RebelliousAngel July 3, 2014 Author Share July 3, 2014 Ok Ya'll can have the weekend for day I'll check in this weekend and if I can get to a computer and nothing looks like it's happening I'll end day.Otherwise consider day extended until 8:30 a.m monday (CST) Link to comment
halgia July 4, 2014 Share July 4, 2014 Okay, since we have some time I'm going to go paragraph-by-paragraph: Jason sauntered through town checking out all his options. It had been way to long since he'd been laid and he was due! From across the room he saw a tall lanky figure and his eyes were immediatly drawn that direction..humm something new he hadn't ever tried, this night should be fun! The two figures disappeared into the near by supply room and fell onto the conveniently stored bed there as we pan out on the two shadowed figures the nearby pianist in the bar starts playing... Probably nothing. "Tall lanky figure" seems like a possibility, but nobody's profile picture or name really fits that as far as I can tell. Pianist also seems like an option, but again, I don't see it. By the light of the silvery moon I want to spoon To my honey, I'll croon love's tune Honey moon, keep a-shinin' in June Your silvery beams will bring love's dreams We'll be cuddlin' soon By the silvery moon As has been mentioned, it's a song from 1909 and also the title of a movie with Doris Day. Nothing in the rest of the song stands out really. Meanwhile... Pam saw the horde of Hep V vamps approaching the town and smiled. She had a plan..and this town wasn't going to know what hit it! She raised her voice "Tara your maker commands your presence!" As Tara appeared unable to control her immediate response to be at her makers side she rolled her eyes, 'You know I really hate when you do that, you could have just called on the phone!" "This was quicker dear and I wouldn't get your lip this way." Smirked Pam You see those mindless vamps there..we're going to have us a little game, it's called "I"m in control!" Pam cast out her hands and enveloped the horde in a magical ball as she begin chanting Phone? Lip? I dunno. "Come little children, I’ll take thee away, Into a land of enchantment, Come little children, The time’s come to play, Here in my garden of shadows... Follow, sweet children, I’ll show thee the way, Through all the pain and the sorrows, Weep not poor children, For life is this way, Murdering beauty and passions " As @caprice / @TJtrack99 pointed out, this is from Hocus Pocus (1993), often (mis?)attributed to Poe but probably-actually by Brock Walsh, sung by Sarah Jessica Parker as her character Sarah Sanderson, music by James Horner. @TMunz pointed out this could be , which, maybe. The Hep-V horde looked at Pam, the new midless drones that they'd just become, capable only of following her command. Pam glanced at Tara, "see now that wasn't so hard after all." Tara stared dumbfounded "...uhh since when are you capable of magic?" "Since I decided that this game called for some, now don't question me!" "uhh ok..weirdo.." Tara muttered Now who shall we have a little fun with..hehehe Pam laughed. The sudden change to having magic because why not is sort of an instance of @caprice. The two women walked towards Bellflur's Bar and Grille, their new horde following them helplessly. As they approached they heard rustling in the bar of the bar, tara peered through a window..well now isn't this interesting...As she stared through the window she could see two figures completely wrapped in each other completely consumed by their lust and passion. Pam came beside her well now "Brokeback got us good, don't it?" Tara laughed and said what we were all thinking "I wish I knew how to quit you!" Bellefleur's is the bar from True Blood, the two figures are CP and Spruce making out, Brokeback is almost definitely just because of that and I can't think of any connections to anyone here anyway. As Pam looked on she said" yes this will do just fine"..and begin chanting again. "Come little children the time's come to play take these two lovers, devour them! Come little children my controls all you have these two shall be the beginning of my salvation!" As the horde engulfed the room the two lovers screamed, once the horde has consumed their pray all that remained were two beaten bloody bodies, nearly unrecognizable. ... I don't see anything. or @caprice seem like our strongest bets, but I'm not really confident. The only other promising possibilities seem like some other connection to Light of the Silvery Moon, Hocus Pocus, or possibly Brokeback Mountain. Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 5, 2014 Share July 5, 2014 Oh, hey hey hey! I'm just taking my first time away from a computer for a few days (at a friend's house, not great wifi, had to take a four hour train ride, have to socialize until tomorrow) and I come to pop in quickly to see accusations against moi? Unbelievable! Nah, I'm a good guy, y'all. You saw my horrible attempts of being a villain for the first time. But it is a good 'clue', I'll give you guys that much. It's just not a valid clue. It's pretty early in the morning and my friend's birthday is today, so we're drinking all day starting in a couple of hours so I don't have much time to really look for clues at the moment, so I can't really offer input. Sorry guys, but I am a hero, I promise. Link to comment
