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S03.E04: Blind Cannibal Assassins

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Aargh, MK. Tilda and Nathaniel finally let go of their bloodlust and revenge and MK takes up it up. So MK's plan is to kill Sunny and leave Henry, an orphan. Does he plan to let Henry die or dump him somewhere or raise him himself? MK is not thinking straight. Sunny and Tilda are right, they have to be the ones to stop the cycle of violence because The Widow and Chau won't until the other is dead. It was nice to see Tilda and Nathaniel letting go of the past and moving forward. Maybe they can help build a new world in the Badlands.

I am not convinced that MK could kill Sunny, gift or no gift. Of course, now MK is in the grips of the Pilgrim who can control the gift. I can't help wondering if the only way that witch will be able to cure Henry is by Sunny taking the gift for himself.

Bajie cracked me up in this episode. He is so right about Sunny's strange version of being honorable getting them in trouble. 

I never understand these people in these fights. If I was losing, I would just surrender or call a truce. This fighting to the death is ridiculous.

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Finally we get to see Gaius Chau!

I guess seeing Sunny with Henry softened  Moon up to some extent. Still, he let go of his desire for revenge a little too quickly for my taste.

Sorry, but Pilgrim just isn't doing it for me as a villain. Maybe it is because I can't stand religious zealots.

Cool to see Stephan  Lang lend his voice for younger Waldo.

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22 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Sunny and Tilda are right, they have to be the ones to stop the cycle of violence because The Widow and Chau won't until the other is dead

.They've really done a retcon on Minerva.  In past seasons, violence was a means to an end.  She went to the Baron's meeting prepared to negotiate and only fought when she had to.

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