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Season Two: Puberty Hits Clark

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Season two is not a favorite.  It felt like the show runners were mad that Chloe was a fan favorite and they went out of their way to hurt her character, at first sidelining her and then having Clark treat her like an afterthought, culminating in Chloe dabbling in the darkness.  I was very thankful that fan outcry kept Chloe from staying over in the dark side. 

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I always thought this actually. I never read the comic-books, so just looking at this show and nothing else from the superman cannon. It does seem like his powers (minus super speed and strength) related to him maturing. In season 1 he starts developing x-ray vision than in season 2 his heat vision clearly is related to hormones. There was even a part in the deleted scenes where Johnathan and Martha talk about his powers.


Season two is not a favorite.  It felt like the show runners were mad that Chloe was a fan favorite and they went out of their way to hurt her character, at first sidelining her and then having Clark treat her like an afterthought,


I don't think the show runners were trying to punish Chloe for being more popular than Lana. It was more that Lana was their lead female character, and she wasn't as popular as they wanted her to be. So, to fix it, it was like they altered Chloe in order to make Lana look better. Like they expected viewers to say, "Man, compared to that bitchy Chloe, Lana is totally awesome." And, at the same time, they tried to make Lana the most wonderful and sympathetic character ever by filling her life with more tragedy, giving her more talents, making more characters sing her praises, etc.


But instead of ending up with more viewers loving Lana, they just had more viewers who didn't like Chloe either.


I say all this because as soon as they stopped doing the "make Chloe look bad so Lana looks good by comparison" thing, they pretty much immediately went back to writing Chloe as awesome. Which I don't think they could've done if the writers actually had a grudge against her character.

Edited by Bitterswete

I didn't mean to say that the show runners actually started hating on Chloe but just that it felt like it when I was watching the first part of season two.  From what I remember hearing, show runners were actually rather proud of their original creation but yes, I do think they noticed that she was getting more appreciation than their favorite Lana and tried to "fix" that in season two. 


I wish more show runners would take notice and realize that you can't fix one character by messing with the ones that are working.  It just generates a lot of anger against the show itself not to mention backlash against the character they are trying to prop up. 

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I wish more show runners would take notice and realize that you can't fix one character by messing with the ones that are working.  It just generates a lot of anger against the show itself not to mention backlash against the character they are trying to prop up. 


I think a lot of the Lana-dislike was backlash. The show runners were so determined to make more viewers like her that they kept pushing her and pushing her. Without that, I think more viewers would've been able to tolerate (if not actually like) the character. But having her (and her "specialness") shoved down their throats made more viewers actively loathe her.

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I like Lana a lot more in season 1 and 4 than I do in season 2. What I do like about season 2 is the friendship that develops between Chloe and Lana. Season 2 actually has a lot of my favorite moments and episodes. The Jonathan Taylor Thomas episode, Pete finding out about Clark, "Fever," the one where Chloe and Clark keep making out, Christopher Reeve, the multiple appearances of Red K Clark, blind Lionel Luthor shenanigans, and that one line where Lionel tells Jonathan a diamond watch from him is the equivalent of a Whitman's Sampler from Jonathan.

I actually would've liked a real "Chloe goes dark" arc...it made sense for the character after being ignored by Clark in s2. 


There are lots of different ways for a character to go dark. And, to a lot of fans, the way the show tried to make Chloe dark in season two just seemed out of character for her. The show was trying to do this "woman scorned" thing where Chloe's spurned love for Clark was enough to turn her into some two-faced bitch who would smile in Clark's face while happily stabbing him in the back. And I was much more likely to buy Chloe just cutting Clark out of her life or something like that than her gleefully selling him out to Lionel, knowing it could cause him harm.


And Chloe had a lot of fans who liked her largely because, while flawed, she was a loyal friend and a good person. And no one who likes a character for those reasons is going to want to see them become a disloyal, two-faced backstabber. Which you'd think the showrunners would've known before they tried to change her in that way.

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Chloe's loyalty IIRC is something that really came later. Not to say she wasn't before but it wasn't until she learned Clark's secrets that she really stepped up to the plate. Before in s1-3 she was continually trying to figure out his secret.


There's a difference between trying to figure out what someone you know is trying to hide from you, and gleefully doing something that you know will cause them harm. By the end of season two, Chloe was pretty much going "mwa-ha-ha" as she decided to sell Clark out to Lionel. And that just was not in character for her in my opinion.


I actually think that, later, she went darker in ways that made much more sense. Like how she started "monitoring" everyone, including her friends, which gelled with her need to know. And how she became more and more okay with crossing lines and manipulating people if she thought it was for a good cause.


Back in season 2, I could see her being so gung-ho about doing something that she didn't consider the possible consequences, or who might get hurt in the process. But even when I didn't consider myself a Chloe fan, I couldn't buy her actively trying to hurt anyone, just for the sake of hurting them, the way they were setting her up to hurt Clark. 

