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Doctor Who Illustrated: The Comics Thread

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Today, I found out that Titan Publishing will be publishing a Twelfth Doctor-based series to go along with books with the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. This seems to be as good as time as any to start a thread on Doctor Who comics.


While I consider myself to be a fan and a geek, I don't think I'll be picking up the "new" adventures of Ten and Eleven, because it would be costly in the long run for me. Besides, I put in my time when IDW had the license, and the comics were pretty good. I'd recommend picking up the trade paperbacks . . . like "The Forgotten," where the Doctor has to piece together his lost past at a museum seemingly devoted to him.


I'm also reading the Eleventh's stories in Doctor Who Magazine. The imported tpbs are a bit pricey, but some of the stories are stellar. For instance, "The Betrothal of Sontar" collection includes "The Lodger," where Ten rooms with Mickey after losing his TARDIS. Yes, that's where the Eleven story came from. And there's "The Time Of My Life," which was the perfect tearjerking coda for Donna Noble. I also lucked into a collection of Nine stories, including one where he and Rose meet Shakespeare long before "The Shakespeare Code."


For spits and giggles, here are two variant covers for the Titan books. I saw them at Special Edition at the Midtown booth, and I just had to share. Of course, poor Mickey gets shafted, but I like the other showcased companions.

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I enjoyed IDW's last DW comic "The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who."


I read both 10 and 11's debut issues for Titan.  I wasn't crazy about 10's issue, too much time spent on new companion and her unoriginal backstory.  But I'm definitely going to keep reading.  Issue #6 for the 10th Doctor is going to have him on a World War I battlefield with the Weeping Angels.


I enjoyed 11's debut issue though.  It was a lot of fun

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I wound up picking up both issues last week at 20 percent off. Both have blank covers, and I got a few conventions to get them sketched out (here are the sketches I've gotten of Ten and Eleven so far). Personally, if you need to get a Titan series, I'd go with Eleven's book. The story was self-contained, and the new companion's life was easier to follow. Also, the Titan vinyl figure ads were pretty funny. "Sonter-ha-ha-ha!"


benteen  . . . where can I find descriptions for upcoming issues?

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I forgot to mention: the Paternoster gang had their own two-part adventure in the pages of Doctor Who Magazine. The story is "The Crystal Throne," and I thought it was pretty good while waiting for Twelve to make his debut. Bad news: Strax gives some of his milk to an unsuspecting urchin, which . . . ick. On the bright side: no objectification of Jenny by Lady Vastra.

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I enjoyed IDW's last DW comic "The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who."


I read both 10 and 11's debut issues for Titan.  I wasn't crazy about 10's issue, too much time spent on new companion and her unoriginal backstory.  But I'm definitely going to keep reading.  Issue #6 for the 10th Doctor is going to have him on a World War I battlefield with the Weeping Angels.


I enjoyed 11's debut issue though.  It was a lot of fun


If I can continue from my previous post, I read the second issue of The Tenth Doctor #2 and it was a very improvement over the first.  Much more with the 10th Doctor and his interaction with Gabby is strong.  They seemed to give this issue several more pages to tell its story and it's an interesting one.  There's even an offhand reference to the old Aztecs serial.


The Eleventh Doctor #2 is coming out next week.

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I picked up a copy of the new DW book at New York Comic Con, which goes on sale this Wednesday. It had a blank cover which I got sketched. The story itself is intriguing, and the Doctor is as brusque as he is on TV, for better or for worse. To the writer's credit, he pulls off a great riff off a "Doctor who?" line that Moffat would've been proud to oversee on the show. I think I'll be down for the first storyline.


Oh, and Titan is going to be producing a "past adventures" book with rotating Doctors. First up . . . Nine/Rose/Capt. Jack, just in time for the tenth anniversary of the show's revival.

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I saw those blank cover comics at NYCC but didn't realize at first it was so you could get it sketched.  That's pretty cool and I also got one of the 12th Doctor comics there.  I thought it was pretty good.  Not perfect but good.  I noticed Clara mentions a few of the threats they fought this season and mentions one I didn't recognize.  Maybe in one of the next two episodes?


Looking forward to the Past Doctor adventures from Titan!

