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S03.E05: Homecoming

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The Good; Buffy and Cordy's campaign is the funniest thing ever! Jonathon! Love the ending, love the hunting, love Cordy facing off with Lyle Gorch, love the Mayor and Mr Trick, love everything about it, truly fantastic.

The Bad; Find me some? Actually, why bring back Lyle Gorch who is a stupid villain if there ever was one?

Best line; The Mayor; "Oh no, that wouldn't be a problem" (wonderful line from Harry Groener, it's all in the way he delivers it, perfectly polite and reasonable but with all the menace in the world)

Shot; no, despite all the lead flying around. Odd to see Buffy using a gun although it seems to run out of ammo awfully fast.

Knocked out; yep, Giles again and Buffy

Women good/men bad; Scott dumping Buffy but he has his reasons. Faith and Buffy plan to pick up a couple of studs, use them then dump them as revenge on the male of the species. Although I'm sure they won't be complaining!

Kinky dinky; Willow and Xander, awwwwwww. Even the most dedicated of


Tara's kittens

can't help but be charmed by this scene, especially the music. How does Buffy get her SDH 'letterman' jacket for her campaign? Borrowed from Larry or as a gift in return for her favours? "That thing with her mouth that boys like"? Or is it Xander's from his time on the swim team? Buffy describes Cordy as a 'vapid whore'. Xander refers to Cordy as his 'conquest' whilst Oz and Willow are 'rounding 2nd' which is apparently slang for heavy petting.

Calling Captain Subtext; just as they're getting serious Scott dumps Buffy. But in 


Conversations with Dead People we discover why, I don't think his Homecoming date would have got too far either (he earlier comments that he's a bad liar).

Willow's attraction to Xander gives more credence to her status as bi. Xander refers to Buffy and Faith in the library 'Getting all sweaty' whilst Oz suggests that Buffy and Cordy have been mudwrestling. Essentially in this ep Faith asks Buffy out on a date to the Homecoming dance and Buffy says yes. She also says 'Boys should break up with you more often' Plus half-naked musclely German men wrestling for no apparent reason.

Questions and observations; Love the list of Buffy's rivals set of strengths and weaknesses especially that going out with Xander is considered one of Cordy's weaknesses. What does PB crazy mean? Playboy? Just what are the chances that the shack that Buffy and Cordy stumble upon has a working phone? Love Faith's little trick against Scott. There is no Vulcan deathgrip. Wonderful introduction for the Mayor, Harry Groener is just amazing. Nice line where Mr Trick tells him that the whole 'not fitting in' concept was old even before he became a vampire (although one ventures that the undead really couldn't care less about human concerns such a racial politics just as Spike 


doesn't care about the Nazis in 'Why we fight?').

The picture scenes are smashing and lovingly recreated in the SDH Yearbook. Faith believes rage 'gives you an edge'. Buffy asks if she's invisible, well 


not yet.

Xander refers to his relations with money, presumably not Uncle Rory. The only time we see Faith all dolled up at the dance and she looks beautiful. Buffy tortures the hunter in the trap. The SDPD seem to overcome Mr Trick very easily. Joss basically reuses this storyline for the second episode of Dollhouse, it's derived from the famous short story 'The Most Dangerous Game' which in turn inspired real life serial killer Robert Hansen who hunted and murdered over twenty people after kidnapping them, releasing them into the Alaskan wilderness and giving them a head start.

10/10 no question

23 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

they probably just wanted to have a familiar face among the hunters

There's no reason not to bring in a new "Hunter" type in Frawley rather than bring back Cain (from Phases).  I can only assume that the actor (Jack Conley) wasn't available.


Mutant Enemy clearly had no problem with Conley as an actor, as he would go on to play the demon Sahjahn on several episodes of Angel.


