TJtrack99 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 Signups for Community/Revolution/??? Mafia 1. The Crazed Spruce? 2. David T. Cole 3. Dougal 4. stacey 5. jessied112 6. MarkHB 7. RebelliousAngel 8. TMunz I'll leave signups open for a little while. In the meantime, everyone can introduce themselves to everyone :) I'm TJ, a high school math teacher living in VA. My first fandom was Heroes. Now I'm a big fan of Once Upon A Time and Agents of SHIELD. Talk amongst yourselves! Link to comment
SVNBob May 12, 2014 Share May 12, 2014 I'm in as well! Link to comment
TJtrack99 May 13, 2014 Author Share May 13, 2014 Updated Signups for Community/Revolution/??? Mafia1. The Crazed Spruce2. David T. Cole3. Dougal4. stacey5. jessied1126. MarkHB7. RebelliousAngel8. TMunz 9. SVNBob 10. HelenaHandbasket The Basic Rule of Mafia Etiquette: Never, Ever reveal what was in your PM. That is, don't quote it in-thread. You're welcome to hint and imply all you want (in fact, you probably should), but no revealing the behind-the-scenes. Link to comment
TJtrack99 May 16, 2014 Author Share May 16, 2014 PROLOGUE: Right Place, Wrong TimeAlice, Cyrus, Anastasia, and Will ScarletWonderland Will writhed in pain from the lightning strike. Next to him, Alice was unconscious. She was also dying, being held by Cyrus, her genie. The thundercloud that had been sent by Jafar still hovered overhead. Anastasia turned to face it head-on. She focused on creating a magic barrier around the four of them for protection. “I know what to do! Alice...she said the last wish would be mine! So I should have it!” Will yelled to Cyrus. The genie nodded his head and waved towards Will. The red gem representing the wish appeared in Will’s hand. “Now be careful,” Cyrus explained. “Don’t wish for anything in vague terms. That would probably do more harm than good.” Will barked out a laugh. “Like I’d do anything...that sodding stupid! No. I wish...for the 4 of us to be alive and in perfect health out of Wonderland!” With a swirl of purple smoke, the 4 adventurers disappeared. And miles away, Jafar screamed in rage. *** Maggie Foster, Aaron Pittman, and Charlie MathesonWisconsin “You have to find my brother Miles, in Chicago. He knows about how the power went out...I need you to do this for me, Charlie.” Ben Matheson breathed his last as Charlie cried. She didn’t have long, however, as two of the militiamen who had taken her brother Danny away approached again. Charlie went to pick up her crossbow, but the man held up his hands in surrender. “Whoa, easy there, Katniss,” he said. “We come in peace.” The brunette next to him nodded. “We’re not staying with the militia any more. We draw the line at attacking kids.” “Plus we know where they’re going,” the blond man finished. “Steam train down in Indiana. We can take you there.” Charlie looked to her father’s friends - her dead father, the thought shot through her mind - for their opinion. Maggie and Aaron (stuffing his hand into his pocket) both nodded. Charlie turned to the militiamen. “I’m Charlie.” “Gabriel Vaughan,” the man said, shaking her hand, “and this is my old partner, Riley Neal.” “Partner? I don’t see any rings,” Charlie quipped. Riley chuckled. “Not like that. We used to work together. We were involved with cyber security before…” she motioned around to the electricity-free world “...all of this.” “Cyber security?” “Yeah, I used to be able to do some pretty nice party tricks,” Gabriel said with a glance at Riley. “But now I’m just another soldier.” “You’re much more than that.” Riley gave him a stern look. “You’re a good man.” “Do good men join up with militias run by madmen?” “You know that all of the military was simply joining together - ” Charlie held up her hand. “Let’s focus on finding my uncle. And then getting my brother back.” *** Rachel Matheson’s cellPhiladelphia (Headquarters of Monroe Militia) After once again being left by Monroe (still without telling him anything, at least), Rachel collapsed onto her bed. Her family still thought her dead. But her son was on his way here, a captive of the militia. She’d have to talk soon if she didn’t want to see him hurt. She had just made up her mind to start writing out all of the information that she knew when, out of nowhere, a young girl and boy appeared in a swirl of gray smoke. Rachel leapt to her feet as the two patted themselves down. Then they starting laughing in joy, “We did it! We got out of Wonderland!” (Wonderland? thought Rachel.) The girl looked around. “But...where’s Cyrus? And the Red Queen?” (The Red Queen??) “Her name’s Anastasia, Alice,” the boy responded. And, for Rachel, that name was the breaking point. “Excuse me, did you say your name was Alice?” Rachel inquired of the girl. The younger female nodded, “Yes, and this is Will Scarlet.” “You’re Alice...from Wonderland,” Rachel stated in disbelief. “Well, I’m not actually from Wonderland. I’m from this world originally, from England. Where are we now?” “You’re in America. And unfortunately you’re in a prison cell. With me.” “Well we’ve gotten out of tighter places than this, eh Alice?” Will asked his companion. Alice faintly agreed, clearly thinking about something. “Why wouldn’t Cyrus and the Red-...Anastasia be with us? They were standing right there with us…” “You