Edited by Bitterswete

By the end of season two, Chloe was pretty much going "mwa-ha-ha" as she decided to sell Clark out to Lionel.


I was just conceivable that Chloe would abandon her misgivings about reporting on Clark to get her DP column since 1, he obviously was giving her feelings no special consideration and 2, it's not like she had any information harmful on Clark.  So I could buy her saying, screw it, I want the column, but at the end of two they had her sharing tea with the Devil and that was NOT who she was.


Chloe's loyalty IIRC is something that really came later. Not to say she wasn't before but it wasn't until she learned Clark's secrets that she really stepped up to the plate.


Before Chloe ever found out Clark's secret, she agreed to stop looking into him.  She chose his friendship over the truth, turning a blind eye to the very obvious questions, but still encouraging him to open up.  Then she learned his secret and added covering for him as well but I think her loyalty was always there.


In season three, she sided with Clark over her boss, her BFF, and Clark's parents.  She kept his secret until she knew it was doing him more harm than good.  In Delete, she covered for him even when she thought he'd tried to run her down with his truck on purpose.  She looked into people and things without good reasons to do so just because she trusted Clark's instincts.   I think her loyalty has always been with Clark, but it took almost betraying him to go from walking the line to staying the hell away from it.


actually think that, later, she went darker in ways that made much more sense. Like how she started "monitoring" everyone


Except for the fact that they had her in season 7 expressing her complete and utter contempt for the practice when Lana was doing it.  She shut that operation down in absolute this is wrong terms so I just can't see her so easily going there. 

Before Chloe ever found out Clark's secret, she agreed to stop looking into him.


Season 3, right. With the "Truth" relapse. 


but at the end of two they had her sharing tea with the Devil and that was NOT who she was.


Well to be fair..that was just them setting the deal up..not as though they were ever friendly with each other. 


think her loyalty has always been with Clark, but it took almost betraying him to go from walking the line to staying the hell away from it.


I agree with that. 

Except for the fact that they had her in season 7 expressing her complete and utter contempt for the practice when Lana was doing it.  She shut that operation down in absolute this is wrong terms so I just can't see her so easily going there.


And that x100 

I don't have the energy to use the quote function and use the necessary quotes, so I will say this as I firmly believe this is the reason why Chloe decided to betray Clark:


She had romantic feelings for him, and he chose Lana over her; then he and Lana both lied to Chloe that they were dating, instead of being honest with her about it, because, after all , poor widdle Chloe was in looove with Clark and wouldn't be able to handle or accept that he and Lana were together.


Me: GAG.


So it was to pay them back for lying to her; and yet, in the season 3 opener, we see it's Chloe, who is keeping Clark under Red K's secret, covering for him, etc.


And I don't blame her for her actions in "Truth" because she wasn't herself. She was under a Kryptonite spell, so to speak.


I blame Clark and most especially LANA for how Chloe behaved at the end of two. Hell, I blame Lana, period. She, like a certain midgety moobster on a certain soap opera, fucking ruins EVERYTHING.

Except for the fact that they had her in season 7 expressing her complete and utter contempt for the practice when Lana was doing it.  She shut that operation down in absolute this is wrong terms so I just can't see her so easily going there. 


I was basing my example on stuff Chloe actually did on the show. Accessing Oliver's email account is the first example that comes to mind, although the show sort of played that for laughs.


I can see Chloe seeing someone do that kind of thing for selfish revenge (as Lana was) as bad and shutting it down. But I can totally see her doing it herself if she thought she had a good reason. (Like protecting people.) But that's one of those "slippery slope" things, which is why I could buy Chloe going dark in relation to something like that. 


We also saw her willingness to manipulate people for the greater good but, again, doing that kind of thing can also be a slippery slope.


Well to be fair..that was just them setting the deal up..not as though they were ever friendly with each other.


Thing is, I completely believe they intended to have Chloe working very happily with Lionel in season three, and the way she was acting at the end of season two was how she was going to be going forward. But the outcry of many, many fans seemed to make them change their minds.


I was cool with the explanation that Chloe accepted Lionel's offer in the heat of the moment and then changed her mind, but the way she was acting at the end of season two still feels out of character to me.


I blame Clark and most especially LANA for how Chloe behaved at the end of two. Hell, I blame Lana, period. She, like a certain midgety moobster on a certain soap opera, fucking ruins EVERYTHING.


I kind of disagree. I can buy that characters have reasons for the things they do, and that other characters can shoulder some of the blame. But, ultimately, what a character ends up doing is totally on them. So while Clark and Lana handled things terribly, and I can go on for days about what asses they were, at the end of the day Chloe was responsible for her own actions and what she chose to do.


Interestingly, a lot of my favorite characters (like Chloe ended up being) have made huge mistakes at some point because of some flaw they have. I think those flaws (and the fact that they try to overcome them to become better people) is what makes me like them so much.