23 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

Xander/Willow is still icky to me, even though I was a big Xander/Willow-shipper when I was watching the first two seasons of the show back in 1998

It's so frustrating, because this has been Willow's emotional through-line for the entire first two seasons:  wanting Xander to wake up and "see" her.  And then it just gets sidelined and ignored for the first four episodes of the season, only to be hauled out and dismissed as a ridiculous "clothes fluke" (FFS, at this point they might as well have had Xander literally say "Why, Miss Rosenberg, without your glasses, you're beautiful!", this crap is such a 1950s cliché), not only for the purposes of your spoiler, but to ensure that W/X are now Dirty Rotten Cheaters, in no place to judge Buffy if they ever find out that she's hiding Angel and lying to them about it.  

Because, you know, that's totally the same thing.  Buffy's protecting a mass-murderer who tried to kill them all and send the planet to a hell-dimension.  Willow is sneaking smoochies behind The Plastic Werewolf's back.  Totally equivalent!  I guess Willow and Xander will just have to give Buffy a pass on this one, huh?  Sigh.

Oh, and to make it even cheaper, they ratchet things up against the pairing by having Cordelia declare (to Buffy) that she's in love with Xander.  Just in case we forget that the Cheaters are breaking poor Cordy's heart, too.  Fuck me. 


A contrivance similar to that forced Willow/Tara reconciliation in Entropy, just to be sure that we're all SO SAD when Tara dies the next episode.  At least, that's the idea.  I still didn't miss her, at all.

The idea that they wasted four entire episodes between Xander's bedside confession of love in Becoming Part 2 and this without (as Joe notes in his Anne review) not even a hint of attraction or subtext is proof positive that this is just hack writing, there to undercut the characters and dismiss the long-promised 'ship. 

I mean, in When She Was Bad, we see that Buffy being away for the summer nearly brings W/X to kissing; where's anything like that in Anne, with Buffy gone and Cordy gone and Oz so rarely around that he not only skips summer school but somehow Willow doesn't know about that?  (And boy, do I call bullshit on that!  The moment Willow found out that Oz had missed one class she would have been all over him, never mind an entire summer semester's worth!)  But where's the bonding-on-patrol-leading-to-near-smoochies in 3.01, the way it did in 2.01?  Nothing.  Feh.

Or how about Beauty and the Beasts?  You think that Willow might be upset that Xander neglected Oz-watch and now Oz might be in trouble and Xander might be frustrated that Willow just expects him to take care of her goddamned boyfriend when he's trying to fight back how he really feels about her?  Maybe Xander, who thought that Oz was dangerous to Willow as far back as the cut scene in Surprise, might have something to say about Wolf Boy trying to eat Will, again, some more?  You'd think you could get some mileage out of that, wouldn't you.

But nooooooo.  It's a "clothes fluke", and there will be no more fluking.  Simple (and simplistic) as that.  So goddamn annoying.

(Note:  I still love this episode.  Although Buffy calling Cordelia a "whore" and threatening her with the Slayer-strength really doesn't sit well with me, either.)

  • Love 2
On ‎02‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 11:33 PM, nosleepforme said:

Any episode heavy on Cordelia --> Good episode.

Okay, I am not a big fan of Assembly Still Required, but I still love me some Cordelia. And the ending is great, at that point I had seen so many highschool movies in which the underdogs have their moment by the end of the movie, that it was just wonderfully ironic and surprising that both Buffy and Cordelia would lose and that the tie would actually be the other girls. Though 

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Buffy will get her moment of appreciation in The Prom.


That is a good question. He was not that interesting the first time around, but they probably just wanted to have a familiar face among the hunters, someone with a personal agenda to be in for the hunt.


Xander/Willow is still icky to me, even though I was a big Xander/Willow-shipper when I was watching the first two seasons of the show back in 1998, BUT when they did finally get some sexual tension, it was a little too late and it's just too obvious of a plot.

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to break up  Cordelia and Xander, so that Cordelia is free to move to LA for Angel's sake. Also, since Willow had a crush and sexual tension with Xander as well as a very intimate relationship with Oz, I wish they would have stuck with making Willow bisexual rather than a Lesbian. Though I get why they ultimately decided to label her as gay once Tara got into the picture. They wanted to make sure that the audience understood that this was going to be a permanent thing and not just a ratings stunt like they do on so many shows (ehm, the oc) and generally, bisexuality is only now slowly becoming a thing that is also portrayed on television. 