don’t know how that magic works, Alice,” Will replied. “They could have gone anywhere-” “Magic?? You mean magic brought you here?” interjected Rachel. “Well yes, didn’t you see the fancy smoke?” Will looked about ready to make another sarcastic comment, but this time it was Alice who cut him off. “It was the third wish. Cyrus is a genie.” Rachel’s eyes went wide. “And was this Red Queen magical too?” “Her name is-” “YES, she was magical, stop being so argumentative, WILL,” Alice finished. “Then I think I know what happened. Right now all of the electricity in this world is being stopped.” The two looked at her blankly. “Uh, it’s kind of our world’s forms of magic, if you will. But they’re being stopped by these tiny things called nanites. They’re always looking to consume any kind of extra power. So I bet they pulled your magical friends towards the place where they’re being controlled.” She looked at the two gravely. “It’s called The Tower.” *** Greendale Community CollegeSeveral miles from The Tower, in central Colorado “I already TOLD you, I DIDN’T fail at guard duty, these two just appeared out of nowhere!” Shirley snapped at Annie. “People don’t just APPEAR, Shirley! There’s no such thing as- “ “Magic??” Cyrus interrupted. “I’m afraid you’re wrong, darling,” Anastasia added. “Where we come from, there is most definitely magic.” Annie scoffed, “Well there’s not any here. Not any more.” “What happened here?” Cyrus inquired, before the door opened and Jeff Winger entered. “You two. Where’d you come from?” “Wonderland,” answered Anastasia. “Hilarious. Want to try that again?” Jeff raised a gun to Anastasia’s head. “What exactly is that, darling?” she asked him. “We really did come from Wonderland. She was The Red Queen, I was….a genie.” Anastasia held up his bottle. “See?” There was a beat, and then suddenly everyone grabbed for the bottle at once. Somehow Annie ended up with it and yelled “I wish all of the electricity would start working again!” Everyone looked up expectantly. But nothing happened. “It won’t work. This land has no magic,” Abed stated. Everyone yelped in surprise at the new arrival. “But if we can get it working again, then maybe magic will work too.” Anastasia and Cyrus looked at each other grimly as Britta stressed “Abed, there’s no such thing as magic.” Abed shrugged. “Believe what you want. I know that it can happen. But there are rules. About going in back in time and making people fall in love - ” “ - and killing them, yes, we know, Abed.” Jeff rolled his eyes, per usual. “Speaking of which, we found out about Hickey. He’s dead.” The rest of the former Save Greendale Committee took a moment of silence for their friend. “He couldn’t get them into The Tower.” “The Tower?” asked Cyrus. Jeff scoffed and said “Annie, why don’t you catch up our new friends here on what they’ve missed over in Neverland.” “WONDERland,” corrected Anastasia, which was met with a snort by Jeff as he stormed out. Abed looked after him sadly, thinking of the one person that he knew everyone wished was there. Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 The game is afoot! (Sorry. Read the Elementary showmatic on the way to the forum.) Link to comment
TJtrack99 May 19, 2014 Author Share May 19, 2014 PM's are sent and Day 1 is almost ready! Will go up some time tomorrow. Link to comment
SVNBob May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 PM Confirmation time! If you've got yours, detailing your side and any powers you might have, check in. Just say that you have it, and nothing more. Like this: Got my PM! Not just an example, as I do actually have mine. Looks like the bar is ready. Got the rum from before, put in some beer from my stock, and what accoutrements and supplies I could salvage from the other place. Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) Got mine! Woo! :) *slips bottle of Screech into the bar fridge* Edited May 19, 2014 by The Crazed Spruce Link to comment
HelenaHandbasket May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Got it! So excited to play, especially with some new faces in the mix. TJ does great games, you guys, so this will be a fantastic way to christen Mafia's new home! Link to comment
MarkHB May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I got mine as well! Link to comment
Guest May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Got it. Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Got mine as well. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Got mine. Link to comment
David T. Cole May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Got mine. Thank you for explaining things like I'm five! 2 Link to comment
halgia May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Got it! Link to comment
TMunz May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 I received mine. Link to comment
