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"The Daily Show": Week of 5/19/14

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5/19: James McAvoy (actor – promoting movie “X-Men: Days of Future Past”)
5/20: Aneesh Chopra (author – promoting book “Innovative State: How New Technologies Can Transform Government”)
5/21: Timothy Geithner (former Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury & author – promoting book “Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises”)
5/22: Drew Barrymore (actor promoting movie “Blended”)
Week of 5/26:  DARK!

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What the  ... what was going on?  Having your period, Jon?  Philadelphia is a GREAT CITY.  And cheesesteaks are one of the great foods.  And, well, no Mets fan should look down on the Phillies.  Much.



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Thank you, Jon, for the great reporting on how the VA Healthcare system has always had horrible problems.   I'm one of the lucky ones, I guess.  My VA Hospital and Clinic have given me very good care for about ten years.  Serious stuff that kept me from being insurable through any other means.  Thanks Jon and thanks VA!

And I think Jon's picking a fight with Phillie to get a certain guest or get some free cheesesteaks. :)

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Since my father served in the occupation of Japan, he was eligible for VA hospital care when his Alzheimer's was too much for my mother.  They did an excellent job, and had the right facilities and equipment and staff.  So parts of the VA are functioning properly, at least.  It seems to be a state-by-state thing.

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While I usually don't go for Jason Jones' segments, this one/series was quite good.  Clean Chit!  Who would have thought that a political party actually uses doubles to do its campaigning?  And his command, "Don't turn around, it spoils everything" to his own double getting into the Ganges was too perfect.

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I had been a lurker over at TWoP since around 2008 because I'd forgotten my username and never got around to making a new one. Then I lost track of the site and didn't return until just this year, when I found the Daily Show forum. I have to say, I've enjoyed the intelligent, in-depth conversations you all had over there, and I hope I can contribute now in this forum.

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