Edited by Bitterswete

Omg, Christopher Reeves?! This season had Chris Reeves! How did I not know that? Just finished Season 2, and gotta say, the show is not disappointing at all. I loved Rosetta. Probably one of my favorite episodes because I liked how they are introducing us to little bits and pieces of information about Clark's origins. It's also the first episode where I think Tom Welling really hit it out of the park. I had chills when the music came on. I also liked that Jonathon was there with Clark at the end and how they both clung to each other yet both nervous about what they just saw/heard.


Good season for Pete too. I'm so glad he knows the secret! It's made him a more enjoyable character. 


Ok, so I have really fluctuating opinions on the girls this season. I like them both but both alternately annoyed and infuriated me at different points. I really didn't like that Chloe felt entitled to know about Clark and Lana. Like it's somehow Clark's fault that he doesn't feel the same way about her. I'm really surprised this  is the route the show went with this. I would have thought considering Clark has chemistry with both of them they would have stretched the triangle out a bit more and made everyones feelings a bit more ambiguous. But I guess not. I really hated Chloe gleefully going off to Lionel in the end. Really? Over something as stupid as a supposed betrayal? And Lana was so irritating in Rosetta that I wanted to smack her. I hated that they had Chloe apologize to her when it was Lana doing the snooping. And also, what was up with her just agreeing with Clark to let him tell Chloe. Why couldn't she? Where's her agency in the whole matter? Having said that, I liked that Chloe and Lana tried to be friends, independent of Clark. I also like how they're developing Chloe's interest in this wall of weird thing. I can imagine her becoming more and more into the investigating of the unknown as the show goes on. 


I don't know how I feel about Clark and Lana. I really felt for Lana in the last episode when she told Clark she loved him because you could tell her heart was breaking. But they are so dramatic sometimes with them as a couple, it's a bit ridiculous.


Wow, the Luthors! Lex is still the most fascinating character. I really believed him in the premiere when he said to Clark that did he really need to ask, as in his involvement with Nixon. I really think Lex himself is convinced he's not really doing anything wrong by investigating about Clark or wanting to know more about him because he genuinely thinks Clark is hiding something. I don't know, it's strange, and yeah, fascinating, lol. I also totally believe he genuinely cares for Clark. So weird! Lionel is such a dick. Hate him. Lobe watching him but hate him.


Clark, poor thing. Talk about a bad decision in the finale. I love him though. Love him. He's just got so much shit going on around him, lol. How does he stay sane. 


I'm really looking forward to season 3. Some questions though, if anyone's willing to answer! This Jor-El, is surely not Clark's father, right? I'm assuming its some other evil alien program that found its way into the ship?? Or if it's Jor-El will they ever explain why he sounded like such a megalomaniac?? And Helen! I'm really confused. Was she always working with Lionel? I'm assuming that was what the exchange of the supposed wedding gift was. Or did she only start working with him in the end? Really confused on her. 

I would have thought considering Clark has chemistry with both of them they would have stretched the triangle out a bit more and made everyones feelings a bit more ambiguous. But I guess not.


I think the Powers That Be set up the Chloe/Clark/Lana triangle because triangles are a pretty easy way to add conflict and drama to a show. However, I think they really wanted viewers to be pulling for Clark/Lana, and to see Clark/Chloe as an obstacle.


The problem was that, by the end of season one, a whole lot of viewers saw Clana as the obstacle, and were pulling for Chlark to end up together. Which isn't what the show-runners wanted.


To "fix" this, they very abruptly dropped the idea of Clark having real feelings for both girls early in season two. (He pretty much became all about Lana.) I think they believed that if they took Chlark off the table as an actual possibility, and really started to push the Clark/Lana romance, more viewers would love and embrace Clana like they were supposed to.


Of course, this didn't happen. If anything, season two was when more viewers started to really dislike Clana.


I really hated Chloe gleefully going off to Lionel in the end. Really? Over something as stupid as a supposed betrayal?


Like I said before, season 2 was when they tried to "fix" things. In this case, the "problem" was that Lana (one of their leads) wasn't as popular as they wanted her to be, while Chloe (a supporting character) was way more popular than they expected. So they tried to fix this imbalance by making Lana more likeable, and making Chloe less likable.


They failed on making Lana more likeable. (Like Clana, season two seemed to be when people really start to dislike Lana.) And, while they managed to make a lot of people dislike Chloe in season two, they also discovered Chloe had a lot of fans, and they were pissed with how she was being written, especially in the finale.


Really, the way she's written in season three is such an abrupt change from where they seemed to be going with her in season two, it's almost hard to accept that season two Chloe is even the same person. Her season 2 behavior seems so out of character compared to how she is characterized later.