He's so great in this role. I think, he's actually my favorite Big Bad. Just the fact that he is always so nice and polite gives it much more impact when he does actually become a threat.


 I am amused that they mentioned Scott Hope in


At this point however, Scott is merely breaking up with Buffy to clear the way for Angel to take centerstage in Buffy's life again. I did like Scott though. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if he had stuck around a little longer, especially given the revelation about him later on. He probably would have been killed off though.

Yeah, the fact that neither won was a nice twist, once again Buffy defies convention. I just wish the actual winners were recurring characters rather than one-offs, that would have been nice. That's the great irony of course, whenever things are going to work out for the characters then it all goes wrong, a recurring theme in the Jossverse. Personally I think what really makes the Mayor a great villain is;


his relationship with Faith, the Mayor is so oddly likeable, the villains of the series as interesting and involved as the heroes. 

 As for Scott, yeah, hanging around the Scoobs is seriously bad for your health. Love a larger role for Devon though who is always great.  

On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 6:07 AM, CletusMusashi said:

I love Cordelia's ability to bluff her way through a situation terrifyingly.

And I will never stop loving the whole "Long story," "Did X," "Apparently not so long" schtick.

Something that will recur to great effect, especially in;


bluffing 'Angelus' in Eternity. 

On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 11:49 PM, Halting Hex said:

There's no reason not to bring in a new "Hunter" type in Frawley rather than bring back Cain (from Phases).  I can only assume that the actor (Jack Conley) wasn't available.

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Mutant Enemy clearly had no problem with Conley as an actor, as he would go on to play the demon Sahjahn on several episodes of Angel.


It's so frustrating, because this has been Willow's emotional through-line for the entire first two seasons:  wanting Xander to wake up and "see" her.  And then it just gets sidelined and ignored for the first four episodes of the season, only to be hauled out and dismissed as a ridiculous "clothes fluke" (FFS, at this point they might as well have had Xander literally say "Why, Miss Rosenberg, without your glasses, you're beautiful!", this crap is such a 1950s cliché), not only for the purposes of your spoiler, but to ensure that W/X are now Dirty Rotten Cheaters, in no place to judge Buffy if they ever find out that she's hiding Angel and lying to them about it.  

Because, you know, that's totally the same thing.  Buffy's protecting a mass-murderer who tried to kill them all and send the planet to a hell-dimension.  Willow is sneaking smoochies behind The Plastic Werewolf's back.  Totally equivalent!  I guess Willow and Xander will just have to give Buffy a pass on this one, huh?  Sigh.

Oh, and to make it even cheaper, they ratchet things up against the pairing by having Cordelia declare (to Buffy) that she's in love with Xander.  Just in case we forget that the Cheaters are breaking poor Cordy's heart, too.  Fuck me. 

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A contrivance similar to that forced Willow/Tara reconciliation in Entropy, just to be sure that we're all SO SAD when Tara dies the next episode.  At least, that's the idea.  I still didn't miss her, at all.

The idea that they wasted four entire episodes between Xander's bedside confession of love in Becoming Part 2 and this without (as Joe notes in his Anne review) not even a hint of attraction or subtext is proof positive that this is just hack writing, there to undercut the characters and dismiss the long-promised 'ship. 

I mean, in When She Was Bad, we see that Buffy being away for the summer nearly brings W/X to kissing; where's anything like that in Anne, with Buffy gone and Cordy gone and Oz so rarely around that he not only skips summer school but somehow Willow doesn't know about that?  (And boy, do I call bullshit on that!  The moment Willow found out that Oz had missed one class she would have been all over him, never mind an entire summer semester's worth!)  But where's the bonding-on-patrol-leading-to-near-smoochies in 3.01, the way it did in 2.01?  Nothing.  Feh.

