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S01.E13: My Way

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Commander Perry notifies the Intelligence unit that Pulpo has been released to help track down a dangerous cartel leader. This doesn’t sit well with our team as he kidnapped one of their own and no love is lost between sides. Meanwhile, Ruzek gets some difficult news as a blast from Lindsay’s past comes back, giving us a glimpse at where she came from. Voight reminds her that she’s come too far to screw it up. At the same time we learn something about Jin that is bound to be a problem.



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I can't wait for this one! I adore Lindsay, and have long been waiting for more info about her past, ever since she told Halstead that little bit over dinner the night of the reunion.


Also, about time Jin got a storyline! Poor guy, he's just there to jump in with technical support...

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I can't wait for this one! I adore Lindsay, and have long been waiting for more info about her past, ever since she told Halstead that little bit over dinner the night of the reunion.


Also, about time Jin got a storyline! Poor guy, he's just there to jump in with technical support...

I pretty much agree with everything that you've just said there!

Definitely can't wait for more Lindsay backstory and it should mean more Lindsay/Voight scenes which I absolutely love. I think the actors work so well together.

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Please, oh please, don't let the news be that Wendy is pregnant! How soap-ish could they GET?? But given some of the stuff that Chicago Fire has pulled over the past year or so, I definitely wouldn't rule it out...

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On the April 30 TVLine - http://tvline.com/2014/04/30/hart-of-dixie-season-4-renewal-the-cw-ask-ausiello/ - it also says


A blast from Lindsay’s past (played by The Lost Boys’ Billy Wirth) shows up in the May 7 episode to uncover a bit of the detective’s troubled history. “Everybody wants answers as to where she comes from. How dark was her past? What did she go through? What did she see?” previews her portrayer Sophia Bush. “The person who shows up will give the audience a little information about where she comes from. It throws her in a way that we’ve never seen her thrown before.” The aftereffects will reverberate through the May 21 season finale, in which Lindsay has to “confront her past, not just sweep it under the rug, but do the right thing. Past Lindsay and Present Lindsay really have to learn how to coexist in the finale. She gets tested.”


I have never heard of Billy Wirth, so I just Googled him now...http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0936198/  Apparently he is 51 years old, putting him of the age to perhaps be Erin's father? 

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Hmm, I dunno, I don't think it's her dad.


There's a preview clip of Wednesday's episode in Sophia Bush's Jimmy Fallon appearance and Voight asks her why Charlie Puglisi is back in town... I would just assume he'd say her dad if that's who it is?


It could be though and that would definitely give us a lot of insight into her early life but I just assumed it was an ex or maybe a drug dealer who had a bad influence on her or something like that.

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Please, oh please, don't let the news be that Wendy is pregnant! How soap-ish could they GET?? But given some of the stuff that Chicago Fire has pulled over the past year or so, I definitely wouldn't rule it out...

I hope it is not that!!  That would make things really messy.

Edited by sphares
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I doubt she'll be pregnant. PD doesn't seem as soapy as Fire and that's something right out of Fire. Hopefully she's leaving him though. I think she deserves better anyway.

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Why didn't anyone search that bitch before they let her hug (why did they do that?) Pulpo? They only good thing is that jerk lieutenant is dead. Oh, but not Antonio! The Sarge needs stronger glasses if she thought Charlie was even kinda hot. Ugh, that greasy mullet! BTW, I want to hear Voight sing "My Way." :-)

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Rionadh, I still think there is a small possibility it might be her dad - if he never married her mom, she might have a different last name; and if he was in prison or otherwise not really part of her life growing up, then I could easily see her calling him Charlie and not Dad.


But overall, from what we saw yesterday, I don't think that's likely. From the vague little comments that Erin made, it would've seemed like he was a boyfriend of sorts. I'm wondering if the character is indeed supposed to be around the age of the actor playing him, e.g. 50ish? We know from the reunion that Erin is supposed to be 28, so that would put a good two decades between them. If it were now, there are those who might find it odd, but at least everyone is a consenting adult. But back then, Erin was only 15. Charlie would've been mid-thirties, making the relationship totally illegal, but really, just totally creepy as it would be rather obvious what it was all about. A young teen would have the body of a woman, yet not necessarily the full mental faculties of one, making her easier to control (especially if there were drugs involved) and most likely, easier to abuse. This could very well be a large part of what Erin means when she's said repeatedly, passionately, that Voight "saved her life." I could imagine someone like Charlie unwilling to let her go.


Erin's body language regarding Charlie was also a tell-all. She tried to play it her usual cool neutral way, both when Platt gave her the message and then when she and Jay encountered the man in person. But it seemed rather clear that she was terrified underneath that. When Charlie tried getting her to touch him, or her him, her entire body went stiff as a board. No wonder Jay was hesitant to leave her.


That said, I like to imagine that he didn't actually, even when Erin told him to and he seemed to be complying. Given what he knows about Erin's past, and the line of work they're in, IMO someone like Jay would probably have just walked away enough to be out of eyeview. From there he could watch and listen, just to be certain Erin was ok.