Edited by Bitterswete
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Some questions though, if anyone's willing to answer! This Jor-El, is surely not Clark's father, right? I'm assuming its some other evil alien program that found its way into the ship?? Or if it's Jor-El will they ever explain why he sounded like such a megalomaniac??



The closest to an explanation is in like the 10th season we find out that Jor-El wasn't able to download all of his personality but it's in kind of an off hand comment that I only stumbled across when I was searching a Smallville wiki for some other question I had about Jor-El the artificial intelligence. 


I think it was accepted head canon that there was some serious glitch cause AI Jor-El is a dick through the whole series but we get proof that the real man wasn't. 


And Helen! I'm really confused. Was she always working with Lionel? I'm assuming that was what the exchange of the supposed wedding gift was. Or did she only start working with him in the end? Really confused on her.


Choose your own answer.  You will never get one from the show or at least the ones offered just don't add up.  They sabotaged her character at the end (and don't get me started on the season 3 opener)  That was NOT Helen.  So much of her characterization at the end makes zero sense.  Welcome to Smallville. 

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Early season Clark is so cute and toothy.  :)  (Everyone looks so young!)


MR deserves extra credit since he is so unlike Lex. 



Isn't he just? I really loved the surfer dude/Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure talk between Michael and Tom at the end.  I really also love that blooper in Season 3, where, at the end of "Crusade" Lana is telling Clark that it's "her decision to make" and the horse who plays Donatello, keeps bumping her from behind, because she's not paying attention to him.

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Why? Why am I doing this to myself?


The Pink Pestilence's fucking insistence on knowing everything about Clark is just rage-inducing.  And the passive agressive behavior about whether she wants to be with Clark is also making me ragey. Looking at Clark and Chloe with jealousy, when she was already in a relationship with Whitney. If she wanted Clark and she knew that SHE was the other person who got away, then she should have told him she felt the same. It's not as if they were best buds or even good friends when this show fucking started.


Then stays mum, but acts as if he is her boyfriend and gets all judgmental on him. Listen, witch, you want him? TELL HIM.  And don't expect him to disclose ALL his secrets. Oh, wait. I forgot. Poor, poor Lana, losing her parents, being so insecure and needy (though to the conrary she was popular and a cheerleader and was apparently dating the QB and he made her feel safe, which was THE MOST IMPORTANT THING) that knowing EVERYTHING was the deal breaker. UGH.


And I get ragey, because I've BEEN where Lana was; at her age, and though I'm a traditional gal, whenever I "liked" a guy, if he was slow on the uptake, I told him. Which, surprises me, because I was such an introvert and guys always looked to me as friends. But, I digress. I suppose the filters of my own life experiences color the way I see this self-absorbed, self-centered moron.


And watching and seeing Clark's cluelessness regarding Chloe's attitude, just reminded me of Justice League Unlimited's "Kids stuff."  It's an episode where Morgana La Fey turns Supes, Bats, GL and Wonder Woman to 11 year olds, and you can see that WW "LIKES" Bats and Supes is totally clueless about it. It's really an adorable episode and can be found on youtube.


The expressions in Clark's eyes just telegraph is total obliviousness and cluelessness.  And I laugh, but still get pissed, because when the season opens, it's like Clark never had those feelings for Chloe and it's the SAME fucking day/night and next day after the Spring Formal.  And we ALL KNOW that he does! Their KISS was interrupted by that moronic school official.


And really, there should have been more episodes with a shirtless Bo Kent, as well as Clark. It's funny, how there are hardly any shirtless scenes with him, and Tom had/has a great body, in addition to gorgeous looks and eyes.



And really, there should have been more episodes with a shirtless Bo Kent, as well as Clark. It's funny, how there are hardly any shirtless scenes with him, and Tom had/has a great body, in addition to gorgeous looks and eyes.




My secret confession is that it was a scene of Bo Kent sitting on the porch without his shirt on that got me to watch Smallville.  That was my kryptonite.  Otherwise, I'd already decided that I hated prequels (thanks George Lucus) and yet, even though I knew better...

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My secret confession is that it was a scene of Bo Kent sitting on the porch without his shirt on that got me to watch Smallville. That was my kryptonite. Otherwise, I'd already decided that I hated prequels (thanks George Lucus) and yet, even though I knew better...

That was "Red" after Clark threw him against his truck. Martha put frozen peas under his shoulder. I remember telling "Noooo!" When Bo/Jonathan put his shirt back on. Because DAYUM! 20 years after Dukes and he was and is still yummilicious! ROWR!!

  • Love 2

That was "Red" after Clark threw him against his truck. Martha put frozen peas under his shoulder. I remember telling "Noooo!" When Bo/Jonathan put his shirt back on. Because DAYUM! 20 years after Dukes and he was and is still yummilicious! ROWR!!