halgia July 6, 2014 Share July 6, 2014 But it is a good 'clue', I'll give you guys that much. It's just not a valid clue. As someone who had the same thing happen to me last game with the train, I'm sympathetic to that. :) Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 6, 2014 Share July 6, 2014 As someone who had the same thing happen to me last game with the train, I'm sympathetic to that. :) Yeah, let's go after that mod! Hey, why are you all sharpening your pitchforks? ;-) I agree with Dougal on his clue analysis pointing to jessie or caprice (I feel less strongly on her), though I'd also add SVNBob to the list. I listed my reasons why before, and additionally, in the movie The Haunted Mansion, By The Light of the Silvery Moon was sung in part by a guy named Bob. I know, it's a small connection, but right now that's all we have. We still have time, but if we want to get a lynch in we'll need a large amount of action tomorrow (unless a bunch of people are up before 8:30 AM on a Monday). So: is there anyone that we feel comfortable lynching? (I am 100% a Hero, so I'd definitely rather no-lynch than get a fellow Hero. Just so you all don't think I'm pressing for a lynch.) Link to comment
halgia July 6, 2014 Share July 6, 2014 Yeah, I don't quite feel like we have a clear enough understanding of a clue to be confident in a David Lynch. We have a few people to be suspicious of, and maybe we lose a hero because of it, but if we kill the wrong person maybe we lose two heroes.... Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 I'm with @Dougal. I don't want us to kill a fellow hero when the clues are so foggy. Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 I'm with @Dougal. I don't want us to kill a fellow hero when the clues are so foggy. It'll be good to have more clues to put together. Maybe if we beg Reb will give us clues in the Night story too! Pleeeeeeeease?? I feel like I could use some protecting tonight...if anyone has a handy power to throw my way :) Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 7, 2014 Author Share July 7, 2014 Ok Day is over give me a little bit to thorw a story together..but feel free to start sending in night actions. Once I get the story posted you'll have 24 hours from them to get in night actions. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 7, 2014 Author Share July 7, 2014 Night 2 Lafayette sat in the corner rocking back and forth. "Go away, go away I can't hear you!!" As the voices got louder he started singing to block out the voices: I,Know all the games you play, And I'm gonna find a way to let you know that, You'll be mine someday 'Cause we, Could be happy can't you see, If you'd only let me be the one to hold you, And keep you here with me 'Cause I try and try to forget you girl, But it's just so hard to do.. "What's going on with that one over there?" Bill said point to Lafayette "The voices have started again.." giggled Erick Pam joined the group, "fellas me and Tara here went out and had us a little fun last night." She smiled at Erick "You the old days. This town is getting too boring, you should join us tonight we can relive those day or ole" Erick and Bill gave a resounding "Yes!" to that idea! "You know I've missed raising a little hell with you Pamela.." Erick sighed Jessica sat off in a corner pouting "Baby vamp never gets to join the fun!" Alcid approached her, "Maybe it's better that way, we need the strong here in this town to be the look outs for those that can't do so for themselves." "But look outs don't get to have any fun!" "Your day will come..perhaps sooner rather than later" Arlene approached the pair, "Lordy if this whole town isn't like a merry go round of crazy!" "Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posey..." Layfayett's head flew back and his body convulsed, and as clear as day in what could only be Sam Merlotte's voice finished Arelene's thought "Ashes, Ashes they all fall down......." List of the Dead:Curious Parker- Jason Stackhouse - HERO - And Lover- Night one please send me the name of 1 player who will fall hopelessly in love with you for the remainder of the game..but be careful who you choose because this action will tie you two together, so that if one of you dies so will the other automatically. You will not be able to communicate with your lover outside the game thread though, but they will be advised of your connection just not who you are or what your role Crazed Spruce - Sam Merlotte - HERO - Tracker Each night you may pick one person and follows them. You will see everyone who your target visits and receive back a list of names. You will not know what actions they committed only who they visited. The Living: 1. jessied1122. Athena3. Dougal4. MarkHB5. stacey6. TJtrack997.8.9. egavasc10. SVNBob11. TMunz12. caprice 24 hours for night, have night actions to me no later than 10 am CST tomorrow. And since I didn't give you a clue on Day 1 I have put one clue in this story! See I'm not so mean after all..:) Link to comment
