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S21.E09: Whacktivity Competition #3; Nominations #3

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Reposting, after resolving an issue.  (And here callaphera thought she was free of Cheryl's chi-chi-er she-shed! No such luck, I'm afraid.)

Well, [other thing] is taking longer than I wished.  Shall I still try "Notes on a Scorecard", anyhow?

Sure, why not!  We are undaunted! We don't actually know what "daunts" are!  We use the editorial "we" without any reason!  Go we!

"I'm the only one of we…"  Oh, Taylor, sweetie, not now!


• Clayton [Announcer] does a roll-call of "Gr8ful", calling Jackson "Michie", but not calling Analyse "Sis".  Interesting choice, but certainly nothing to do with pandering to Jack's ego, no, never!

• "Cliff pulled the biggest blunder in Big Brother history"??  Are you shitting us, Grodner?  I mean, Ivette, Ryan, Cody, and Paul would argue they've got a good 1,800,000 ($450,000 x 4) reasons to disagree (and we can throw Lane in that group, as well, albeit for different reasons), and that's not even counting things like Marcellas not using the Veto, or Kaysar throwing the Pressure Cooker, or Lawon asking to be evicted to chase a "power" that didn't exist, or too many others to name.  

I mean, even if Cliff does get nominated, and even if he doesn't win Veto (which we won't see until Wednesday, but Production knows what happened), he still could win the vote.  And, to be honest, he probably wasn't winning the show, anyway.

In the words of the immortal Cordelia Chase, "enough with the hyperbole!"  Sheesh.

• "Bella kept spilling secrets".  Meanwhile, nothing about Jack not only outing his "secret" alliance but telling Sam the name, too.  Gee, it's almost as though they're protecting Jack's edit.  Well, as long as they're only concealing game blunders…  (*whistles innocently*)

• "The former Black Widowers".  Er, no, Clayton.  A "widower" is pretty much the opposite of a "widow".  I suppose "Black Widows-ers" might be barely passable, but why make things difficult?  "The former Black Widows" would have worked just fine there.

• Nick vows vengeance against Kemi…who is already evicted and whom he can't actually take any action against.  Eyes on the prize, Maccarone-phone-home!  (And yes, his surname is pronounced that way, if you were still wondering.)

• Ratabella can't figure out "what possessed Kemi" to shout her out like that.  Gee, that's a real headscratcher…it's couldn't have had anything to do with your ratting out your alliance to Jack, thus helping to get Kemi nommed and evicted, could it?  Naaaaaaah.

• Also Ratabella:  "Whatever.  See you never."  Apparently Ratabella has as weak a grasp of the Camp Comeback rules as she does of the idea of "confidentiality".  You're gonna see Kemi until at least next Thursday, girl.  Pay attention, Rat!  Sigh.

• Jack takes down his hair as he talks to the new HoH, which I'm sure has nothing to do with his thinking this is going to make air.  Too bad for him they decide to use the shot of him and Nick from behind

• Odd editing choice to have Nicole telling Jackson that she wasn't the hinky vote (he knows, dear…) while they're all the way in the background of a shot of Holly crossing the living room.  For a second I thought Holly was complaining to her showmance partner, which would have been just odd.

• "Honestly, the only people I am loyal to is Gr8ful, plus Sam."  So, Nick's only loyal to 8/12ths of the other remaining HGs, is that it?  Gee, they must feel privileged to be part of such a select company…

• I would say that Jackson is doing an embarrassingly-poor job of selling Nick on this "Nicole was the flip vote" line, but Nick actually seems to be buying it.  The game's much easier when you play with dum-dums, I suppose.

• Ratabella to Kemi:  "[Nick and I] were the only two people who were nice to you."  Way to dump on 13 other HGs, girl.  Also, not remotely true.  Jack is not the entirety of the House, regardless of how you/he/Grodner might think.

• I'm against violence. I'm against violence.  I totally wasn't hoping for Kemi to smack Ratabella right in the mouth.  (And Nicole was the flip vote. Honest!)

• LMAO at Jackson's confession to Jack.  It's hilarious watching Jackson trying to smirk-hint that he was the hinky vote…and Jack completely not getting it, until Jackson almost literally has to spell it out for him.

I wonder if the DR would have given him flashcards, if it still hadn't sunk in? 

• I feel badly for Holly, who was legitimately giving Nicole sympathy, only to have the conversation controlled by the tool she's cuddled up with.  Yes, lie down with skunks, get up with stink, I know.   But it would have been a very nice moment if Jackson hadn't been there.  Oh, well.


NICK:  I think Nicole is honest.  I don't really think she voted, I don't think she voted Jess out.

JACKSON (instantaneously):  You don't think?

Nick, son?  That's what we call "a clue".  Just so you know.

Even Ratabella almost catches him…


JACKSON:  Blah, blah, it's Nicole

RATABELLA (smiles):  You've thought about this!

Yes, obviously.  Can "Rick" [Ratabella/Nick] add 1+1?  We'll see…yep!  Even the Blind Squirrels can find THAT big of a nut.  Well, done, 'son!

• Oh, please!  Let Jackson accidentally sink Jack's battleship!  Pleeeeease?

Hey, Christie, send the Universe over here for a second, could you?  I just have a tiiiiiiny favor to ask of it.  Thanks, girl.

• "Is that how you spell 'night'?"  Oh, my heart is breaking.  It's how you spell it tonite, okay, honey?