That was a good one too.  Maybe I'm miss-remembering where he was shirtless but I know it was in the first season.  Since I caught up on the show over the winter hiatus, it had to have been one of the first seven episodes.  And yes, DAYUM!  is very appropriate. 

That was a good one too.  Maybe I'm miss-remembering where he was shirtless but I know it was in the first season.  Since I caught up on the show over the winter hiatus, it had to have been one of the first seven episodes.  And yes, DAYUM!  is very appropriate. 



Right! That was "Nicodemus" that flower that relaxed the inhibitions and had Jonathan and Martha making out on the kitchen table. No, wait. Only the shirt was unbuttoned. But yes, there is an episode in the first season where he was shirtless.


Oh yuck. "Dichotic" is on. As much as I love Chloe, am not liking her 'tude toward Clark here; and well Lana, I don't need to repeat myself.


But I do love Lex losing his shit and breaking the windows of the meter maid's car. The nine iron to be exact.

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Dichotic and Lana and Chloe's attitude toward Clark's warnings never bothered me for some reason.  I might have a bit of a soft spot for this episode because it was pointed out to me that Clark had to have tapped into his ability to defy gravity in order to have saved Chloe since otherwise he couldn't have beat her to the ground in order to catch her.   

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Double posting because the edit button keeps freezing!


What made "Dichotic" for me was Clark's words to both Chloe and Lana about how they were both acting and accusing him of being a jealous boyfriend considering that "none of us have actually dated."


Clark should  have had more lines like this.  And Chloe  have called Clark and Lana on their lies. Because they were both so terrible at it.

Yeah, I was always on Chloe's side.  He accused her another time of acting like he was a boyfriend cheating on her and I am still pissed about it.  He was being a crappy friend and he turned it around and blamed Chloe for expecting better and it only got worse as the season progressed.


Still, for the most part I let Clark off the hook.  Season two, at least the early episodes was TPTB desperately trying to make people love Lana more than Chloe.  They marginalized Chloe and when that didn't work, they made Chloe and Lana rommies and BFFs, trying to rub Chloe's popularity off on Lana while at the same time trying to throw Chloe's characterization under a bus,  but AM still managed to make her sympathetic.  I was so pissed when they even briefly attempted to make Chloe go evil.  I do NOT think they realized the backlash they were going to get with that one, lol. 


Can you tell there was a lot about season two that I DID NOT like? 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 1

Dichotic and Lana and Chloe's attitude toward Clark's warnings never bothered me for some reason.  I might have a bit of a soft spot for this episode because it was pointed out to me that Clark had to have tapped into his ability to defy gravity in order to have saved Chloe since otherwise he couldn't have beat her to the ground in order to catch her.   



Yes, there is that! Even though it looked like Clark just "fell" faster than Chloe, even if he jumped AFTER she was thrown!  And Chloe had some very truth telling when she accused Clark that of course, no guy would prefer her over Lana, right?  But Clark did have a point about how they dismissed him over Ian.  And Lana's tone and reasoning all ahd to do with the fact that Clark won't tell her ALL of his sekriths! STFU.  And having Chloe jump on that band wagon was a way to make Chloe less likeable and a hypocrite, which, Show, I didn't buy and still don't.


Yeah, I was always on Chloe's side.  He accused her another time of acting like he was a boyfriend cheating on her and I am still pissed about it.  He was being a crappy friend and he turned it around and blamed Chloe for expecting better and it only got worse as the season progressed.


Still, for the most part I let Clark off the hook.  Season two, at least the early episodes was TPTB desperately trying to make people love Lana more than Chloe.  They marginalized Chloe and when that didn't work, they made Chloe and Lana rommies and BFFs, trying to rub Chloe's popularity off on Lana while at the same time trying to throw Chloe's characterization under a bus,  but AM still managed to make her sympathetic.  I was so pissed when they even briefly attempted to make Chloe go evil.  I do NOT think they realized the backlash they were going to get with that one, lol. 


Can you tell there was a lot about season two that I DID NOT like? 



Yeah, it was in the season finale, I think that he accused her of that. And I hated it.  There was just no need when in the fucking premiere, both "agreed" to be just friends, and if that was the case, then why the need for Clark and Lana to lie to Chloe about their relationship? Considering that Chloe was very much aware that Clark has always wanted Lana?


At least in "Skinwalker" he forgets about Lana. Too bad it didn't last. 


The good thing about this season? Lana isn't in all scenes with Clark, and those I can fast forward to my content without sacrificing my Tom Welling fixes!


And who was acting like the jealous girlfriend this season? None other than stupid Lana, in "Rush." I loved how when Chloe got that icky parasite in her, how she was licking the Tootsie Pop and said to Clark "It's a date."


And don't get me started on Lana's defending "Whitney" in "Insurgence." Ugh, she did this all the time with him in the first season as well. I really wish Clark would have told her to GTFO and told her "we need a break."


But we coulnd't have nice things.