caprice July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 The bar is open. Dear god, why does RL have to interfere with Mafia? Seriously. From last Thursday through tomorrow, I'm dealing with construction issues. GAH!!! Link to comment
Athena July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 @caprice Aww, that's why I haven't seen you around that much. What will your drink of choice be? Who is our bartender? The ghosts? Link to comment
caprice July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 @caprice Aww, that's why I haven't seen you around that much. What will your drink of choice be? Who is our bartender? The ghosts? That would be why. Boy, as much as I love the new house, I don't think I'd ever buy a brand-new construction in a neighborhood that is still going up again. Since it's still pretty early in the day, I'll have a lemonade. The house elves will take care of everything we need. :) Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 *bellies up to the bar* I'll have a virgin Tom Collins and a basket of peanuts, please.... Link to comment
MarkHB July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 You would think that, as long as he has been around, Tom Collins would no longer be a virgin.... ;) 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Oh, and I'm finally back on my laptop full time. Sweet Baby Jesus. I'm definitely in the mood for a drink. 1 Link to comment
caprice July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Hmm, what goes well with a cold roast beef salad? Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Hmm, what goes well with a cold roast beef salad? I can't tell if this is a legitimate request or the start of a joke ;-) I'll take a Dirty Lifeguard (I've never been able to find a recipe for a drink that I had that I'm pretty sure was just called a Lifeguard). Link to comment
caprice July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 I can't tell if this is a legitimate request or the start of a joke ;-) I'll take a Dirty Lifeguard (I've never been able to find a recipe for a drink that I had that I'm pretty sure was just called a Lifeguard). Sadly, you know either question is valid with me.It was a legit request, though. I cut some leftover beef and added it to a green salad for lunch. 1 Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 8, 2014 Author Share July 8, 2014 Sigh I just caught up on True Blood and I'm upset they killed my favorite character! It makes me not really want to watch much more :( #boycott Link to comment
MarkHB July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 I cut some leftover beef and added it to a green salad for lunch. If you now tell us you also had some fava beans and a nice Chianti I am going to run for the hills. 2 Link to comment
Athena July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Sigh I just caught up on True Blood and I'm upset they killed my favorite character! It makes me not really want to watch much more :( #boycott I know. You can snark watch it like the rest of us. I was going to watch it but it's the last season. I'd marathon through it it if I wasn't modding the board. The comments are quite funny on there though. Drink: Scotch neat with a water back or cider. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 8, 2014 Author Share July 8, 2014 (edited) I know. You can snark watch it like the rest of us. I was going to watch it but it's the last season. I'd marathon through it it if I wasn't modding the board. The comments are quite funny on there though. Drink: Scotch neat with a water back or cider. About all it's good for anymore.. Only reason I'm stool watching is cause it's the final season just to see how they end it all. Snark watching and giggles son the board you say... I may have to venture into that section...If I disappear you now have your culprit! Bartender.. I'll have a Moscow Mule! Edited July 8, 2014 by RebelliousAngel Link to comment
caprice July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 A hard cider, please. I'm already tired of moving stuff. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 I'll have a mojito, please! Link to comment
caprice July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Ooh, a mojito sounds good. There's a local bar that makes a really, REALLY good one. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 8, 2014 Author Share July 8, 2014 (edited) Day 3 Erick sat in Bellfluer's watching sports, an unusual luxury for him. Layfayette slid his way "Hello Handsome aren't you looking delicious today! Ugh child..The Mavericks, really? I could not find any poorer an excuse for a team owner..I thought you had better taste than that?"Erick glared at Layfayette outstreached his hand and pinned him to the wall. "DO NOT question me, for I RULE this land! Erick gripped his fist with all his might and squeezed the life out of Layfayette like an anaconda. Layfayette fell limply to the ground his body lifeless.That'll teach him to question me! Erick sat back down and went back to his game as if nothing had happened. Arlene stared on in shock. This Town was getting crazy! Andy walked in the bar at that moment and Arlene approached him, ANDY DO SOMETHING! This town is going crazy!Andy