Or how about Beauty and the Beasts?  You think that Willow might be upset that Xander neglected Oz-watch and now Oz might be in trouble and Xander might be frustrated that Willow just expects him to take care of her goddamned boyfriend when he's trying to fight back how he really feels about her?  Maybe Xander, who thought that Oz was dangerous to Willow as far back as the cut scene in Surprise, might have something to say about Wolf Boy trying to eat Will, again, some more?  You'd think you could get some mileage out of that, wouldn't you.

But nooooooo.  It's a "clothes fluke", and there will be no more fluking.  Simple (and simplistic) as that.  So goddamn annoying.

(Note:  I still love this episode.  Although Buffy calling Cordelia a "whore" and threatening her with the Slayer-strength really doesn't sit well with me, either.)

In fairness Cain was a werewolf hunter and as he said it himself he was only in it for the money. I personally love Willow's Diana Prince moment just as I love Buffy's in Go Fish and CC's in


Guise will be Guise

.They each have a secret, they're not strictly comparable but everyone has secrets they keep over the years for good and ill. Willow even remarks to Buffy in an episode that keeping it secret made is all the sexier. 

Perhaps Oz was away on tour with the Dingoes or Willow was away on holiday with her family over the summer? Frankly Xander and Oz seem good friends at this point hence X-man's guilt? I agree about the whore insult especially considering what Buffy will later get up to but CC is pretty much the most promiscuous of the Scoobs at this point?  

Coming up next, Revelations 

Edited by Joe Hellandback

Always wondered who was that creepy old guy in a wheelchair who helped orchestrating the SlayerFest '98?

Love this line in particular:


Buffy: I haven't... told Giles and the others that... you're back.
Angel: (quietly) Giles...
Buffy: And I'm not going to. They wouldn't understand that you're... better.

Sure, coz getting tortured for hours, injured or nearly killed makes "Giles and the others" too dumb and insensitive to appreciate the depth of Angel's improvement. Sweet-sweet Buffy with her youthful spontaneity and superior knowledge. JMO, of course.

And Alyson Hannigan is just adorable the way she says Willow's line in one of the scenes:


Because: we felt so guilty about the fluke, we overcompensated helping Cordelia, and we spun the whole group dynamic out of orbit, and we're just a big meteor shower heading for Earth...

Long ago, when I first saw early seasons of the show I really believed Willow was played by actual teenage girl, not the woman in her twenties...

Edited by lembergwatcher
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Everytime I watched Homecoming, I had a steady impression Seth Green did his best not to laugh out loud while shooting the scene of a yearbook pictures taking.

Btw, his character had one truly remarkable line in the episode:


Oz: As Willow goes, so goes my nation.

IMO, that pretty much sums up Plastic Werewolf's role in the gang (and in the show). Was the introduction of a character who much too soon became literally Willow's shadow really such a good idea? What if we admit that W/X wasn't that bad after all compared to the sugary and eventually doomed W/O romance?


Edited by lembergwatcher
On ‎18‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 9:01 PM, lembergwatcher said:

Always wondered who was that creepy old guy in a wheelchair who helped orchestrating the SlayerFest '98?

Love this line in particular:

Sure, coz getting tortured for hours, injured or nearly killed makes "Giles and the others" too dumb and insensitive to appreciate the depth of Angel's improvement. Sweet-sweet Buffy with her youthful spontaneity and superior knowledge. JMO, of course.

And Alyson Hannigan is just adorable the way she says Willow's line in one of the scenes:

Long ago, when I first saw early seasons of the show I really believed Willow was played by actual teenage girl, not the woman in her twenties...

Ian Abercrombie, great character actor who turns up absolutely everywhere and very useful it you're playing Six Degrees of Bufferation. Probably most famous as the Wizard in Army of Darkness or Elaine's boss Mr Pitt in Seinfeld 

I didn't mean there was only one W/O kiss. But the one we saw in Phases was their first AFAIK. There was Xillow's "almost kiss" in When She Was Bad, but here they had their first real kiss (though Xander could have kissed Willow when she was out cold in Becoming, Part 2 - the way Prince kissed Snow White... Eh. Dreams, dreams, dreams).