ETA: GAH! The writers this season have soapoperaitisbadwriting! I mean, in "Dichotic" there is the line from Lana about how she and Whitney get along better now that they're exes, and are writing to each other; yet at the end of "Insurgence" she's going on and on and crying (naturally) that she should never have sent that video breaking up with him, that she wasn't there for him when he died, waa, waa, waa.


And when she told Clark she hasn't been a good friend, I'm like "Damn Sraight!" but of course Clark brushes that aside and comforts her. Bleagh!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Yeesh.  "Exodus" was really bad. And when I say bad, I'm speaking of Lana of course.  I mean, that last scene with her and Clark where she says that his parents need him, she needs him, that Smallville is her home, his home, her voice reached high levels of decibels that only a dog could hear. It was so high and squeaky.


Tell me again why Lana and Clark lied to Chloe about them dating again? It's not as if this were Beverly Hills, 90210 where Clark had to choose between Lana and Chloe, like Dylan pitted Brenda and Kelly and ultimately chose Kelly. The dialogue was all over the place.


Here is the scene where Supes is totally blind from JLU's "Kids Stuff."  I'm posting it so y'all can understand why I think of it whenever Clark gets that confused look on his face when he doesn't understand why Chloe is upset with him.



Because Bats and Diana were totally in like with each other as adults and I have to take my small crumbs wherever I can, since Timm never gave me the payoff of those two crazy kids as adults!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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And we're baaaaaack with the Lana obsession. ??????

I'm still disappointed that Clark agreed with Chloe to remain friends, though I could see that he didn't really want to, but he probably thought Chloe meant it, so again, he didn't want to, again, take that risk. Dumbass.?

For all of his moping and mooning after Lana, I found it cute and I won't lie, I giggled in "Heat" when Chloe is explaining what pheromones mean. "It's Chemistry, Clark." And he looks bemused, as if he'd just learned something new. He just looked so cute and adorable. I guess he was showing us his alien side!???

And yes, Clark was really happy to see Chloe after the summer.  And he was the one who could tell something was off, and even asked Chloe about it. Now, I understand Chloe being upset; I truly do; it was an almost nearly perfect night, until the Lana Effect took over Clark. But at the same time, she was acting bitter and angry as if Clark had...betrayed her somehow, so that took me out of the scenes.??

And since when are Lana and Chloe friends to the point where they've "decided" not to let Clark or guys come between them.?

Oooh, "Red" and time for ??Shirtless!BoKent!!!!!??

Edited by GHScorpiosRule

SHUT UP, LANA! I'm speaking of her judgey stance at the end of "Red", when Clark's trying to tell her all the rotten shit he did, he wasn't himself. WHY he couldn't say that it was the effect of the red K, without revealing who he was, I'll never know. Just like when Chloe and Pete were bitten by that parasite, he could have said he was as well. I know, I know, he'd still be lying, but at this point, I didn't care and thought she didn't deserve to know his secret anyway, the way, from the very beginning, she insisted on knowing everything thing about every single guy she was ever involved with or wasn't involved with. BAH! I mean, she knows Clark has feelings for her. They were pretty obvious in season one, when they came thisclose to kissing several times, and just by the way he acted. 

And she herself was a hypocrite, when in "Duplicity" she tells Clark you should always tell the truth to everybody, before walking away, but does she practice what she preaches? Nope. Otherwise, she would have been honest with Chloe when she (Lana) and Clark started dating.

  • Love 2

So are you a Lana fan, GH? I can't tell by your posts ;)

Seriously, I'm not overly pro-Lana, but it's always interesting to me that she generates such all-consuming hatred. I can't imagine even rewatching this show if I hated a main character as ferociously as a couple of people here hate Lana, at least not without fast forwarding through most of her scenes---which is how I plan to deal with most of the Lois scenes when I get to later seasons :) 

Maybe if I'd remained a big Clark/Chloe shipper I'd resent Lana too (not at ALL implying that's the only reason why people dislike Lana, by the way!), but I'm noticing that I'm less into the idea of Clark and Chloe romantically as I rewatch. I still think they had a better connection than either Clark/Lana or (especially) Clark/Lois and that Chloe is the one who would have best been able to embrace both Clark AND Superman, but as I rewatch these first few seasons I'm finding myself wishing Chloe would move on. Don't get me wrong---I DEFINITELY relate to how hard it is to get past romantic feelings for someone, especially if that someone is one of your best friends who you're in constant contact with. But while her feelings weren't totally unrequited---you guys are right that Clark did occasionally indicate he could or even did feel more for her than strictly platonic friendship---it was REALLY lopsided overall, with Clark very clearly always a million times more in love with Lana than he ever was with Chloe and always kind of making it clear that Lana is his top priority. And being stuck pining for a guy in love with another woman who viewed her as just a friend the vast majority of the time did Chloe (who you guys know I genuinely love) no favors, IMO---it reduced her to being jealous, bitter etc., and while all that was completely understandable, her character deserved more than that IMO. I wanted her to have more storylines and relationships--not even necessarily romantic ones---of her own, outside of her crush on Clark. All just my opinion...obviously :)


And since when are Lana and Chloe friends to the point where they've "decided" not to let Clark or guys come between them

 ITA with you here. Their friendship always felt painfully forced for me. I'm a huge fan of female friendships on TV, but in this case I wish they had either taken time to SHOW them becoming actual friends or just not bothered trying to make us think they were suddenly 'close'! 