stood there in a daze while in the background the newly acquired pianist that appeared just for this game started singing:I shot the sheriff But I didn't shoot no deputy, oh no! Oh! I shot the sheriffBut I didn't shoot no deputy, ooh, ooh, oo-ooh. Yeah! All around in my home town, They're tryin' to track me down; They say they want to bring me in guilty For the killing of a deputy, For the life of a deputy.The pianist winked at Andy and gave a sly little grin. Just as into the bar stormed the Hep V Horde, lead by Tara, Bill and Pam. Sookie Screamed, "Bill what are you doing with them!!?" "Sookahhhii I'm a vampire it's in my nature to kill and abolish!" Bill hummedFrom the corner Jessica mumbled.."it's not in my naure cause I have the WORST father ever!" The Hep V horde stormed the bar and patrons fled in every direction, except for Arlene who hid in the corner like a scared little mouse. The Help v horde feasted on Layfayette's lifeless they finished him off and drained his blood the lead one lifted his head..."FOOD!" and they all darted toward the storage shed. Arlene cowered in the corner terrified, and helpless and the horde consumed and devoured her... List of the Dead: Curious Parker- Jason Stackhouse - HERO - And Lover- Night one please send me the name of 1 player who will fall hopelessly in love with you for the remainder of the game..but be careful who you choose because this action will tie you two together, so that if one of you dies so will the other automatically. You will not be able to communicate with your lover outside the game thread though, but they will be advised of your connection just not who you are or what your role Crazed Spruce - Sam Merlotte - HERO - Tracker Each night you may pick one person and follows them. You will see everyone who your target visits and receive back a list of names. You will not know what actions they committed only who they visited. TJTrack99- Layfaette Reynolds - Medium- You can communicate with the more ways than one...After a player dies you will be able to summon their spirit (or PM them), and they can tell you anything they saw the night of their murder, or before. You will be able to communicate freely with all the dead players through PM or other outside thread means only, but the dead players cannot communicate with each other only you..until your death. Dead players cannot post once they have died, so you will have to be their voice..and vote if necessary.Tmunz- Arlene Fowler - HERO - You unfortunately have no special powers..except for running scared and screaming, cause this town is messed up ya'll! The Living:1. jessied1122. Athena3. Dougal4. MarkHB5. stacey6. egavasc7. SVNBob8. caprice Because I am a nice amazing mod (Hush you villains!) there are 2 clues in this story! Also because if you look at our numbers..this is a CRITICAL day for the heroes!48 hours for day! Have fun my lovelies!!! Edited July 8, 2014 by RebelliousAngel Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Ah, ah, craziness has ensued! Ok, I'm just gonna jump on in on clues here, just because I might have seen one and seeing as RA said today's CRITICAL, I'm taking no chances. I Shot the Sheriff is a song by Bob Marley. I mean, it does point to SVNBob. Is it too obvious of a clue though? The words Mavericks (I'm guessing a sports team, although I have no idea which one) and anaconda stood out to me, but I don't really know what kind of clues they may hold. 1 Link to comment
egavasc July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 The Dallas Mavericks owner is Mark Cuban which would point to MarkHB. I think maybe RA is being generous with us since we were so indecisive last time? And this clue (if I'm right) is as blatant as the Bob Marley one. Link to comment
Athena July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Isn't this the second time Bob has come up with us trying to decipher hints? We better be good because we're dropping like flies! Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 (edited) Gee, thanks Heroes. I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little, vampire, isn't it? (I know that quote well since I share a name with the enchanter, haha.) I have a question to ask everyone, but I'll wait until the game is over. Bartender, gimme a glass of the strongest stuff you've got. Edited July 8, 2014 by TJtrack99 1 Link to comment
SVNBob July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 I Shot the Sheriff is a song by Bob Marley. I mean, it does point to SVNBob. Is it too obvious of a clue though?I should say so, since as I already said, I am a hero this time. Isn't this the second time Bob has come up with us trying to decipher hints?The first time was weak at best. TJ was really stretching to get that to point to me.Now I admit that this does appear to be a much stronger clue pointing my way. But it's not. So what could it mean instead? Well, according to the great Wikipedia, the person that recorded the cover of that song that was the most successful and got the highest on the Billboard charts was Eric Clapton. E.C. egavasc, perhaps? 1 Link to comment
