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I he-rd 'c-pper' -nd 'b--m': Gilmore Girls Hangman

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- r--d ---s.  M- --r-----nd t---ht m-.  -t‘s s- -- --n h--- ----t t-m- --- k--- th- --n--ra-t--n ---n- -t th- s--- t-m-.  -K. s-- --st s---. “H-rd---- s--n-- -s th- --th-r-t- -- --- --st--- ----r--h-r.”  -n- th-- -e r-s--nd-d, “--st -h-n- --rds t- -r---n-- s-m---rs.”

K-rk, th-- d--sn‘t m-k- --- s-ns-.

M-st m--n th--‘e- -n t- -s -n- th--‘-- s--t-h-- t- s-m- s-rt -- --d-.

Luke’s blue hat:  THNRSKMD

Luke’s black hat

- r--d l--s.  M- --rl----nd t---ht m-.  -t‘s s- -- --n h--- ----t t-m- --- k--- th- --n--ra-t--n ---n- -t th- s--- t-m-.  -K. s-- --st s---. “H-rd---- s--n-- -s th- --th-r-t- -- --- --st-l- ----r--h-r.”  -n- th-- -e r-s--nd-d, “--st -h-n- --rds t- -r---n-l s-m---rs.”

K-rk, th-- d--sn‘t m-k- --- s-ns-.

M-st m--n th--‘e- -n t- -s -n- th--‘-- s--t-h-- t- s-m- s-rt -- --d-.

Luke’s blue hat:  THNRSKMDL

Luke’s black hat

- re-d l--s.  M- --rl---end t---ht me.  -t‘s s- -e --n h--e ---et t-me --- kee- the --n-era-t--n ---n- -t the s--e t-me.  -K. s-e --st s---. “H-rd---- s--n-e -s the --th-r-ty -- the --st-le ----r--her.”  -n- the- he r-es--nded, “--st -h-ne --rds t- -r---n-l s-m---rs.”

K-rk, th-- d-esn‘t m-ke --y sense.

M-st me-n they‘re -n t- -s -n- they‘-e s--t-hed t- s-me s-rt -- --de.

Luke’s blue hat:  THNRSKMDLEY

Luke’s black hat

- re-d l-ps.  M- --rl---end t---ht me.  -t‘s s- -e --n h--e ---et t-me --- keep the --n-era-t--n ---n- -t the s--e t-me.  -K. s-e --st s---. “H-rd---- sp-n-e -s the --th-r-ty -- the --st-le ----r-pher.”  -n- the- he r-esp-nded, “--st ph-ne --rds t- -r---n-l s-m---rs.”

K-rk, th-- d-esn‘t m-ke --y sense.

M-st me-n they‘re -n t- -s -n- they‘-e s--t-hed t- s-me s-rt -- --de.

Luke’s blue hat:  THNRSKMDLEYP

Luke’s black hat

- read l-ps.  M- --rl---end ta--ht me.  -t‘s s- -e -an ha-e ---et t-me an- keep the --n-erasat--n ---n- at the sa-e t-me.  -K. s-e --st sa--. “Hard---- sp-n-e -s the
a-th-r-ty -- the --st-le ----rapher.”  An- the- he r-esp-nded, “--st ph-ne --rds t- -r---n-l sam--ars.”

K-rk, that d-esn‘t make a-y sense.

M-st mean they‘re -n t- -s an- they‘-e s--t-hed t- s-me s-rt -- --de.

Luke’s blue hat:  THNRSKMDLEYPA

Luke’s black hat

- read l-ps.  M- --rl---end ta--ht me.  -t‘s s- -e can ha-e ---et t-me an- keep the c-n-erasat--n ---n- at the sa-e t-me.  -K. s-e --st sa--. “Hard---- sp-n-e -s the
a-th-r-ty -- the --st-le ----rapher.”  An- the- he r-esp-nded, “--st ph-ne c-rds t- -r---n-l sam--ars.”

K-rk, that d-esn‘t make a-y sense.

M-st mean they‘re -n t- -s an- they‘-e s--t-hed t- s-me s-rt -- c-de.

Luke’s blue hat:  THNRSKMDLEYPAC

Luke’s black hat

- read l-ps.  M- --rlf--end ta--ht me.  -t‘s s- -e can ha-e ---et t-me an- keep the c-n-erasat--n ---n- at the sa-e t-me.  -K. s-e --st sa--. “Hard---- sp-n-e -s the a-th-r-ty -- the --st-le ----rapher.”  An- the- he r-esp-nded, “--st ph-ne c-rds t- -r---n-l sam--ars.”

K-rk, that d-esn‘t make a-y sense.

M-st mean they‘re -n t- -s an- they‘-e s--t-hed t- s-me s-rt -- c-de.

Luke’s blue hat:  THNRSKMDLEYPACF

Luke’s black hat

I don't think there will be a "black hat" letter since just about every one in the alphabet is in this quote!  That Kirk is one wacky dude.

Kirk: I read lips. My girlfriend taught me. It's so we can have quiet time and keep a conversation going at the same time. Okay: she just said "Hardwood sponge is the authority of the hostile biographer." And then he responded, "Just phone cords to original samovars."

Lorelai: Kirk, that doesn't make any sense.

Kirk: Must mean they're on to us and they've switched to some sort of code.

3 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

 Is samovars even a word?

Maybe not?  If I got the quote wrong, let me know @Kohola3 and we can pause my game to finish yours.  I always thought Kirk was speaking partial gibberish there?