• "Don't stake Julie on Eviction Night".  Damn, AnalySis really wants to get cast in that Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot, huh?

(I don't think staking Julie would do it, actually.  I think you have to cut off Les's head.)

• I guess you're not allowed to brush the roaches away with a stick?  Perhaps my shirt? No? Okay.

• "Don't meet Rocky"  And stay away from Bullwinkle, too!  Don't trust Moose & Squirrel…right, Comrade?

•  "Do not pork…"  Yeah, too bad they didn't have this comp before you and Ratabella…ahem.

•  The steak looks like a biscuit, Christie?  Damn, Holly better not hire you as wait staff for her wine safaris.  You'd serve furniture polish and swear it was cabernet…

I think Christie won, but you can't really go by the editing…or can you?

• If the Universe could manifest a muzzle for Christie, I'd totally owe it one.  Make it so, Universe!

• Victor totally burned down Cheryl's she-shed, didn't he?  I see you, Victor!

• Christie has the ability to give someone else more power?  Gee, that's almost as good as Jack's "power".

• So, wait…on Day 15, Ratabella rats out the Black Widows to Jack, and thus gets Kemi nommed and (eventually) evicted, but on Day 22, she's telling Kemi news that Christie found out?

Can we get her a muzzle, too, Universe?  I mean, I assume there's a bulk discount.

• Er, getting caught talking was when "Cliff pulled the biggest blunder in Big Brother history"??  It wasn't even his biggest blunder this episode!

Never volunteer yourself as a pawn! I mean, unless you're Dr. Will.  (Cliff, you're not Dr. Will.  Trust me.)

• Hey, remember when Caleb was in the House in S16 and CBS put up that graphic for their new show Stalker while he was on the screen?  And we laughed and laughed at the juxtaposition?

Wellllll…Jack is in the House this year.  And CBS has a new show called Evil.  Do the math, promo guys!

• You know, if Churchill had thought to put Mussolini in the yogurt, many lives could have been saved.   (I'd have liked to have seen Otto Skorzeny get the Duce* out of that one!)

*-yes, I had to type "the Duce" because "capital i, small L" comes out as "Il" in this font.  Buy some damn serifs, guys!

• So, Sam's been wanting to get Jack out as much as we have, huh?  Remember, he tried to get Christie to backdoor Jack in Week 1.  Come on, Sam…work that mojo…

• Yes!!! Not only does "Michie" perhaps put his neck in the noose, but he says "teamwork makes the dream work", so—

And at this point, my browser crashes.  (Thankfully, the board's editor restores my content.)  So I guess I won't be using that excuse to post the 1986 "Let's Go Mets!" video after all.  I know when the Universe comes knocking, okay?  (Sorry, Metsies.)

• Nick was really, really, really, really thinking about nomming the Jacks…but he didn't.  Way to go, wonangfei*!

*-"wimp" in Mandarin, allegedly.

Still, possibilities abound.  Wishing the Jacks all the worst.

(Back OT:  Cheryl actually starts by telling Zachary [the State Farm agent] that "Well, it finally happened".  So…she's been worried about this for a while?  She's been thinking that arson was quite likely?  Sounds as though Victor doesn't have to worry about getting convicted, as apparently there would be many suspects in the she-shed case.  A sheetload, perhaps.

And why is Zachary at work, anyway?  It's the middle of the night!  Let the man go home, State Farm!  Or did Zachary take a transfer to night duty to try and get away from Cheryl and her she-shed?  Poor Zachary…no wonder Victor tried to do him a solid.)

Edited by Halting Hex
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9 hours ago, Halting Hex said:


Halting Hex; standing up and applauding. Your writing style and sass make me smile and are WAAAAAAAAY more entertaining than the Jackasses and their posse.Keep it up. Full disclosure; I like the State Farm commercial and want a she shed. Victor is the best part of the whole commercial!

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1 hour ago, sunshine23 said:

Your writing style and sass make me smile and are WAAAAAAAAY more entertaining than the Jackasses and their posse.

Thank you.  However, given that the season is still in the boring "wait for the power to shift" phase and even I have been reduced to paying more attention to the State Farm ad than the show itself, clearly I'm not exactly dealing with a high bar of competition here.  I mean, I'm one dull episode away from starting to deconstruct "DON'T MESS WITH MY DISCOUNT!!", ffs.

(Btw, a correction.  Apparently the she-shed scorching didn't happen in the middle of the night, Victor's dressing robe aside.  The sky is a dark, just-past-dawn blue.  Still a bit early for Zachary to be at work, IMO, [I mean, Victor's fresh out of bed, it seems, so…] but not the middle of the night.  Maybe Zachary is working extra hours because Mrs. Zachary wants a she-shed of her own…extra chi-chi, of course.)

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7 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

even I have been reduced to paying more attention to the State Farm ad than the show itself, clearly I'm not exactly dealing with a high bar of competition here.  I mean, I'm one dull episode away from starting to deconstruct "DON'T MESS WITH MY DISCOUNT!!", ffs.

As far as I’m concerned, Cheryl can jump in her fucking she-shed while that piece of shit pulls a Chernobyl and burns its way down to the earth’s core - after which Discount Bitch can jump in the resulting hole and take the discount direct route to Hell.

All done here - moving right the fuck along....

Edited by Nashville
Correcting fucking autocorrect
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