So I finally got TV service again (delayed by the move, and then it turns out the $#%@ing movers broke my TV so I had to buy a new one), and I turned to my inventory for comfort, and even though these are the butchered "syndicated" versions, I still wanted some Buffyverse, so I put this one on.  (They've cut out Willow's first two "nice" outfits in the kissing scene, I see.)

And what I'm wondering is, even if Cordelia didn't tell Buffy about the picture-taking, how could Buffy have missed that ginormous set-up that took up most of the central area?  Was she following Angel's example and using the sewer tunnels to access the library?  I prefer to think that after Faith asked her to the Homecoming dance, she couldn't see anything but visions of Faith's hot little ass, but that's just speculation, I admit. ;)

Edited by Halting Hex
6 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I prefer to think that after Faith asked her to the Homecoming dance, she couldn't see anything but visions of Faith's hot little ass,

I guess you're right. Buffy should have admitted her true feelings for raven-haired Slayer. It'd be much better to play some kinky stuff with Faith in the stacks, janitor's closet or Faithie's motel room than to hide the homicidal maniac sent from hell.

  • Love 1

And you know, even if Cordy did fumble the "tell Buffy" ball, it's really not her job to run Buffy's life for her.  Buffy has lips, I've seen her move them.  "Hey guys, when are they taking the Homecoming pictures?" would be a perfectly valid question for her to ask.  I'm just saying.

7 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

Buffy should have admitted her true feelings for raven-haired Slayer.

Well, what Buffy should have done is admitted that she's been in love with Willow since that first exchange of glances at the water fountain.  But, like Xander, she's too protective of Willow to admit her own feelings immediately.  (It took him at least 13 years, after all.)

In the meantime, though, while Buffy's being all "distracted" (as Scott notes), Faith makes a pretty good distraction.  I'm just saying.

36 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Well, what Buffy should have done is admitted that she's been in love with Willow since that first exchange of glances at the water fountain.

First. While Angel was still around that was highly unlikely. Second. Please have mercy on Willow. Willow is too good for someone like Buffy. Considering Buffy's rather unconventional approach to love life and choosing partners


I think Vamp!Willow would have been quite good for the Slayer. But living and breathing Willow? I guess not.

On ‎03‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 10:44 AM, lembergwatcher said:

I guess you're right. Buffy should have admitted her true feelings for raven-haired Slayer. It'd be much better to play some kinky stuff with Faith in the stacks, janitor's closet or Faithie's motel room than to hide the homicidal maniac sent from hell.

Fuffy forever!


Buffy: Willow, it's okay that you're helping Cordelia. We're best friends. I'm not gonna hold it against you.

Willow: (whining) No, I'm not a friend. I'm a rabid dog who should be shot! But there're forces at work here! Dark, incomprehensible forces.

Buffy: And I'm sure they're more important than all we've been through together, or... the number of times that I've saved your life.

Willow: (looks at her imploringly) What do you want?

Buffy: Fifteen minutes alone on your computer with Cordelia's database.

I always thought Buffy saved Willow because Willow was her best friend and Buffy cared for the redhead. Not because Buffy expected something in return. I guess I was wrong somehow. Maybe she didn't mean it that way, but such manipulations didn't put Buffy in a good light. But JMO.

Edited by lembergwatcher

Buffy and Cordelia both play dirty while on campaign; that's rather the point of the entire "Fire Escape" sequence.  Which also shows them both bribing voters, flirting, lying, etc.  Not to mention Buffy playing Scott Hope like a fiddle.

It's perhaps somewhat disheartening that she'd pull out these particular stops with Willow, of all people, but I don't find it unforgivable.  JMO.

(And maybe Willow, having supported Cordelia out of guilt in the first place, wanted to "balance the scales" anyway, and only needed a push to do so.)