TJtrack99 May 20, 2014 Author Share May 20, 2014 DAY 1: Perpetual MotionAlice, Will, and RachelOutside of Philadelphia, PA “Thanks for helping me escape!” Rachel breathed to the other two as they ran from Monroe’s headquarters. “It was no sweat!” Will grinned as he recalled their knocking out the guards, taking their uniforms, and walking right out with Rachel as their “prisoner.” Rachel herself was placing a curved pendant around her neck as she tried to keep up. “I’m glad Monroe left me on my own...Never found this in my cell...It’s our only hope for bringing the power back on.” “Horses! Up ahead!” yelled back Alice. The three ran up and began untying the horses from the fence. We zoom in on the pendant around Rachel’s neck… see one just like it being handed to Monroe. “Soon I’ll have the power,” he says to the lieutenant who gave it to him - a Chinese woman with a smirk and an evil glint in her eye.***Maggie Foster and Riley NealLowell, Indiana Riley looked over Maggie, who was laying on a blanket in a warehouse. “Thank you for saving me,” Maggie said to the former Secret Service agent. “I’m just glad I got the bastard,” Riley replied. “How’s your leg?” “Good, he didn’t hit the major artery, thank goodness. Probably your quick shooting.” “She always was a good shot,” came a voice from the doorway. Gabriel walked in and continued, “Now that our adventure with the psycho dog owner’s over, I’m going to take the others to the train.” “Okay, I’m all set,” Riley answered, getting up to leave. But Gabriel put out a hand to stop her. “She needs someone to watch out for her. It’s dangerous around here, and it only takes one of us to get the Mathesons to the train. We’ll be right back.” Riley would have argued back, but she knew he was right. She watched Gabriel as he left. “It’s hard to watch them leave, isn’t it?” Riley gave a confused look to the questioning Maggie, who smiled in recognition. “The ones we care about?” Looking down, Riley chuckled to herself. Even as a voice came from across the room “So you don’t care about me?.” “Aaron!” the girls yelled in surprise. “How long have you been there?” “Came in with Gabriel. But I see Mr. Chiseled Jaw had all your attention.” Maggie gave him a sincere smile. “Thank you for stitching me up, Aaron.” He laughed a small laugh and responded “You’re welcome. Plus, I wanted to show you guys something. Ben gave it to me, said it was important. Something to do with turning the power back on.” He places on the table next to them the object from his pocket: another of the curved pendants.***Anastasia and Jeff WingerOutside Greendale Community College “Aren’t you worried about that militia finding us, darling?” Anastasia asked Jeff as he patrolled. Moving back and forth in front of the torches surrounding the school as night fell, Jeff just shook his head. “They know where we are. But they’ve found out that we’re a lot more dangerous than we look. So mostly they just leave us alone.” “And how did you come to lead such a dangerous group?” We zoom in Jeff’s stoic face as we flash back. Jeff’s same stoic face is there as we hear the sound of panicking people all around him. “Luckily we’re safe in here!” yelled out Abed as he and Annie held one of the study room’s doors closed. “And hopefully that pile of food includes some Earl Grey, because I’m going to need some to calm my nerves after this!” yelled back Professor Duncan. He and Britta were holding the other set of doors closed. “Jeffrey?? Shouldn’t we be helping those people??” Shirley questioned, Hickey seated at the table behind her. Jeff shook his head, replying “We don’t know exactly what madness the student population has come up with now. Could be we actually are under attack...or it could just be that someone cut a breaker as a hilarious senior prank.” “JEFFREY!!!” Everyone recognized the Dean’s scream from outside the room. Jeff quickly motioned to Abed, who yanked the Dean into the room and re-slammed the door. “It’s chaos out there! Worse than during paintball!” “What’s going on? Who did it?” “I don’t know!! But it’s not just happening here! It’s happening EVERYWHERE! City College, all of the nearby towns, nobody has any power!” “I know what to do,” said Hickey quietly. “We need to arm ourselves. Just in case. When I was on the force, we heard rumors about that government building nearby. And how it might one day end the world. Looks like it has.” Jeff looked up at him. “Not yet it hasn’t.” And with that, we’re back in the present. Anastasia regards Jeff somewhat sadly. “I think, darling, that sometimes it’s the people who DON’T think that they’re the best leaders...that actually are.” Jeff allowed himself a small smile. Until there was a small explosion in the ground nearby. The two watched with wide eyes as something actually came OUT of the hole...a white rabbit. “Rabbit?!” exclaimed Anastasia. “But that means...Jafar!” She grabbed Jeff. “Run!” The two headed back for the shelter of the community college as Jafar emerged. “Oh no you don’t,” he said, reaching out to choke Anastasia. But of course, nothing happened. She smirked at him as he looked at his hand is disbelief. The sound of many voices shouting filled the air. “They must have heard the explosion and thought we attacked! Tell the others!” Jeff ordered the former queen. She ran into the building as Jeff turned back. Jafar was already heading off into the night. Suddenly, behind him, Jeff became aware of...lights. Turning on somewhere in the school. He looked at the building, incredulous. Riley, Aaron, and Maggie looked up at a light bulb overhead, now illuminated. They then looked back down at the pendant, glowing a light blue. And as they crossed into Delaware, Rachel noticed a