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I hated this iteration of Lana since DAY ONE. And I really didn't want or watch for Clark and Chloe to get together, but thought they clicked better. Then, by the time "Kinetic" aired, I think, or whichever was the first time Clark saved Chloe...maybe that was "Cool,", I wanted them to be together, because there was history with them, and with the Pink Pestilence, all we got was a line that he'd "loved" her since kindergarten, had been basically been a peeping tom, and she barely knew of his existence in the pilot.  After Jonathan tells Clark that he's not from around here, and he goes to the cemetary, where Lana is, and she asks, who's there, and he says "Clark." She responds with "Clark Kent?" What, are there other Clarks she knows? It just irked. I can't explain it. But once I got the dvds, and even when it was repeats on TNT, I always fast forward any and all scenes with Lana and Lois.

That said, I love comic book Lois and Lana, Superman: The Animated Series's Lana and Lois, Terry Hatcher's Lois. So it was just these to iterations of these characters I just couldn't and continue to not be able to stand.

And this is why I'm so happy and glad that my numero uno favorite hero is Batman. Because there is no iconic love interest. Sure, he's a manwhore, and there are several significant relationships, but I'm saved from any show runner, IF they ever get the green signal to do a Batman show that is not campy, of having this kind of angst. Actually, as with this one series I read, I hope that Batman never gets to the small screen. I've been burned too many times, and I would completely lose my shit over any flipping they would do. And they would do it.

10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And yes, Clark was really happy to see Chloe after the summer.  And he was the one who could tell something was off, and even asked Chloe about it. Now, I understand Chloe being upset; I truly do; it was an almost nearly perfect night, until the Lana Effect took over Clark. But at the same time, she was acting bitter and angry as if Clark had...betrayed her somehow, so that took me out of the scenes.??

I know it was added on to her character in season four, but since we found out that Chloe over that summer dated and lost her virginity to Jimmy and then pretty much immediately regretted it, (and we find out in season six the ass never even called her back again) I now read some of Chloe's anger as Chloe processing some of the poor choices she made trying to get over the way their attempt to date ended.  Also, it had to hurt that he seemed perfectly happy with where they were now, friend's status when she's still not over it.  

It's kind of a rough situation since when school ended, neither Clark nor Chloe knew if she'd be back in Smallville in the Fall.  But suddenly, part of the reason why Chloe probably pulled the friend's card (because they probably wouldn't get to see each other anyway) doesn't exist so she's back in Smallville, with her "friend" and she's full of regrets and he seems perfectly content with the way things are.  

And now he's had a whole summer without her around for him to get friendlier with Lana who also doesn't have Whitney around.  

If the kiss had happened (and Clark hadn't run off to Lana) then maybe everything would have been different.  She wouldn't have backed away to protect her heart, she wouldn't have tried to convince herself she was fine with it by rebounding with Jimmy and she wouldn't be there still in love with him in the fall, full of regrets.  I can see why she'd feel kind of resentful even if it's not how she wants to feel or act.  

Doesn't help how obsessed Clark is about Lana this season, it's so much worse in season two - maybe because the show bumped Lana's storytime and cut Chloe's.  I really hated that.  They clearly had an agenda to push Lana as the "right" choice, but yeah, that never worked for me.  Allison Mack IMO managed to imbue even Chloe at her most bitter with a vulnerability that always keep her sympathetic.  And Lana, well Lana did things like dump Whitney at the end of the feel good school video message.  Who does that?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And she herself was a hypocrite, when in "Duplicity" she tells Clark you should always tell the truth to everybody, before walking away, but does she practice what she preaches? Nope. Otherwise, she would have been honest with Chloe when she (Lana) and Clark started dating.

Yeah, this is the season of Lana being a real crap friend to Chloe and yet it's Chloe that always apologizing to Lana and making really sweet gestures, like including Lana in her family tree as a sister and yet Lana pretty much treats Chloe as just someone she rents a bed from.  

