheson children
Still in Wheeling, WV


Will and Rachel rode up to the rest of their party. They were reverently silent, as this was not the time for celebrating the death of a smart and intimidating villain. Gabriel had told them how Mei Chen had been a former Chinese intelligence agent. It had taken one of their own to defeat her. Speaking of which, they should probably go find Gabriel...


Rachel was about to get everybody going when a shot rang out. She looked to the horizon to see a bunch of soldiers on horses. Monroe himself was leading them. He lowered his gun from where he had fired it into the air. “On behalf of the Monroe Militia, you’re under arrest for theft and destruction of militia property, namely our steam train,” he said as the militia approached with guns drawn. They began cuffing everyone present. “Where’s Miles?” Monroe asked Rachel. She snarled at him “Gone, because of you.” “Search the surrounding area.” Monroe called the order out to his troops, his eyes staying on Rachel.


As they got lined up, Will felt something small and metal pressed into his hand. He met eyes with the soldier who had put it there and understood. The other man subtly nodded and moved on to Alice and the others, his cap low across his brow. “You know we’ll find him eventually,” Monroe said, “and the ways he has for turning the power back on.” Rachel shook her head sadly. “He didn’t know, that was only me. He just came to get my son back, along with...his daughter.”


This revelation was accompanied by Rachel bursting into tears, bent by her grief. A soldier grabbed her up and put her back into line with everyone else. Charlie was also shaking with rage, her eyes wet. “More secrets, I see,” Monroe noted. “I’ll be sure to tell Miles when we find him.” “You can’t...he’s DEAD!” screamed out Charlie. Monroe looked to Rachel for confirmation, but she was unable to meet his eyes. So Monroe knew it was true.


“Sir! We found a pair of handcuffs, but the make’s foreign! They were Mei Chen’s!” called out a soldier just joining them. Monroe looked surprised again. “She killed most of her targets, but said she’d be saving the handcuffs for…” He looked wildly between the soldiers, but one of them beat him to it. “ME.”


Gabriel turned and fired a gun from each hand, taking out the soldiers around them as he ran for the tree line. Everyone turned to shoot at him, which was what he had anticipated. And why he had slipped a key to each of the prisoners in turn. For now, they jumped the soldiers from behind, relieving them quickly of their weapons (and their consciousness). Monroe drew his gun on Rachel, but she quickly pushed it aside and punched his hand. The gun went flying as Monroe yelled. Rachel began to pound him, Monroe barely deflecting her blows.


“Rachel, STOP!” he finally screamed. She paused as he said “I didn’t want him dead!! I just wanted him to help bring the power back on! Please, help me do that for him! I’ll give you anything you want!” Rachel considered the offer. But before anyone could do anything, another gunshot rang out. The bullet was in Monroe’s chest. He slowly slumped to the ground.


Everyone turned to see Charlie holding Monroe’s gun, now smoking in her hand. “I want my father back, you son of a bitch.”


David T. Cole


The Crazed Spruce
- MILES MATHESON, HERO and KAMIKAZE. You are the most violent character we have. You won’t go down without a fight - in fact, you’ll take down the person who votes/PM’s to eliminate you.
TMunz - MEI CHEN, VILLAIN and RECRUITER. You are looking for the situation to give you the best chance to survive, so you’re trying to bring Jafar under your influence. Once per Night, you may PM me the name of another player, and if they are Jafar, they will get recruited to the Villains.
SVNBob - SEBASTIAN “BASS” MONROE, VILLAIN and POWER SHIELDER. As head of the Monroe Militia, you have a lot of influence. Each Night, you may PM me the name of a player, and that player will be unable to be identified. But you may not pick the same player two Nights in a row.


Let's give ~24 hours for Night, so it will end around 6:30 PM tomorrow (Thursday). Get your Actions in quickly! There was 1 clue in the story.

I propose we rename "lynching" to "David Lynching." David Lynching is a process is which the fingered party is surrounded by other players doing nonsensical things until the accused dies of confusion. Your nonsensical thing should be added to your vote:


e.g.: 1 Glark (MarkHB) 4 to eliminate. (Tapes a cat to head and screams "My shoes are summer! My shoes are summer!")