A.  T---  --  -  t------.

B. --  ---,  -----.

A.  -  ---  --  ----; -  -----  -----  ------.

B. --------  t--  ------t  -------.

A. -t  ----t  ---  ---  -  ------- t- ----.

Flirting with Peyton at an auction: T

Date with Peyton:


----! --r-, ---t -r- --- -----?

- ---- ---r ----.

-'- ------- t-- ------ --r-.

---- ------ --.

---t -- - ------- -t, --r-?

-- --- -t--- t--r-?


----. -- ---- -t--- t--r-?

--- ---- ---r --t-?

---, ----, -- --t-. --- ---- ----- - ----? --t-- --, ---. T--- -- -- t-- -------.


Prom tomorrow night:  TR

Daughter driving me insane about prom tomorrow night:


----! --r-, ---t -r- --- -----?

- ---- ---r --l-.

-'m --ll--- t-- ------ --r-.

L--- ------ m-.

---t -m - l------ -t, --r-?

-- --- -t-ll t--r-?


L-l-. -- L-l- -t-ll t--r-?

--- m--- ---r --t-?

---, L-l-, m- --t-. --- -l-- ---l- - m---? --t-- --, m--. T-m- -- -- t-- -------.


Prom tomorrow night:  TRLM

Daughter driving me insane about prom tomorrow night:


----! --r-, ---t -r- --- -----?

- ---- ---r --l-.

-'m --ll--- t-- c----- --r-.

L--- ------ m-.

---t -m - l------ -t, --r-?

-- s-- st-ll t--r-?


L-l-. -- L-l- st-ll t--r-?

--- m--- ---r --t-?

--s, L-l-, m- --t-. --- -ls- ---l- - m---? C-tc- --, m--. T-m- -s -- t-- -ss----.


Prom tomorrow night:  TRLMCS

Daughter driving me insane about prom tomorrow night:


----! --r-, --at ar- --- -----?

- ---- ---r --l-.

-'m --ll--- t-- c----- --r-.

L--- ------ m-.

--at am - l------ at, --r-?

-- s-- st-ll t--r-?


L-l-. -- L-l- st-ll t--r-?

--- m-a- ---r -at-?

--s, L-l-, m- -at-. --- -ls- ---l- - m-a-? Catc- --, ma-. T-m- -s -- t-- -ss----.


Prom tomorrow night:  TRLMCSA

Daughter driving me insane about prom tomorrow night:


----! --r-, -hat ar- --- -----?

- ---- ---r h-l-.

-'m --ll--- th- c----- h-r-.

L--- --h--- m-.

-hat am - l------ at, --r-?

-- sh- st-ll th-r-?


L-l-. -- L-l- st-ll th-r-?

--- m-a- ---r -at-?

--s, L-l-, m- -at-. -h- -ls- ---l- - m-a-? Catch --, ma-. T-m- -s -- th- -ss----.


Prom tomorrow night:  TRLMCSAH

Daughter driving me insane about prom tomorrow night:

Prom day!

Jeez! Kirk, what are you doing?
I need your help.
I'm filling the coffee here.
Look behind me.
What am I looking at, Kirk?
Is she still there?
Lulu. Is Lulu still there?
You mean your date?
Yes, Lulu, my date. Who else would I mean? Catch up, man. Time is of the essence.

As much as Kirk got on my nerves, he did have some great lines. I thought the whole scene of him rehearsing the date was a hoot.

---- ----- --- ---- ---- ----‘- -----?

----‘- -----.

------ --- ----------?

--, ---- --------.

--------- ---------?

--, ------, --‘- --------- -------- --- -‘- -------- --- ---.

---- --- -------?


------ -----?

--‘- --- ---- -----, --- ------.

  • Love 1

---- ----s --- ---- ---- ----‘s -----?

T--t‘s ----t.

------ --- ------t---?

--, ---t ---s----.

----s---- s--------?

--, ------, -t‘s s---t---- ---s---- --- -‘- -------- --- ---.

S--- --- s------?


------ ---t-?

--‘s --- ---- ----s, --- st----.

Grandpa Charles: TS

The man in the velour track suit:


 We head out in about 45 minutes to start with the hair and getting ready.  Lord help me.

24 hours from now it will all be a memory.  If you both survive.


---- ----s --- ---- ---- ----‘s -----?

T--t‘s ---ht.

-----h --- ------t---?

--, ---t ---s----.

----sh--- s--------?

--, ---h--, -t‘s s---t---- ---s---- --- -‘- ----h--- --- ---.

S--- --- s------?


------ ---t-?

H-‘s --- ---- ----s, --- st----.

Grandpa Charles: TSH

The man in the velour track suit:

  • Love 1



4 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

24 hours from now it will all be a memory.  If you both survive.

Yeah, it really won't be that bad this year, I'm just whining LOL.  Last year she wasn't driving yet *and* she had just broken up with her boyfriend so all of her plans had to change last minute and it was just a wreck.  This  year she's going with her bestie, so less drama all around.

Twenty years from now you'll both laugh about it as well.

---- ----s --- ---- ---- ----‘s -----?

T--t‘s ---ht.

-----h --y ------t---?

--, ---t ---s----.

----sh--- sy-------?

--, ---h--, -t‘s s---t---- ---s---- --- -‘- ----h--- --- ---.

S--- --- s------?


------ ---ty?

H-‘s --- ---- ----s, --- st----.

Grandpa Charles: TSHY

The man in the velour track suit:

  • Love 1

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