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9 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:

but as I rewatch these first few seasons I'm finding myself wishing Chloe would move on. Don't get me wrong---I DEFINITELY relate to how hard it is to get past romantic feelings for someone, especially if that someone is one of your best friends who you're in constant contact with. But while her feelings weren't totally unrequited---you guys are right that Clark did occasionally indicate he could or even did feel more for her than strictly platonic friendship---it was REALLY lopsided overall, with Clark very clearly always a million times more in love with Lana than he ever was with Chloe and always kind of making it clear that Lana is his top priority. And being stuck pining for a guy in love with another woman who viewed her as just a friend the vast majority of the time did Chloe (who you guys know I genuinely love) no favors, IMO---it reduced her to being jealous, bitter etc., and while all that was completely understandable, her character deserved more than that IMO. I wanted her to have more storylines and relationships--not even necessarily romantic ones---of her own, outside of her crush on Clark. All just my opinion...obviously :)

The thing is, Chloe only is shown to be embittered by her feelings in season two.  Otherwise, she handles them very maturely.  She does get jealous of Lana and mad at Clark for also slipping away as a friend, and in the end, her valuing their friendship is what lets her finds a way to set aside her feelings for him in that way (temporarily) - as long as she can still count him as a close friend but then he in hiding his relationship with Lana and seemingly toying with her emotions in not telling her, yanks that friendship away as well.  

So by the end of the season, I didn't feel like Chloe being jealous or her earlier bitterness was the root cause of her anger anymore.  So I guess that's why in season two, I wasn't looking for Chloe to move on from her feelings, because she kind of did, only Clark then from her perspective, betrayed their friendship in not honoring the promise they'd made to each other about being honest an open.  It wasn't her feelings that IMO at that point were causing problems, but his behavior.

Chloe had a really poor reaction to him breaking his promise, but it wasn't revenge to hurt him, but rather, deciding that she shouldn't make his feelings on the matter a priority since hers had none with him.  

I disliked a lot about season two and at the end of it, I nearly quit.  I didn't like that way season two seemed to try to throw Chloe under the bus to make Lana look better (in addition to cutting her screen time in the first half) Still, there were parts of season two, like the Fever letter, that made me think that the show runners had a long term plan were it was going to be Clark and Chloe as the end game couple which made Clana just a long ship stall.  

I mean, season two started and as a viewer, I was not about to forget that Chloe and Clark came THIS CLOSE to basically being the romantic couple of the show.  Lana needing saving got in the way, but Superman is supposed to save everyone, so saves like that never feel all that meaningful or personal, especially since all the romantic beats of the season culminated in Chlark being so lovely together and after Lana was rescued, Clark isn't mooning over Lana, he's freaking out about his dad and he accepts reverting to just friends with Chloe.  The way they set all of that up, made me certain that Clark getting his head out of his butt over Lana was only a matter of time, so there'd be no reason for Chloe to completely move on with her feelings. They just needed to work out some personal growth issues apart in the meantime.

We as viewers of many, many seasons can look back at season two and wish perhaps that Chloe moved on sooner, but her not, made IMO perfect sense at the time.  I hope some of that makes sense.  

For Clark, he in part needed to have "had" Lana for him to figure out he didn't really want her and with how 

, only for Lana to step between them and then come season two, them again pushing Clark and Lana, it felt like to me as a viewer that Clana was the classic ship stall for Chlark, which elevated the Chlark relationship to show endgame, thus making made Clark's f and even that wasn't without justification

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9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I hope that Batman never gets to the small screen. I've been burned too many times, and I would completely lose my shit over any flipping they would do. And they would do it

Yeah, I think you're right to hope that.  I'm sure he'd get a love interest if it was a tv show, and what's more, I'd been really upset if they ended it with him not together with that person (probably- there's also a chance their designated Love Interest would turn out like Laurel Lance on Arrow).  I really don't want to watch a show with Batman that is just him in a series of doomed relationships.  The certainty that he couldn't ever find and keep love would ruin a big aspect of what makes following relationships on serial television enjoyable.  So yeah, since I dont' trust that they wouldn't kill off a love interest that I might love, I too just don't want a show to go to the air.  

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Here is something I've been wondering about for this season--I'm wondering if "Suspect" was filmed before "Insurgence", because at the end of the latter, Martha decided to turn in her resignation after learning that Lionel had all the refined kryptonite and a file on Clark. Both she and Jonathan seemed to be in a good place, and I got the sense she did turn in her resignation. But in "Suspect" it was like none of that happened; from the way the Jonathan acted and broke the watch Lionel had given Martha, that would have happened before they realized what Lionel had done. I don't know, it just didn't make sense for him to get all angry and go after him. Then again, I suppose it would mess things up if we had Lionel shot first, and then aired "Insurgence."

I'm also trying to figure out if Lionel was able to see in "Insurgence" or if he was still blind. If he could see then, then his knowing about Clark at that time would make more sense.  The timeline is all fuzzy. Because "a few weeks" is so ambiguous.

And lookie! Two alumni of Home Improvement appeared in Season two, and they both played baddies! Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Ian in "Dichotic"), and Zachary Ty Bryan (Eric in "Witness.")

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