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S01.E14: The Docks

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As Antonio’s life is now in question, Voight and Platt open up about their pasts. Jin is caught while tinkering with Voight’s computer and uses the only scapegoat possible to keep him in the clear. At the same time with Charlie back in town Lindsay realizes she’s going to have to come clean about a few things. Halstead finally gets answers he’s been wanting about Voight’s and Olinsky’s past.



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I wonder just what kinds of things Erin will "have to come clean about"?? Any guesses?


Charlie came to her already knowing she's a cop. Presumably, he knows she's not into drugs or anything else illegal as well. So what is there?

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NBC officially posted stills from this episode on their website (I don't think that would be considered spoilers, would it, any more than promos aired after an episode?)




Of the six photos, two particularly interest me - one with Voight and Halstead looking like they're talking intently, and another where Lindsay and Halstead are working with Otis at the firehouse. Of the former, I like to think that the two men are coming together, pooling resources to help save Erin from a potentially dangerous situation; and of the latter, I like seeing Lindsay and Halstead working together again, after seeming so awkward for a while and often being split up to work with other detectives. I also like that Halstead's being integrated into the firehouse with Lindsay.

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I don't think that picture is at the firehouse, looks to be in the police department to me.


I'm also not sure if it's Charlie that Erin has to come clean to about things, I read it as she would have to come clean to other people about things relating to Charlie. Not sure either way though.


I think the picture with Halstead and Voight is more likely to be linked to the Pulpo case, Halstead is unsure about exactly what will happen to Pulpo when/if he is caught.

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Yay! Otis made an appearance to translate Russian for Voight and Co. I'm confused however by the lack of sync with the Fire and PD storylines right now. Which came first -- Antonio being shot or the building exploding with most of Firehouse 51 inside? I would assume the shooting, but why wasn't Gabby at the hospital?

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The crossovers which were supposed to make the shows seem like one world are actually taking credit away from it. With the Fire finale airing a week before the PD one the writers should definetly have planned the final episodes of PD better in terms of crossovers.

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Except, LittleIggy, TPTB made a point of highlighting on Chicago Fire that Otis' Russian language skills weren't too good. IIRC, there was an episode where Otis' cousin Zoya came from Russia and began bartending at Molly's. She wanted to bring something to the bar, and according to Otis, it was some bizarre item that no one could figure out why she'd want to bring. Then, it turned out that Zoya had - for who knows what reason - some kind of really important sports trophy, and THAT was what she wanted on display at the bar. Basically, Otis had totally missed the boat on what the woman was trying to tell him. He even said himself, rather sheepishly, that his Russian was "kind of rusty."


THIS is the guy we want translating important information from Russian??


On another front, what on earth is this thing that Erin supposedly still "owes" Charlie for? If anything, he owes HER - he didn't even know he had a kid til Erin let him know.

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This one didn't thrill me much. We are supposed to feel bad for the air hostess, but I didn't. I have no idea why Erin is being weak, and don't really care. I felt no tension at the upcoming murder either way. The IA cop getting the boot was overdue and lame. The continuing reveal that the supply room cop is the rat left me cold, because he has always been an outsider on the team.

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My personal thought is that Erin never truly dealt with her issues, but rather left/was taken from them -- when the Voights took her, they moved her to a new school, to new friends, and tried to have her start over. But I doubt any of those things ever left her heart or mind. As she told Jay on high school reunion night, she doesn't know why, but those girls' bullying in high school still bothers her...and I imagine that was fairly mild compared to much of the rest of her past.


Ideally someone like Erin should have gone to a psychiatrist of some kind, but I doubt she did. For one thing, she wouldn't have, and for another, I doubt Voight would've seen it as a good thing. Erin no doubt would've been afraid of his thinking it made her "weak."


But, as we all know, there's only a certain amount of time a person can keep going forward, ignoring the past, before they simply can't do it any longer. No one is that strong, especially when faced with people or situations from then that trigger their old self and memories. I'm really not surprised to see Erin breaking.

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Honestly I kind of get why Burgess didn't make it. I see where Voight is coming from. He's said the same to Jay previously. He's not open to in house romances. It's the same with Chicago Fire. The job they do can't have distractions and dating a teammate is a prime cause of distraction. Also,he's right in that Burgess is still new. She's supposed to be proving herself and not falling for that kind of distraction. I agree that it's Adam's fault too but he's already on the unit. If she was as ambitious as I think she is then she shouldn't have let this thing with him go as far as it did because it would always become an issue. If she didn't think that it would be a problem then she's too wide eyed and naive and just not ready to be in Intelligence anyway.


This was a great episode for Jay. I liked that he stuck to his guns and wouldn't let them make the law their own.


Poor Alvin. I wonder if he and his wife will get back together?


I can't even guess what Charlie has on Erin. I've been wrong on everything involving them so far...

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This was a great episode for Jay. I liked that he stuck to his guns and wouldn't let them make the law their own.


Agreed. I liked the scene with him and Voight in the bar. It was small and subtle, but really if you think about it, very important - I'd even go so far as to call it a turning point in their relationship. Not only was it the obvious things, such as Voight both explaining himself AND admitting he was wrong - two things he really never does, especially to an underling - but there were tiny details as well. For instance, Voight called him "Jay" in an earnest way. Prior to that, I don't think he ever called him anything but Halstead except the time he said to Erin sarcastically that she and "Jay" should go out and do whatever (around the time he started busting them for a potential romance). 

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