CrazyInAlabama February 20 Share February 20 (edited) 20 February--“My Landlord is a Scammer” 3/1/2019, Season 22 / Episode 95. Cases-A Tenant Tantrum - Getting Into It With A Neighbor - Taking Advantage Of Landlubbers (Case 1-Nightmare tenant is right. Case 2-Awful relatives think they can tell their mother's neighbors where and how to park, and the relatives block driveways any time they want. Case 3-Another amateur who buys a boat without a test to see if it bloats, or have a mechanic look at it). p. 129, 21 February--“Your Food Almost Killed Me” 3/11/2019, Season 22 / Episode 96 Cases-Causing An Allergic Reaction - Tossing It All Away - Making A Mistake (Case 1-After telling restaurant staff she was allergic to peppers, cook put them in her food anyway. Restaurant staff actually demanded that plaintiff's party still owed for food they never ate because plaintiff needed to use her epipen and go to the ER. She wants her hospital bill paid, and the rest of her party's bill paid. P. gets everything. Case 2-Roommates, and ruined furniture. Messy situation, and P. wants a bonanza for her cheep furniture. Case 3-Legal tow but P. wants to be repaid for having tow yard deliver car to his home. He can forget getting that. ) p. 130. Edited February 21 by CrazyInAlabama 2 Link to comment
AngelaHunter February 21 Share February 21 On 2/20/2025 at 9:10 AM, CrazyInAlabama said: and P. wants a bonanza for her cheep furniture. JM: "Where are the pics taken in daylight to prove your furniture was ruined?" Ms. Ordacity: "Those are the one thing I don't have." Because all these young people who live with their phones Gorilla-glued to their hands can't spare 3 seconds to lift them, aim them, and press a button. I'm starting to think litigants DO use their phones only for nasty pictures. I bet she has some of those. Aren't those pitch-black, blurry videos that show nothing good enough? JM is so damned picky! JM: "Where are the receipts for what you paid?" MsO: "I don't have those." 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama February 24 Share February 24 24 February--“Getting into Trouble over a Tow” 3/12/2019, Season 22 / Episode 97. Cases-A Terrible Tow - Not Being CarFul - Being Too Difficult (Case 1-Another blocked driveway tow, p. claims damages, and he's full of moose ca-ca Case 2-Limo didn't show, so p. is suing for $2500, when tickets only cost $99 Case 3-Another amateur landlord who didn't follow the rules) p. 130, 2 Link to comment
AngelaHunter February 24 Share February 24 (edited) 11 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: “Getting into Trouble over a Tow” I had to rewatch that. These bottom feeders were hilarious. Just for fun, I counted the "Look at this!" exclamations. Fourteen of them, although they came so fast I may have missed a few, and not counting the four or so, "Look at that!" I couldn't rewatch that bloviating old fart, trying to moneygrub $2,500 for the "conscience of the community". Shut up. I could have rewatched it if JM had not fawned over him and his attempts to shake down the Def. Edited February 24 by AngelaHunter 2 1 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama February 25 Share February 25 (edited) 25 February--“Exes Trip Trouble” 3/13/2016, Season 22 / Episode 98 Cases-Bitter Much? - One Tough Landlord - Not Bending Over Backwards (Case 1 Another desperate p. who showers a deadbeat with money, and wants it all back. Case 2-Refund of deposit on apartment p. never moved into. Case 3-P. pawned jewelry, lost the check, and now wants money again. ) p. 130. 26 February-“You Owe Me for Watching Your Rowdy Kids” 3/14/2019, Season 22 / Episode 99 Cases-Abandoning His Kids - Towing The Line - Being All Washed Up (Case 1-Parent dumps kids on plaintiff for months while he's working, and doesn't want to pay. Sad for the kids, but parent is an idiot. Case 2-Tow case where p. is going after neighbor that called parking in, instead of tow company. Case 3-Used washer sale where buyer wants $200 back, on a high end machine) p. 130. Edited February 26 by CrazyInAlabama 1 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama February 27 Share February 27 (edited) 27 February-“My Landlord is a Scammer” 3/15/2019, Season 22 / Episode 100. Cases-A Tenant Tantrum - Getting Into It With A Neighbor - Taking Advantage Of Landlubbers (Case 1-Hair salon owner vs. Ice cream shop owner fighting Case 2-Dog attack, nope Case 3-Another stupid boat case) p. 130, 28 February-"Stealing From a Friend" 4/8/2019, Season 22 / Episode 101. Cases-Freeloading - Trading A Hot Harley - Making A Mess. p. 130, Edited March 3 by CrazyInAlabama 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama March 3 Share March 3 3 March--“Customer Crisis” 4/9/2019, Season 22 / Episode 102 Cases-Getting Into It With A Customer - Stop! Thief! - What A Dud p. 130, 1 1 Link to comment
