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I he-rd 'c-pper' -nd 'b--m': Gilmore Girls Hangman

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--ne, -oney?


--st, -o--- yo-, w-t- t-e st---s t-ere, - --n’t. . .

O-, sorry. Ner-o-s ----t.

Mom’s - --tt-e -r---y t--s morn-n-.

-’m not -r---y, -’m -ery, -ery ---.

W-t- ---er--es.

-e---y ---er--es.

Sorry, ---n’t me-n to m-n-m--e yo-r -on--t-on. S-o--- we m--e --ner-- -rr-n---ents now?

-es. --t m--e s-re yo- --n -et -o-r money ---- -n --se t--s st--- wor-s.


Daughter graduates in four weeks:  NRTYMSWEO

Daughter graduates in four weeks:

--ne, -oney?


--st, -o--- yo-, wit- t-e sti--s t-ere, I --n’t. . .

O-, sorry. Ner-o-s ---it.

Mom’s - -itt-e -r---y t-is mornin-.

I’m not -r---y, I’m -ery, -ery i--.

Wit- ---er-ies.

-e---y ---er-ies.

Sorry, -i-n’t me-n to minimi-e yo-r -on-ition. S-o--- we m--e --ner-- -rr-n---ents now?

-es. --t m--e s-re yo- --n -et -o-r money ---- in --se t-is st--- wor-s.


Daughter graduates in four weeks:  NRTYMSWEOI

Daughter graduates in four weeks:

Lorelai: Lane, honey?

Lane: Yeah?

Lorelai: Just, could you, with the sticks there, I can’t. . .

Lane: Oh, sorry. Nervous habit.

Rory: Mom’s a little crabby this morning.

Lorelai: I’m not crabby, I’m very, very ill.

Rory: With allergies.

Lorelai: Deadly allergies.

Rory: Sorry, didn’t mean to minimize your condition. Should we make funeral arrangements now?

Lorelai: Yes. But make sure you can get your money back in case this stuff works.

The Big One!

  • Love 1

A: --- --- ---- -------- - ---. -- ---! ---- -- ---. 

B: --, -------, -- --- ----- ---- ---. 

A: ----. 

B: -----'- --------- - -----'- ------- --, - ---- ----- --. -----'- --------- --- ----- ------- -- ----- -- --- ----. - ---- -----'-  ---- --. 

A: --- ----, --- ----- -------- ------- ---- ---*

B: --.

* word interrupted!


A: --- --- ---- ---t---- - ---. -- ---! S--- -- ---. 

B: --, s---t--, -- --- ---ts ---- ---. 

A: ----. 

B: T----'s s---t---- - -----'t t-----t --, - ---- t---- -s. T----'s s---t---- --t t---- st----- -- ----t -- t-- ----. - --st -----'t  s--- -t. 

A: --- ----, --- ----t ---s---- ------- ---- ---*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 


Oops!  Don't tell her the revival even exists....hahaha.....

Thanks for helping to salvage my friendships! ;) She's already bemoaning the changes in Rory and how sick she is of LL communication issues, so I'm guessing that the revival will send her into a rage! 

A: --- --- h--- ---th--- - ---. -- ---! S--- -- ---. 

B: --, s---t--, -- --- ---ts ---- ---. 

A: ---h. 

B: Th---'s s---th--- - h----'t th----t --, - ---- th--- -s. Th---'s s---th--- --t th--- st----- -- ---ht -- th- ----. - --st h----'t  s--- -t. 

A: --- ----, --- ---ht ---s---- ------- ---- ---*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T, H

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 

A: --- --- h--- ---th--- - ---. -- --r! S--- -- --r. 

B: --, s---t--, -- --- ---ts ---r --r. 

A: ---h. 

B: Th-r-'s s---th--- - h----'t th----t --, - ---- th-r- -s. Th-r-'s s---th--- --t th-r- st-r--- -- r--ht -- th- ----. - --st h----'t  s---


A: --- ----, --- ---ht ---s---r ------- ---r --r*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T, H, R

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 

A: --- c-- h--- ---th--- - ---. -- c-r! S-ll -- c-r. 

B: -h, s---t--, -- --- ---ts ---r c-r. 

A: ---h. 

B: Th-r-'s s---th--- - h----'t th----t --, - ---- th-r- -s. Th-r-'s s---th--- --t th-r- st-r--- -- r--ht -- th- ----. - --st h----'t  s---


A: --- ----, --- ---ht c--s---r --ll--- ---r --r*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T, H, R, C, L

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 

A: --- c-- h--- ---th--- - ---. M- c-r! S-ll m- c-r. 

B: -h, s---t--, -- --- ---ts ---r c-r. 

A: ---h. 

B: Th-r-'s s-m-th--- - h----'t th----t --, - ---- th-r- -s. Th-r-'s s-m-th--- --t th-r- st-r--- m- r--ht -- th- ----. - --st h----'t 

s--- -t. 

A: --- ----, --- m--ht c--s---r --ll--- ---r --r*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T, H, R, C, L, M

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 

A: Y-- c-- h--- --yth--- - ---. My c-r! S-ll my c-r. 

B: -h, s---t--, -- --- ---ts y--r c-r. 

A: Y--h. 

B: Th-r-'s s-m-th--- - h----'t th----t --, - ---- th-r- -s. Th-r-'s s-m-th--- --t th-r- st-r--- m- r--ht -- th- ----. - --st h----'t 

s--- -t. 

A: Y-- ----, y-- m--ht c--s---r --ll--- y--r --r*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T, H, R, C, L, M, Y

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 

A: Y-- c-- h--- --yth--g - ---. My c-r! S-ll my c-r. 