Another interesting question...how did Voight immediately know about the guy having come around? As the only other person at the precinct he'd spoken to was Platt, it would seem that something about him triggered Platt to telling. It didn't seem as though the two knew one another when he left his message at the desk, so was this just Platt having a bit of her own spidey-sense? Was she instructed at some time by Voight to tell him if anyone from Erin's past showed up? I'd be interested in knowing.


Re: Antonio - I know this is the big storyline from the episode, but IMO it's the least interesting. We know the actor isn't going anywhere, so Antonio's going to have to recover. No big cliffhanger for me...



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Rionadh, I still think there is a small possibility it might be her dad - if he never married her mom, she might have a different last name; and if he was in prison or otherwise not really part of her life growing up, then I could easily see her calling him Charlie and not Dad.

I could be way off here but I kind of got the impression that he may have been her pimp/boyfriend. I think they mentioned that she had been busted for solicitation among other things when she was a teenager and Voight's reaction to him being in town kind of gave me that vibe. Glad that we're going to get some more background on Erin in any case and I wish, as others have posted, that we would get some more info on Jay's background especially since he grew up in the area and we haven't met any of his family.


Poor Jin. I wonder what slimy IAB guy did for his dad that may have compelled him to help spy on Voight. I'm not a Voight fan at all as I still hate the crap he pulled when we were first introduced to him on Chicago PD but I'm getting a bit tired of all the IAB stuff - either bust him or don't but please don't take out good characters with him. I'm really concerned for what will happen to Jin if Voight finds out what he's doing.

Edited by Rapunzel
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I definitely don't see Charlie as being Erin's dad, not at all. I agree more with Rapunzel that he seems more like an ex/pimp kind of guy. Erin definitely did seem scared of him, although she was trying to hide it like you said.


I really enjoyed this episode. Pulpo makes for a good bad guy and I like that it's kinda bringing the season full circle again since he was there at the start. I don't fear for Antonio's life either but I think just the impact of what's happened to him is interesting enough to make it a pretty decent storyline. Voight's not going to take it lying down, that's for sure.



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Yeah, at this point I do agree, Charlie is likely an ex-boyfriend/pimp. Perhaps he was also involved with Erin's junkie mother and then moved onto her. (As horrible as it sounds, it's sadly not that uncommon IRL for a woman heavily into drugs to give her dealer access to her child in exchange for more drugs; kids not even always teens, but virtually babies...it's sickening.)


I could definitely imagine a fifteen-year-old girl being terrified of leaving such a person (and, hell, me at 33) which might just be why she used Voight's card for help in getting out in the end. Buf, as he indicated, they had to set guidelines as to what she'd have to do in order to make it all work. What would be the point of the Voights' sending Erin to a private school and giving her a fresh start if she was still in contact with people like Charlie?


Guess we'll just have to wait til Wednesday to find out more...

Edited by SnarkySheep
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Amazing episode. I can't believe that we only have three episodes until the finale. What a great first season.


I knew Pulpo's babymomma was going to be a traitor. I can't believe the fools actually allowed him to hug them both. Poor kid looked terrified.


So who's this Charlie guy? I thought that he was going to be Erin's pimp but their interactions played out different and now I'm wondering if he's more a stepfather or something? I've a feeling Annie might be her mother.


Jin is the rat. I suppose it's about time they gave him a storyline but it's a shame it's this one as I feel he's not going to be long for the unit now.


Ruzek has been annoying me in this thing with Kim as I don't buy that he's that into her. I think he appreciated that she understood his job but other then that I don't think he'd ever have left Wendy. His treatment of her really left me cold in this episode and I was glad that Atwater smacked him down. I really hope that they give Atwater more to do. The guy is awesome.


Antonio makes me heart melt. You can just feel all his emotions especially in the Pulpo storyine.

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Well, don't forget the show we're watching here! If they could take someone like Voight, the way he was initially introduced on Chicago Fire, and given him even an iota of heart here, then I have no doubt someone like Jin could easily be given some kind of reason for why he's acted the way he has.

From the start, this show has let us know without a doubt that there isn't a lot of loyalty between the various divisions and individuals in the world of the police. People won't stop at anything to get what they want. They will find a person's weak spot - and everyone has one, even Voight, if you look closely enough. So I wouldn't at all be surprised to find out that Jin has a father who is maybe suffering from some rare and/or expensive illness, perhaps even outside the U.S., where the odds of his survival and recovery aren't very good. Who could blame someone in that position, having a loved one dying or seriously ill, choosing to act in a less than stellar way if it meant getting the help that loved one desperately needed?

No matter what, I guess we'll find out soon enough...


Regarding Ruzek...I really don't know if he truly loves/loved Wendy and then stopped for whatever reason, or if he liked her well enough and simply let things progress to a point where he realized how unhappy he truly was. The latter happens way more often and more easily than you might think. Two people meet, go on a date, like each other, so they go out again. Next thing you know, they're seeing one another regularly. What happens next after a time but to move in together? So they do. Then one or the other starts to push for the next step, marriage. And you might suddenly realize you don't really want to do that, but somehow you've gotten to that point and you really have to think hard about what you want to happen. In Ruzek's case, it's also difficult for me to tell if it's actually Kim herself that he prefers to Wendy, or if Kim was merely the wakeup call for him to realize he isn't comfortable with the direction his life's heading in.


Time will tell, of course.

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