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S01.E07: Time Out of Mind


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So, is Jax a clone ?  A very shouty clone ? Or an organic robot ?  Or a ageless crime-fighting superhero whose mind was wiped ?  How else can she look exactly the same after over 150 years.  Or are they all implanted memories ?

Thomas displaying TK abilities in the bar ... in public ... is just plain stupid.

Wow !! We actually get a name for the timey-wimey wormhole on New Portland.  Portal technology.  But absolutely no progress about what it is a portal to ? The Future ?  The Past ? Sideways ? Parallel dimension ?

So Jax drinks some Zatarian joy juice to discover her memories.  Sure, why not.
Priscilla Quintana does some of her best acting so far in the series -- lying on the floor, looking like she's having a seizure. </sarcasm>

Harland Freed founded Parallax -- the evil corporation in this show -- via extortion with money, spaceships, and Jupiter's moon Io.  But that's ok because he was hot (per Jax and Pilar).

Uncle-professor Osborn killed his wife -- Tracey Diane Osborn -- just 3 years previous on March 30, 2196 because she was an enemy agent.  An agent for whom ?  Parallax ?  The Zatari ?  Aliens from the portal ?  Someone else  ?   And Preston's wife is also an enemy agent aka The Mole.  Did Xander get a second source to confirm or just take the librarian at his word ?  Because his evidence seemed pretty weak.

Uncle-professor Osborn needs a better groundskeeper for his wife's grave.

Tracey's gravestone inscription -- "Always remembered. The lessons she taught us will never be forgotten."  Lessons like .... oh .... don't marry an enemy agent.  Geez, that's 2 senior CIS officials who's wives were enemy agents.  These guys should do better at background checking their spouses BEFORE they get married.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Priscilla Quintana does some of her best acting so far in the series -- lying on the floor, looking like she's having a seizure. </saracasm>

I thought the fight scene was pretty good, maybe not good enough to show it in it's entirety twice and eat up a quarter of the show good, but well choreographed good. Of course she could have just killed the guy before he called for his guards, but where is the fun in that.

Of course there was a fire fight that lasted long enough for Atria to run all the way from where ever she was to Thomas' room before it ended. Yet nobody else saw it or alerted the proper authorities, including Atria. 

The climate conference was in 2039 and the current year is 2199. I think the great migration was 20 years after the climate conference. So roughly 160 years has past. Maybe Jax not ageing is linked to the portal.

Harland Fried founded Parallax and the current president of Parallax is using cloned body parts to extend his life. I wonder how long you can live like that, possibly forever? There was a scene were Regan Fried tries to kill her father, I wonder what his name is?

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38 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

Harland Fried founded Parallax and the current president of Parallax is using cloned body parts to extend his life. I wonder how long you can live like that, possibly forever? There was a scene were Regan Fried tries to kill her father, I wonder what his name is? 

Harlan Fried is the current president of Parallax. Wasn't it mentioned in an earlier episode that he could live forever with his cloned bodyparts? Or did I just imagine that? We know he can live at least 160 years plus whatever his age was in 2039. I'm assuming somewhere in his twenties.

I really don't think everything they have shown on the TV show could have happened in 160 years. Meeting a another alien species and having a war with them. Leaving the Earth, having it completely recover and then moving back. Moving to several different colonies, making tons of clones, people developing telepathy, tons of space faring crafts. That all seems a little much for just 160 years.

15 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

The climate conference was in 2039 and the current year is 2199. I think the great migration was 20 years after the climate conference.

Great Migration is said to be 2047, so in a mere 8 years.

"All our files on this major historical event are both on paper and classified even though you're taking a class on it."

Why is telepathy giving them point of view and information from when Jax is not in the room? 

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