pink light coming from Alice. There was a pink glow around her necklace. “Alice? Why is that glowing?” The younger girl held her necklace in her hand. “This will lead us to Cyrus. Give us a direction to get home, because it’s...magic.” “But magic isn’t supposed to work here.” “Neither is your electricity. But tell that to your pendant.” Rachel looked down at her pendant, also glowing light blue. And frowned. “It’s not supposed to do that. Not yet…”*** LIVING PLAYERS1. The Crazed Spruce2. David T. Cole3. Dougal4. stacey5. jessied1126. MarkHB7. RebelliousAngel8. TMunz9. SVNBob10. HelenaHandbasket11. CuriousParker Let's give 48 hours for Day, so you have until the end of Wednesday to decide on a lynch (and remember that no-lynch is available too). I'll probably write on Thursday, unless you end Day earlier. There was 1 clue in the story. Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 Don't know about anyone else, but the only thing that strikes me as even remotely clueish is the reference to Earl Grey. Could refer to either TMunz or the illustrious Mr. Cole. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 The only thing I can see as a clue is "I think, darling, that sometimes it’s the people who DON’T think that they’re the best leaders...that actually are.” Possiably leading to our formiddable overlord... David T. Cole..? Link to comment
halgia May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 @The Crazed Spruce – do you think that just because of "earl"? I dunno, either of those seem possible. I don't see anything else that stands out. Link to comment
Guest May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 “It’s chaos out there! Worse than during paintball!” I don't know if this is a clue, but it made me laugh. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 Side note..I hate all the new names for old posters I used to know..I don't know who's who anymore and it's super confusing! I need a friggin chart. *pouts* Link to comment
HelenaHandbasket May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 I'm with Spruce. "Earl Grey" is the only thing that stood out to me. Dougal, the interpretation (at least my interpretation, and I assume Spruce's as well) is: Earl Grey -> Tea -> T Hence, either David T. Cole or TMunz have "T" figuring prominently in their name. Link to comment
David T. Cole May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 Someone come back explain what is happening right now like I'm five. 4 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I'm with Spruce. "Earl Grey" is the only thing that stood out to me. Dougal, the interpretation (at least my interpretation, and I assume Spruce's as well) is: Earl Grey -> Tea -> T Hence, either David T. Cole or TMunz have "T" figuring prominently in their name. Exactly my thoughts. Someone come back explain what is happening right now like I'm five. There are two parts to the game, "Night" and "Day". During "Day", the players vote to eliminate someone from the game because they believe that person's one of the bad guys. To help the vote, the writer usually slips a clue into the story pointing to one of the bad guys. Right now, the line that everyone seems to think is a clue seems to point to either you or TMunz. So it's basically up to you to defend yourself. Did anyone else find anything that might be a clue? Link to comment
David T. Cole May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Psycho dog could be @Dougal Link to comment
formerlyfreedom May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 The Earl Grey thing did jump out at me because I immediately think of Picard, and had to remind myself he's not in this game. That said, I can't say anything else really jumped out at me. Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Yeah, the only thing that jumped out at me was the Earl Grey line. A few other things caught my eye, but I'm pretty sure that's just me overanalyzing things. Link to comment
halgia May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Psycho dog could be @Dougal Point of my avatar is that I'm not that dog, thank you very much. :) 1 Link to comment
David T. Cole May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 ^ Protests too much. Link to comment
SVNBob May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 (edited) (Never mind) I'm not sure we really have enough to go on just yet. Edited May 21, 2014 by SVNBob Link to comment
RebelliousAngel May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Someone come back explain what is happening right now like I'm five. Hehehe I think I'm going to like you, plus I'm about 4 maturity wise so we're on the same page. ;) Link to comment
MarkHB May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Typically, unless people are overwhelmingly confident, we've dispensed with executing anyone in Day 1, just due to the relative lack of information. That's not mandatory or necessarily even a "best practice," it's just how things have tended to go. Since @TJtrack99 has given us a time limit, we can dispense with actually voting not to lynch, and instead just keep discussing things until he calls time. Note to Villains: you're allowed and expected to lie about your status, to loudly declaim "I'm a hero!" regardless of the facts. Personally, while the "Earl Grey" clue indeed looks promising, I'm notoriously bad at sniffing out clues and am not in favor of rushing to judgement. However, I would appreciate it if those who know who all the characters are (in terms of the shows they come from) could outline them. I didn't watch a lot of these, I'm afraid. Link to comment
