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The other children: Jason, Mary Ellen, Erin, Ben, JimBob, and Elizabeth

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Yeah, what happened to composing like George Gershwin or having a band like Benny Goodman? Actually, I kind of like the idea of a Walton ending up as just a run of the mill instead of them all being geniuses in their chosen profession. It's more true to life.

That being said, I try to pretend the movies don't exist. I've never been able to watch any of them the whole way through.

Seems like everyone who married into that family had a nightmare life or extreme bad luck. Curt died (or broke his weiner), Cindy trying to be The Fastidious Wife, Erin and Paul divorced after she played the whole game with him over Ashleigh returning, Toni a baby making frump, Jonesy had to deal with Mary Ellen becoming infertile on their honeymoon. Don't know about John Boy's wife. (Janet?) Oh and Cindy's babies died. Good Lord!

Mary Ellen became the Pam Anderson of Waltons Mountain.  Hmmm...


Janet had to put up with John Boy being an ass. He wanted to move back to the mountain without asking her how she felt. I guess he cannot spend five minutes away from his family. Erin said Paul's family did not like her, I think it was the busybody, co-dependent Waltons clan that cause the breakup.

Yes, Drew was the smart one.

Even Christmas, Mary Ellen and Curt had to give up trading off visiting his parents because Livvie was absolutely convinced it was their last Christmas together and wanted it to be the best EVER! And John Boy was there putting the pressure on all the while pretending he wasn't. It wasn't enough they lived on the mountain and saw the family all the time. Livvie had to have her way.

Am I the only one who does not think Erin was all beautiful the way they made her out to be? I guess Fort Lee was hard up to make her their pin up girl.

I think Erin was pretty but not as stunning as they made her out to be.

I just watched this epi too. What I couldn't figure out was how did the soldiers from Camp Lee get her name in order to send her all that fan mail. Her picture was submitted by Ben along with his scenic photos. He didn't intend for her pic to be printed. There was no reason he would have given them her name. Are we supposed to believe he told them, "Oh, by the way, if you happen to print the one picture of a girl, her name is Erin Walton"? Seemed like he had forgotten that her pic was there. At the most, the paper would have said "Submitted by Ben Walton." But no, another stupid premise for a plot line where the lazy writers ignore any pesky details.

It couldn't even be that the soldiers took a chance and wrote to Miss Walton. One had written that (lame) song, "Carin' for Erin".


Just watched "The Deed" again and it always reminds me why Mary Ellen bugs. She whines and whines about not being able to help but sits two feet away from the stew on the stove, obsessing about herself getting to do something, while letting the stew burn. So no decent supper for John, and co. who're working their butts off. After a deserved tongue lashing, Livvie lets her off the hook assuring her how special she is.

Then, after selling the antique she looted from the old house, once again she's a special snowflake bragging about how she did something "really important". Meanwhile John Boy is off working, living on stale sandwiches, and being beaten up and robbed, and Jason is getting a new one ripped by John because things aren't going fast enough.

Edited by DoughGirl

I think Erin was prettier than ME, but neither one was as attractive as they were made out to be.

If any young man came to the mountain, they had to fall for one or the other. There were no other young women on the mountain I guess. Except Marsha Woolery but she was made out to be too slutty, especially compared to the Walton girls.

Oh now wait a minute let's not forget Sissy Spacek or the poor girl who had to look after her selfish, bitter father.

But they went for Walton men. Everyone wanted a Walton.

Or Martha Rose Coverdale, she was kind of hot.

I never could figure out why Mary Ellen was always getting a "real" date over Martha Rose myself. And GW was all over Mary Ellen or Erin as sloppy seconds. Martha Rose was really into him. But he goes and gets himself blown up because one of the Walton girls turns him down.

I really hate the way they handled Mary Ellen's character as she grew up. She always whined and griped about getting off the mountain and seeing the world but after marrying Curt she was content to be the housewife and mother on the mountain she always claimed not to want to be. Fighting with Curt that her baby HAD to be born in the mountain (not that they were ON the mountain anyway). It would have made more sense for her to join the Peace Corp rather than Elisabeth. With her nursing skills they could have used her.

The other day I watched the ep where Grandma returns home. Was it not stupid for even Jim Bob to sweep the dirt towards the house instead of away from it?

Nope. Jim Bob's hopeless stupidity was confirmed to me when he let the class guinea pig to fall to his death from the top of the bureau where he'd carelessly left him for overnight. This kid had been around animals all his life?

I can't think of a Waltons character with less charisma than GW. Plus he was only in a couple of scenes in a handful of episodes. Strange decision to do an entire episode about the death of a character who was barely seen and who no one cared about.

There was that one ep where Erin was going to spend the night with GW at some military post (?) and when he tried to get her to "go further" and she wouldn't....Big Poppa didn't want her to go in the first place, remember? Yet another awkward GW moment...

Not in curlers, Dough Girl! But I'm with you.

John and Livvie pissed me off so bad in that episode. Let them get married and have a nice wedding as they did with Mary Ellen. I still mantain they ruined Erin's life with that pig headed finish high school attitude. She went through a string of losers after that and ended up a bitter divorced single mom.

Mary Ellen was older and engaged to someone who could support her, a doctor. Erin was still a school girl and wanted to marry someone who would try and eke a living out of the earth. Huge difference.

I see your point but it still seems ME and JB always get their way but the rest of the kids have to fight to get what they want. Erin and Chad, Jason and his music. No wonder Ben eloped.

Realistically, Erin married to Chad and both of them taking their meals at the family table and Chad supplementing his income with lumber mill work would not be so different than any other family members.  But I think most of us wouldn't let a teenager in high school get married.  


Of course, Chad allegedly lived on the mountain in walking distance, so it makes no sense that he and Erin couldn't have dated for the remaining 2 weeks of her high school career and married in the summer.

Yes, yes, and yes!

And of course John Boy had to chime in with his advice. And we know how all his romances went. South. Along with Mary Ellen's engagement to David.

I guess they just didn't want to pay the actor who played Chad as a regular-isn't that why they killed off Curt? Bring in good ole GW and then kill him off too.

ETA: This show doesn't make sense half the time, but why have "I don't want to get married, I want a career" Mary Ellen go all marriage, and domestic Erin go all career girl? I think they just wanted a wedding episode and Mary Ellen was the oldest so they just didn't give a s**t if it made sense or not. Again.

Edited by DoughGirl
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