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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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Bon Voyage. A reasonable facsimile of a decent GG episode but not enough. Plus I hated that dinner scene when Rory announced she got the job and NO ONE was excited for her!  As Jess would say, she wasn't shipping off to Nam. 

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ICGS for me, too.


Do we have a list of winning favorites?  Or better yet, episodes that were eliminated in the first couple of rounds?  For every loser I would bet there was at one scene that was noteworthy or likable, right?

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That could be fun! I doubt there's any consensus as to what the really good scenes were and weren't in otherwise subpar episodes, but I'm sure we could be flexible.  Anyone with the time and patience to do so could check the thread to see which episodes have been eliminated earliest in our games, though it's a safe bet that the vast majority hail from S5-S7 :) 

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So TASP is our lucky winner!!! 


If picking individual scenes is too difficult, feel free to suggest anything else you guys might want to do next---maybe even just S5-S7 episodes since those seasons seem to be the most problematic for most fans? I'll be here most of the day, so just let me know :) 

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I was thinking of one that might not be too difficult although it might be too much like the Nitpicking thread.


How about the most egregious "Why the Hell/Why Would They/Makes No Damned Sense" plot points by season?   Prime example:  the urban cowboy outfit in the Pilot.

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Luke bringing his survival bag for the Valentine's weekend. Complete with Bowie knife. (A Vineyard Valentine)

Sookie forcing Jackson to get a vasectomy. Including orderlies.

Oh by season? That makes more sense.

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Oh my gosh, Vineyard Valentine! I'm watching it right now and the entire thing is one big, "What the????" How about Luke wondering if they should stay in their room or go out into the common areas of the house because "It's only 9:30". Like that's such an early time to retire for the night. But previously Luke has been shown to go to bed early, to the point that Lorelei gets bored and reads kitchen manuals! Come on.

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Right off the bat, the Pilot has a big WTF moment.  


Why would Lorelai remove her coat in the Headmaster’s office?  She knew what she was wearing.  She knew her mother would have a conniption fit.  Just state firmly “No, I am not removing my coat” and move on.  

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What the heck was the deal with the melt down by the elder Gilmores when they found out Lorelai was dating Digger?  What difference did it make?  She was an independent woman in her 30's - was she supposed to supply them with a list of her friends and paramours?  It's not like she was dating an industrial spy to pass off into about Richard's business.  That whole cold-shoulder routine was stupid.

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Hmmm...could we possibly do sweetest moments from each season? Funniest moments? Would that be any easier than nitpicks?! I'm being selfish in requesting either sweetest or funniest moments because I could use the cheering up ;) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Awesome!!! As some of you know, my mom's cancer has returned with a vengeance, and I desperately need a mood-lifting distraction :) 

So I know we should go season by season, but is there a liit on how many moments we should nominate from each episode? A few sweet S1 scenes that leap to mind:


1) "Sorry, too late..." (Final scene from the Pilot in response to Luke's mock warning that Rory doesn't want to turn out like her mom)

2) Lorelai and Rory hug and commiserate over their terrible days (LFDAC) 

3) Lorelai makes a toast about how much Rory means to her (RBP) 

4) Lorelai climbs in bed with Rory and retells the story of her birth (RBP) 

5) Luke makes Rory a special coffee cake for her birthday (RBP) (Ugh, there are way too many sweet moments from this episode!)

6) Luke makes Lorelai a Santa Burger (F&S)

7) Luke closes the diner immediately upon learning that Richard is ill and insists on driving Lorelai to the hospital (F&S)

8) Lorelai gently says that they don't have to change EVERYTHING about the diner after Luke reminisces about his dad (TDDR) 

9) Lorelai speaks to Rachel on Luke's behalf even though she's probably ambivalent about wanting them together! 

10) Lorelai cradles Rory and orders pizza upon seeing that Rory is finally 'ready to wallow' (The Breakup, Pt 2) 

11) Even after Paris has spread a rumor about her mom, Rory tells Paris that she's there if Paris ever needs to talk (Paris is Burning)

12) Rory helps Paris get ready for her date with Tristan, trying to boost her confidence (and sanity!) along the way 

13) Lorelai and Emily bond on the couch (Rory's Dance)

14) Lorelai and Rory run towards each other to share their exciting news (Love, Daisies and Troubadours) 


I know there are a million more, but I wanted to help get us started :) 

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*When Emily chooses a good gift for Rory while shopping with Lorelai. (RBP)

*When Luke brings hot drinks to the reenactors (L&W&S)

*Lorelai gives Luke a new blue cap (F&S)

*Richard aiding Lorelai in escaping from her dull setup (SCL)

*Rory's "I love you, you idiot". (L, D, & T)



I have no idea if we should have a limit. Maybe a point in time when you stop taking suggestions and compile the actual list? 


p.s. So sorry about your mother. 

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Awesome additions, ghoulina! 


1) "Sorry, too late..." (Final scene from the Pilot in response to Luke's mock warning that Rory doesn't want to turn out like her mom)

2) Lorelai and Rory hug and commiserate over their terrible days (LFDAC) 

3) Lorelai makes a toast about how much Rory means to her (RBP) 

4) Lorelai climbs in bed with Rory and retells the story of her birth (RBP) 

5) Luke makes Rory a special coffee cake for her birthday (RBP) (Ugh, there are way too many sweet moments from this episode!)

6) Luke makes Lorelai a Santa Burger (F&S)

7) Luke closes the diner immediately upon learning that Richard is ill and insists on driving Lorelai to the hospital (F&S)

8) Lorelai gently says that they don't have to change EVERYTHING about the diner after Luke reminisces about his dad (TDDR) 

9) Lorelai speaks to Rachel on Luke's behalf even though she's probably ambivalent about wanting them together! 

10) Lorelai cradles Rory and orders pizza upon seeing that Rory is finally 'ready to wallow' (The Breakup, Pt 2) 

11) Even after Paris has spread a rumor about her mom, Rory tells Paris that she's there if Paris ever needs to talk (Paris is Burning)

12) Rory helps Paris get ready for her date with Tristan, trying to boost her confidence (and sanity!) along the way 

13) Lorelai and Emily bond on the couch (Rory's Dance)

14) Lorelai and Rory run towards each other to share their exciting news (Love, Daisies and Troubadours) 

15) Luke brings hot drinks to the reenactors (L&W&S)

16) Lorelai gives Luke a new blue cap (F&S)

17) Richard aids Lorelai in escaping from her dull setup (SCL)

18) *Rory's "I love you, you idiot". (L, D, & T)

19) Rory asks if she can hug Richard while he's lying in a hospital bed (F&S)

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20. Lorelai and Babette has a sweet heart to heart in Babette's kitchen. (Cinnamon's Wake)

21. Lorelai and Luke look on as Jackson and Sookie are at the diner on their first date. (Double Date)

22. Lorelai helps Sookie get ready for her date with Jackson. Rory says she looks pretty. (Double Date)

23. Lorelai and Luke talk about Lorelai's love of snow. Luke shares memories of his dad.


Edited by lulu1960
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