HelenaHandbasket May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I'll do Community and let someone else tackle the other shows (I've seen a few eps of OUaTiW, but no Revolution) Jeff - Disgraced lawyer ousted when it proved his credentials were fake. "Over it" is pretty much his attitude about everything, but he generally steps up to do right by his friends. Cynical and reluctant ringleader of the group. Annie - Hyper-ambitious honor student who wound up in Community College due to a high school pill addiction. Incredibly self-righteous about her moral code, but willing to throw it out the window in order to achieve her goals. Shirley - God-fearing mother of three, who is very kind but never hesitant to bust out a can of whoop-ass. Britta - Devoted to causes because causes are good, Mmmmkay? Abed - Somewhere on the autism spectrum, he is an aspiring filmmaker with a vivid fantasy life. As an example, he and his best friend, Troy, (the one he wishes were there) turned one of the bedrooms of their apartment into a faux Holodeck. The Dean - Incompetent and... festive. Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 (edited) I've watched Revolution, but none of the other shows so I can provide an exaggerated, but fairly accurate description too: Rachel- mother of Charlie, self absorbed woman who is ultimately part of the cause of the blackout. Her favourite past-times include the judging of others who do wrong in her eyes and sexting it up with Miles Matheson. Her daughter goes from hating her to tolerating her most of the time. But for the purposes of the game, she's a prisoner of Monroe at the moment. Charlie- teenage girl who had perfect hair in the first season. Now she's kind of a total badass, not afraid to call people out on their shit and actually has grown up and become more morally centered than her own mother. Aaron- the Nanite Whisperer. No, seriously. He didn't really do much of importance first season but this season he's become the Fire Starter and Nanite Babysitter, making sure they don't get into too much trouble and not being smart about when to use the nanites. He could have brought his girlfriend back to life but chose the revenge route instead, but hey, at least he's not Rachel. Maggie Foster- She was a good character in the first few episodes of last season before they decided to kill her off. What a shame. Girlfriend of deceased Ben Matheson and doctor. Sebastian Monroe- villain turned morally grey guy, leader of the Monroe Republic. For the sake of this game, though, I'm going to assume he's 100% villain at the moment. Best friend (or ex best friend) of Miles Matheson. People think they're secretly in love with each other. And hey, better than Rachel (I may have an irrational hate for Rachel Matheson. Whoops?) Miles Matheson- uncle/father of Charlie. People say he's the father of Charlie just because (no, there are hints but that's about it). Ex leader of the Monroe Republic, ok good guy actually. He gives the best confused looks to most people in his general vicinity. Edited May 21, 2014 by jessied112 Link to comment
MarkHB May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Thanks! I watched the first part of S1 of Revolution, but it fell off my list during the hiatus. (I think I made it to the point Monroe got helicopters going or something, but never came back.) Link to comment
formerlyfreedom May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I have only watched Community and Revolution out of these four, but pretty much agree with what's been given as descriptions. Although I really hate Charlie with the heat of the thousand suns, and have been more tolerant of Rachel then , I guess! Link to comment
RebelliousAngel May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 (edited) Ok…Let me preface this with..I only saw about 2.5 episodes before I couldn’t take it anymore and quit…cause it was that bad and full of terrible CGI, and the characters were lame and not very well developed and well..basically they were also all annoying. So since no one else save our mod seems to know this’s the little bit that I got on Once Upon a Time in Wonderland… Alice- Annoying little thing that’s like..12 going on 45 now. I’m not really sure she’s definatly not the little girl from all the stories you hear. This is supposed to be a later version of her, after she’s broken out of a mental institute (her father put her there), after following the rabbit down the hole and coming back home and telling everyone, they you know thought she was crazy..which is perfectly logical when you try to explain the acid trip that is Wonderland to people. Cyrus- The genie (from Aladdin you know which Robbin Willimas played so much better and I hate Robbin Williams), he is Alice’s love interest. Last time I saw him he was locked up in a cage held captive by the Red Queen..I didn’t watch this horror show that long though. Cyrus seemed pathetic to me