AngelaHunter Monday at 10:25 PM Share Monday at 10:25 PM 14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: 3 March--“Customer Crisis” I have officially lost way too many brain cells. I watched all these, thinking, "Woohoo! I never saw these." 😕 I'm blaming the disintegration of said brain cells on watching too many court shows. Maybe I can sue The Levin. 2 1 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama Tuesday at 12:41 AM Share Tuesday at 12:41 AM I try to remember that we are only seeing about a third of the actual case, and aren't actually hearing a coherent picture of the case. 1 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama Tuesday at 12:53 PM Share Tuesday at 12:53 PM (edited) 4 March-"Bitter Over Bubbly” 4/10/2019, Season 22 / Episode 103. Cases-Too Much Bubbly - Not Letting Him In - Trucking It Up (Case 1-P. jack ass was charged for an extra bottle of bubbly, and wanted a bonanza. Case 2-Illegal tenant's girlfriend (legal tenant) dies and p. suing landlord for his property back, but brother of tenant/next-of-kin changed the locks and refused p. entrance. P. claims landlord stole his stuff Case 3-Mommy buys hooptie truck for her deadbeat son, was as is, and now suing ) p. 131 5 March--“Riot With a Roommate“ 4/11/2019 Season 22 / Episode 104 Cases-Rotten-Rooming - Playing Games - Joyriding Into Court (Case 1-Two wacky roommates fighting over bills Case 2-Fighting over vending machine profits Case 3-Damages to stolen moped, owner suing thief). p. 131, Edited Wednesday at 12:44 PM by CrazyInAlabama 2 1 Link to comment
AngelaHunter Wednesday at 10:18 PM Share Wednesday at 10:18 PM ^^^ So many denizens of Loserville in one episode. 2 1 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama Thursday at 02:25 PM Share Thursday at 02:25 PM 7 March-“Conning a Cousin” 4/12/2019, Season 22 / Episode 105 Cases-Conning A Cousin - Backing Out - Not Caring For His Tree (Case 1-Grifter cousin ripping off people. Case 2 Another tenant who changed her mind, and wants deposit back. Case 3-Another ridiculous tree case. Dead tree falls on man's car.) p. 131, 8 March--“Livid at my Landlord” 4/15/2019, Season 22 / Episode 106 Cases-Bad Landlording - Flying The Coop - Trying To Fit In (Case 1-Tenant who won't leave, and hasn't paid rent in years. Case 2-D. wanted woodpeckers evicted, P. pest control didn't get paid. Case 3-Bizarre car accident case, p. wants d. to pay the ticket p. received because they were driving without insurance). p. 131, 1 1 Link to comment
AngelaHunter Thursday at 10:13 PM Share Thursday at 10:13 PM 7 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: 7 March-“Conning a Cousin” Gotta love "Court Show Captains of Industry", the majority of whom couldn't successfully run a lemonade stand. These two dingbats are a fine example. Can't run a flea market without getting in fights and losing the money? I know - I'll write a book! As soon as I'm a rich author, I'll pay you back. 😆 2 Link to comment
AngelaHunter Friday at 10:37 PM Share Friday at 10:37 PM On 3/6/2025 at 9:25 AM, CrazyInAlabama said: “Livid at my Landlord” I missed this when it aired originally, and it was awesome! I know this isn't the first time we hear accusations of satanic devil-worshipping, but is this the first case of "emotional torture" ever seen? The torture seems to consist of Defs trying to evict this squatter. The plaintiff is a flim-flam artist and a bottom-feeding, system-working deadbeat. He proclaims he's totally disabled from a wrist injury, yet JM reels off reams of tasks he's managed to do. For all his hardships, he certainly hasn't been going hungry. Def tells a different story, that this character hasn't paid rent in at least 1 1/2 (or 3?)years. So horrendous are the conditions in this house of horrors where he's been bullied and tortured and subjected to black mold and no electricity, yet his large buttocks remain firmly planted in this terrible place. He also found the fortitude to hustle outside to take pictures of the Def's backside. Maybe he uses them in his satanic rituals? JM is disgusted and wants to know why he hasn't left this horrific place. He starts rambling on and on, and she finally has enough of his silly BS and rules in favour of the Def. Really, why would he leave when he gets to squat for free, unlike the rest of us mere mortals? Doug in the Hall also wants to know why he didn't GTFO after all this time. He gets more non-sensical crap. I wonder if the marshals finally arrived to give him the boot. 3 Link to comment
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