  • Love 3

Day 3 - Never The Twain Shall Meet
Cyrus, Anastasia, and the study group
Outside The Tower


“Give her some cover!” Jeff yelled out to the study group. Abed and Britta joined him in firing back at the attacking militia. Anastasia and Cyrus ran for the pad sticking out of the ground. Anastasia placed the pendant into the slot, and it began to glow light blue. She felt the familiar surge of her magic returning. “Here we go,” she said with a smirk, raising her hands to the blast doors. She worked on opening them…
Gabriel Vaughan and company
Approaching St. Louis, MO


...while, aboard a different (non-exploded) steam train, Gabriel threw open the doors between train cars. He crossed from the caboose into the next car, Riley right behind him. She only looked slightly bitter at being left out of the earlier fighting. Rachel, the one who had seen the militia train coming their direction and suggested boarding it, was right behind them. Everyone moved through the first car and approached the next door. At the other end of the car, Aaron muttered “I have a bad feeling about this.” The door closed behind him -


- as, at The Tower, the doors actually creaked open. Anastasia concentrated hard on keeping them apart. “Cyrus!?” she called. The young man was already making for the open doors. He jammed his genie bottle in the opening. Since the genie curse was unbreakable, so was his bottle. Which is why it now held the doors open for the others to run through. Abed crossed the threshold first -


- as did Gabriel aboard the train. Someone swung down from the ceiling, kicking him in the head. Gabriel sprawled into the seats. The person went for another blow, but Gabriel drew his gun, and the person vanished. There was a pounding at the door. Gabriel saw some kind of tool jammed into the handle, keeping it closed. He went and grabbed it, only to be attacked again. “Let’s make this just you and me,” the person seethed. After recovering from the punch to the head, Gabriel drew his gun again, but the person had disappeared again.


Abed holstered his gun, as everyone from the study group had made it inside the blast doors. Anastasia pushed the doors apart enough for the genie bottle to fall into Cyrus’s hands, and then they were alone. “Great. Now what?” asked Britta to Jeff. “We figure out how to turn the power back on. Abed?” “I’d put it at a central control terminal. Since this place is called The Tower, but doesn’t go up into the sky at all, I bet it goes down. So we take an elevator to the bottom.” “You got all that just from knowing your crazy sci-fi movies?” Jeff asked. “That, and all these Ethernet cables heading into the floor.” Cyrus was looking out a window. “Those soldiers are coming.” We pan past his face -


- to Riley’s equally worried face at the train car window. “Gabriel! Let us in!” she called into the other car. Gabriel held up a hand to her. He looked around, noting the windows of the car were all open. A voice floated in: “I know you, Gabriel Vaughan. Traitor to the Monroe Republic.” “Lieutenant Neville,” Gabriel responded. “Can’t be a traitor to something that doesn’t exist. No more Monroe, no more Monroe Republic.” The voice chuckled. “Guess I just got a promotion. All those soldiers...now mine.”


We see a Monroe Republic soldier using an explosive to blow a small hole in the blast doors at The Tower. On the other side, the study group ran for the open elevators, Anastasia jamming the pendant into a slot. The doors dinged as the soldier placed his gun in the hole, firing at the group. The bullets flew as everyone got to the floor of the elevator. After several long seconds that felt much longer, the doors eventually closed. Inside, it was quiet. Someone laughed to break the tension. “We’re all right!” Jeff declared to everyone as the elevator rushed down. “Sorry about this, darling,” Anastasia added, trying to disentangle herself from Cyrus. Jeff had Britta on top of him in an equally awkward position. He went to remove her arms from between them. “Britta, I know you like to be close to me, but - ” Jeff stopped upon seeing Britta clutching her stomach, blood everywhere.


“How’s it feel to be the one in charge of murderers?” Gabriel asked Neville. “Everything we did was for the peace of this country.” “As long as you were in charge,” retorted Gabriel. “No matter who got in your way. Even kids.” Neville laughed again. “That’s what this is about? Well I can relieve your worrying about the children.” Footsteps on the roof of the car headed toward the rear. “You leave them out of this!” Gabriel called out, moving to follow. He made quick eye contact with Riley at the window. Her eyes went wide as she tried to warn Gabriel, but he was already moving, diving behind some seats. Monroe soldiers entered the train car, firing more bullets. Riley called out “Gabriel!”


“Jeff…” Britta said weakly. “Don’t try to talk. You’re gonna be fine. We can magic you back to life. Right!?” Jeff looked desperately at the Wonderland residents. Cyrus didn’t meet his eyes. “We don’t have our magic right now.” Anastasia shook her head, biting her lip to keep from crying. Jeff looked back at Britta. “We’ll get the power back on then! You can hang on till then! Abed!” The doors dinged and Abed was out of them as quick as a flash. Cyrus went to help him, gently taking the pendant from the slot. Abed found what had to be the office of the person in charge here. He found another computer with another pendant-shaped slot next to it. Cyrus placed their pendant in it and the monitor came to life. Abed started to type. “Someone’s been here recently. They must have a pendant too. They were using it to locate the other pendants.” “There are more?” “Quite a few more. But that won’t matter in one second. I just have to figure this program out…”


We see Gabriel pinned down by gunfire. On the other side of the train car door, Riley has her gun out but is unable to help. In the open elevator, Jeff holds a dying Britta in his arms, Anastasia looking on. Everyone looks worried.