though. Anastasia- Apparently after I stopped watching the Red Queen got a name! She’s the Red Queen aka The Queen of know Off with their heads!! That one. She’s evil and stuff, I forget why she wants Alice dead but she does. Also..her and Will used to be lovers prior to her Red Queen Reign. But I was mad cause they didn’t keep the same lady in the original OUAT that played the Queen of hearts they got this new chick and so it wasn’t really a spin off cause we didn’t really follow anyone from one show to another like a spin off should we just got all these new crappy characters that they didn’t seem to really think about and just tossed together cause they managed a hit with the first show. Will Scarlet (aka Knave of hearts) – The hot one in this show and the only reason I made it thorough those 3 tortuous episodes , by the time I stopped watching he hadn’t had much character development. Red Queen’s former lover. Uhh he’s a thief or something , he’s the one that helps Alice break out of the asylum and back into Wonderland. Jafar – You know..Aladdin Jafar with the scary snake septor thingy. Except he’s played by stupid Siade from Lost who still has that disgusting hair he needs to wash, and he still has a weird accent he’s obviously trying to hide and it’s not really working. He stares evilly into the camera a lot, he’s the reason genie boy is locked in a cage, Red Queeny pushed genie boy off a cliff Jafar caught him on his magic carpet and whisked him off to a cage. Edited May 22, 2014 by RebelliousAngel Link to comment
TJtrack99 May 22, 2014 Author Share May 22, 2014 Night 1 - ConvergentSebastian Monroe and Tom NevillePhiladelphia “So they got away with the boy,” Monroe growled at Neville. The lieutenant looked at his general with an eyebrow raised. “Yes, sir. But it seems like a moot point anyway - the Matheson girl is gone.” Monroe snorted. “So your excuse is that you’re not the only incompetent one? You’re lucky this is the first time you’ve screwed up, Tom.” Neville sighed in agreement. “It won’t happen again.” “I know it won’t. And now we have a new objective anyway. You probably didn’t notice since you were too busy fighting Miles, but the power briefly came back on.” At this news, Neville’s eyes went wide. “Only in a small area, though. Around this pendant.” Monroe showed Neville the pendant as he called out “Mei Chen, would you come in here?” The Chinese lieutenant made her way into the room. “Luckily Mei Chen was able to quickly look up some information about these while the power was on.” “How did she - ” “Don’t worry about my methods, lieutenant,” she interrupted. “But I know where we need to go now.” “Where?” “A placed called The Tower.”***Rachel, Alice, and WillOutside of Wheeling, WV “So you’re sure that’s the only explanation?” Alice asked. Rachel bit her lip and nodded. “We put trackers in all of the pendants. It must activate them when the trackers are turned on. So somebody is looking for them.” “Are they on our side?” “I can’t know for sure.” Will was sarcastic as he said “Great. More people that are probably trying to kill you.” “Kill US, Will, we’re involved now too.” Will scoffed as he looked into the distance, but then said “Here comes that train. Let’s get your son back.”***Miles, Charlie, Gabriel, and Danny MathesonAboard the train Miles and Charlie came back up to the front of the train where Gabriel was driving it. “That’s the last of the militia off the train.” Danny spoke up and said “They told me they were taking me to Monroe himself. That I’d help him get somebody to do something.” “Who could that be, Danny?” Charlie asked her brother. The younger boy shrugged. Several loud bangs alerted everyone to somebody boarding the train. “Stay here,” Miles said, drawing his prefered weapon: his sword. He moved back a few cars to see an outside door open. “Maybe it was just that,” he thought to himself as we went to close it. Except as soon as he stepped into the car, he was tackled to the ground with a loud cry. Miles fought with the attacker. “Wait, wait, wait...Miles?” He stopped when he heard the soft voice, couldn’t be. Miles flipped himself over to see - “Rachel??” The two looked at each other in amazement. “Hands up!” came another voice from the door. Rachel turned to see her daughter pointing a crossbow at her. Though when the girl recognized who the attacker was, her face matched the shock of the others’. “Mom???”***Cyrus, Anastasia, and the study groupGreendale Community College “We need to decide who’s going to try to get in and who’s going to stay,” Annie declared to the group. They were all seated in the science lab, trying to sort out what had happened. Anastasia had run back into the college as Jeff had commanded. She had come upon Cyrus, who said he could feel his magic return. The fact that he had said this while being illuminated by the only lights that were on in the building helped support his case. The two had quickly searched nearby and found a curved pendant in a Professor Cleve’s room. It had been illuminated in light blue for a minute or so. Then it had gone dark, just like all of the lights in the building. And the two couldn’t do their magic any more either. So they had returned to tell everyone what they thought. “We need to get into that building,” Jeff had