MarkHB July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Yeah, no. I am definitely a hero, and I'll also point out from painful experience that the last time Reb made the clues this ridiculously obvious, they were totally red herrings (like including "a tisket a tasket..." in the story when Helena Handbasket was a hero). So now I'm regretting volunteering her to mod :( . Link to comment
egavasc July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Well I'm okay with my interpretation of the clues being wrong since I'm only starting to get a sense of what the clues might look like. But I'm certainly not okay with any interpretation that points to me since I'm definitely not a villian. Link to comment
caprice July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 (edited) Oh crap! What's going on here that we AGAIN lose two heroes? How many villains do we have, are they one team, or is there a serial killer on the loose as well? Looking at our player numbers, the breakdown on heroes v. villains is really important since it will take five votes to (David) Lynch. I'm sorry about not being around much. I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the details that come up after moving and there have been crap details to take care of every day so far. And tomorrow AND Thursday! Let me look things over and maybe I'll see something interesting in game play. Edited July 8, 2014 by caprice Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Holy crap, guys! @Athena, you're not kidding, we ARE dropping like flies. *nervously eyes everyone else left* Link to comment
TMunz July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Aww...I get killed on my birthday? That hardly seems fair. Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Aww...I get killed on my birthday? That hardly seems fair. Would you believe that this wouldn't be the first time that's happened in Mafia? I can't remember who it was, but I distinctly remember it. Link to comment
MarkHB July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Just as an FYI, I'm going to Boston for the Idol tour tonight, so I won't be around until quite late (and it's a work night). I'll try to check back here during the intermission if I'm able to. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 9, 2014 Author Share July 9, 2014 You are at your 24 hour mark for day... Link to comment
caprice July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Aww...I get killed on my birthday? That hardly seems fair. Would you believe that this wouldn't be the first time that's happened in Mafia? I can't remember who it was, but I distinctly remember it. I want to say it was either Queen Insane or 1trackmind. Then again, we also had Mark's Heroes at Fenway Park game when I left for a ten-day vacation just as the game started. I was... Niki's son and was protected as long as she or Jessica was alive. I made it home during a Night and was all excited about being able to play because I'd noticed a clue (!) however... I'd been shivved before I could say anything! Dying on your birthday is worse. Okay, this game. I am looking at the things people have posted to see if anything strikes me as interesting. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 10, 2014 Author Share July 10, 2014 There is roughly an hour and a half left in Day before I close it out Last chance for you to Make a move..... Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Ooo, damn, not much time left. I mean, we should make a move now. I mean, before we lose any more Heroes. I just don't know who to choose. Gah, it's so hard! Make a choice, make a choice! I am so gonna regret this if I'm wrong, but: 1 SVNBob (jessied112) 4 to snake out I'm sorry Bob, in advance! I really, really am! (and it's gonna suck if nobody's online in the next hour to lynch. i'm just gonna look REALLLL stupid) Link to comment
egavasc July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Because we have to do something (sorry!) 2 SVNBob (jessied112, egavasc) 3 to jump on the bandwagon and hope for the best Link to comment
RebelliousAngel July 10, 2014 Author Share July 10, 2014 Day is over! And honestly guys..since nothing happened, I'm not gonna bother to write a night story.Ya'll didn't want to bother to play and try to make a move so I'll save my effort for those that at least are active at night. So 24 hours for night, get your actions in please! Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 For all of the Heroes. 4 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 *pouty face* I tried really, really hard...ok I totally could have started something last night but I wanted to wait and see if anyone else would make a move.... Oh well *grabs drink* 1 Link to comment
egavasc July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Bottoms up. Here's hoping something good happens this night. 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Sorry, , work-life got in the way at the last minute, and I couldn't get back here! I'd like a sidecar and a shot of jäger please. Link to comment
Athena July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Sorry, all! I was doing work stuff and errands today too. Let's hope we don't all die :( Link to comment
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