Edited by Halting Hex

So, moving on from 3.04, I'm looking forward to this.  But…my last YT "reacting to a reaction" opinion on it turns out this way:


Buffy just gets more and more selfish and insufferable. Lying to everyone to hide the fact that the mass-murdering demon who tried to kill them all is back (oh, he's "better" is that it? Yeah, he had that soul in January, too. Look how that turned out) and apparently glad to do so forever. Getting all pouty that the "boyfriend" she's ignored calls her on it. Being pissed that Cordelia didn't tell her about the pictures. (Excuse me, since when is it Cordy's job to run Buffy's life? Buffy can't ask "hey, guys, when are they taking the pictures?" And how did she miss that giant photo set-up, anyhow?). Apparently forgetting that Xander is Cordelia's boyfriend. I mean, she's shown exactly ZERO interest in her friends' lives this season, but still.

Meanwhile, we're supposed to hate Willow and Xander for being Dirty Rotten Cheaters, with added fluffing of Oz ("He wrote this song for me" Yeah, how about he apologizes for trying to EAT you last episode? Or works to do a better job of dealing with his wolf issues, since we saw that the current plan clearly doesn't work…) and Cordelia (who just randomly declares that she suddenly "loves" Xander), while spewing insulting nonsense about it just being a "clothes fluke" (funny, Willow saw Xander all dressed up for Valentine's Day and nothing like this happened…) so we can diminish years' worth of feelings. Sorry, it's going to take more than trying to dirty W/X to get me on Princess Buffy and Dear Forehead's side.

Season 3 may eventually get going (this episode is a perfectly functional merger of a "Rogue's Gallery" ep and "The Most Dangerous Game" and the "Fire Escape" montage is great), but until Buffy stops having episodes where her only interactions with Willow are about lying to Willow and bullying her, it's a grind to get through. New film stock and sets or not.


Yowwch!  I don't want to play Captain Crabby, and this episode is mostly lots of fun, but parts of S3 look to be wearing me down. Sigh.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Meanwhile, we're supposed to hate Willow and Xander for being Dirty Rotten Cheaters

We're supposed to hate Xillow for some innocent kisses, but Joss forbid even looking at Buffy funny for hiding her homicidal maniac of a boyfriend because apparently everyone else is too dumb to understand that Angel is "good now". No evidence of Angel's new found "goodness" exists so far but everybody have to take Buffy's word for it.

Even if Xander and Willow slept together that night, they would've continued to be the same Xander and Willow the very next morning. Which is more than I can say regarding Buffy/Angel sex life.

Remember, anything is ok when Buffy does it.

Xander told some "lie" one time because the situation was daring and everyone's lives were at stake, but we weren't supposed to view him as one of the good guys from then on. Buffy lies all the time, ignores her friends and acts like a petulant child, but that's somehow ok.

11 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

how about he apologizes for trying to EAT you last episode?

Oh please... Since when do "cool guys" apologize?


Willow and Xander are the ones who have to spend weeks groveling for forgiveness. Oz is too good for such kind of stuff. Does Angel apologize for punching Xander in the alley way in the middle of the night?.. No, of course not.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was brilliant during the first two seasons not least because it was perfectly ok to be "uncool" back then. But then for some reason things changed and the show ended up poisoned with "supernatural supremacy" and "cool supremacy",


both of which became especially evident in the later seasons, with the rise of Spike and Dawnverse.


On 7/5/2018 at 12:50 PM, Joe Hellandback said:

In fairness Cain was a werewolf hunter and as he said it himself he was only in it for the money

Well, it's never specified that Trick is keeping all the cash.  It might be like a poker game:  everybody chips in their $250,000, Trick takes a cut for organizing the (Most Dangerous) game, and the winner gets the rest.  With four "players", Trick could take $100K and leave the rest of the "pot" ($900,000) as incentive to get the Slayers slain.

(How ever did "Kulak of the Miquot Clan" come up with $250,000?  That carnival knife-throwing act must be raking in the dough.  Huh.)

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