jumped in with. “But we’re safe here, Jeffrey,” Shirley had calmly responded. “My boys and I, we’re all here. All surviving.” “I don’t think it needs to be all of us.” Britta looked over everyone. “A larger group will be easier noticed anyway.” “Britta’s right,” responded Jeff. Everyone sort of gave him a look of disbelief at that, but he added with a sly grin “First time for everything.” That got everyone to laugh at least a little. “Well I’m coming,” Britta said defiantly, “and I’m NOT going to screw it up.” “I want to come too. If we bring the power back on, then everyone can come back here safely.” Abed surveyed the crowd and quietly repeated “Everyone.” Annie stood up quickly and said “I - ” “- need to stay here,” Jeff finished for her. Annie looked outraged, but Jeff pulled her aside and whispered “You’re the only one I think can lead all of these people while I’m gone. You have to watch out for Shirley, her kids, Garrett, Neil, Vicki, everyone. You’ll be like the President of Greendale.” That got Annie’s eyes to light up a little. “And we’ll come to use our magic if this thing lights up again,” Anastasia said, holding aloft the pendant.***Several miles away We pan past a sign that says “Now Approaching: The Tower. Property of US Government.” We see a keypad at the entrance to a bunker nearby. And instead of a card reader, there’s a place to put an object. The outline for the required object looks just like one of the curved pendants... *** LIVING PLAYERS1. The Crazed Spruce2. David T. Cole3. Dougal4. stacey5. jessied1126. MarkHB7. RebelliousAngel8. TMunz9. SVNBob10. HelenaHandbasket11. CuriousParker You have ~24 hours for Night, so it will end around ~5 PM tomorrow (Friday). Though I won't promise the story on Friday - it may need until Saturday to be finished. Get your Night actions in quickly! (Via PM, of course!) There was 1 clue in the story. And at least 1 person make sure to post something in-thread after this as a buffer so the stories don't run together :) Link to comment
MarkHB May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 NOW IS THE TIME ON SPROCKETS WHEN WE DANCE!!!!! Seriously, in Night the thread can remain quiet, or we can discuss whatever, continue with personal introductions, etc. Game discussion is strictly forbidden. Link to comment
SVNBob May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 It also means that the bar is officially open. Belly up and pick your poisons! Link to comment
HelenaHandbasket May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 "I'll take something boring like a beer." "Not me, I want this night to get craaaazzzzy. Get me a shot of Snakejuice." 1 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 *sips rum & coke* *eyes certain people warily* *waits* Link to comment
MarkHB May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 * Wonders if @HelenaHandbasket is secretly playing Two-Face * Link to comment
formerlyfreedom May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 Happy hour time is here! Woo woo three day weekends rock! 1 Link to comment
TJtrack99 May 25, 2014 Author Share May 25, 2014 Day 2 - Throw Mama From The TrainThe MathesonsAboard the steam train Miles finished dragging the barrel of gasoline aboard the stopped train and lined it up with the others. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Rachel asked him with a skeptical look. Miles looked back at her. “We’ll send the train on a course for Philadelphia. That’s the end of the line, so it’ll crash and explode. Might even take out Monroe for us.” Rachel continued to glare at him. “And you want that? Because last time, you were right there in the room with him, and you couldn’t kill him.” “Well this time I won’t have to face him. It’s perfect.” Just a few yards away, Gabriel was patrolling on the perimeter. He turned to head back onto the train when a gun hit him in the back of the head. “Sloppy, Gabriel. We were in the same militia. I know your tendencies.” Mei Chen smiled as she took a pair of handcuffs off of her belt and cuffed Gabriel’s hands around a tree root. She then looked up at the train. At the front, Miles called out “Charlie? Is it about ready to go?” “Yeah! Just needs time to get the fuel heated up.” Miles now gave Rachel the same skeptical look she had given him. “Don’t you want to spend more time with your daughter?” Rachel looked down sadly. “She didn’t really seem that happy to see me again.” “She thought you were dead. It’ll take some time for her to forget that. But I think you should start making up for lost time.” Rachel looked at Miles and opened her mouth as if to say something. Instead she just nodded in agreement. She walked past Miles and moved to the front of the train. Miles went to close the loading door - and was met with a punch to the face. Mei Chen pushed him back and grabbed Miles’ sword before he could. She slashed him once with it on his side, eliciting a scream of pain, before he fought back and knocked the sword away. The two scrapped, Miles much less effectively due to holding his side with one hand. “I came ahead to make sure there were no surprises for General Monroe,” Mei Chen sneered at him. “And I think I’m due for a pretty big reward for capturing the lot of you.” “Miles? What was that?” yelled back