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The Promised Neverland - General Discussion

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A dark fantasy running on Toonami as of 4/13. Not a show for kids.

At a ridiculously saccharine orphanage where the children each have a serial number tattooed on their necks (cue ominous music), Emma and Norman try to return a stuffed animal to one of their friends who is leaving for the outside world. They stumble across the fact that the orphanage is, in fact, a sort of ranch where the children are being raised as food for some kind of horrible creatures. Time to make an escape plan!

Well that was interesting although mostly just setting up the series.  Surprisingly, it's based on a Shonen Jump series which I more associate with stories like Naruto or My Hero. Although I guess you could say Emma is a plucky protagonist in that kind of style. 

Sadly, this season is only 12 episodes while the manga series is ongoing.  There's supposed to be a second season but isn't until 2020 so who knows when we'll see it.  I hope we get some sort of satisfactory conclusion in these episodes.  The best I can hope for is that they escape at the end of this season and then maybe the next season would be them on the run.  

I should not have searched for a synopsis for this. Actually, I would've been spoiled anyway based on the commercials.

Holy shit, this is gonna be dark. Basically, it's Attack on Titan, only if the royalty raised the citizens and fed them to the Titans. "To Serve Man" for anime, perhaps? A metaphor about the fear of leaving home? Or maybe it's just two guys who decided to make a horrifying manga. Well, horrifying for the likes of me . . . I probably wouldn't be able to cope with the really hardcore shit.

  On 4/16/2019 at 5:05 PM, Matt K said:

Well that was interesting although mostly just setting up the series.  Surprisingly, it's based on a Shonen Jump series which I more associate with stories like Naruto or My Hero. Although I guess you could say Emma is a plucky protagonist in that kind of style.


I can just imagine Norman with the other kids. "That's it, then. We are basically veal for demons, and the woman we trusted with our lives is leading us to the slaughterhouse. You're wondering why Emma isn't with me telling you the basic plot. Well, she is alive . . . but she's been throwing up for nine straight hours. It's amazing . . . I think her stomach officially emptied around hour six. I'd try to sedate her, but I have a morbid interest in whether she could puke up an internal organ. Shit, you think demons like that? Damn."

Edited by Lantern7
  On 4/21/2019 at 10:05 PM, Sandman87 said:

Emma decides that they're going to save all of the kids. Somehow. And her two friends are dumb enough to go along with it after minimal discussion. At this point I'm rooting for the demons.


What's dumb about that? For one thing, these are probably three alpha kids, if not the alphas, and none of them would intentionally spill to Mom. Emma's the one coming off as unrealistic, and I can't really fault her for that.

  On 4/22/2019 at 3:49 AM, lathspel said:

I’m glad Ray brought up the obvious “wait, what’s outside the wall?”.


Could be all demons. Could be safe. I haven't watched The Walking Dead in years . . . maybe North America is filled with Walkers, and the rest of the world watches in horror and/or amusement.

  On 4/30/2019 at 4:19 AM, Sandman87 said:

I, for one, am mightily impressed by Krone's ability to run flat-out on uneven terrain in those heeled boots of hers. And she's a ridiculously fast speed-reader. Maybe she's a robot.


Agreed, she is freaky athletic.  I kind of wonder if it’s stylized to show how she appears to the kids - maybe they’ve never seen another adult and Mom seems very sedate, so Krone appears superhuman (demonic?) in comparison. 

Well, Krone crazy. Ambitious and athletic, but crazy AF. Give credit to our main protagonists for coming up with rough plans to train the kids in escaping the farm . . . but they looked shook at the idea that one of their own might be an informant. Except Ray . . . I bet he cares, but a demon could bite a baby's head off, and Ray would barely react.

Prediction: At least one of the kids is tipping off Mom,but he/she doesn't know it.

Mom is two steps ahead of Krone, but she's cool with the attempted treachery as long as she gets what she wants.

The scene with Krone ripping her doll apart should have been creepy, but the effect was ruined by the completely inappropriate wacky background music.

So Ray is the traitor. Or at least a traitor. I suspect there's going to be an attempt to turn him into a double agent.

Krone still batshit crazy. The doll makes it creepier. Not as creepy as Kira and Hayato in the tub over at Diamond is Unbreakable, but it does show that Krone is a Starscream of sorts, in the sense that she REALLY wants to be Mom. Or a mother.

A kid on an anime solving a mystery isn't as entertaining unless that kid is behind a couch running down the case, throwing his voice so that the passed-out asshole on the couch looks to be solving things.

Looks like everyone is setting up a a complicated game of "who can you trust?", with even Krona getting in on the act.

Of course the kids can sight-read Morse code.

IF the name of the band that does the opening credits music, Uverworld, sounds familiar, it's because they've done the same for about a zillion anime shows, live action anime movies, and video games, starting with Bleach in 2005.


We're seven episodes in, right? Which means there should be six left. At least the planning is going quickly, though we have to put up with Krone. She's just . . . off. So off. I mean, even if you take away the constant dancing and creepy doll, she's still be painful to watch. Isabella probably agrees, and she no doubt got "Headquarters" to call back Krone's crazy ass.

At least Krone teased about the world outside the walls, and that the "demons" might not actually be demonic. Shit, she might end up eating one of the kids. Not one of the main three . . . maybe the boy or Marcy. She's the one with the glasses, and that's how I think of her.