B: -h, s---t--, -- --- ---ts y--r c-r. 

A: Y--h. 

B: Th-r-'s s-m-th--g - h----'t th--g-t --, - ---- th-r- -s. Th-r-'s s-m-th--g --t th-r- st-r--g m- r-ght -- th- ----. - --st h----'t 

s--- -t. 

A: Y-- ----, y-- m-ght c--s---r c-ll--g y--r --r*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T, H, R, C, L, M, Y, G

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 

I really admire the discipline you all show in not asking for vowels until you absolutly have to! 


A: Y-- c-- h--- --yth--g - ---. My c-r! S-ll my c-r. 

B: -h, s---t--, -- --- ---ts y--r c-r. 

A: Y--h. 

B: Th-r-'s s-m-th--g - h----'t th--g-t --, - ---- th-r- -s. Th-r-'s s-m-th--g --t th-r- st-r--g m- r-ght -- th- ----. - --st h----'t 

s--- -t. 

A: Y-- ----, y-- m-ght c--s---r c-ll--g y--r p-r*

B: --.

* word interrupted!

My friend claiming she loves me for introducing her to Gilmore Girls: S, T, H, R, C, L, M, Y, G, P

The same friend now hating me after getting to Season 6 

--- ------- ----- -- -------- ---- --'- ----.

--- ---- --'- '-- ---- ---- --- --- ----.'

----, -- ----'- ---- ---- -- ---- ------ ----- -----.

--- ----- ---- ------ ---- -- -------?

- ---'- ----, --- ------ ---- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today:

Kids are bored and whiny:

  • Love 1

T-- ------- ----- -- ---t---- ---- -t'- ----.

--- ---- -t'- '-t ---- --t- t-- --- ----.'

----, -- ----'t t--- t--- t- -t-- ------ t---- -----.

--- ----- t--- ------ ---- -- -------?

- ---'t ----, --t ------ t--- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: T

Kids are bored and whiny:

Th- ------- h---- -- ---t---- ---- -t'- ----.

--- h--- -t'- '-t H--- --th th- --- ----.'

----, -- ----'t t--- th-- t- -t-- ------ th--- -----.

--- ----- th-- ------ ---- -- -------?

- ---'t ----, --t ------ th-- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: TH

Kids are bored and whiny:

Th- ------- h---- -- ---t--n- ---- -t'- ----.

-n- h--- -t'- '-t H--- --th th- --- ----.'

----, -- ---n't t--- th-- t- -t-- ----n- th--- -----.

--- ----- th-- ---n-- ---- -- -------?

- --n't -n--, --t ---n-- th-- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THN

Kids are bored and whiny:

Th- ------- h--s- -s ---t--n- ---- -t's ----.

-n- h--- -t's '-t H--- --th th- --- ----.'

----, -- ---n't t--- th-- t- st-- ----n- th--- ----s.

--- ----- th-- ---n-- ---- s- -------?

- --n't -n--, --t ---n-- th-- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THNS

Kids are bored and whiny:

Th- -----r- h--s- -s --rt--n- ---- -t's ----.

-n- h-r- -t's '-t H--- --th th- --- ----.'

----, -- ---n't t--- th-- t- st-- ----n- th--r ----s.

--- ----- th-- ---n-- ---- s- -------?

- --n't -n--, --t ---n-- th-- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THNSR

Kids are bored and whiny:

The -----re h--se -s --rt--n- ---e -t's ----.

-n- here -t's '-t H--e --th the --- ----.'

-e--, -e ---n't te-- the- t- st-- ----n- the-r ---es.

--- ----- the- ---n-e ---- s- -------?

- --n't -n--, --t ---n-e the- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THNSRE

Kids are bored and whiny:

The ----ore ho-se -s --rt--n- ---e -t's ----.

-n- here -t's '-t Ho-e --th the --- ----.'

-e--, -e ---n't te-- the- to sto- ----n- the-r ---es.

-o- -o--- the- -o-n-e ---- so -------?

- -on't -no-, --t -o-n-e the- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THNSREO

Kids are bored and whiny:

The ----ore ho-se -s --rt--n- ---e -t's ----.

-n- here -t's '-t Ho-e W-th the --- ----.'

We--, we ---n't te-- the- to sto- ----n- the-r ---es.

-ow -o--- the- -o-n-e ---- so -------?

- -on't -now, --t -o-n-e the- ---.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THNSREOW

Kids are bored and whiny:

I've got a family baby shower today and honestly no clue what time I'll get home, just so you all know!


The --l-ore ho-se -s --rt--n- l--e -t's ----.

-nd here -t's '-t Ho-e W-th the --- -l--.'

Well, we d-dn't tell the- to sto- l---n- the-r l--es.

-ow -o-ld the- -o-n-e ---- so -----l-?

- don't -now, --t -o-n-e the- d-d.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THNSREOWDL

Kids are bored and whiny:

The --l-ore ho-se -s --rty-n- l--e -t's ----.

-nd here -t's '-t Ho-e W-th the --- -l--.'

Well, we d-dn't tell the- to sto- l---n- the-r l--es.

-ow -o-ld they -o-n-e ---- so -----ly?

- don't -now, --t -o-n-e the- d-d.


*Puzzle contains four numerals


Kids are out of school today: THNSREOWDLY

Kids are bored and whiny:

A: - ---- -- --- ---- -----.

B: ---- ---- -- - ---------- -----.

A: ---- --. -'- ----- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ --. --- -------, --- --- --- -- -- ------- --?

B: -- ---. --'- --- ---------. 

A: --------?

B: - -------- ------ -- ---- -----! -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- --- ---------'-. 

Spending the whole day watching GG in bed:

Bur partly because you're too sick to get out of that aforementioned bed: 

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