“Got it!” Abed typed a few things then hits enter. He looked up expectantly. For a few tense seconds nothing happened. Cyrus went to put his hand on Abed’s shoulder. Then, an overhead light flickered. It slowly turned on. Abed broke out into a grin. “JEFF!” he yelled down the hall. Lights were coming on everywhere. Jeff’s eyes went to Anastasia, who immediately put her hand out towards Britta. But just as quickly she stopped. She started to lower it. “What are you doing!?” Jeff screamed. Anastasia just shook her head as Jeff looked down at his former classmate. Her eyes were vacant. Jeff sobbed. Anastasia went to close them -


- as Gabriel opened his. He couldn’t believe it: the computer chip in his head had turned on again. After years of silence, it was on. Just like those lights overhead. Gabriel reached out and found a satellite in the sky above. He saw an overhead view of the train. And someone atop it. Gabriel rolled over and aimed his gun. He pulled the trigger again and again.


Atop the train, the bullets tore into Thomas Neville, to his great surprise. He staggered to the side. Neville didn’t know how his former soldier knew where he was. It was impossible. And speaking of impossible, lights were turning on everywhere. Along the streets, in distant office buildings, everywhere. He had failed. But he wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. As the train went to cross a bridge over a river, Neville stepped off the side of the train. His body crashed into the Mississippi River and sank.


Outside The Tower, neon lighting was coming on along the edges of the signs. And someone walked up to the sign. They placed their staff in the ground, a tiny puff of magic emerging. A golden staff with a pattern of what looked like scales...

David T. Cole


The Crazed Spruce - MILES MATHESON, HERO and KAMIKAZE. You are the most violent character we have. You won’t go down without a fight - in fact, you’ll take down the person who votes/PM’s to eliminate you.
TMunz - MEI CHEN, VILLAIN and RECRUITER. You are looking for the situation to give you the best chance to survive, so you’re trying to bring Jafar under your influence. Once per Night, you may PM me the name of another player, and if they are Jafar, they will get recruited to the Villains.
SVNBob - SEBASTIAN “BASS” MONROE, VILLAIN and POWER SHIELDER. As head of the Monroe Militia, you have a lot of influence. Each Night, you may PM me the name of a player, and that player will be unable to be identified. But you may not pick the same player two Nights in a row.
RebelliousAngel - BRITTA PERRY, HERO and IDENTIFIER. Once per Night, you may PM me a name of another player, and (using your amazing psychiatrist skills) you can identify what character they are.
jessied112 - TOM NEVILLE, VILLAIN and INVESTIGATOR. You can use your super-secret spy skills to identify what character one player is each Night - just PM me their name.


THE GAME IS NOT OVER. Let's give ~48 hours for Day, so it should end around 10:30 PM on Saturday. Let's try to get something going vote-wise by then. There was 1 clue in the story.

“On behalf of the Monroe Militia, you’re under arrest for theft and destruction of militia property, NAMEly our steam train,”


I would like to nominate @Dougal for a fine and rigorous David Lynching.


1 Dougal (David T. Cole) 4 to David Lynch (Puts axel grease in a bowler hat and laughs at the moon).

Okay, my question as a newbie; how did both a villain and a hero die this time? Last time, it was a kamikaze thing. This time, the villains would take someone out, but how did a villain get taken out as well? Not that I'm complaining because of COURSE, I'm a hero!


As it stands, I'm with @David T. Cole, that seems like a pretty solid clue to me.


2 @Dougal (stacey) 3 to David Lynch (Smears lipstick around eyes and slaps fish on strangers on the street while pointing at a fast food restaurant).

I'm not 100% sure of that clue.  After all, steam trains run on coal.  Plus, steam trains were a known element of Revolution.


So far as how a villain could have died, sometimes a hero could have an Executioner power, which allows them to kill someone as a night power (subject to protection, etc.)  Some games even have a serial killer, who can kill one person each night but is not part of the Villains, but there hasn't been any sign of one in this game and I doubt one would be introduced now (regardless of who that is showing up at the end of the story).


If anyone has a handle on which remaining characters in the stories could be villains, I'd love to hear it.  There appear to be a lot more characters than remaining players, so some are presumably NPC's.









Re: the baseless accusations against me: whoa, crazy, never heard of that. Too bad it's a complete coincidence that'll lead to the slaughter of a totally innocent victim. :(

Here's another possible clue: the Mississippi's featured fairly prominently recently, especially with the last thing in the story being a villain falling into it. Well, if you google image search 's profile picture, you get her Twitter:



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