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S01.E21: The Battle of New Orleans

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BLOOD IS IN THE AIR - Klaus and Elijah enact a plan to collect the sacred stones needed by Genevieve in order to forever change the fates of Hayley and the werewolf community. Realizing that Klaus' plan will lead to the extermination of all French Quarter vampires, Marcel rallies an army determined to take down the Mikaelsons and regain control of the city. Davina warns Josh to leave town as she is forced to make a fateful decision that will turn the tide of war. Meanwhile, Francesca threatens Cami, who attempts to decipher a code that results in a surprising revelation among the city's factions.



Marcel Marcel Marcel... When are you going to learn that trying to kill the Originals is pointless? When are you going to learn that it will just result in the mass death of your friends and followers? If stopping the making of the werewolf stones was all you wanted then there were more subtle and less suicidal ways of doing it.


Gawd, Klaus, STFU! I feel like I say that every week but FOR REALS. I thought once Rebekah was off the show, we'd have a lot less of Klaus's weekly "poor me, I'm forced to be abusive!" whining but no. Davina MADE HIM bite Josh. And once again Klaus pulls out the same tired old "Is there no end to your defiance?" complaint but turns it on Marcel since Rebekah is no longer around.


The only person who actually betrayed him in this episode was Genevieve so, fine, I'll give him that one. I'm glad that when his usual self-righteous indignation reared its ugly head, she asked him if he ever intended to give her his mother's grimoire. Nope! He just likes to dangle carrots in front of people who can help him. And he wonders why people keep betraying him. At least Genevieve was smart enough to realize that Klaus would never keep his end of the bargain and planned accordingly.


Klaus is such a hypocrite and double-crossing dick that I really hope Davina resurrects Mikael to kick his ass. It's so tiresome to watch Klaus's temper tantrums go completely unchecked since no one can hurt him or kill him. I know the show won't kill off one of its main characters, but can't I at least hope that Mikael gives him a good spanking?


According to what's happening on TVD, the other side is totally jacked up now which is allowing supernatural ghosts to touch things. Maybe Mikael will put that to use and kick Klaus's ass without Davina actually bringing him back. That way once Bonnie and Liv do whatever it is they need to do to fix the other side, Mikael will disappear again without the need to use a white oak stake. But let's make sure that Josh gets cured before anything happens to Klaus. Davina needs a friend!


I love the cut from Cami realizing that Francesca's family is the werewolf family that Marcel thinks he extinguished and frantically calling Hayley to Elijah singlehandedly kicking ass against every vampire in the Quarter. I know it helps that none of the other vamps have a white oak stake so he's undefeatable but no one was even laying a hand on him. The guy he punched midair? Hilarious.


So all the vamps have super vamp speed but they're just...running away from the Guerrera werewolves at normal speed? Well, that seems like a poor choice.Kind of makes me think they deserve to get bitten.


Diego can also STFU. Great job "leading" the attack by standing on the side and yelling, "Get Elijah!"

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I'm just glad Cami found Kieren's secret musty stash house of relics and old timey papers in a relatively short amount of time and discovered that there's another wolf clan in town. Speaking of the other clan, along with Team Elijah (just because) Team Guerrero burrowed its way into my black little heart by doing what I love to see most: betray Klaus, hurt/kill those damn annoying Marcel vampires, steamroll Hayley and make her irrelevant. All that and they see cleaner and much smarter than those damn bayou wolves. Also loved how Gen finally realized that Klaus was just using her, betrayed him too AND made sure that he would be in a world of pain since she used him as the source of power the Guerreros need to not change.


I feel bad for Josh and Davina since Klaus bit him, I hope he somehow gets cured. Marcel too, I don't care about his "guys," just him. Still don't know how Mikael plans on coming back to life with Davina's help but YES. PLEASE. I posted on TWoP that I had this bizarre flashback last night of one of Anne Rice's books, Taltos or Lasher, re: Mikael coming back. How fucked up would it be if he actually did become reborn (like in what happend in Taltos or Lasher) by using Klaus and Hayley's "abomination" of a child to do it.


PT's "anguished" cries were somehow just as bad as her usual acting. I felt nothing for Hayley being used and betrayed, who although TO has whitewashed this fact, has a history of betraying and using people from her TVD days. Karma, bitch.

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So all the vamps have super vamp speed but they're just...running away from the Guerrera werewolves at normal speed? Well, that seems like a poor choice.Kind of makes me think they deserve to get bitten.

This is a pretty common thing for both this show and TVD. Every supernatural being forgets or remembers their powers whenever it's convenient for the plot or just because the writers want to kill somebody off for shock value regardless of if it makes any sense whatsoever. They are also anything but consistent about what these powers can do or what the limits of them are and break any rules they have established on a whim.


I really didn't care for that, so I just don't feel like commenting on it much. I dislike Francesca greatly and the way she speaks plus one front tooth is longer than the other just distracts me. I also dislike all witches and their dickish attitudes. I can't stand Cami. I think the werewolves are a bunch of inbreds. Klaus is a giant dick. Marcel is an idiot as are his "boys". ugh


Basically I only like Elijah. Elijah is awesome. I want Elijah to win. So I do also like Hayley b/c Elijah cares about her and I think they do have chemistry.


How did this show devolve so fast into annoyance for me? Thank goodness there is Elijah. swoon.


Oh I forgot, Davina's dress I really liked her dress too.

Edited by Cattitude
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