  On 5/21/2019 at 5:27 AM, Sandman87 said:

IF the name of the band that does the opening credits music, Uverworld, sounds familiar, it's because they've done the same for about a zillion anime shows, live action anime movies, and video games, starting with Bleach in 2005.


Here's a sampler set. This goes through 2018, so Neverland isn't covered. Funny bit: "ODD FUTURE" can currently be heard on Toonami at the start of My Hero Academia.

Edited by Lantern7

Only four more episodes left.I'm good with a second season, but I'm not chomping at the bit for it.

  On 5/29/2019 at 2:29 AM, Vermicious Knid said:

In a show about kids being raised to be eaten, Krona is still the creepiest thing.


. . . and now she's dead, a snack for a demon. Or demonic-looking creature. After a silent flashback montage, I think her crazy ass deserved better. But Isabella and Grandmother (Head Mother) play for keeps, and Krone had to pay the price to up-sell Isabella. Her breaking one of Emma's bones emphasized that, as well as her dominating Ray.

Speaking of Ray . . . I thought that he sounded like Killua over in Hunter x Hunter. Turns out his VA (Laura Stahl) voices Hayato on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond in Unbreakable. That didn't dawn on me until I found it online.

  On 6/7/2019 at 1:25 AM, Lantern7 said:

But Isabella and Grandmother (Head Mother) play for keeps, and Krone had to pay the price to up-sell Isabella.


It's kind of her fault for talking to her doll about her plan really loudly.  

  On 6/7/2019 at 1:25 AM, Lantern7 said:

I thought that he sounded like Killua over in Hunter x Hunter.


I thought so too. I was surprised it was a different VA.

  On 6/7/2019 at 5:25 AM, Sandman87 said:

It's funny that they went to the trouble of showing us that Krona had combat training, but then just had her flail wildly at the demon.


She wouldn't be the first person to freeze in battle despite having high level combat training. 

I've been marathoning this show the past week. It's pretty good. Sucks that it is only going to be 12 episodes, at least for now. I hope it doesn't end on too big of a cliffhanger.

Bleak stuff. Doesn't help that the opening credits look and sound peppy in stark contrast, especially with Emma doing serious forest parkour with a smile on her face.

Not sure how this anime (or this first season) would end. Ray looks to be setting the place on fire, which is a good plan when you're out of hope and feeling guilty about working with Isabella. Hopefully, there won't be a 90-degree twist, like Norman is actually a human-looking demon that feeds on "regular" demons.

Does anyone feel that a tween like Norman wearing an adult men's hat is hilarious? Or is it just me?

  On 6/19/2019 at 11:59 PM, Lantern7 said:

Bleak stuff.


Speak for yourself.  As a parent I’m planning to use a lot of the “You are already dead, just lie down and give up on existence” on my kids. 

Somehow Ray’s ship date is going to coincide with escaping over the bridge.  You know I hear those children with the date codes are really just “best if consumed by” - it’s not like they aren’t safe to eat later.

  • LOL 1

We got a nice swerve . . . all of the kids were in the loop, Emma prevents Ray from killing himself via housefire, and they manage to trick Isabella at the low cost of their ears. And Isabella looks shook, but she's loving that her best pupils are still alive. Oh, and one kid is tugging on her clothes. Looks like her bosses will be having a snack when they arrive.

So most of the kids escaped. I understand the pragmatism of it, but it does really suck for the kids who got left behind. They will be watched so closely now that there is no way they will be able to plan their own escape. I know Emma said she will come back, but who knows if she ever be able to. Also, Ray is Isabella's son. I'm assuming that is going to come into play later in the series. This was a fun series. Even though it won't be for a while, I'll be back for season 2.

 So This show and Hunter Hunter are now over. Gundam: The Origin is taking one spot. Does anyone know what is taking the other? 

You'd think Isabella would have cameras around the area. I mean, maybe one wouldn't automatically think kids engaging in ziplining without immediately "breakout," but the shit they were doing was hardcore. Or maybe she did know. Who knows? It is hard for me to sympathize with her, even with the glimpses of her past and the revelation she gave birth to Ray. She raised kids like frigging veal. Maybe not penned in, but it's still hard to overlook.

The kids are out. No one fell into the abyss, which was a bit surprising. If/when there's a second season, I bet we'd go three episodes before one of them bites it. At least they got the running down. They don't even have to stick their arms out like the kids from Naruto.

  On 7/1/2019 at 5:45 AM, ZoqFotPik said:

 So This show and Hunter Hunter are now over. Gundam: The Origin is taking one spot. Does anyone know what is taking the other? 


One slot has been cut out, and two will be filled by Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin and Food Wars. Also, My Hero Academia gets shoved to 3:30.I'll need to bring that up on the appropriate thread.

Saw “Episode 2.” Realized we’re not getting the kids’ neck tats as titles. Friendly demons show the kids the ropes and drops a little world building.

Up until the “one thousand years” thing, I was linking TPN to Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Educated guess: kids can’t cross to the humans’ world because the tattoos mark them as demon food. Not that the possibility would deter Emma. Throw her an army of arm-breaking Isabelles at her, she’s still gonna run for freedom.

Edited by Lantern7

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