Rachel. “Get the train going!” he yelled in return, which was all the distraction that Mei Chen needed. She shoved Miles back against a gasoline drum, swiped his sword off of the floor, and stabbed him through a shoulder, the sword going all the way through him and up into the metal. Exactly at that moment, the train started to move. Miles writhed in agony. Rachel walked back into the car, nearly jumping out of her skin at the violent scene before her. Mei Chen knelt next to Miles, her arm around his neck. “Stop this train, or I break his neck,” she seethed. Rachel opened and closed her mouth, unsure of what to do. In her peripheral vision, she saw Alice and Will ride up on their horses. “Ready to go?” Will asked. “All set,” came the answer from behind Rachel. It was Charlie. Surprised, Rachel reacted on instinct. She spun and gave Charlie a push out the door. As she flew off the train, Charlie saw Miles stabbed and in a chokehold. Danny also came back and was pushed off the train like his sister. “Go find Gabriel! I’ll catch up with you!” Rachel commanded. The two non-Mathesons rode off as Charlie began to thrash aboard Alice’s horse. “Wait! They need our help!” Will shook his head no. “We came all this way to save you, Danny,” he said to the boy. “Your mom would kill us if we put you two in harm’s way.” “They’ll die without us!” screamed Charlie. Will looked back at the departing train, deciding. “Please, let him go, I’ll tell you anything you want,” Rachel pleaded. Mei Chen narrowed her eyes. “Tell me about the pendants.” Rachel nodded. “They create a localized field that repels the nanites, allowing for power to flow again.” “We already figured that out. But there’s a way to do it everywhere? And permanently?” “Yes, from their control center.” “The Tower?” Rachel stepped forward in surprise. “How do you know about that?” “I have my ways - don’t move!” called out the militiawoman. As the two talked, a horse caught up and ran alongside the train. Someone leaped from it onto the platform next to Rachel. She turned to see Will next to her, taking in what was going on. But Miles saw it as his chance. He pushed back against Mei Chen, giving him enough room to free his hand, which he then used to push the sword further through himself. The blade now broke the surface of the gasoline drum, impaling Mei Chen’s hand. As she now screamed out in pain, Miles yelled “Get her out of here NOW!” Will grabbed Rachel’s arm as she called out for Miles in a sobbing voice. And then they were gone. Mei Chen laughed darkly. “You’re a dead man now, Miles.” He glanced back at her. “I saved Danny. And on the way, Gabriel told us about you. I think making sure you don’t live to help Monroe when the power comes back on is a good reason to die.” He looked at the sword going through his shoulder as he reached into a jacket pocket. “And I was already dead.” He removed his hand to show Mei Chen what he had: a lighter. Some distance away, Charlie watched as Will and Rachel leapt from the train. She looked for Miles as Alice rode in the opposite direction. Nothing happened. And then the train exploded: WA-BOOM!!! Charlie screamed “MILES!!!” She started to thrash and cry again. Alice held her tight. “It’s ok, it’s ok,” she repeated over and over. “It’s ok.” *** LIVING PLAYERSDavid T. ColeDougalstaceyjessied112MarkHBRebelliousAngelSVNBobHelenaHandbasketCuriousParker DEAD PLAYERSThe Crazed Spruce - MILES MATHESON, HERO and KAMIKAZE. You are the most violent character we have. You won’t go down without a fight - in fact, you’ll take down the person who votes/PM’s to eliminate you.TMunz - MEI CHEN, VILLAIN and RECRUITER. You are looking for the situation to give you the best chance to survive, so you’re trying to bring Jafar under your influence. Once per Night, you may PM me the name of another player, and if they are Jafar, they will get recruited to the Villains. You'll have ~48 hours for Day. Let's try to get some discussion going by the end of Memorial Day (Monday). There was 1 clue in the story. Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce May 25, 2014 Share May 25, 2014 Aw, man..... What is it about me that makes people want to kill me in the first round? Is it my breath or something? Link to comment
halgia May 25, 2014 Share May 25, 2014 Well, you accused @TMunz and it seems like you were right, so – good job. :) Link to comment
David T. Cole May 25, 2014 Share May 25, 2014 Get your Night actions in quickly! (Via PM, of course!) Night actions are what? Link to comment
HelenaHandbasket May 25, 2014 Share May 25, 2014 (edited) Sorry to lose you already, Spruce! DTC, "Night Actions" are for villains to select their kill and any characters with special powers that are proactive. If you look at the end of the Day 2 story, you'll see that TMunz had the special power of PMing the mod once per "Night" to try to find Jafar. Similarly, there could be Heroes with the power to PM one name to find out their identity (we generally refer to these as Investigators) or pick one player to protect from harm (Protectors). Other special powers are automatic, i.e. Spruce's kamikaze ability took out TMunz without him having to do anything. Edited May 25, 2014 by HelenaHandbasket Link to comment
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