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I'm FINALLY getting around to reading the big Star Trek The Next Generation and Doctor Who crossover IDW did about two years back.  I had bought those because I was (and am) a big fan of Star Trek and TNG.  I hadn't even started Doctor Who yet so I didn't get around to reading the comics.  Finally started watching NuWho last year and I've been watching Classic Who for months now so I thought it was finally time to start reading it and it's not disappointing.  5 issues in and plan to finish the rest today.  Love the painted art and the story is suitably epic.  If I had one problem though, it's that the writers don't quite know the voice of the Star Trek crew as well as they know The Doctor, Amy, and Rory.  The characterization is a little off and I know TNG so well I can tell when the characters say something they wouldn't say on the show.  It doesn't hurt my enjoyment of the comic of course but still, I felt the writers didn't quite have the voice of the ST characters.

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I was about ready to give up on The 11th Doctor series after a boring 5th issue.  But the 6th issue completely redeemed things with a very inventive tale.  I'd love to see it adapted to the new series.  It could be a classic or at least a memorable issue.

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Yesterday I got the newest issue of the 10th, 11th, and 12th Doctor.  10 started the long-awaited WWI Weeping Angels storyline and it's off to a very strong start.  It's potentially epic story features some very impressive and grim battlefield art.


11's is fun too as Earth becomes involved in "The Eternal Dogfight." 


12's is very good too, involving the second part of the Swords of Kali storyline.

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With all the Doctor's clones around, from just the NuWho seasons, have there been stories written about them?  I seem to recall hearing that there was a story about Jenny, the Doctor's daughter.  Anything for 10.5 or Ganger-11?

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Funny how life works out. I knew that the first trade paperbacks for Ten and Eleven's respective series were out, and I looked for them at a comic show and at a shop. No go. Then I went to a library the following day, and two copies of each were available on the shelves.


I read through Eleven's collection, "After Life." Interesting to see the Doctor get hitched with a new supporting cast outside of the Ponds and River. The timeline mix-up was pretty neat, though I did tire of John Jones being a David Bowie expy, to the point when a "THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE DAVID BOWIE" caption was expected by me anytime the character appeared.

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Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor #11 (the latest issue) features a really awesome ending.


Well, I might as well post the ending but I'll put it under spoilers...


Long story short, a shady woman uses a device on the Tenth Doctor that turned another woman back into a baby.  It has a different effect on him, causing the Doctor to retro-regenerate.  The final panel in the comic is of a shocked looking NINTH Doctor in the blue suit and trench coat of the Tenth Doctor.  An unexpected but AWESME ending.

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Heads up: the weekly miniseries from Titan -- Doctor Who: The Four Doctors -- kicked off today. Basically, it's an excuse to have Ten, Eleven and Twelve interact with their respective companions (comics-exclusive in the cases for Ten and Eleven), and Twelve pitching a fit about the "event." Amusing stuff from Paul Cornell.

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I read the latest Twelve comic. Didn't do much for me. I think the real winner was the gag cartoon page, where

the Doctor and Clara are about to appear in a talent show, only to be upstaged by the five Masters.

I found that funny . . .

especially with John Simm on drums and Missy on vocals.

And there's a "To Be Continued" caption, which means we might get more of that next issue.


Also, I picked up the latest Ten TPB from the library. Haven't read it yet, but I will.

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I enjoyed the Four Doctors mini-series though the last issue was pretty timey-whimey.


The Eleventh Doctor just started Year 2 and the first issue was great.  11 has to deal with the consequences of the War Doctor's actions (this being years before The Day of the Doctor) and we encounter some very intersting characters. 

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I picked up the last issue of the oft-delayed Ninth Doctor miniseries. Saw an ad for an ongoing series to debut in April 2016. Seeing how I didn't get too much into the mini, I'll probably wait until the issues are collected.

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I picked up the latest issue of the Twelfth Doctor. It was a Christmas-themed issue where the Doctor took on one of his oldest adversaries . . .

the Celestial Toymaker.


That was a good little tale.  It's amazing that particular character has never reappeared again in Doctor Who.

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Just checking to see if anybody checked out the Eighth Doctor miniseries. Next week, Titan launches a Fourth Doctor mini with Sarah Jane. And the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine released in the States has a one-shot story written and drawn by Roger Langridge, which is always fun to see.

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I'm liking the 8th doctor comic series, I need to get #4. I'm mad that I can't find Doctor Who magazine anymore. The places I used to get it don't have it anymore.


Try Barnes and Noble for Doctor Who magazine.

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Try Barnes and Noble for Doctor Who magazine.


We lost the one that is close to me six years ago. I still miss it. I'll probably just try e-bay again, I've had success at times getting magazine lots there.


I finally got #4 and #5 of the 8th doctor story.

I loved that Josie was the portrait and that twelve is the one that brought eight to her. One of my fondest wishes is that they find some way to have a twelve and eight story on the show.

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